Old Useful links
Old Useful links
who is that?
inb4 newfag
I don't think anyone can deny that this is the best skin in the game.
New talon feels weird. His burst is much harder to get off, since his Q is like half the range of his old E, and his new E sometimes puts you further away from where you want to go, depending on the size of the terrain. I'm also not a fan of his Q not being able to hit towers.
Xth for Leona
>go into game
>feed first blood
>quit immediately
>come back 30 minutes later
>didn't get leaver'd
>repeat this process twice this week
>tfw still not punished
>tfw you just grind out 3v3 bots when you do and the leaver queue has ceased to register as a punishment to you
Fuck man.
What if you're the only resemblance of a frontline your team has?
Compensation buffs literally when? The best booty of the rift can't be useless.
kindred is fine
the fervor nerfs kinda hurt her though. maybe a q buff to help her out.
Give one champion in league the passive of another champion. How broken is that champion right now?
Then unless you're stupidly fed you need to kite with your adc and keep them safe
Does league have any truly thiccfus?
Why does Darius' ult make nearby minions and monsters flee in terror? Is that just for effect?
Draven with Yasuo passive.
>Yasuo gives his passive to Draven
Depends who you ask.
Mostly just for effect, but it stops creep block and minion aggro, so you don't get cockblocked and die under turret or nicked for your last 50 hp by the wave.
>darius E procs colossus
>a pull isn't a hard cc
Are you stupid
Illaoi is muscly and gross not thick
>Leona with Nautilus's passive
>She now has so much CC that she can CC lock an entire enemy team at once.
Pretty much, though I have had moments where minion block would've gotten me killed or made me lose a second kill
A hook is CC user
When are people going to cotton on to how fucking busted Wukong is in soloq
Especially with duskblade now proccing off his clone, he's a monster.
>tfw no cuteboy bf
I just want a qt to love
Displacement is hard CC.
Although I think that Fervor is better on darius as a keystone since you can do more with it early, mid, and late. Passing up Stormraiders is the only issue I would have with it.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
Password is vidya
why are you such a pussy?
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
Will you have tea parties?
he is not even a pussy, if he was a pussy he would be willing to give pleasure to others instead of ruining their games
Sona is a slightly thinner and bustier version of that
hey cmon....
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results for reals...
another up on NA
help, lolg. What is a nice IGN for a girl who loves yordles, especially poppy and tristana
Id have some tea with my qt sure!
xX B4ndleBr0 Xx
>tfw no Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums or even a Veeky Forums chat on euw
purple fever
>I have no idea how long names can be
16 symbols, spaces are allowed
>he isn't in the EUW long chat
Message vladfag
>400 AD as Crit Yi late game
>+70% crit damage total (+20% from Runes, +50% from IE)
>dealing two 1.5k crits every second
>becoming a fucking killing machine
pain receptors shut down
pumped full of fear-inhibiting nanomachines
sent right into the blender
MY blender
Who is the hero in Poppy's story? Garen?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets
more eu players are in na vgs than their own l o l
i have 400 ping on na/
garen is the legendary hammer wielder
man, couldn't have been more wrong. Riven with colossus just means she has that much more shielding since every engage is hardcc, and she was everywhere, so I, the worlds shittiest jungler, couldn't ult anything without it being instantly canceled. game was lost from 6 minutes.
>Crit damage runes
Absolute madman!
If you take 3 crit damage quints and 3 crit damage marks, you can get a solid +20% crit damage and still take 6 attack speed marks to get +10% bonus attack speed - and with the new jungle changes, that's all Yi really needs.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I think Crit Yi's gonna get worse after the bork and guinsoo buffs. He's likely gonna go red smite razor, bork, guinsoo, tank next patch one.
>no particle changes
It's shit. Program, Reaper, and Celestine are better. Plus that skin looks like ass in-game.
Jinx is amazing, she deserves to be my wife
>Win Now Top w/ ignite
Doubling down on BigBrother
quick what sites view my gmaes mmr is in maintenance
Eh. It's good that Botrk and Guinsoo's are getting buffed, and they're still gonna remain the go-to build for dealing with tanks, but the is that Warrior's red-smite into Zeal and Berzerker's gives Yi a much earlier powerspike than on-hit does. At least that's how it's felt for me when I played Crit Yi.
Well I got my Shyvana S-rank for this season by literally going full PVE all game. Their poor fucking gragas didn't get to fight any jungle camps after his first clear.
