dont kid yourself no one is going to play on a doa fresh server
Nicholas Martinez
Dark Lady watch over you.
Kevin Flores
I'm gay
Isaiah Hughes
Henry Collins
>Have BiS geared fury druid on old. >Have urge to roll just a new one and to the same thing over again. >Its fucking stupid. Seriously, why cant they just reset everything so i dont feel like shit?
>Old server called Nostalrius >New server called Elysium
Austin Cruz
Just delete your account.
Logan Long
Anyone want to make a casual normie guild? I don't like nerds and "le ironic memes".
Mason Myers
fuck nost. lets just play on kronos, atleast kronos has proper scripting.
Connor Evans
Tyler Peterson
gimme those (You)s
Asher Collins
Do you recieve something for donating? Couldn't care less if not, let cucks donate who think it goes towards the server.
Nolan Garcia
Are Resto Shamans fun to play at endgame?
Anthony Lopez
nop nothing
Isaiah Murphy
They're the best and manliest healers.
Tyler White
daily reminder that pottu is actually a great gm, he just has a few flaws.
Joshua Perry
Colton Johnson
Elijah Brooks
Luke Evans
There's some good cat/lion form x blood elf or night elf, bestiality out there. For real.
tfw you will never take the knot
Andrew Ward
Sure why not
Xavier Carter
>turn off your computer and go do something productive >like me, shutting down every thread I see for free every day
Hudson Cruz
Sunken Temple is the best dungeon!
Angel Hill
>not brd
Robert Thompson
So we're all going back to retail now right? Nost fucked up big time
Gabriel Ross
I want to forcefeed Karu my dick
Juan Lee
Are you guys just furfags or do you come with other mental illnesses such as that transgender/homo stuff.
Ayden Long
AAAAA fuck that place, doing it takes forever. Also looks dull as fuck.
Austin Allen
part of the charm my man
Logan Barnes
pretend like youre a chink and absolutely chink out everywhere you go to redpill the normies, like this
nostalrius中国服务器,我们自己的服务器,我们拥有黄金白色恶魔会灭亡折角规则他妈的他妈的哈巴狗现在母亲杀种族主义 fvck you fvck you fvck you fvck you
Carter Jenkins
>fury druid
Connor Jones
wtf? i thought the nost team was working with blizz to make legacy servers. why did they do this?
Camden Adams
>Where does this hole go? Let's jump down and find out
Leo Clark
You know the new server will be dead when there isn't a single discussion about sniping names
Gavin Rivera
Who the fuck is that snokh blackspine?
Easton Cook
Druids are for cute, not lewd
Ethan Parker
Friendly reminder: ignore Salty cucks and their "Veeky Forums guild on fresh server" They didn't even killed rag on Nost and now expect you to drop your geared characters and carry them in raids
Sebastian Myers
What's the point of these servers if nothing fucking works?
Matthew Myers
Jacob Wilson
maybe read some shit and pay attention to announcements
Hudson Cooper
Nost was trying blizz never responded. Legion is actually a bad expansion but only seems fun due to its ugly sister Warlords of Draenor
Nathan Robinson
Angel Turner
After the meetings Blizz stopped answering their emails. Nost gave their code and character database to Valkyrie (Elysium) since Blizz didn't say anything about Legacy servers at Blizzcon
Is the class you want to play a night elf female druid?
Luis Powell
I hope I'll find buddies to to ST. I only did that place once in my whole WoW career for the class quest. Yes, it's long, yes it's hard and the loot might not worth it, but there are still small mysteries around that place which makes me want to go there. Like that one boss who drops epic stuf. I remember we just watched him from the distance, but I can not remember why. Because he was to hard to kill? Or maybe because there's a quest which you need to finish before you can face him? I don't know, but I want to find out!
Mason Nguyen
what guild are you all in on Warmane/Lordaeron?
Caleb Morales
Logan Lee
So am I doomed to suck at pvp as a warrior? Im playing on retro wow now and I get one shit by everything
Jeremiah Carter
This "QA" sure turned out to be worthless.
Samuel Jones
Aaron Campbell
Caleb Davis
I missed Q&A on reddit and I'm not into this reddit thingy anyway. What's going to happen to deleted characters? I burned out when they said that Nost is rip and deleted everything I had also tried to kill myself but I couldn't
Benjamin Stewart
>Hey guys are you doing anything about the Chinese- >NEXT QUESTION UH YES HM
Parker Anderson
the fuck is your problem?
Gabriel Davis
they're loading a database save point from before the closure announcement
I don't know if the more "interesting" questions got deleted or there simply weren't any, but there just weren't any good questions, and, imho, there wasn't nothing, really, which could have been asked.
Levi King
So what is druidfag's name/faction going to be on Nost?
Leo Williams
could we make a new discord soon? the elysium discord is complete fucking cancer