/vag/ - Vanilla General

i'm gonna smoke doobies while levelling on new nost edition

>What's going on?


Everyone is waiting for nost2.0 which will be hosted by Valkyrie. We're currently waiting on server release.

>When is the release?


An announcement has been made on the valkyrie forums.

>OLD NOST PVP (Name: Nostalrius PVP)
will be released in a month. This has all your old level 60 chars for nostalgias sake.

>NEW NOST PVP (Name: Elysium PVP)
Brand new server, will be released 3 weeks after old nost.WE WILL BE ROLLING ON THIS SERVER !!!

>what faction are we rolling?

Most of us are going horde in
Some people are planning alliance in


>Leveling Guide

>Nos Pre-Bis

>Leveling Specs

>Big Addon Pack

tags: nosg krog wpsg elyg world of warcraft


Other urls found in this thread:


first for march 2017

I won't though.

Daily reminder that we are still raiding on Kronos 2.

>Whats the chinese question?

good OP. finally some clarity for the noobs.

I just want to level a cute rotten priest.

Friendly reminder that the OG Nost server will have a steady population of 2-3k and be the whitemans paradise, free of the yellow menace.

I don't want to play on that, especially if 99% of it will be lvl60s. They literally killed the server with this split.

Through browsing the salty dogs dicord I've realized it's the most cringy reddit shit I've ever seen. Literal degeneracy at its finest.

How is the alliance guild? Please give me straight facts and not shitty memes.

Considering how most of the meme cliqued didn't even manage to clear MC on Nost, I'm not at all suprised they keep pushing for the new realm. Why would they want to go back? Taiwan Tigers are blacklisted everywhere for being ninjas and shitters in general.

They should just stick to K2 like the cucks they are tbqhwyf (to be quite honest with you f@m)

At least if you like the stuff do it the german way and put some curry on top of your ketchup. It'll taste waaay better.

They've already invaded Retro-wow

>>At least if you like the stuff do it the german way and put some curry on top of your ketchup.

>german way

Friendly reminder to ignore Salty cucks and their "fresh" server. Their progression on old nostalrius was fucking shit(rag not killed, bwl 0 bosses killed) and their guild is one big meme circlejerk. Don't join their guild, instead go to old nostalrius once it goes live and search for decent guild with open raid spots

just because the serverhoppign autists from this general are going to the fresh realm, doesnt mean many of the other people who had 60s on old nost will

having old characters back is a shit idea, ruins the economy, and low lvls gonna get ganked.. better if they just release 2 fresh servers and everyone levels together and it will be massive lvl 20-30 fights all over the place

nost got cucked once, elysium staff will go down the same path, dont play

t. Loser who couldn't make it to 60

But they told me they killed nefarian.

I'm going to start fresh just like ALL other people in this thread. Can't wait to farm MC and Ony for six months and BWL for another six months before being able to step inside AQ. Already did it on Nost and K2 and can't wait to do it a third time, it's just so much fun.

Who is going /healslut/ here?! Debating between paladin or shaman.

>and low lvls gonna get ganked
Fuck off back to retail, sissy

>implying you will ever see AQ

Just wait until the Crestfall beta opens up and the shills start infesting this thread

Someone explain to me why people want to go back to nost when kronos exists?
The number one issue on nost were the chinese but nost devs didn't give a shit and silenced people who brought it up, and the same thing is happening again. Meanwhile, kronos have indirectly blocked the chinese from playing on their server.
I'm not shilling for kronos since i don't play there anymore, but i just don't get the nost hype. i'd get it if it was because people would get to play on their nost charrs again, but many still seem intent on starting fresh anyway

>be nost dev
>see your server drown in chinks
>see kronos getting rammed for banning chinks
>see crestfall in the making
>test crestfall
>see that it's clustering and core are far superior to your core
>decide to save the best hope for a great vanilla community
>get russians to help you out
>announce a launch of three decoy servers, all around a month apart to keep the hype up.
>absorb all the chinks
>crestfall bans chinks but it's not attacked like kronos cause they focus on the decoy servers
>over time more and more westerners join crestfall while chinks go over 67% of nost server pop
>chinks think they won
>crestfall, the best server is saved and reigns supreme

I just want to play my character again, but unfortunately I'll have to quit after a few weeks since the fresh server will kill Nostalrius.

For reasons why people want a fresh server, see

But when does cresrfall open?

Go to realmplayers for guild progression
Basically this
Can't wait to farm bis ubrs gear again, not to mention all the attunement quests! They are the best. Fuck my t2 mage and PvP geared viskag rogue, I'll start from zero

Q1 2017

I welcome our chinese overlords!

closed beta in december, where I'll be telling you all about how amazing it is

It's been only 10 years of development, we'll be open soon I swear!
Stay tuned

Even though I doubt it, imagine if Crestfall somehow has better scripting than Nostcore. The shitstorm will never end.

so an early december launch for Nost PvP?

No! Now come and play on Kronos!

