Two waifus for the price of one! Which do you pick?
James Cox
What the fuck is this?
You literally copy and pasted the OP from the previous thread.
Fucking sage
Camden Taylor
>implying anything changed in mass effect news
Camden Rodriguez
Humans (and occasionally other species) being raped on distant planets is the main appeal of ME for me
Ethan Sullivan
raped by whom?
Isaiah Wood
Which species do you prefer to do the raping?
Nicholas Smith
I prefer dub-con or just pure sluts.
Joshua Morris
Manveer pls go
Bentley Anderson
That's awful, it's no fun if the girls enjoys it willingly.
Oliver Miller
>not running an alien train on slutty waifus
pls PLS
Matthew Nguyen
I'm glad you like it. It's nice to be validated, feels like I exist in a vacuum devoid of human contact.
But of course, the lewd and scandalous asari gang knows as 'slickies' their trademark move is hijacking ships by filling them with oil. Only the slickies trained feet and expertly controlled moves can resist the slick surface. Any guard or passenger that tries to resist is wrestled to the ground by soaking wet oil soaked women and is subdued through various means. Samara trained with them undercover for many months to learn their closely guarded techniques for staying upright on oily surfaces. And then she struck, during an attempted hijacking of a passenger liner. After several hours of lewd catfighting and torn clothes only one person was still standing. Samara. Luckily all the passengers were too exhausted to take a snapshot, otherwise they'd have seen her glistening nude body standing triumphant over a pile of her foes.
Landon Garcia
>Samaras toned, thick body covered in oil
Jordan Morales
Its situational, sometimes you can have an asari or human rapist and it can be pretty good. the bigger and uglier races on weaker and prettier ones is the best
Ethan Baker
how can an asari rape me?
Noah Allen
Robert Perry
Space squid, space goat, and what else?
Mason Walker
That's an awfully ugly draenei.
Mass effect fields.
Carter Torres
they got the biggest dicks in the galaxy
Isaiah Butler
how do they give birth then? through the dick?
Nicholas Ross
they impregnate their opposite. if their partner is male, the egg is implanted in his ass.
James Gutierrez
Asari eggs are of course ejected from the mouth.
Apparently it's queen of pain from DOTA 2.
James Walker
Ah, I see. I played two rounds of that game with a friend, then I uninstalled it.
Jason Scott
These two teams fight in an urban setting. 5 hours of prep time
Zaeed's team wins but he's the last one standing while everyone else is dead.
Benjamin Mitchell
Second team is clearly stronger
Lucas Perry
Second team looks more well-rounded. I think they win. But Zaeed hunts them all down in the following three months out of pure godamn spite and kills them all.
Gabriel Ward
Anyone remember still Tuesday Treats? Anyone remember those old memes?
Robert King
Second team has much more raw power, but Kasumi and Zaeed might be the difference makers because of their exceptional skillsets and abilities. Kasumi could kill any or all of team 2 if given enough time, and Zaeed has more experience than all of them but Wrex while also being the best at killing motherfuckers with extreme prejudice.
Aiden Lopez
Jaxon Lewis
Connor Richardson
of course. but they're slowly fading out
Jackson Anderson
Julian Powell
it's all in the old pastebin, but some fool OP decided to leave it out. you gotta check the archive for old OPs to bring it back.
William Myers
Pretty shitty OP now that you mention it.
Henry Harris
Tyler Gomez
Andrew Martinez
Jacob Ortiz
so are we getting a femtur romance option or what
Samuel Green
hopefully not
Angel Nguyen
one can hope
Eli Baker
Despite the lack of fem-turs, gonna play ME2 for the first time and probably be horribly disappointed at the abrupt change of direction.
Should I get all the DLC or just go in normalways
Mason Walker
You might as well pirate the DLC. Kasumi and Zaeed are nice to have. Do Kasumi's mission early if you're playing a caster class so you can get the GOAT SMG.
Lucas Scott
nobody likes you
pirate it and all the dlc
Nathaniel Thomas
i already bought ME2 ages you idiot
The DLC is dirt cheap so just tell me
Nicholas Williams
i'm sorry for calling you an idiot it's been very stressful i did not mean to lash out
Jeremiah Baker
If it's dirt cheap then just buy it all, you idiot.
