Last Thread: >What the fuck is this /indie/ is the general for all indie games, such as LISA, Yume Nikki, OFF, Middens, Underrail, Machinarium, DashBored, Vampire of the Sands, Braid, Limbo, Axiom Verge, Guacamelee, The Desolate Hope, Burrito Galaxy,Cookie Clicker, Stardew Valley, etc. as well as other games that just don't fit in any other general such as Atelier, Rayman, Rise Of Nations, and Valkyria Chronicles.
Mobile or consoles, flash or unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie and obscure games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here.
>Can I talk about games that already have a general? We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads (since they have no other home in Veeky Forums), however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.
>How can I contribute? All we need right now is people to talk about their loved indies, so don't be afraid to post, bump and reply your fellow anons. Also we're looking for anons to make new pastebins/wikis/images and update the ones already made. And please give lots of feel, love, kind and nice to everyone, except namefags. And be sure to make a new thread if nobody else does.
GAME OF THE THREAD: Long Gone Days I haven't played it so heads up, I have no idea how good it is.
Ayden Price
bump, don't die already
Xavier Campbell
Anyone even here?
Brody Evans
not many
Nathaniel Mitchell
Playing some Vallhalla, getting REALLY good.
>3 posters And now i'm sad.
Jacob Reed
is that the bar simulation game? how is it? i was thinking of pickin it up. art style looks neat and bar sim sounds fun
Nathaniel Barnes
Haven't played it myself but I've heard nothing but glowing recommendations
Wyatt Sullivan
Really comfy game, the robot girl is pure lewd.
Adam Perry
Any good point & click games for someone new to the genre? So far I've played Dropsy and The Last Door.
Jackson Brown
Noah Ramirez
neat, ill grab it during the winter sale, assuming there is one
Cameron Bailey
Checking this out!
>demo Hmm. Should probably avoid that for Game of the Theads, though...
Landon Davis
midnight bump. Crap sorry, I completely missed that.
Tyler Hill
John Perry
Brandon Long
So, picked up Lone Survivor and Claire on sale a while ago;
Matt & Pat played like, the first 20 minutes of Claire, and after playing the first 20 minutes of Lone Survivor myself, it seems like Claire drew alot of its influence from it
Justin Bailey
Sebastian Peterson
i'm user
and i'm an indeh
Gabriel Morris
Alexander Morgan
Porn when?
Benjamin Morris
Candle released today.
Josiah Diaz
Worst part is you can tell they are going to do the same mistakes for the sequel if that ever gets finished
Christian Sanchez
Why are you like this
Lucas Smith
Anyone by chance know how to fix the font for the RPGmaker game IB? I try to play it once but the MS Gothic it use is pretty much unreadable even when I try to download a recommended version of it for the game, it kill my mood to play every single time. I'm not going to sit there trying my hardest to just read when I should just be enjoying the game.
At this point I'm willing to use just a standard font but I have no clue how to change the game settings so it will change the font it would look for or such.
Josiah Roberts
Did you install the font that comes with the game? Make a screenshot of the text as it is right now.
Justin Parker
What's next for /indie/ dreamboat Nifflas?
Christian Garcia
I'm playing part 3 of sorcery, is there a time limit or something where I'll fail after a few days? If feel like I'm doing a lot of backtracking and wasting time.
I'm at the past big bridge and really don't want to give up my skullcap but I figure the only other way around would be traveling all the way back to the tower and redirecting the beam.
Oliver James
Porting Affordable Space Adventures to PC would be nice.
Wyatt Hughes
What is it exactly?
Hudson Long
its odd, that stuff is like 8 years old by now. not surprised to see it anywhere anymore. the people who were making that stuff up are in their mid/late 20s/early 30s by now. probably putting them in games
Jonathan Adams
Puzzle plattformer published by daedalic.
James Stewart
Nico x owlboy when.
Ayden Fisher
Leo Nelson
Goddamn this game is so good for podcast listening. I get a great video game soundtrack, great gameplay that doesn't use the audio track in my head, and a podcast
Jayden Fisher
Niko from one shot x owlboy.
Ryder Wilson
This game looks cute.
Colton Lopez
I got my lisa OST special edition vinyl, shit's lit
Jackson Williams
Ayy nice. You gonna leave it sealed or listen to it?
