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Bird dad edition
Useful links:
Bird dad edition
does this trigger you?
No, because i'm not autistic.
Nah. But I'm sure it triggers other people.
No not really, the mods took away your privileges.
GOAT goat.
youre not supposed to give lissfag (you)s.
>Silver 3
>keep getting put with Bronze players in flex queue
time to practice meme shit and fuck around I guess
Yes, because I'm not autistic.
Yah. But I'm sure it triggers other people.
Favorite champion/waifu/husbando is watching a movie with you tonight. What movie would they insist on?
Jinx: Either grind houses or slashers but I could also see be being cool with Fury Road
niceday ^-^!
Dem goat titties are purer than Sona's.
>keep getting put with silvers in flex queue
Oh boy
Goat tiddy.
March of the Penguins just to confuse the fuck out of him
Guardians of the Galaxy
>Draven, Teemo, Shaco and Ekko all have above 70% win rates in Masters/Challenger elo in Korea
In one of my flex games with another silver friend we had a Plat 1 on our team alongside a bronze and a gold
I don't fucking understand this
3 of those are meme picks with probably handfull of games.
Ekko has always been cancer
Probably benefits from assassins patch like Vayne did
Nobody fucking knows
Assassins patch is insanely good for him
People figured out AP is good on it always has.
>teemo jungle
finally I can justify playing this meme shit
god bless korea
No one does because it doesn't make any fucking sense.
Seriously how is flex queue is fucking bad?
It's not like there are a lack of players. You could put me up against people of my mmr if you actually tried to.
That's Teemo top, actually.
Talking about Lissandra isnt she rather shit at the moment? Despite of this I saw LSses video where she was consistently ranked higher than Darius,Irelia,Panth,Rubmle and Ryze etc
Why is this? Im under impression that her skillshots are easily dodged and do lower damage than most. She has some rather long cooldowns too and MR kinda shits on her.
Am I wrong?
>March of the Penguins
It'd be hilarious to see him watching it
Learn how to auto attack with A.
It's literally fugged
>early purchases
>hunter's machete and refillable
teemo is legitimately a good toplane pick now with the stealth changes, havent seen much shaco but i assume the same
just ban jayce and teemo doesnt have many losing matchups
Because he took smite. Just because you take smite it doesn't mean you are actually going to jungle.
>tfw your streamfu won't stream this weekend
Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.
Well Draven is the only lane bully left that can completely curb stomp a game early and scale very well into late game besides Cait, but he snowballs harder than her, so...
>6 ekko games
wow dude, such a meaningful sample size that is totally representative of the state of the champion.
>Azir watching "march of the penguins"
Okay I kek'd
>Buying a dead first item just because you want to get Bloodrazor.
If it was Teemo top, he'd start corrupting potion.
>tried one game as Draven when I never even play ADC let alone one that's actually hard
>fed my ass off and contributed nothing but had a bunch of fun
Should I just bite the bullet and buy him, then learn both him and ADC in general? I dunno if I can handle the flame but he's really fun.
It's not about what's good and what's not.
Those champs just don't have anyone currently playing them besides ultra autists who now have the advantage of getting buffed but also being one tricks against people who never play these champs
How busted is Vi after these new changes? I imagine that Courage of the Colossus is super fucking good on her.
Challenger players are getting matched against literal Silvers.
teemo draven and ekko didnt really get buffed that much
this is likely the reason
If you try to start off playing as Draven without any prior knowledge to adcing then you shouldn't bother. Draven actually has a skillcap. You should start off playing Sivir and Ashe then when you feel comfortable in the role you can play Draven.
Play him in bots so you can learn to catch his axes.
fuck cunt piss washer heck
Lotta c's in "League of Legends" right? LUL
Wonder how much they paid Twitch.
Whats the latest in cancer picks /lolg/?
its gonna take like 15 games to get comfortable on him at the least, he's just that kind of champion
sometimes its better to catch both of your axes before attacking instead of throwing them repeatedly when youre fighting someone. When chasing you can keep throwing to get the movespeed though. Just a small thing i noticed
don't ever post here again you fucking retard twitch fag jesus christ cancer of the earth kill yourself
Vi has no hard CC, she still takes TLD or SS
Good Dravens are the most terrifying thing to me. Practice more basic adcs to learn fundamentals and then try to master Draven. I feel like he's one of those champions that until you get good with him you might eat a lot of shit, I think he's worth the pain though. Very rewarding.
Practicing him in bots sounds like a good idea, guess I'll pick him up and give it a go.
Cheers, /lolg/.
>vi has no hard cc
anyone /smurfin/ here and want to grind with me?
Rengar and Khazix
Talon has a hard laning phase to compensate, a lot of the meta mage destroys him
Shaco might be better who knows
Courage of the colossus is busted and make engage cc tanks godly
Nobody here plays Lissandra?
On a scale of 1 to autism you're an 11.
gotta try harder for my (you).
>grinding normals
You're not trying that hard
>Silver 4
>Played with plats and with one diamond in flex queue after I won 4 in a row
The game with the enemy diamond wasn't fun
what the fuck am i looking at here?
Tham kench, NEET edition.
The Pursuit of Happiness
Jinx should be my wife
I want to
is jungle teemo a thing? this might bring me back to the game
i mean
that's what a smurf is
What's sekkrit op in the preseason jg?
How's sej?
What kind of autism does someone have to have to make the same post day in and day out, every day for over a year?
everything is a "thing" stop caring about what nerds define as the meta and play what you want and you probably would've never quit
How's Ahri with CoC?
>being a newfag
stop replying to him xD
>implying it's difficult
Unsure if the new changes will ruin it, but currently Malz can clear the whole jungle no leash and no pots.
Speed isn't that good. all 6 camps take him about 2:40 minutes, but you stay really healthy and you can duel a lot of invading champs if your abilities are up. Play him with CDR runes.
>browse wikia
>see this
how the fuck
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Oh well guess I ain't gonna have meme name then
I want to pump Caitlyn full with mindbreaking drugs and steroids!
Best girl
more like most irrelevant
Is top lane still irelia vs vlad every single game?
I've been out of the meta for a while
More like Ireliavant.
I am so sorry
Why do you think you're so far above bronze players? Your arrogance blinds you.
No, now it's Irelia, Darius, Trundle, and Vlad.
youve been out of the meta for like 5 years
>0 lust
>5 libido
>10 sensitivity
>0 corruption
That's not ahri
why does literally NOBODY ever build this item
even when the enemy is mundo/voli/vlad/adc/soraka they don't build it
i don't fucking get it
What rank are you that people are playing those champs top still?
it's been a thing with some players
>No mention of the purity ring
Ahri isn't a slut! She's a pure fox girl who only wants to be friends with some Ionian villagers!
>mfw nobody ever does
Darius is being played top at all ends of the spectrum right now. Those others I haven't seen at all though.
I may be as mechanically bad as bronze players but I don't feed indiscriminately at the least
It's not a bad item, it's just not good enough to be worth a slot when there are other better, less situational items.
LoL has had this problem for a while now, some items are simply never used not because they suck but because they are too situational and not worth a slot.
do shields block true damage?
this isnt bait
say if darius ults my adc but i janna shield them will it reduce the damage?
They are all i see whenever I top. Sometimes there is a kennen. gold 5