Gavin Green
>i'm sorry for calling you an idiot that's fine
>it's been very stressful what's wrong, brah?
Landon Richardson
no femtur gf
Jaxson Smith
Camden Anderson
>miranda +fairly good leadership skills +okay combat skills ++good survival skills >kasumi +++excellent survival skills -not good for sustained combat >jacob +above average soldier +biotics +black ops experience >kaiden ++great support +decent soldier >zaeed +++++excellent survival and combat skills +born front-liner +has good leadership ability ++tons of experience if team 1 pulls off an upset it's because of him >ashley ++solid combat skills -does not work well with others >jack +++insane biotic ability +some leadership ability, though reluctant -not a sustained-combat fighter
>Garrus ++++excellent leadership ability, with experience commanding small combat teams ++excellent survival skills +good combat skills >liara +good biotics +large amount of resources -not a sustained combat fighter >Wrex +++++literally the strongest warrior in a race of warriors ++excellent leadership ability ++excellent survival skills +born front-linter >mordin ++excellent support ++combat experience working in small teams >tali +good support +good survival -not a sustained combat fighter >samara +centuries of combat experience +good biotics -doesn't work well with others >Javik ++++avatar of vengeance +++born warrior who has known nothing but combat his entire life >Thane +good survival skills +very dangerous -not a front-liner
26-32 by my reckoning. Yes, I am this autistic.
Camden Nguyen
Mason Cox
>Do this >Refresh on checkout page to see if it'll cause the download to kick in >Charges me twice, fucked out of 7 bucks haha fuck you
Anthony Jones
>Contact EA support >Tell them about the issue >They get it sorted out very quickly, refund the duplicate purchase, and no harm is done
EA customer service has always been so much better than VALVe's, no lie
Nathan Richardson
>sperging out over $7 What's it like being a dirtpoorfag?
Zachary Gomez
I sperg out over getting fucked out of money when I don't have to, period.
It just makes me anxious, okay?
Evan Lewis
>I sperg out over getting fucked out of money when I don't have to, period. Yeah, you DON'T have to sperg out about it.
Kevin Foster
Joseph Stewart
You are a man of good taste.
Gabriel Nelson
glad to see someone else finally posting that
as are you.
Christopher Gomez
If the ME2 suicide mission combat scores and order of survival when Holding the Line are any indication (assuming all are loyal):
Grunt > Zaeed > Garrus > Thane > Legion > Samara > Jacob > Miranda > Jack > Tali > Kasumi > Mordin
All of the above when fighting Collectors at least, which are primarily organic/biotic enemies. The techies like Garrus and Legion would probably do better compared to the others fighting synthetics or tech-based organics like mercenaries/Cerberus. Or each other. A conversation in ME3 implies Tali is more effective than Garrus against geth while Garrus is more effective against Husks for example.
I think Wrex is the best fighter on the list by far, in any case. 1,500 years of experience and training + powerful biotics + heaviest armor/shields and guns + can bench press a car + regeneration. No one can really compete. He has all the strengths of Grunt and Zaeed combined, plus more experience and biotics.
Camden Allen
>centuries of combat experience >one point
Retarded, along with a lot of other biased points.
Jack Robinson
For anyone interested in the possible future of NASA during the Trump administration:
Don't give credence to bullshit sites like that. If something it legitimate news/newsworthy it will be posted on a credible news site.
Evan Bailey
do you guys think governments or private companies ever have a genuine interest in space exploration within our lifetimes?
Camden Jones
It's an article based on Trump's own released plans before the elections though. One he made with Bridenstine who's now rumoured to become the NASA administrator.
Says pretty much the same thing; cooperation between private and public space agencies, focus on exploration instead of monitoring earth.
There are already private companies with genuine interest. Just takes a while to get shit done. I also wouldn't be surprised if Trump really does come up with some big plan just to stroke his ego
Carter Collins
>I also wouldn't be surprised if Trump really does come up with some big plan just to stroke his ego Nasa is in no state to do anything "big" within the next 4 or 8 years.
I also don't trust private companies when it comes to space travel because their only goal is to make a profit. and going out into outer space seems like a hard thing to make money on.
Oliver Perez
>Nasa is in no state to do anything "big" within the next 4 or 8 years. Wouldn't matter, if he starts the project it will still have his name on it. And he loves putting his name on things.
