/hbg/ - Homebrew and hacking general

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3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Entrypoints: smealum.github.io/3ds)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.01 (Kernel)
PS3: 3.55

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: plailect.github.io/Guide/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp
Games: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bt-Yf8V591ENHraRwD8fUQhuzH-a2_mRi0UWSV4NvD0

-Nintendo released 11.2. Updating is safe for RedNAND/a9lh users.
-New exploits that allow to downgrade from 11.1 are going to be released soon. If you still haven't got a cfw, DON'T UPDATE: you can use httpwn to play online and access the eShop.
You can downgrade from 11.0, 11.1 and 11.2 with a hardmod or hacked system transfer. Check Plailect's guide.

>Wii U
-Preview version of hexFW released.
-haxci has been released. gbatemp.net/threads/447688/
-Stable CFW with RedNAND released. gbatemp.net/threads/446819/
-You can run games from USB without IOSU.

-taiHENkaku released along with source. tai.henkaku.xyz/
-Some .vpk files can brick your Vita. Be careful. wololo.net/2016/10/04/warning-ps-vita-brickers-in-the-wild/
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-More details on the 4.01 jailbreak. wololo.net/2016/10/26/details-surface-ps4-4-01-jailbreak-potentially-enough-public-release-soon/
-Rumor from a reputable warez group that hacks are coming soon. wololo.net/2016/11/02/ps4-xbox-one-hacks-trsi-announces-warez-getting-close/

-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. gbatemp.net/threads/447577

Other urls found in this thread:


How well does DSiware downgrade or whatever work?

Any risk of brick?

I have a A9LH+Luma O3DS which I can use to hack a N3DS regardless of firmware I think

Oh. So that means I can't actually use Menuhax?

Does anyone know when server's will be up again?

Reminder that DS rom loading from SD is not worth waiting for

switchax when?

>buy OLED vita 4 years ago to use the PSP "hack" thing since I never had a PSP so I spent 4 years using it for PSP games
>play 3DS since gateway
>finally return to Vita with henkaku
>play a couple vita games for the first time in 4 years
>return to 3DS to finish the bitches and witches game I had started when henkaku happened
>I can't stand to look at my 3DS blurry, pixelated, shitty screen now

The 3D top screen was a mistake
Send fucking help

Came out 5 hours ago on fbi.gov

Any news on when yellows8 servers gonna be back?

How to downgrade from 11.1 without soldering on cables or buying another old 3ds to hack then using that to hack the new 3ds?

They've been down for a quite few days, I remember seeing github forks that point to backup servers, but I don't know where to find them, since I don't use it

Try /r/3dshacks maybe?

Buy a new 3ds and hope it isn't 11.0 or higher

PS4 pro piracy when ?????

>yfw it's LITERALLY a Shield TV in a different shell with a custom firmware on it and it gets day-negative-10 hacks

> ps4 is a mini pc
> still not hacked

I wouldn't put that past Nintendo and Nvidia.

Are there any flashcarts that will work with unmodded n3ds on 11.2?

So are the english Atelier dumps any good or not? I keep hearing complaints about bugs

It'll still have so much custom bullshit attached to it that the thing *probably* just having a regular Tegra X1 SoC (not confirmed) will only affect how easy it is to program for after it gets hacked, not how easy it is to hack.

When yellowbelly8 pays his server fees


>not how easy it is to hack.
Would it be wrong to assume that just because it uses carts it'll be easy to hack?

Rorona and Totori are confirmed to be fine, but it seems that all Meruru dumps have issues.

So I went ahead and modded the PS Vita and I've been having a lot of fun. I've noticed though that every now and again the audio starts getting choppy. It's happened with both Persona 4 Dancing All Night and Project Diva X.

Anyone got any idea what could be causing this? I'm on Bluetooth headphones if it matters.

That xbox is a bit over the top isn't it? I just have a small control board on the underside of mine for the xecuter2 chip and thats only to swap banks and shit like that, never needs touching.
Haven't played it in ages, i miss the good def jam.

I never had that issue with regular headphones.

I now also have a whole bunch of 9's on my Moon monies view.

What does Hourglass9's emuNAND title to CIA function do, and does it format the card?

meruru vitamin 1.0 dump is fine

I haven't touch my 3ds since emunand was a thing. Is it okay if I update emunand to 11.2?

Fight for NY surprised me with how good it was.

if I go to a random store on black friday and get a vita, what are the odds its hbable or do I need a very specific version or something?

Has it ever been dumped with Mai 233.2zEx?

Only the latest Japanese models have firmwares above 3.60.

>wasting effort into hacking a console with literally 1 game

>1 game
>Not Vita

doesn't help

Pls respond.

