Previous: >[Knights of the Round Table bait gacha] 11/9 to 11/16
>[Around a Week with Santa Alter Lite] 11/16 to 11/22 4* Santa Alter Available again Christmas gacha limited to 7 resets
-Event CE 5* Holy Night Sign -Quick up 8%, Crit Damage 15%, Stocking drops +20% 5* Present for My Master -Crit Weight 100%, HP recovered 40%, Star drop+1 4* March of Saints -200 HP each turn, 3% NP each turn, Silver bell drop +1 3* Lightning Reindeer -Buster 15% (3 turns) Ribbon Drop + 1
[Christmas Rerun Gatcha] 5* Jack 4* Nursery Rhyme 4* Marie 3* Jing Ke 3* Robin Hood
>News and Reminders - Latest changes: - New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game - Mashu's voice actress has been replaced with Rie Takahashi as Risa Taneda remains on hiatus to recover from illness. Her other roles remain unchanged >New bond CEs: -Rare Prisms have been added to Da Vinci's Shop (Gained from using 4* or 5* servants as Reinforcement materials or burning, Welfare servants excluded) -Rare Prisms are used to purchase previous event items -Next stream 12/6 -Babylon coming in December -New Christmas event coming in December -FGO Anime announced
Why doesn't Nero just take an aspirin or something if her head hurts so bad?
Jeremiah Cruz
Evan Green
Jonathan Martinez
newfag here
will strengthening skills reset their levels?
Bentley Gutierrez
Best boy.
Aaron Scott
Ian Torres
Jace Adams
No you stupid red bitch, I haven't bought you, I have the Tamamo CE on my Tamamo right now. Why it's always Nero. WHAT THE FUCK NASU
Nicholas Rodriguez
Julian Thompson
Cute Pirate.
Jack Cook
post yfw Emiya becomes Grand Archer and BTFOs Primate Murder
Connor Diaz
He actually deleted me, absolute madman
Jordan Bell
Reminder she barely has any porn whatsoever.
Daniel Jackson
No one cares, Discord.
Ayden Adams
Who's your Fate daughteru /fgog/?
Sebastian Cooper
Camden Flores
I deleted everyone. Because
Brayden Reed
Which is fine by me.
Christopher Torres
Reminder that Nasu inadvertedly spoiled all of Last Encore months in advance.
Grayson Reyes
My dream! Nooooo!
Why isn't FemGil canon?
Zachary Perry
>Excalibur now can destroy things that dont have the concept of being destroyed.
The wank needs to stop now
Owen Butler
Because your taste is shit.
Brody Wright
maybe the holy sword user was actually Gawain
Parker Nelson
Jackson Rodriguez
King of Kings!
Austin Sanders
>You will never roll siegfried.
Gavin Davis
Because Gil"ko" is shit. Only acceptable if Ko-Gilko, but still inferior to Gil.
Hunter Thompson
Sebastian Butler
Maybe it was Heracles
Luke Lee
He will never be happy ;_;
Charles Moore
camellia pls leave and stay leave
Owen Myers
Just Sun King now, actually. Nevermind that that's Louis XIV, Iskander had to have a cool title too.
Nolan Watson
Juan Sanchez
>Losing his title because Nasu had to meme more with his false powerlevel servant Extella was such a fucking mistake
Jaxson Wood
>Iskander had to have a cool title too. Iskandar had the King of Conquerors one.
Matthew Lee
Post them Only a thousand more prisms until the CE.
Austin Perry
Funny thing is that a few people speculated that the Rider of Fragments was Louis XIV.
Christopher Carter
He didn't lose it, you've just become aware of the fact that there was more than two Kings of Kings. Hell, even before this, we had at least three.
Jose Torres
What did he mean by this?
Nolan Thompson
That could've been cool too, I guess. Probably less wanked, at least.
Zachary Taylor
Which NP would you want for yourself if you ever got powers? I'd say Emiya UBW is my favorite, making weapons out of nothing is amazing. Nobu's sounds good too.
Isaiah King
Lucius? More like Whocius, amirite?
Chase Turner
Too embarrassing. Maybe in 2017
John Hernandez
Already rolled him twice. He never sees action, however. He sits in Chaldea next to the other Sabers I don't use, like Lancelot and Lily Saber.
Sebastian Clark
Assuming i can sustain the mana-cost, AoF/God hand. Or maybe Knight of Honor.
