ot: cats edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
xth for give me a bf
>remember Diana exists
>play her
>get fed and burst bitches
What would sona sitting on you feel like?
Leblanc is so useless now, holy shit
Any sort of champ that needs to go in and basic attack an enemy to death. Shit like xin, tryn, yi, darius, riven, etc
I've always been a ranged, unloadeverythingthenrunaway kind of guy. If I absolutely have to go in, I play champs that do something then become useless after (kennen, karthus, amumu, eve)
the loneliness will last forever
put on some cute girly clothes and be my bf
Bara > Femboys
>Poppy super tank with GA AND Collossus mastery
>Olaf super tank shitload of damage, gay shit ult with Ghost
>Talon burst with tankiness
>Nidalee mildly tank with zone/harass
Why is this meta so fucking cancerous ? Everyone goes tank. Some champions can go tank and still do a lot of damage like poppy and olaf.
Tank + damage should not exist in this game. If you go tank you should sacrifice damage, but it's not the case in this shit game, fucking hell Im tilted from all of these retards going tank.
>LCS Teams send a letter to Riot crying about competition and not wanting to be relegated
this is so fucking hilarious
my sides are in orbit
So how bad is Fervor of battle now, since it only stacks on auto-attacks?
Why does new Katarina suck so bad?
>only burst is from picking up daggers and they're on a delay
Maybe YOU suck
Ap ratios are a meme, unless all your ratios are over 80%, build straight tank.
>it's a you lose the game to a shit team becasue your fed mid laner gets caught trying to kill an ekko with ult up
I'm working on a stockpile of shit people spam in every thread so i can post it every thread and beat them to their own bad 1 liners. what else is fairly common?
I Love Lissandra! AMA!
Sona, the breast waifu.
I want to go swimming in lulu
I want to hold hands with Jinx
Best girl
Best I'm a huge faggot
Best wife
xth for katarina
best girl
>tfw ahri will never cuck you
Vayne x Vlad OTP
[Despressing manga]
literal who korean teams play better than the majority of the world championship competitors
>m-muh 3 team region
has lolgen ever been right, like EVER?
>not filtering all that shit
>Can't kill dumb knife women because they keep walking away.
>Stand on the knives.
>They always, ALWAYS go in thinking because they played the minigame, they will be rewarded with damage.
>Proceed to stwike them vewy wuffly.
I love this shit, mang. Katarinas just keep killing themselves.
>courage of colossus on Vi
DESU you should base that decision on the total AP ratio of your burst combo. If it is higher than 250% you're probably just fine.
>I'm going to give attention whores lots of attention
thanks for the update buddy
Soraka here
Sona and Janna are chubby floating whores
What is the most OP champion in the game right now? I haven't played in a while.
your dedication is admirable but mistaken
b-but i'm scared
sion with new mastery is broken
and yet youre not scared to post your gross shit here?
>good morning lolg...
Oh wait that's no longer one.;~;
it's complete shit, just go Warlords. If you still want to use a bursty lane bully like Lucian, go Thunderlords.
>tfw coffeebro is no more
He was my favourite shitposter
dont. lucian is better with warlords too
I want SYNDRA and JANNA to take turns STEPPING on me :3~
yeah i guess?
also I've never really made a lot of threads on any board
user they both levitate. they dont' step on anything. not even you.
I'd settle for Kat sitting on my face, either adult or child
skt should get score
that guy is so fucking good mang
guess you dont really want a bf then
Im sitting on 3 keys and 6400 IP and I desperately need to get an S,
Who would be a viable option to buy
should I buy cass or vyktor
pick any champion you own that doesnt' have its box that traditionally can only be played in one lane. play it in a different lane. CS a shitton. don't die. boom you got an S.
Quinn,Cass or Lissandra top and wreck those wannabe melees
Whats the new mastery?
which one do I buy first
Any tank with CC is broken with that new mastery. Leona and Nautilus are bullshit too.
But isn't quinn a carry?
Nunu for jungle?
You can gain up to 47% of your health shield by CCing an enemy. Youre literally unkillable with tank skarner,sion or Vi.
>Ult their carry and drag her while taking no damage due to shield
>Ult and kill their carry. Gain 47% shield and now enemy has a Vi in their backline
I love it
is veteran's scars a meme mastery? when is 50 flat hp better than 8% regen, even if you don't have heals and shit
Nunu anywhere nigga, you're not Challenger.
