I rolled 2 lords, I think it's time to start playing.
Kayden Walker
This is your wife for tonight
Owen Johnson
Jaxson Howard
that's one huge luna oi.
Jackson Gomez
When you guys rage against Haven, is your hate directed more to Storm or Elana?
Don't answer both please, I want to know which people hate most
Ryan Sanchez
>been playing for 5 days >already 150+ lewd images I think I have a problem
Jaxson Foster
I only dislike Elana because it's more difficult to interact with.
Aiden Nelson
>storm or elana >implying it's ever not both
Brayden Morales
Thanks to everyone in the thread 7 hours ago for the bloodcraft arena advice
This one moment made it all worth it
Hunter Bennett
I love luna
Leo Jackson
you humpty'd right
Kevin Gomez
Elana, only because I consistently win against Storm Haven
Blake Martinez
Bloodfangs+angelic barrage was an insta-concede
Adrian Turner
Elana, but I play storm haven so that's not really fair.
Michael Martin
elana is worse because every time you think you have lethal next turn the cunt heals.
Camden Martin
Juan Nguyen
Thanks for the input, my dudes.
Ethan Myers
Seraph is the worst.
I hate getting memed
Joseph Smith
Maybe this is a better start?
Aaron Smith
What rewards did you get?
Jayden Peterson
phone did weird shit to this picture, the fairy princess is animated.
Aaron Ward
Alright, I finished tagging all the voice lines. I didn't get to do the same for the JP voice lines and unfortunately I've gotta wake up in four hours so I won't be getting around to that tonight. I could do it tomorrow but honestly it seems of such little consequence that I doubt people would download it all a third time for something like that. Dunno.
I started to autopilot around the DE cards so hopefully this is as error-free as possible. Apologies in advance for any you find and thank you to the user who ripped these in the first place!
That deck is dank, almost no bad cards and great synergy
I didn't know 5 win arena gave out 2 packs+a bunch of gold, that's a really good reward
Wyatt Hill
>I didn't get to do the same for the JP voice lines Wait, huh? What was the point of all that then?
William Kelly
>use korean flag >japs disconnect way more
Grayson Wright
whens the next "heres free shit" crate stuff?
ik they just gave us packs dont harass me
Jackson Williams
What's this?
Dylan Thompson
>use russian flag >everyone is polite, no emotes, no bm, no disconnects
Isaiah Hughes
3 Fly Lords aren't mandatory but you do want at least 2. 3 Cerberus ARE mandatory. I'd probably try to reroll to get at least one of each.
Matthew Morales
Just for CTRL+F ease of use - so you don't have to look up a card's ID each time you want to look up its lines. If people would download it again I'll do the JP ones tomorrow but I honestly didn't think there'd be a desire for it.
Some user dumped all the card voice lines as .mp3s last thread and I was just renaming all the folders so it's less of an eyestrain. I was planning on organizing them a little better, too, but time got the best of me.
Oliver Roberts
Thanks for the work so far, user.
Dominic Diaz
Slutcraft girls are too promiscuous to be good wives
Hunter Adams
tfw fell for the elana haven is a good deck meme
Adam Turner
New to the game, how do I git gud?
Justin Moore
Can't you revert the change as long as the code still works?
Adam Brooks
The rewards for 5 wins differ. The worst one is 1 pack 200 gold and 150 vials while the best are 2 packs 200 gold or 1 pack and 300 gold.
Hunter Martinez
I've rerolled a bit too much for this game at this point. I initially rolled for 2 cerbs when it came out, then tried again before darkness evolved
Jack Davis
Anyone want to play a private match? 18114 Looking to play until I win one
Sebastian Stewart
Robert Wright
Ouch, guess you should stick with it then.
Jose Morales
But it is, when you put Seraph in it
Kevin Torres
Tyler Ward
Seraph has the highest winrate in the game at 56ish and a high sample size
Dominic James
Thanks, I was scared of ptp for a second there but I guess it would only work for one turn with haunt
Elijah Myers
>Use canadian flag >Forced to say sorry after every play.
Cameron Roberts
Are yu saying she isnt a devout worshiper of the cock?
Asher Anderson
David Russell
Is there a north korean flag where you can threaten 3x a round even when you have no board or cards left?
Camden Clark
>Use Australian flag >Everyone keeps apologising to me Yeah but why
Brody Foster
I hate this nig so much
Chase Foster
For the colony drops
So sorry, m80
Elijah Torres
Can someone concede for my private daily?