Jordan Ross
Still need that dust to ascend vlad, nightingale doesn't get picked so there's no point in setting her to support
Carter Gray
>I'd say Emiya UBW is my favorite, making weapons out of nothing is amazing. Yes, you'd surely get a lot of use out of recreating all thr noble phantasm you've seen personally in your life.
Although Archer once traced a fishing lure he saw in a magazine once, so maybe this ability is easier than it seems.
James Rodriguez
>hunting quest says saber is boss >bring archer support >boss is a lancer I feel betrayed
Charles Smith
Nobu a CUTE.
Luke Scott
He will never be delivered, user.
Wyatt Hernandez
>tfw you're the divine protector of man kind, the god of heroes, protector against ruin for both god and men and yet this franchise tries to fuck with you as much as Hera and you don't get half the respect you deserve Feels bad
Ayden Butler
You're confusing projection and tracing
Asher Bell
Gilles looks so fucking ugly, he looks like a malformed manikin.
Nathaniel Powell
Grayson Lewis
Who would be Servant Larper?
Easton Roberts
Archer Anne/Mary or np2 Evil Cat for support?
Logan Torres
Evan Wilson
John Sullivan
>>tfw you're the divine protector of man kind, the god of heroes Not if you're Alcides. Not a speck of divinity left in him.
Isaiah Martinez
Recommended leveling order for Jack skills?
John Bell
825 prisms away from LB Lunchtime CE, so close yet so far.
Parker Davis
Gabriel Bailey
No divinity but that doesn't change who he is. Only if he actually was able to use the grail to purge everything about Heracles from history then it would be true. Which makes me think that he'll redeem himself before the end of the novel
Bentley Torres
Gabriel Barnes
It's funny how Shirou can accurately project objects and have them linger indefinitely, but he thinks his projections are shit because he's the only one who can notice the subtle imperfections and lacks the knowledge to realize how ridiculous his magic is.
Daniel Cox
I'd want the same, corner the precious and rare metals market while also having a super power tied to magic.
KoH,Chronos rose and Godhand are also obvious wants. GH>KoH>CR
Camden Sanders
1-3-2. You can leave 2 at 6 if you want.
Nathan Cooper
Tomorrow on QP day I'm going to finish Carmilla.
Then going to grail Jing Ke to 80 and work Vanilla Jeanne. Also I'm 85 MP away from the last lunch CE. Alot of things to do.
Brandon Nguyen
>Jannu bond CE >1/1/1
Landon Jackson
Jaxson Martinez
Her skills are not worth leveling
Ethan Nguyen
Only a true artist cam realize his own work is shit. You're more aware of your flaws and failings than anyone.
James Morgan
I'm jealolus
Easton Gonzalez
Lincoln Reyes
Samuel Evans
>still being butthurt that Ramesses the Great is great
Julian Walker
How much for franky bond CE
Camden Bennett
Her skills aren't really worth the huge investment, he tanking abilities and NP are what make her good, or should I say made.
Hudson Green
750 more.
Aaron Jackson
I can't wait till 5* Moses shafts the "great" out of him
William Stewart
He has only himself to blame.
Lincoln Ramirez
Gabriel Jenkins
Moses won't appear since his fist > Excalibur and we can't have that. Same reason Greekfags will never see Marmyadose
Aaron Allen
I got yelled at last time though; can't wait for Babylon. >still need dust >didn't farm enough dragon fangs >no QP >can't farm medals at work
Angel Cook
James Harris
Close, I get it in time for Christmas hopefully.
Brody Morgan
>If they aren't gameplayfags they are waifufags
Gavin Scott
Look I like Jeannu, but i'm always in QP hell and on just on the edge of gem hell. If her skills were good or she didn't eat so many cookies i'd level her skills without hesitation.
>Get Jeanne Alter to 6/10 >7 cost almost 500k Fuck I can't There is no way to do this without burning through apples.
Carson Bell
Who is Munei?
Ian Ross
Parker Gray
user please. 3rei Ko-Gil would still be better than a Ko-Gilko. Gilko would trump them all.
Benjamin Wright
Good luck, Franky was my first gold servant she just got super shafted because everyone I got needed bones so it makes me happy to see a maxed out one, I'll work on her bond CE once retard cat is done
Caleb Gonzalez
I learned the language for that reason and others, unlike the faggot above I would do it if you paid me.