/dng/ - Dueling Network General

Dueling Network/Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2366

Last thread: Funimal Edition

● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
● DN is ded.
YGOPro (Windows): docs.google.com/uc?id=0B6B7GsCVf45zRUZnVHJid0N0eHc&export=download
YGOPro (Mac): mega.nz/#!fREAVBwZ!cOQG_5oHFKgjfwz4dVUtAW88w9gqRrvWyeFZ7zI_bVM
ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project (High Quality YGOPro images)

Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers (November 12th)
●OCG: Dimension Box Limited Edition (November 26th)
●OCG: Pendulum Evolution (December 23rd)

●TCG: Destiny Soldiers (November 17th)
●TCG: Pendulum Domination (January 20th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.

>According to promotional material, it includes cards used by Zuzu Boyle, Declan Akaba, Sylvio Sawatari, Sun Shadow and Moon Shadow, Rin, Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Chojiro Tokumatsu, Lulu Obsidian, Shay Obsidian, Kite Tenjo, Celina, Dennis Macfield, Aster Phoenix, and Alexis Rhodes.
>Lulu Obsidian
>Dennis Macfield

>reprinted vision hero trinity as a fuck you to anyone expecting vision heroes

16th Eternal reminder that Red-Eyes is the best Dragon Bro.

It's not possible for all the new cards to be imported in RATE, r-right?

>Ugly art+design
>It's meta-defining

now I'm not saying that Ruri is the best Rei
but I'm not saying that she isn't, you know

lately konami office likes to fucked up cards names

>... it includes card used by a lot of people I don't care nor any of you and Crow Hogan
>Crow Hogan
so my Blackwings will get new toys to play with.


Yuzu's personality is a bit generic, Serena is boring. Rin is a tsundere and Ruri is the pure imouto.

Now, it's not that I'm agreeing or disagreeing with you, but I'd say she is neck-to-neck with Rin

KoA wants to cater to furries
That's the only explanation


Post cards that are literally you.

>tfw you cuck the shit out of a BA player with an elegy/aria lock




your favorite octopus now in a new edgy color scheme

Behold, the spanish version of Toadally Awesome.
I don't know what to make of this.


help me make dark world the best it can be


Ojamatier 0
Continuous Spell card
Discard one "Ojama" card to activate this card.
As long as you control three or more "Ojama" cards,not counting this one, your opponent can only use one monster and one spell/trap zone.
If there are more than two monsters and/or two spell/trap cards on their field, they tribute cards until there is just one spell/trap and one monster.

Oh man, that genial is so sapiamente.

Song of Awakening Ojama
Normal Spell Card
Add 3 Ojama monsters with different names from your deck or graveyard to your hand

>Opponent has two monsters that can't be tributed, or a Mask of Restrict, or two Malice Dolls
>Infinite loop of trying to tribute monsters to fulfill it, but being unable to



If it loops then it's destroyed like every other loop

ffs, that one actually got a chuckle out of me

>fusionfags deluding themselves this hard

>whole bunch of worthless garbage nobody cares about
What a wonderful waste of cardboard.

The Portuguese one is the funniest

fluffals are actually good though

>whole bunch of worthless garbage nobody cares about
You seem to be one of those people who don't have fun playing children's card games and only care about winning. Can I direct you to the MtG general?

>Quickplay Spell Card
>Special Summon up to 3 "Ojama" monsters with different names from your Hand or Graveyard.

>Super Ojamization
>Quickplay Spell Card
>Using materials from your hand and either player's side of the field, Fusion Summon 1 "Ojama" monster. You can reveal up to two "Ojama" monsters with different names from your hand, and if you do, you can treat your opponent's monsters as "Ojama" monsters when used as fusion material. Other cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this card's activation, except Ojama cards.

With these three, and Ojama Trio at 3, tier 1?


Not yet, they need more bullshit fusions

Yeah, that nothing they have sure is good.

AKA the the greatest and only form of fun that is actually fun. Might I suggest you stop being a retarded shitter?

t-t-there was a cyber dragon on the box right?

please Konami give me more cyber dragons

why the fuck would there be?

>he thinks you can't have fun even if you lose

>there is only one way to enjoy the game and if you don't agree you're just a shitter/metafag
jesus christ when will this meme end

so you've never bothered playing them?
they aren't tier 1 but they are definitely better than a petdeck.

>You can reveal up to two "Ojama" monsters with different names from your hand, and if you do, you can treat your opponent's monsters as "Ojama" monsters when used as fusion material

Should read

>You can reveal up to two "Ojama" monsters with different names from your hand, and if you do, you can treat your opponent's monsters as "Ojama" monsters when used as fusion material, up to the number of "Ojama" monsters revealed.


>Not Ojamawakening song

What is KoA going to rename Aleister to?

You're confusing it for the anniversary pack.

That's only true if you're a cuck.

No, they aren't. Stop lying to yourself and others.

That is how it works.

>tfw we will never get more Darkness/Timelord cards because of shitty boss duels gimmick

There's a difference between playing to win, and playing badly and getting mad when people don't do the same dumb shit. Your goal should always be, in the end, to win, but half the fun is how you get there.

That Wacky Eidolon Summoner!

excellent arguments.