Owen Turner
>use French flag >concede before the game starts
Michael Wilson
You mean this guy
Gabriel Martinez
You know what I like about SV?
There's very little effects that let you ping minions down
Carson Kelly
Mason Evans
Thanks, pham.
Mason Foster
Kayden Ward
Why are you guys still playing this RNG shit game?
Shadowverse is much better
James Thomas
>CHARRRRRRRR THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH!!! >[Meteor storm intensifies]
Hudson White
is pivix the best place for shadowverse lewds?
Grayson Bell
You're drunk, grandma
Carter Parker
Ethan Brooks
Faggot stop bothering /hsg/, I don't fucking want them here. Let them enjoy their shit game in peace and leave them the fuck alone.
Samuel Rodriguez
Noah Thomas
That's some free vials I've just got, right? Or is it useful somewhere?
Jeremiah Brooks
Adrian Gomez
What's happening here?
This is A0 nearing A1, for me that is
Carter Moore
Well, you can look at the card art. As useful as it gets.
Aiden Gutierrez
I personally think it has some potential. In terms of pure stats it's above curve even if it goes down to 4/6 and I like to think that Vengeance will be usable one day.
Though traditional knowledge would say it's instant vials and I won't pretend I know better than most people.
Thomas Price
I'd vial it, myself, but mainly because it doesn't fit in the current meta, it seems.
Jaxson Foster
>Cards that will definitely be nerfed I'll start
Caleb Gray
What's garbage in this first page of golds/legends?
Spirit cycle and first curse are animated
Thomas Martin
>Roach >Ancient Elf >Crystal Tia
Daniel Morales
Stop shitposting /hsg/ please I come here to shitpost about blizzard's incompetence and the shit that is hearthshit. I don't want hearthshitters coming over to fuck up the comfy shadowverse threads because their autism gets injured.
Oliver Taylor
Garuda, roach, maybe amulets in general if they add some neutral amulet banish.
Caleb Jenkins
rogue's creed, shadowed assassin, demon commander laura at minimum
William Barnes
Ghoul's Banquet Gemstaff Commander Rogue's Creed First Curse Demon Commander Laura Petal Fencer Shadowed Assassin Stratagem
Jason Collins
>playing Shadowverse when you could be playing Shadowverse Shadowverse is better than either though.
Jason Taylor
How bad would Haven be when she gets nerfed?
Colton Gonzalez
Daniel Clark
See what happens when totem golem rotates out
David Wilson
Took a week or so. Time to build Havencancer next.
Grayson Thompson
desu even aria on countdown 4 would be playable, it just wouldn't be as overpowering as it is now.
Jordan Young
Charles Long
Bit fat
Robert Lewis
Dance of Death
Jeremiah Williams
OK page 2 besides beast dominator and fairy princes what else is on the chopping block.
I don't see that big a nerfed coming for it maybe making its countdown longer or cost higher. I'll take the nerf to dust my animated one.
I think aria will still be playable. I doubt they will nerfs it too hard. I play storm havencraft and belive it is way above the curve.
James Roberts
The real problem with it is that is has no real counterplay
As oppressive as ancient elf and tia is they have fair methods to get 2-for-1ed back
No here's 2 mana for 6/5 worth of stats and a 2/1 of it is a charger. Strong early, strong mid and even not a bad draw late with garuda
It's just oppressively strong all game and all variants Storm/Elana/Seraph all 3x it
You don't see banner swords 3xing Otomeme because it fucks with their tutoring. You don't see 3x Tia in tempo elf. You sometimes even see 2x Forte in Ramp Storm
It's just the game design team's way of putting on a fucked up bandaid for a very bad class. The only issue with it right now is that it's become a retarded staple in every possible variation of the class
Anthony Cox
short and wide dork dragoon
Ethan Green
I'm on the add playable but situational amulet exilers train.
Also modal spells/effects would be cool.
Mason Morgan
Yo what do I dust here? 3 legendaries in 3 packs feels good
Evan Sanchez
I'm hoping for something interesting from the expansion to take the spotlight away from haven
Dragon, Shadow and Blood all need tons of help right now
Adrian Thompson
Post profiles and playtime if you started with Steam. Mine's 138 hours
The grind to AA0 is pretty harsh on Shadow, I've been spending most of my time on Arena instead.
Benjamin Hernandez
I can't even imagine climbing with Shadow when a good 40% of matchups pits you up against the nonsensical banish class