My experience with the flash games was that it was a race to stabilize against the flood of fuck you, but as soon as you got your feet under you it was just a matter of slowly pushing the goo back. Does that still hold true?
Gabriel Peterson
That's basically how it plays but there are a lot of twists that keeps things interesting
Aiden Stewart
>King Succubus
Jacob Cook
>in game photo camera
Many games should have this feature.
Alexander Richardson
Lost in translation I guess, or maybe they're just very pro-trans.
What does it do?
Isaiah Gonzalez
What, you've never seen a succubus (male) before?
Lucas Barnes
It takes photos of the game screen and saves them
Josiah Miller
So what's indie up to?
Bentley Wright
Ah yes I loved that feature. It's so fun taking shots of things that may or may not will be helpful in a different spot. And lore of course. Now that I think about the game should have saved your photos n a diectory on your pc.
Hudson Adams
Don't all steam games have it with that steam snapshot thing?
William Jones
I missed one chest in this area. I saw it but could not get to it. I even had the right idea wit a halfbroken wall but did not pull all the way through. Instead of using attacks I had to tank an explosion froma ghost nearby to create the path. Also I still did not unequip the sis cross. It does nothing but I just feel like keeping it on in the spirit of the story.
Colton Phillips
Yeah, but the photo taking is in-game
Camden Sullivan
Did the same thing. Went into the final battle with her favourite armour and sword and sis cross equipped.
Hudson Parker
Henry Nguyen
What even brought this on, he was never like this til recently. Was it the election or something?
Zachary Bell
Please kill yourself back to where ever.
Jason Garcia
he got cucked
Anthony Foster
>"white brothers and sisters" >recommends reading VICE >retweeting Klepek >muh anime profile pictures Again, with a name like Jorgensen, this massive amount of white guilt and buying into narratives is clearly in his Scandinavian blood.
Josiah Sullivan
I highly doubt he'd be going off about that kinda stuff if he was.
Alexander Adams
i disagree. pic related
David Watson
I wonder what the catamites is up to? Also in other news the other 2 legacy of flan gaes hoave been found.
They're the FNAF guy's lost games that even he lost.
Cameron Sullivan
What's that?
Ethan Richardson
Anyone playing underrail?
Just wondering if base stats need to be maxed to be viable? Or can I just pick the stats I want for unlocking all my feats and just max the stat I use the most?
Ethan Perez
Ninja Tears? More like Undertale 2 xd
John Bailey
I didn't want to hate him. I really fucking didn't.
Jayden White
Don't hate a person for being a human. Hate the fucking /v/ spergs obsessed with social media drama.
Nathan Robinson
shilling lilith's patreon and not working on anything
William Long
did i fucked up?, how do i unlock her as a trader? i know she has the Pseudo-spatial Projection Psionic Mentor but for some reason i can't barter with her
damn, i don't want to slog throught DC just to get this mentor.
Zachary Richardson
Well. His game is still alright at least.
Views aside I'd probably try out his next thing.
Jacob Wright
What was this comment don't mind me asking?
Ayden Cooper
Don't use 4chanX eh?
It was this (picture).
Hunter Kelly
What happened to Ninja Tears now?
Ryder Carter
what the fuck
Brandon Thomas
We cry tears for it.
Sebastian Campbell
Were Scandinavians always like this, or has it just been since WWII?
Lincoln Walker
Make an indie thread on /v/ and /pol/ if you need this shit.
Jason Howard
Threadly reminder that the most common leitmotif throughout Undertale's soundtrack is from the Siren Song of Globalism.
Thomas Gutierrez
Any existentialist games?
Owen Reed
Sluggish Morss: A Delicate Time in History
Robert Morris
Catamites is always deep on the underground Least when you expect it, he's in an abandoned subway station programming CHOICE NEW GAMES on a 386
Catamites keeping it real for all us sinners, unlike busta-ass /co/ (noided)
I own it but I don't know cause he who consorts with beasts. I wish Steam let you unregister keys to give away
Jonathan James
>he who consorts with beasts
Whoever this consorting beast guy is just tell him to pike off
Tyler Powell
I avoided it because of the anthropomorphic characters. I feel uncomfortable even posting this image.
Zachary Walker
Dust is a great game. The art style is neopets-esc but it's a great game none the less. There's a reason it's so universally acclaimed. The fight animations are really beutiful.