best promo UR coming through
Everything goes better with Yoshiko.
I want to make little demons with Yohane!
>cuck OP
Dumb crackposter.
>it's fugly nips mixed with crackshit posting time
Let's go home everybody. It's canon.
Care to explain what's that about?
Repost from the very end of last thread.
My holiday hype is getting the best of me.
Does the game give you the Christmas Street bg when the season arises? Or am I mistaken that I've seen it set on other players profiles?
The wallpaper I'm talking about can be seen in "Koyuki's happiness" side story.
>white roastie still salty
>literally who
Come to think, I'd probably like this a tiny bit less had a certain tripfag not like this.
>Love live useless food truck
just take my money. i don't care what you're serving, just take my money.
It should be a Christmas login bonus.
You has a pretty big ship, a nice ship, a huge ship.
Awesome! Thanks for the info, and I'll look forward to that.
how can I convince nozomi to let me drink her lewd juices?
You doesn't have any ships except for YouxMe
Fuck, I got "I'm ready for cock" Wooby on the free ticket. What did you guys get?
i always get a smile r riko
I used to hate Eli then I saw the slav representative of IM@S and now I hate her even more.
Anastasia is like a drop of color in my gray existence.
I actually got a second copy of You not too long ago. Still contemplating if I will idolize or nah.
Don't sexualise Ruby.
The only one allowed to touch her is Maru~zura.
There is some user in this thread that cannot appreciate the deliciousness of Eli.
She goes better with Nozomi.
Why do you hate Eli? I can see hating her during S1 but not anytime else.
>guilty kiss picture
>you and chika on the left
>crop it this way
You can't be more pathetic than that.
I used to hate Rin but now she's my wife.
I love Yohane-sama! I want to marry Yohane-sama!
>tfw Ruby crushes your dick with them childbearing hips as you rape her too hard they move on their own
Ruby will never touch anyone other than Maru.
Waiting for your radio show, yoshiko.
I wonder if it'll work like SS and have UR's with unique costumes. Or will the costumes be specific to the song?
Didn't she already?
It's Klab so whatever takes the least effort.
Who voted everyday for Chika and Anchan?
I wonder what Anchan did with Shukashuu to celebrate.
>I wonder what Anchan did with Shukashuu to celebrate.
It doesn't generate seal. It'll fetch good shekels at lvl100 though.
i'm sorry i haven't been playing since release
I'm glad that Arisha is the radio personality.
Looks like posting the poll on ssg worked out for the better.
I am so fucking happy to be a NEET
Day 2 and everything is beautiful
Goddamnit Ainya's voice always makes me hard. Why does she always speak like she's horny.
Pile's feed says that she's in China. Why is there leaks of her dating?
>carrying the bag and the wing
So dork
So she can't be on a date in china? She could be dating a chinese man she's korean not japanese
Thanks for reminding me how bad that song is.
Why is this allowed again?
There's a version for each seiyuu.
Suwawa is “EMERALD GREEN” ver.
>aiai, maru, suwawa and ainya got the least views
Already did that
Secret is being me!
>your fav seiyuu will never give you a present irl
>people are butthurt an adult in her late 20s dares to have a relationship