That's about the right of it. Playing a competitive game and not intending to win is dumb, but I still prefer if me and my opponent have fun with it and have a good match no matter the outcome. Most people I play with aren't hyper-competitive and just run what we like, so it's worked for me so far.

>That's only true if you're a cuck.
>another buzzword that has lost all meaning being flung around as a baseless insult
Well argued, my friend.

There were no points made to argue against that take more than a sentence, retards.

Winning is the best but winning with a shitty gimmick deck is the bestest because you have to work more for the win and not just autopilot
Also shitty gimmick decks lead to more hilarious situations

>yfw you beat your opponent by tributing their dark law for Shapesnatch and attack for game

We CaCposting?

>Vola-Chemicritter Hydrox-Eagle
>Rank 2/WIND/Winged-Beast Type
>When this card is Xyz Summoned: You can activate this effect; your opponent cannot activate effects in response to the Summon of a "Chemicritter" or Gemini monster on your field for the rest of this turn. Once per turn, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 "Chemicritter" or 1 Level 4 or lower Gemini monster from your Deck. That monster is treated as an Effect Monster and gains its effects.

yubel deck anyone?

>mfw i get rid of d'arc, chain burn d/d/d down to next to no lp, then let their contracts finish the job


I like petdecks/plain shit decks too but to believe that playing them over meta in a competitive setting is somehow better because you have to 'work more for the win' is just bad.

This minus the
>I like petdecks/plain shit decks
is the best mentality

Post your ace monster /dng/!


I mostly play whatever shit I like (whether meta or not) and I certainly keep up with and pay attention to the meta but I have no illusions as to the effectiveness of the decks I like in comparison to the top decks. Although I will say that adhering to ONLY meta or ONLY casual while deriding the other side for what they like is not a good mindset.

And certainly, playing non-meta against meta and then complaining afterwards that you got stomped is for scrubs.

What about playing meta against non-meta and then complaining afterwards that you got stomped, because of brick or the other party just have that much luck?

this guy here has been my bro since I pulled him on my very first pack of LOB back in 2002, bonus point for also beign my very first Ultra rare card from a Starter deck.

I simply love this motherfucker.

How will KoA fix this one?

That's a lot of words for nothing actually being said.

What's wrong with that shape?
It's not pentaram and not exactly a hexagram, so I can't see anything wrong with that.

google the insignia or ask in /x/

it's the symbol of an occult religion called thelema

Circle with a square/diamond inside, writing goes along the 4 inner edges

Don't call it a comeback I've been spooking for years.

Here's a charming image for you guys.

desu cant wait to summon requiem and venom

>Unicursal hexagram
>second paragraph in wiki have Aleister name
Can't be arsed to read the rest, but you got that symbol wrong anyway.
The one in Summoning Magic, Reckless Magic, and Magical Name is picture related, which is not an Unicursal Hexagram.

qt as hell
New support soon.


why is her nose under her right eye?
it shouldn't be that hard to fix since it's just a line rofl

What did he draw, /dng/?

it's still too close for comfort as far as KoA is concerned.

Something edgy.

>Charming Resort Staff
>show her in a cafe named "Cafe de Resort"
>Spyral Resort
>it's a motherfucking spy headquarter
>the first spyral mission as a spy is motherfucking ASSAULT, not something like, spying

I'm always a fan of the Spellcounter Spellcasters. Endymion will my favorite since his structure deck made me go back to YGO.

Thanks for sharing your story


>unironically want to play speedroids
>rumors of a key player in their deck might get the axe since its popular in many decks

How much can RATE salvage it?

Tewart can't into lore
why do you think the majority of tcg sets are just based of of some pre established story?

Speedroids themselves can honestly live without Terrortop these days thanks to Wind Witches and Speed Drift. If the ban ends up getting Speedroid Scratch printed, all the better.

It's gonna happen user, especially since it enables zodiac

He reminds me of Grazie from Chaos Rings III

a Spirit Message spell. "A" if I'm not wrong

If they were Shuns deck he'd never let them comingle with another extra deck type.

I guess I'll put starving venom in my raidraptor deck

He should drop Maxx "C" for 3 Rats.


Is it worth buying this deck? In my country, Solemn Warning, Jet Synchron, and Effect Veiler cost about 12$ in my countries currency just basing the prices on yugiohprices, and the only place I can really buy singles here, the prices are more likely to be a little more expensive.

oh shit they made a third one?
is it worth it m8?

Do it. You also get Quickdraw, so that's a plus.

A lot. It's more anime-ish than the other two, with a mute protag and all and the whole adventure going on the world of Marble Blue.

I seriously was wondering if it was really Chaos Rings, then they mention they are living in a spaceship named Theia and there is a ruined shopping center in a forest, the destroyed Big Ben is in South America and a portion of the planet became a Magma Ocean, so I quickly deduced some serious shit happened in the world and would be unveiled in the story later.

Didn't disappoint. The story was amazing.

As of right now, it's this gundam-looking motherfucker

Well, Orichalcos exist in TCG, so I don't think KoA cares about that.

I'm so happy that you got your inorganic animal themed deck that debuted in INOV to work for you. How are they?

Meanwhile I'm suffering