Riven mods were a mistake edition
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They're still going to buy an ugly Valkyr over any Banshee Prime.
Haven't played since Second Dream, has the game gotten better, worse, or stayed the same?
its the same
new quest is neat but not wait-a-year neat
What do you think?
No Content Within
Name that dog
Shotgun Riven Mods when? My Kohm needs some love.
Were Boned
>do sortie
>get riven mod
>get zenurik lens
Jester Companion when?
>do sortie
>get legendary core
pretty good desu
Those primed claws look sexy af
Wat to do with Kuva if you don't want to slot machine for mods and got all the weapons?
At this point I'll stop wasting kuva for rerolling my shitty dread mod. I'm at 3400 kuva cost already.
Also I'm pretty sure they are gonna be reworked soon. The majority hates them, even those with good mods, if they are aware of how these conflict with damage 3.0 and how powercreepy they are.
So yeah stop wasting kuva on them, I don't think they will refund it after the rework.
drink all of it and become an edgelord
stockpile until new mastery fodder
plz gib
Ugh, I'd rather play with the that tater then whatever hideous frame is standing next to him.
how can you be this much of an autistic no-lifer
>never gotten a legendary core
Smile dystoyed
I don't think that's a sign of autism. Having done every sortie since they came out is, tho.
Where the fuck do you think we are? Resource boosters affect Kurwa
I didn't use one, tho. I just get lucky with Kuva spawns every other run.
Good on ya.
Magic space children.
>Must do War Within for Sorties now
>First mission on Lua objective bugs out and cannot be finished
How soon will they patch this
>our taters will never have those curves
Now if only they could look like that
how are legendary cores applied now?
next week prolly
best place to farm kuva?
Same as before. Pick a mod, pick the legendary.
On Mynkie's darknet portfolio website, they do :^)
how long is this thread going to last I wonder
Adaro, Sedna
It's Sunday, so they're out of office. I give it a day.
It was delayed by 5 months.
If it was Half-Life 3 it wouldn't have been worth the wait.
Quest itself was surprisingly enjoyable, I'm actually kind of impressed with DE.
Everything else was lackluster.
Riven mods were a mistake.
I expected an actual 'war within'
Instead all I got was a potato with amnesia who was never really in danger in the first place
Quest was good, indeed. Felt like the story progressed, actually, unlike all those events we had years ago.
So, is TWW good? Is it as good as Second Dream, if you exclude the part about Second Dream where you're fugly?
This download is fucking massive. Does it justify me coming back to play after weeks away?
the quest is actually pretty fucking good, it almost feels like the second chapter of a single player game based off of warframe, which kind of is
the rest is meh
i'd say it's worth it for the quest alone though
wow what a well thought out response
According to the Rhino Prime codex entry, warframes have mouths and are wild creatures. Where the fuck are their mouths.
>3.5 gb is massive
college internet was the worst
lordy lordy
wew lad
Equip life strike on melee weapon
and/or use rejuv as aura mod
I regret not doing this beforehand
that's literally what i'm on and it's such a step up from my home internet which is 144 kilobytes per second.
What ELSE is there? What are these weird purple mods?
Mushed in your crotch sucking on your dick.
under the armor
>When you only get Hind mods
OP Hind Wraith when?
Redpill me on Riven mods. How superior are they to the ordinary mods?
purple mods are just random stats for random weapons, pure RNG mods
new tile set is cool and all but not really noteworthy
can you have more than one on a weapon?
use without a melee so shitters think you have it
>TWW sells itself on the Queens
>Instead of learning about them, we learn more about our taters and PVP NPC
Is there any way to make these good? I really like the style and looks.
>I really like the style and looks.
>Is there any way to make these good?
You know the answer to that question.
We need a quest that focuses on Worm and her struggles to reanimate the old hag only to decide she doesn't need the bitch anymore.
He'll look great with the clover clan emblems
>trying to scan stuff
>my teammates kill them faster than the scanners scan
Why cant the codex scanners just work instantly?
in b4 the reanimation is FMA-style
>DE couldn't think of a decent color scheme for the Queen's guard, so they just appease the edgelords
>Worm brings back the queen in a qt body that's basically the Lotus but a whole lot thicker.
guys can i buy neural sensors with game credits by trading with players? i need those and some parts to craft rhino but i dont know if people only trade with platinum
Standard crit build and Final Harbinger
Helios scanner is pretty fast
it also comes with a cool sentinel weapon
It' really not. It is the same speed as the ordinary scanner but has a delay and immediately gets placed on cooldown upon a completed scan or an aborted scan (loss of sight line, other percept kicking in due to priority, etc)
Wait, they've made Endless missions worthwhile again? And they fixed that bug where you would autofail a hack if you tried to do it while moving?
Surely they ruined something to correlate with this. It's not like DE to release an update that's actually pro-player.
I just realized the kuva was foreshadowed long ago
Is it worth it to just run Viral all the time for Primed Cryo Rounds instead of changing elements for factions?
>tfw have a job now
>can't waste my life on warframe anymore
who care
>escaping from this content-less shitshow
Good for you!
>mfw I unironically like the new tileset a whole lot
Shame the queens are shit, but I'm not surprised about that. Every female character in this game is shit.
No , there are re usable blueprints for things like neural sensors ,oroking cells , neurodes etc BUT they cost 100 plat and a bunch of materials
Wait untill Phorid appears on Jupiter and speed run the assesination over and over, the boss dies quick and should the things you need
>Dozen to hold infinity, three to govern it
This is some Illuminati shit right here. We need Adam Jensen and JC Denton quick
You sound like that's a bad thing?
he's not wrong on the quest though
he's still a faggot but, yknow