The only players who want to pick up where they left off are:

A) Wagecucks who cant waste two months getting to 60
B) Carebears who literally start crying at the thought of questing in STV again
C) Newfags who want to do AQ and Naxx because they havent seen them on retail vanilla
D) People who fit A) but on top of that are t2 geared and dont want to lose all that because MUH TIME INVESTED

Can you get me in the closed beta too?

What kind of player is left if you exclude all those?

sent ;)

So basically good players who didn't sit around jerking themselves off for an entire year on nost.

edit when

>C) Newfags who want to do AQ and Naxx because they havent seen them on retail vanilla

Yeah, "only" 99% of the playerbase

>people who dont want to waste time leveling for the 15th time on a vanilla server
>people who dont want to be camped all day by large groups of the opposite faction while nobody on their faction helps them
>people who want to do something other than MC/ONY/BWL/ZG in vanilla
>people who actually spend their time raiding on nost and not joining the 5 different MC guilds Lndi kept making

t. undergeared salty cuck

>implying that leveling to 60 takes 2 months
Fuck off back to shithole you came from, normie

Salty dogs make me sick.

druids report in

mfw druid soon

The people with old 60s won't at first, but by virtue of their population going down, they will only be forced to move to the new server. The old realm should never have been released is the main concept to take from this, it only serves are a tease to the whole community.

When will gaylysium realm be up again, I need to test my cheetos.

>tfw no Druid Onee-san to spoil me

Retail fits your criterias perfectly, give it a try.

>old servers get released first
>they get chink infestation
>new fresh server gets released after a week or two
>empty of chinks

cool opinions

I'm afraid that's not how it works.

chinks will swarm the new sever too

dont underestimate how much of a scumshit nation they are

they will do anything to ruin the game and have their own way

t. someone who worked in china for his company for over a year and knows chinese

>retail fits your criteria perfectly
>people who want to do something other than MC/ONY/BWL/ZG in vanilla


>3 weeks until I can get headpats

Yes because if theres one thing chinks hate, its leveling and grinding.

remember to /pat /love /hug /kiss all druids you see!

>tfw nost actually needs druids the most

>implying chinks autism wont make them go for their old chars instantly

>playing druid when priest exists

I'm honestly worried the chink problem will leave Nost DOA. I just can't deal with 2 second input lag and fucked farming again. What do we do if it's as bad as we think? I'm not a fan of Kronos, Crestfall will never release, and there's nothing else on the horizon as far as I know. Will the chinks kill the dream?

all headpat shitposters are alliance druids. only the most special snowflake people play tauren.


can your shitty priest tank? no
can your shitty priest dps pre ZG? no

>join Veeky Forums guild discord
>everyone rolling druids

druids cant tank and cant dps ever

>druid dps

ayy lmao

do you really expect to do anything BUT healing on your druid? kek

>alliance discord full of erping tranny animeposting retards
>horde discord full of edgelord pepe posting trumplovers

Its like I'm stuck in a nightmare

Where will Finalflash play?

>inferior healer
>vastly inferior tank
>druid dps
Truly the cuck class

Here's what will happen.

Nost releases with a 6k player cap at most. They want to ensure quality, so they arent letting 10k+ people in.
Insane queues form that last for hours.
Chinks take shifts playing their accounts so they always stay online.
Tryhard raiders cant even login, have to wait in queue 3h+ before every raid.
Elysium gets released.
English-speakers who got fed up with queues reroll.
Chinks are left playing on Nost.
Happy End.

kitties are cute


chinks invade new server*

chinks will more likely play on fresh because they can outfarm everyone and take over the market

>degenerates karu and babymetal trying to outavatar each other


>mfw want to be relevant again

pls be nice to your druid friends, they love you

Jesus fuck, as a druid I am disturbed by so much druidposting.

Fun fact - chinks sell gold mostly to other chinks. If chink players stay on Nost (they will), farmers will have no reason to move to Elysium.

>chink players stay on Nost (they will)
Why do you think chinks came to Nost in the 1st place, they will follow the big crowd.

Try the reddit discord, u fit right in


Found the redditor.

Who else unbelievably fucking /hype/ for new pvp server?

>Why do you think chinks came to Nost in the 1st place
Because it was free WoW vanilla that was advertised all over the net?

Do you think Nost was the 1st private server ever or something?
The gooks will follow the crowd, anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.


fuck I laughed hard

>Night Elf Rogue


Chinks are the ones who MADE the crowd, not the other way around, idiot.

Found the projector

Fuck off redditor.

Theyre unerrated as fuck.
Shadowmeld passively increases the level of your Stealth by 1, aswell as it gives you a third way to go invisible.
That +dodge is great also

Whatever helps you sleep ar night salty frog.

Nost had 6k players on its 1st day, months before the chinks showed up.
Now you're just rewriting history to try and convince yourself the fresh server will be perfect.

Someone go and make a Nost thread on /v/

Just use Nost logo, talk about Nostbulls winning again and insert something you would read on the official forums like
>How do we stop these criminals, Blizzbros?

Easy 400+ posts

ye, and the 5-7k pop on launch was all bots right, kek

this is wrong, i dont know what you claim to know about how humans behave, but you are spreading lies and you know it