Jace Nelson
>I also don't trust private companies when it comes to space travel because their only goal is to make a profit. Not true. SpaceX only loses money and Elon Musk is fine with that.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Let's hope for the best then
Noah Wood
spoopy hfy bump
Chase Kelly
not really HFY but puts things in context in a really fucking cool way
Wyatt Wright
Morning, skipper
Bentley Ramirez
for some reason that image makes her look half decent. It's probably the hair. Bioware sucks a hair.
Adam Robinson
that sounds bleak
Blake Murphy
honestly the night I read it it kept me up at night thinking about it
Ethan Bailey
I believe it's what you call a "sex hair" effect.
Henry Wright
Matthew Lopez
Cheeky cunt
Asher Cook
The games are dead in general? Feels that we can't have any decent RPG after Witcher or Obsidian stuff? Currently trying Fallout 4 and even with mods this buggy disaster (F3 was even worse) cant beat glorious Witcher 2, which gives me that ''ME1-2 feel'' or "KOToR feel''. And that 2016 for god's sake!
Justin Gonzalez
Look, you people already got /dag/. What more do you want?
Tyler Roberts
you need to dig around on steam or GOG for old pearls
Lucas Gray
>you will never be Liara's cocksleeve just kill me now
Isaiah Sanders
Luis Jenkins
Have you played The Witcher 3, yet? Currently enjoying it, myself.
Nathan Edwards
An actual trailer for Ghost in the Shell, and not just 2 second clips in a teaser. >
Is the main character suppose to be uncharasmatic and monotonous, or is that just Scarlett?
Eli Wright
Fucking stupid. The major is supposed to look weird, like an android almost since she's a full-body cyborg. But not like scarlet looks. Batou and Togusa Look nothing like they do in the movies and the bit where scarlet is told she's one of a kind goes against what is shown in the movie. Where she sees a woman wearing the same cyborg-body as she is. Why must they always be doing remakes and sequels, why is it so hard to make something new if you're going to disregard the source material anyhow.
Nicholas Collins
Nolan Miller
>The major is supposed to look weird, like an android almost since she's a full-body cyborg.
What do you mean? Like this?
Jose Robinson
>look >looks Stupid complaint. Especially with GitS changing how Motoko looks multiple times.
>the bit where scarlet is told she's one of a kind goes against what is shown in the movie GitS has multiple canons, what is shown in the movies is different from the show, is different from the manga and is different from the Arise movies.
>Why must they always be doing remakes and sequels But this is the first live-action GitS movie?
At least complain about actual valid stuff like them going for some retarded amnesia story where she tries to find out her past.
Currently playing Tyranny, pretty fun to conquer, subjugate and colonise some country. I wish Andromeda would let me do the same but that would probably be too problematic.
David Powell
So one of the squad mates in ME:A is named Liam. Is anyone else here named Liam, it'll be a little bit odd no doubt.
Hunter Peterson
>>Why must they always be doing remakes and sequels >But this is the first live-action GitS movie?
That was about Hollywood in general, I think, not Ghost in the Shell specifically.
Blake Ramirez
Why would it be odd?
Brayden Jackson
Eli Howard
No, expressionless and with big stare-y eyes that don't blink. And seams along her body where bits of synthetic skin join up. Although looking at pictures now it seems I might have been mistaken, I think i remembered it wrong, she looks more human now that I look at a few pictures.
>But this is the first live-action GitS movie? It's a new entry in an established franchise. What I'm getting at is instead of making a new franchise to suit the movie they go with milking existing franchises. There's not much innovation, it's all rehashes, remakes and adaptations of existing material.
>GitS has multiple canons, what is shown in the movies is different from the show, is different from the manga and is different from the Arise movies. That didn't occur to me. I still don't like it though, the narrative doesn't suit the franchise in my opinion. But that's just what I think.
>look >looks What's wrong with my usage of those words?
Imagine how thin his tiny little legs must be inside that armour.
Elijah Barnes
Jesus christ why do I keep repeating myself. >Although looking at pictures now... she looks more human now that I look at a few pictures
Adam Wilson
rape is to war like breathing is to living. where my gun seeks pleasure, so does my penis.