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Grover looks different

Retards thinking the game can be won with hugs and kisses.

Xth for Terra's donkey dick

I don't want another week of OB37


>presses q
>wins game

fix this shit

First for patiently waiting for the Evie poster.

OB38 comes out, Androxus is buffed, your favorite champion gets a new skin but it is chest only, aggression is still in the game, TWANG TWANG TWANG

did they touch the post-match mvp summaries

No, and they haven't explained the details behind flank kills either.

now you're talking

He's mad about being nerfed for no good reason.

Terra? Which character is that?

>he still doesn't know what a flank kill is

what is it
i dont know either

enlighten me

>usually shit on teams when I play DPS but feel like giving a healer a try
>choose malobama for the first time
>race toward objective
>I'm the only one there
>ALL of my teammates are attempting to flank the other team with no coordination (everyone is everywhere) including our Makoa
>fire a few shots at enemy team but immediately see the futility as they slay my entire team and the objective is almost captured
>exit game

This just happened and I am not joking. I want to smash my fucking monitor because of how fucking stupid randoms are. I can't play ANYTHING other than DPS without worrying that some dumbass will virtually "waste" a high impact character by hiding or getting insta-fucked. At least with Viktor, Cassie, or whoever I know I'm going to be able to make a difference regardless if my Makoa is fucking solo flanking.

just calm down
why get angry? no reason for it

idk but if i didn't get angry it would mean i didn't care but i do care

I want Evie to walk over me in her ice block!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i doubt its one person anymore


Mal'Damba must have been cursed by another voodoo priest because no one in this general can seem to get into games with him where their team isn't pants on head retarded.

The worst part is when you're alone taking the point, or defending or pushing the objective, dodge 9k shots kick it into overtime, hold it there for a bit and your whole team is just staring at the point, not tapping it and letting time run out. And you're the DPS

i still cant figure out what are flank kills
in this game i have 0 solo kills but 1 flank kill

Drogoz's q should be a grappling hook, thoughts?

i can vouch for this

playing him dropped my winrate from 62% to 58%

but i still do it because its fun to snipe heal the drogoz across the map

It gets better leveling up. I have main account lvl 26 and two alternate account for the free crystals, and believe me the low level matches are terrible, all dps, all aggression,all retards. Just pick Barik and carry the shitters to victory

they nerfed the projectiles he shoots, you can't hit shit even if it's in your face now

My first game ever I played as Bomb King and I wrecked those bots to shit. Second game as Fernando and we barely squeaked out a win. Who's a good Front Line?




Why whenever I play support there is no tank? Why whenever I play tank there is no support? Why is everybody allergic to the objective? Why do they leave me to die as a support/tank, alone, on the objective?

I'm sick of playing Fernando/Ying 24/7, and getting raped by 3 enemies because I'm all alone on the objective.

I want to have fun but I'm forced to play support/tank and get raped.

let go of your dreams and pick damage/flank

>they leave you on the point by your lonesome and jack off in the corner
>they get mad when you can't 1v5 the other team to victory

a lot of fernando players play him too passively.

Don't do this. Dive hard, light bitches on fire, and then shield when you're taking heavy fire.

>tfw 5 people instaclick "join match"
you just know they're premade right.

this, fernando =/= reinhardt

where reinhardt is supposed to hold RMB most of the time and only drop the shield to punish mistakes or man up with the ultimate, fernando does the opposite, manning up and chasing squishies until things get hazy and then shielding or ulting

there is not even a point in using shield skills once they upgrade their wrecker

you are just wasting time with the animation and slowing yourself when you could be repositioning

So today I was trying out ruckus and I came up with a weird idea. I think ruckus is supposed to be played as a highly mobile frontliner combined with his guns to annoy and to facilitate flankers with squishy targets.What do you guys think?

i think you should shut the fuck up

he's a tank wo uses his guns with life rip to rapidly suck up hp for sustinence while his shields go on and off cooldown.

his dsh is to just dodge things or catch up to someone that's trying to hide in a corner from your fire.

