lissfag got nuked edition
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lissfag got nuked edition
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niceday ^-^!
1st for not enough threads
>Singed ult is statbuffs
>not poison gas bombs
Waste of potential.
>tfw /lolg/ still collectively will deny lissandra threads.
Gonna bully my adc all night.
xth for humonculi
why do liss threads get bombed?
>want to play lol again
>all of my favorite champs are literal shit right now
Holy fuck flex queue is a shitshow
First for real thread
lissfags an annoying cunt mate, just be thankfull he's one of the only few who play her.
We'll see, motherfucker.
Does new tree talent even work on Olaf? Collossus? It's not hard cc but I see people using it
Flex queue is aids holy shit.
I'm getting camped to shit because I'll be the only plat player in the game with 8 ganks in 10 minutes from 3 different positions and get flamed by my Urgot top for not carrying the game with more kills and damage than the entire game combined.
Hooooooly fucking autism.
I just want to chill out and play veigar, not get bullied for 40 minutes by 6 different people.
Why didn't Riot just base the MMR off your Dynamic rank?
OP.GG doesn't work properly, what other site lets me check the rank of people I played with?
No, it doesn't work on him, and anyone you've seen using it on Olaf either hasn't updated his masteries yet, doesn't read patch notes, and/or is literally retarded.
People who use it on Olaf are braindead. He literally has no way to activate it.
They've reworked enchanters, juggernauts, marksmen, then warlocks and now executioners. Are they going to rework legionnaires next?
what are the latest news and memes in this shitty meme of a game
Biggest faggot. Worse then lulu fags. His shit personality is why a lot of people left the lolg discord.
OP.GG live game function still works.
Crit build is all about the high risk high reward playstyle.
cause a normal mmr rank is a bit to complex i guess.
It would be nice if it told us our mmr in-client, like it shows your bronze with a 1600 mmr or somthing, i dunno
I'm scared of the Warwick rework turning him into either utter shit or insanely overpowered
wtf, why was that thread deleted?
im not lissfag but i refuse to post in this one then
Good, then fuck off
fuck _me_
thank you based mods
Regarding with the double edged sword mastery, is it really that worth it?
I know it gives you more damage however, what made me worried about it is the damage you receive will also increase.
With that in mind, when should I use it rather than bounty hunter and battle trance?
t. lissfag
you was a well known avatarfag (which already breaks one of the global rules) and was basically posting poorly edited porn on a sfw imageboard.
fuck off
it's literally just a 1% increase in damage from its previous version
if you weren't worried about it when it gave +3% damage for a 1.5% increase in taking damage, then don't worry about this version of it
nobody likes lissfag hoarding the OP
lucian did 911
its for champs that want to snowball early
easy way to think about it:
>lategame champs
>earlygame champs
They are going to make him into a health caster.
>you was
oi mate how's it going over there in Britain
>Have a braindead shitposter ruining an entire discord server.
>Instead of just banning him allow him to keep shitting everything up and encourage more people to be autistic like them.
Lolbabs at their finest.
i think i'm going to leave a feedback about janitors abusing their powers on Veeky Forums
no i wasn't
i am annoyed that some fag deletes two threads which were posted before his shitty thread for which he used a pic of kindred which i like and who i feel is dirtied by this thread
>tfw still isn't updated
I feel so lost
>opinions = facts
>Play flex
>Paople are literally most autistic shits I have seen in this game that I play since Early S1
>Fucking typing in allcaps the moment you ignore their demands even for a second
Nice job Riot
You are now aware that one of the mods is a lolgenner.
That nigger is always banning me because of my proxy.
I love jinx. She should be my wife.
>Malz E and R tick every .25 not .5 or 1 seconds
>Malz W apply DFT and Liandry's (since they apply Rylai's and Echo)
>Malz E is a single target ability for the sake of gunblade
There I fixed him.
wtf i love leblanc now
>implying he plays her
no he just shitposts with her cropped lewds. ask for advice about liss and he has none. the worst kind of shitter who just waifufags all day while contributing nothing
>No soul reaver Draven in God-tier
This list is shit
divers are next prob
>those curves
pick one
ugly skin
Oi cunt, at least im not as annoying as lissfag.
It's really annoying because they're just fucking retarded.
This opponent (literal) bronze player was trying to tell me how well he did in lane while I had literally double his CS and 2 kills on him.
I don't understand why I'm being punished to play with these people.
Jinx would make for a poor wife. She has no concept of living in a normal life. I doubt she even knows how to cook a basic food item.