>Playing support Sion with Knights Vow + CoC
>I'm fucking invincible
It does hurt though when people are like "No we can do this fight even though Sion is here, he's just the support" when I have 6 of the 9 kills on our team, but I'm not going to let a MF get away on 10 health because my ADC wanted to run away instead.
Early game.
i don't own cute girly clothes :(
yeah but even so, if you need 50 hp to not die you're shit
Damn, elo hell really does exist!
It's going to be so hard pushing out of bronze with such awful team mates..
>not in bronze V
>Riven player of all things
how even
>he doesnt dive under turret for early game kills
this new shaco is fucking nasty
I wish riot would gut mages already, I can't take this rylai meta anymore. Why do mages get to shit damage while being tanky as hell, have easy access to 40%cdr, get the best defensive cooldown in the game, hard CC on top of the perma slow, high range wave clear and even bigger burst than the supposed "assassins".
I'd take another tank + hyper scaling adc meta over this shit any day.
t. zed main
Its not so you don't die, its so you can be more aggressive in lane. There's a reason high-ranked players take it. It's good on supports.
>I dont build Cowl the post
I remember when 40% cdr was a choice
when you had to choose either damage or cdr
now everyone gets 40% cdr
buys some then dummy
I'd rather have 3 120 AP items than going over the CDR cap
This fucked queue mmr has really shown how much plat players think of themselves.
>I was just a dirtyshyvanafag
>I loved shyvana so much, I owned all her skins and merchandise
>I pray to shyvana every night, thanking her just for existing
>"shyvana is love", I say, "shyvana is life"
>my mid leblanc overhears me and calls me a faggot
>she is obviously jealous of my devotion to shyvana
>I respond "I'm a faggot?"
>She says "Yes you're a faggot"
>I say "But I'm not gay"
>She says "I meant it as a generic insult, not to call you gay"
>I respond "It's still homophobic"
>She steals all the creeps from my lane and tells me she muted me
>I'm crying now, because I was not finished talking
> I go to my lane, it's very lonely up top
>I feel a warmness coming from river
>It's shyvana
>I'm so happy
>She whispers in my ear "Want to go gank bot?"
>"To gank bot?"
>"You came to my lane just to tell me you want to gank bot?"
>"Why else would I come top?"
>"I thought you were gonna have your way with me"
>"You're a dirty shyvanafag, anyone who would think that is a twisted freak"
>"A twisted freak?"
>She pings me 10 times and tells me to follow
>I'm ready
>I follow her into river
>She wastes several minutes farming jungle, spamming laugh and her rank 7 emote
>It hurts so much to follow her but I do it for shyvana
>I can feel my brain tearing and my eyes start to water
>I want to please shyvana
>She laughs a mighty laugh as leb gets dove on for the 5th time
>leblanc rages in chat
>shyvana looks leblanc deep in the eyes and says "It's over now"
>"Why the fuck have you not ganked my lane? I'm reporting you for being bad"
>"...you were supposed to say "It's over now"
>"Fuck you, what are you doing with top lane?
>"You're no fun"
>shyvana steals all the creeps from my lane and R's away just as I get dove
shyvana is love,shyvana is life
>tfw 1500 shield on Vi after ulting adc in teamfight with 1 HP item
Truly, this is the pinnacle of balance
>implying I'm gonna read this shit
>5.4/10.5 kda
>not reading
How will you learn then user?
>Riven mains
My last B5 smurf got banned so I had to be a little more subtle this time
>all these fucking keys but no chests
That's not how I'd approach it. I'd say something original every time like
>Vayne should be in prison for hunting ivory
see get on my level
Compared to who? ADCs and squishy supports?
Mages build hardly any resistances and when they do (abyssal and Zhona's) the item doesn't have health on it like actual tank items.
Does Courage of Colossus work on Lissandra well? Im thinking you could get away with more damaging items than Hourglass if you used it.
>Vayne should be in prison for hunting ivory
is there anyway to remove the social tab in the client update? don't want that shit constantly reminding me i have no friends
>Be ADC.
>Support is constantly walking across you and screwing up your pathfinding.
Why the fuck do supports do this? You have an entire lane, you don't have to trade, and you don't have to focus on minions. The very LEASE you can do is NOT FUCKING GET UNDER MY FEET.
get friends