I actually feel bad for him. I hate it when I get bullied in jungle and never have a chance to recover.
w-w-w-w-wAIT a second there buckaroo
don't ya mean
>not flat-chested
Into the trash it goes.
whoa whoa whoa there partner, are you telling me, you saying right now, you would rather swim inside of this lulu girl than swim with her? Well thats just the dang silliest thing I ever heard young man.
not even the best of that bunch which is urf le nami-tin
I play a little yi, and yeah I see that and usually go crit (sometimes i tack in a mallet if im feeling it) and yeah it stronger and can actually spike with yi earlier but in team fights if you don't have at least 3 or more AOE people you're kind of fucked. The guinsoo tank lets you do damage and survive.
So I believe I've figured out which 3 champions are the most likely to receive the next Ultimate skin. The criteria I've used is based on previous comments from Rioters and patterns from the other 4 Ultimate skins:
>champion must have been release in 2010 or earlier
>must not have a legendary skin
>must not have been reworked
>must have a perfectly balanced kit that has aged well i.e. they need a visual update, not a gameplay one
>based on their character/kit/lore, must make sense for them to have transformations/evolutions in their Ultimate
>must be of moderate or higher popularity
Ezreal, Udyr, Sona, and now Lux all fit these criteria, so with those in mind I've narrowed down the 3 most likely candidates for the next one: Corki, Nidalee, and Annie
The 3 of them fit all the requirements and could definitely pull it off. Corki could evolve his ship in the skin similar to Pulsefire Ez, and he needs a visual update badly, the skin would be the perfect opportunity. Nidalee already transforms and is pretty popular. Annie is one of the original 40 and there's tons of ideas they could do for her. Grown-up Annie is an idea that's frequently tossed around, as an example, and I agree it would be cool to see.
who cares of particle changes though? her best is dryad
>tfw can't post a green pony soraka because ponies are forbidden
but annie has a legendary, doesn't she?
>Forgetting certain other balanced champions
Orianna, Twisted Fate, and Vi while they didn't fit the 2010 criteria, those three in particular have 100% solid kits that are also pretty balanced while not needing a rework.
kassadin with malz passive
the loneliness will last forever
Why does yasuo get to have free double crit?
Isn't his shield passive enough?
Because he's certainlyT's baby and he has to be perfectly viable no matter what.
Also prepare your ass for warwick.
Never enough for wind man of balance.
Yes, it is enough. As for why? Well, it's yasuo. No point in complaining about him being busted right now. They won't do anything about him. It's better to complain about new assassins since they're subject to change.
Why is taric not tippity top support?
1100 hp instant shield and 3 second invulnerability
The only downfall I can think of his risky lane phase.
Yasuo dies to a light breeze, and if he gets cc'd at all he's deadmeat. I'd say he's pretty balanced.
>Malz voidlings now apply Liandry's and DFT
>Malz E and R tick every 0.25 seconds, just like that recent singed change
>Malz E counts as single target for gunblade
There I gave him huge buffs disguised as system changes or bugfixes.
: (
Well I'm happy to see that Akali has a 41% win rate top and a 44% mid. Successful rework.
Her winrate in certain matchups was fucking obscene pre-rework.
You're right he does.
Now let's just let him build PD - Mallet - IE with three tank items to give him relevant damage and the ability to survive.
>apdo, the best soloq player in history, says yasuo is the most fundamentally broken champion in the entire game
>but anonymous from lolg says he's balanced
>girls with no bra and pointy nips get me hard
and the new rengar has like 44-46%?
also your pic looks like she was pierced by a giant arrow
Build her tank with gunblade second. Her earlygame is much better so you can get out of lane stronger, but her ratios are so shit that if you go ap you're completely worthless. A build with sunfire sv mercs gunblade titty ga/triforce still does decent damage without relying on ratios, sustains very well, and is sticky and hard to kill.
Actual damage akali is dead
Do you waste your time complaining about the inaccuracies in body types in the 99% of other art posted her?
Also, >clothing, make up and items breaking the setting
A real jinx purist you are, taint stain.
gunblade not first? Then what would you build first? A tank item or tri? Doesn't make sense to get tri 4th, 5th, or 6th item since it's always one of the hugest spikes in power. So the earlier the better.
He's sitting at 47% in both roles and his kit wasn't completely neutered. It's probably shitters trying to jump on what they think is freelo with his new W.
Yeah like that can keep you alive, but without any cc tankali always feels underwhelming to me.
Me too, but I don't really have much of that since I don't see much.
why isn't this a real skin?
>let's make SUPER GALAXY skins instead.
In the deep end?
>Queue flex
>Some guy assmad and intentionally feeding
Even I got tilted because I lost my lane to TF because of a Jax gank but I didn't start intentionally feeding.
>current year
>Expecting riot to be able to balance anything correctly.
Do you even know how trash Ivern is?
rengar is broken as fuck currently, that's my point
those winrates are a bullshit
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results
>remove pink wards
>cant fight her anymore
>win rate spikes
whoa dude
>Queue flex
Why is every autist in the world complaining about this?
Its the same fucking thing as all last season.