A 9.2 N3DS is too expensive and I just want Pokémon SM at a more playable frame rate.

just got cfw, have freeshop, what do i do now vg? you have been anoying me for months now

yeah, but this game is fucking bloodborne

60fps hack on ps4 pro when ?

play video games

>guys, what do I do with this console now that I can download any game for free?
gee I don't fucking know

i mean like any fun "hacks" or something, fucking nerds

Sell it and buy a new one to hack

good luck finding a vita on shelves though

I think my 4GB SD card is too small to install Pokemon cias what should I do

Icon surprised me by how fucking awful it was.
Your apartment burns down fucking twice, twice.
Clothes were pretty good, that was it.
Even the psp version of ffny was superior, that one had it's own charm to it not found in the xbox/ps2 versions.
Also recall those hour long transfers of kotor because of all the sound files and the shit mbit ethernet over cross cable, ah the old days.

been with me since release, aint gonna happen


>get a bigger SD
>buy a physical copy
>kill yourself
Pick any single one or combination.

I never played Icon, and it seems that it was a good call.

buy a bigger one, fucking idiot

why "nerd" you are on fucking Veeky Forums everyone here knows they're nerds


But my installation is on the 4GB SD? :/

how do i hack my ps3



How do I do this? The max cash.


How do I access the eshop on 9.0-9.2?

I'm trying to update Animal Crossing: New Leaf so if I don't need the eshop to do that then updating it without the eshop would be fine as well

I've tried doing it with the code.bin shit (loadcode.projectpokemon.org/) but it did not work

Should I just forget about all of this shit and do the RedNAND/a9lh hack?


>New exploits that allow to downgrade from 11.1 are going to be released soon

I come every now and then to this thread in hopes I see these news

Yes, just get a9lh. By being on 9.2 you're already halfway there.

w-why? ; ;

thanks bro

is there any way to get around the 7 day transfer timer if my source 3ds has a9lh on it already?

because sony abandoned it for a long time
memory cards especially are rarer than ever in addition to being overpriced, but do look for some black friday deals on those too, on or offline

config.cia in the op

I'm trying to run browserhax on 10.7.0 n3ds but I get error 032-1006 trying to open the page.

Send help.

They're no longer in production in the US.

Are there any cheat programs for CFW? I used to love cheats back on the psp, but so far i haven't found an equivalent for 3ds.

Can Pokemon Sun/Moon be downloaded with Freeshop?

I have a 5th one in the other room with a fucked up hdd.

NTR has memory editing which allows cheats

wow what the fuck. Wat do then?
vita was my only chance to enjoy games with cute anime girls

You can buy a used one or import.

Order one online or go to your local gamestop/pawnshop and buy a used Vita. The Vitas I find at pawnshops are usually on some old firmware that's ripe for CFW.

Yo Veeky Forums can I dump an installed game to .cia format again?

My internet is capped and I want to dump my games to install them on another 3DS

>internet is capped
lol, move to an apartment building and hack every wifi = infinite internetz

Is there a guide on how to copy saves from a physical game to the digital version? I want to transfer all my games on the SD card now that I'm on cfw.

take your playstation 2 memory card and shove it up your ass, the saves will automatically convert to digital.


>fooled around with Hourglass9
>used emuNAND title to CIA option, hoping to get some games off of it
>4 hours into the process, I cancelled it
>Hourglass9 notes 0 free space on the card
>PC notes 0 free space and 0 used space
>all the files are still on the card
So, uh, what happened, exactly?

>piratefags will never play Gun Gun Pixies

/vitagen/ wins again

third world country detected

what do I need to stream my 2DS to my laptop? I just want to stream Sun/Moon and other games from my 2DS to my laptop while hopefully if I can use my 2DS as the controller

vita third party memory card when?

you can't software stream without n3ds
on o3ds/2ds you need a hardmodded capture card

Is it true there is a way to make Pokemon run slightly better on o3ds?

Also, I'm debating on what gender to play, how are the clothing customization for both or is the entire catalog datamined? Also Tiger the Dark or HawkOwleye? inb4 girl and trap mermaid

Out of curiosity, what happens if you give a pokemon a move they can't normally learn? using pkhex obviously.

Would the game crash if they tried to use the move? or would it still work?

Still works but you can't trade or use it online

is sun/moon still bricking or has that been solved?

>tfw 5th n3ds xl finally has an IPS screen but it's the bottom one

Is there a a9lh updater app like LumaUpdater?

No. a9lh rarely needs updating anyway.

I've seen this said multiple times, but why exactly?

What's the difference between Decrypt9 and Hourglass9? Can you have both or do you only need one? Which one has more features and is more intuitive?

Deposit into PC, just as you always should.

I have 11.0 a9lh O3DS and want mod a new 11.0 3DS. I've done a downgrade before 11.1+ came out with Fieldrunners. Apparently httpwn is not working right now, but is it possible to upgrade my O3DS to 11.2, purchase Fieldrunners, and still continue the NFIRM downgrade for the 11.0 N3DS?

Technical difficulties means it will take ages, be buggy, and perform poorly.

D9 contains everything Hourglass9 does plus a whole lot more. Hourglass9 is made to be the bare minimum of features and options with the maximum protection to make accidental bricks or a9lh uninstalls impossible.
Little reason not to have both

Damn it. What's the best flashcart for DS games then?

Some R4 clone, whatever.