Ugly are no most dravens who use it end up carrying your sorry ass 90% of the time.
No. :3
Whoever designed the new client needs to be fucking shot. There's no "pop" to it anymore and everything feels flat. Nothing is discernible and it's hurts my fucking eyes whenever I try to read or find anything. This is a huge no-no when it comes to UI and I'm baffled it got green-lit. Fuck minimalism. And you can't even minimize the friend sidebar anymore which is a huge eyesore. Does anyone even like the shitty new client?
xth for no cute cuddle buddy
Yeah but its used by every fucking scary will carry your dumbass Draven.
Buying the skin is a literal buff.
>le high risk high reward meme
>Every other melee carry has ways to offset this
>Yasuo really only needs IE and PD to be relevant for the rest of the game
>Fiora only needs BC and Hydra then can go full tank outright
>Jax gets like 150 MR and Armor for free
>Gangplank is basically ranged
fuck this
I want my Yi rework already
In a future where everything is dirty and cheap Yi still plays fair and straightforward.
>diamond vs bronze: Season 7, the disastrous matchmaking episode 2: Electric boogaloo
no it's fucking awful
have you looked at rune pages yet? lol
>getting this upset
I told you were going to get btfo. People may not mind you posting from time to time but all the shit you did upset people and it's going to take time for people to not be annoyed by you.
>lissfag is this analblasted
>post cropped porn
>mad when your thread gets deleted
fuck off lissfag
Did Ikeposter really BTFO you this hard?
>List made by poorfags who can't afford real skins and need Riot to compensate for them by making skins "legacy".
Simply ebin.
>no one ever makes polls or even ASKS the opinion of /lolg/
>claims their shitty ms paint art is "OFFICIAL /LOLG/ STATS
fucking kill yourself
>bedroom door opens
>see this
What do?
>Posting your complaining about the mod staff
you know that's a global rule violation, right?
your autistic tears sustain me lissfag
how can somebody be in the wrong do such crazy mental gymnastics to believe he's right
It takes a special kind of autism to try and force them through anyway
someones a bit pissy tonight innit.
Lets all also write feedback about how we support janitor's decision on deleting lisstard threads so he get even more mad
>Still getting baited by tier list pics
How fucking new do you have to be to let it happen?
Gold 1 last season and just got gold v in flex placements is that good or bad?
I always personally thought it was because most people using Soul Reaver do it because they've been playing him since it was his only skin, and now they've grown accustomed to it over their years of Dravening.
Lissfag is cartman.
Leave before I'm implicated in a pedo sting.
I haven't played this new season yet, how is it?
I liked it but Riot's attempts to make everything cool have ended up making important decals like runes, boxes and champion strength loo confusing. There's no reason Riot couldn't have did something like:
Ability Power icon
"Ability Power"
Just had a game where it was me (plat 2) and a diamond ADC with gold 5 teamates vs an entire team of bronze/silver players
Game before that was me as the only plat player in the game vs an entire team of golds with silver 5 teammates.
Absolute fucking trash.
you didn't get bronze 5, I'd say you won there.
it means you belong in plat for solo buddy~
i'm not a liss poster though
i usually post ahri, sometimes kindred
either way i know they listen to that feedback sometimes, it's not the first time i saw janitor deleting threads and posts on a whim on Veeky Forums
>this juvenile sentence structure with all sorts of errors
Is lissfag 12 years old?
More proof lissfag is Cartmen.
Classic V player here. Me and my ADC just got raped by Morgana's Q. Is she known to be OP or am I just too trash?
We won the match in the end btw.
Non porn crops have been nuked before without reason. His complaint is not wrong and completely valid.
you're either lissfag pretending badly or a newfag who doesn't know why lissfag threads get deleted
either way, you're a fag and fuck off
How Duragon doing on PBE? My acc is inactive :
This isn't even funny anymore, its just pathetic.
Lissfag, leave and never come back.
You make excuses each time just so your shit waifu can get appreciated but we never will. You have forever tarnished her image to the point we fucking hate seeing her. But you post her anyway with a superiority complex to just torture us.
Fuck off.
>no mafia Jhin
>no mafia Sion
Fuck me sideways.
YOURE the only one that fucking cares, youre worse than "muh hugbox save me lyte" sjw faggots that ruin league, ACTUALLY commit suicide
i wouldn't be surprised mate.
oioi, fuck off, im trying to run a decent thread here and i dont want your ilk running around.
>here is the link to the thread at the end of which the link to the threads were posted
get some syntax, man