Make me.
Ok I will try it that way.

Unfortunately, Evieposter, that's a bug, and that's most likely going to get hotfixed very quickly.

you asked what i thought and i'm just telling you. no need to be hostile.

Not being hotile that's my response to you.

You can blame the Pip for that one.


now you're just being dishonest. why do people on Veeky Forums lie so much?

Not a lie that was just a response. Take it as you want though.



Is it me or Viktor's damage is way too fucking high ?

hes a damg calss so its ok XD


it's just you, cassie and andy can also deal ridiculous amounts of damage but require slightly more skill

viktor saves this game from being shit so it's just u

The difference is that Viktor can shred most of the other high-damage champions from across the map in seconds, while the reverse isn't true (except Androxus at point-blank).

You're losing your touch, Evieposter.

This is down right family friendly.

I still love you.



Like the good old days before 0.34

what is dragonfly

I can't play Evie if my life depended on it

I dunno man.

I know of Snapdragon, you're just speaking nonsense.

And it doesn't count, it's not on Triggerman, Plushy or Troublemaker levels of unique.

Ying looks like a girl that likes stinky unwashed orc penis.



I think it's a solo kill on the opponent's side of the map.

I was about to say, Ying is a slut, but in order to keep her hymen intact she uses her illusions to do the deed... sneaky bitch. You'll be convinced she's pure when you do her but she actually isn't. BEWARE

Then explain this:

illusory hymen

>tfw getting top leaderboard players in your match

Alright lads. From my experience:
Solo kills is when you 100-0 the guy yourself. That means if he got tagged, healed up and you kill him that's your solo kill. If somebody gets even one hit in it's not a solo kill. Flank kills are when you go behind the guy. Now, to do this, Hi-Rez are lazy bastards so flank kills are all kills you do while not inside the enemy's field of sight.

Hope this was helpful

You are not the sharpest arrow in the quiver, are you?

>flank kills are all kills you do while not inside the enemy's field of sight.

>you can deny flank kills by turning around every now and then
>however if you turn around and try to F away while they kill you, its a flank kill

sausage hi rez



BRB, writing Ying fapfic

>there are people who think jolt is op because it makes them buy something besides haven


anything that changes the meta is op in shitter's eyes.

flank kills have been so hard to get for me
this is not a flank kill then because he turned around, right?

honestly i just love buying resilience and watch the despair in bk's/pip's/damba's eyes when they cant fucking do anything against me

that´s actually what killed Tribes tho. It might happen again.

I want Evie to freeze my lower body to the ground and uppercut me so hard my upper half snaps off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love it even more when an entire enemy team buys blue items that aren't resilience first and then have to deal with my bombs.

>invisible walls fucking everywhere

movement in this game make me so fucking assmad

thats why i always save blue items first round

but then, i usually overthink everything and end up leaving spawn empty handed

Why does your view model show up when you die while under the affect of Pip's ult?

>move next to a crate
>suddenly you are looking downwards and it's all kinds of fucked up

the maps were never properly playtested and take way too many patches to fix

but hey maybe they'll add more recolored garbage to radiant chests! thatll make everyone happy

Do you think Ying feels the pleasure when her illusions get cummed inside?


I played Sha Lin tonight after a few days stop from the game. It was really, but I find him worse than other damage champions. Also:
1) Ying is best support
2) Cassie is best damage
3) Evie is best flank
4) next female tank is going to be best tank?

female orgasm and them enjoying sex is a myth, an illusion

it's merely an act to fool the male


She sends her illusions to ghettos and truck stops while she's at home with her boyfriend .
Poor bastard.

I usually pick up reduced cooldowns at start if there isn't a red I know I want

>Dimension Link

Sha Lin's audio fixed when. That rice field motherfucker drivers me crazy with TWANG TWANG KONG KONG TWANG KONG.

>almost reach 2k elo
>start getting matched with 1500-1700s exclusively
>elo drops because can't carry 4 bads who don't even know what the objective looks like

thanks hi-rez.