Great Orb Project edition
>Latest news
- Jagex introduced Mod Merchant :
Oldschool Runescape general - RS07G/``osrsg''
Other urls found in this thread:
>- Deadman is made reddit friendly
Reddit here, I don't play Deadman because you can't use the Grand Exchange, and I don't know how to make money besides that, and I wanted to be a wizard.
is this an anime friendly general :3?
Yes, but it's not worst girl friendly.
yea but only anime boys :3
>use ahk to autotype username/password
>accidentally press the autotype button while logged on other account (so it didn't block the password)
>don't notice until it's too late
>someone logged in on it, changed pw
>was almost done questing and skilling for mith gloves and dt, was supposed to be a pure
>they got 5 def on it and logged out
>didn't touch the bank or take any items
post the account name otherwise your lying for replies
Why didn't you have the script suspended?
i am dumb
nth for Hook is cute.
>I'm so fucking lazy I have to use an autotyper for my username and password
Good riddance, faggot
did the earthquake disrupt your scaping?
any cute girlsd online
5 def gives a huge edge when you're fully maxed. No one expects it.
good and bad news
who's this fluid druid?
what a hottie
this guy looks liek a retarded viking irl
no thanks
0-1 quest
2-3 charge orbs
4-5 fish
6-7 diaries
8-9 don't play
gl bud!
0-4 stake 100m
5-9 do a giveaway
o no. you lost 1 day of progress on a pure. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DOOOOOOOOO
0-3 bot fishing
4-6 bot hunter
7-9 legit castle wars
yeah it's not that big of a loss, just a weird situation I wanted to share
>the osbotty jew giving out free pro in streams
kick him when?
0-3 continue botting RC
4-6 afk splash
7-9 bot combat
post botting pics
>btfo from shitposting in an alive general
>heh better go shitpost in a dead one then xdd
Kill urself.
>implying I don't post in both
god damn there is a fucking pk'er in every fucking earth warrior spot wasting everyones fucking time. Shittiest fucking task.
i fucking dare anyone to try
Haven't been killed yet
cb level?
It's within common range of people doing earth warrior tasks. Silly question but w/e.
any kiwis in thread??
>didn't show the drop message
what the frog are you doing?
wrong pic
likely story
post your doings / listenings
having a very comfy time doing the usual!
What else could be comfier? Nothing!
blue winds
>mfw people actually play multiple copies of the game at once
Did the HC ironman fad die already?
I feel like coming back to the game and give it a try too, fuck me
no dude theres like at least 4 people at the silk stall right now on world 2 that are redhelms
Yeah but the /addy comfy tip/ fad is just getting started!
I love fads
I love you
but user it's so easy
i've saved MINUTES over my rs career
1-5 agility
5-9 wintertodt
0 learn 3t mining and get 99
>being this autistic
this is the gayest shit i've ever seen
you got a problem with me being into girls??
shut UP
nice buzzword tard boy
2/10 shitpost step ur game up
my nigga
When is max cape getting a new graphic
I'd take another mod ghost abortion over seeing that rs3 piece of shit any day
it's not that bad senpai
So /osg/,
I've got full guthans, memepipe, whip, z hasta, most of the core combat equipment. What should the next logical step for my gear be?
what do you think of my karamwan theorycraft guys
purple karambwan - boost magic
garambwan - giant karambwan with fangs, boss that you fight (food for larger ansongigwan)
larambwan - its um i cant im not gonna say it nevermind
ansongigwan - really big, fat, arbyz (started out as spermagwan, then consumed many burnt karambwan)
scarambwan - carved pumpkin face, orange, resides in pumpkin patches and jumps out when you walk past it, screamer after you kill it
burpambwan - big one
You're in the club and some purple dot wearing full dragon with a cb brace comes up to you and smacks your girls ass, what do you do?
primordial jordans
gotcha, thanks
don't fall for the primordial meme aon
wtf what does reindeer do for agi and fsh
I feel like I was lied to.
I was not prepared to melee the fearsome jalapeno demon.
mfw monkey madness is the noob trap
>there's a tripfag here now
What why? I haven't seen him post anything useful which is typical.
>surprised that Veeky Forums is filled with cancerous tripfags
Just filter and even report if needed
Magic was far easier
gz champ
can you do anything right?
do not bully
There has to be something.
cute :3
posting this fully sick rng from last night
can u post ur bank pls
I'll post barrows tab when I finish a set
the rest of it isn't really much
Jade is worth probably trice as much as it's currently selling for looking at
yea thats wrong you fucking retard hes using incorrect maths
No he isn't. Scroll down.
Actually even more than than actually. Maybe even 10 times as much, lmao