useless supports edition
useless supports edition
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First for your waifu is shit and your copypasta is killing this thread
Post 'em
Second for there is a fire in Doms apartment on stream LUL
>I have a waifu
Im losing it /lolg/.
I got 5 keys now and 7000+ IP
I got chests with all the champs I got except from Trynda and Veigar and my luck isn't helping with those.
I need to buy someone new to get an easy S
Tell me some shameful stories
>Pick Mundo on champ select screen
>Set my runes and masteries for tanks
>Only when the game starts to load where I realized that the key mastery I used is Colossus and not Grasp
>Enemy laner is Tryndamere
>There are a shitton of moments where I can kick his ass if only I picked up grasp and not colossus
It's like being pre-level 30 all over again but even worse. Good thing I was doing OK and wasn't the one in my team who shit the bed that much
What masteries do I use on Leona now? Do I use Colossus or stick to what I had in S6?
Why does jungle have the best babes? Nidalee and Elise are super sexy
>main support
>but only squishy protective supports like lulu, janna and soraka
>i can't into different supports
>pick Alistar
>spend all game saving enemies from death
I never picked him again
who bard main here
>pre-season-1, year is 2009, before ranked was added
>summoner level 20-
>playing TT as singed non stop to level
>realize his ult is better than master yi's for raw dps
>build AD singed with youmuus, starks, and any other item with armor pen/reduction
>had never seen a malphite before and didn't know what he did
>was disappointed at how little damage AD singed was doing against him
>lost the game horribly
felt like pic related
>Pick Leona
>Enemy is low on mana / out of position
>Engage, E/W/Q
>ADC is farming
>Manage to take him low enough
>Pop ignite
>Get the kill
>"[All] report Leona fking noob all ty"
Courage of the colossus is busted as fuck; should abuse it until it gets nerfed.
good taste ik
5 AM xth for no cuteboy to use as a bodypillow
More Viktor lore WHEN
There's nothing that makes me want to kill myself more than a Lux support on my team. They're so fucking bad. All of them. Why are they so fucking bad? Holy fuck. A Lux support is essentially just a bad Morgana in theory so I don't get it. They shouldn't be that bad. But they are. They always build full damage, not even bothering to buy sightstone, and then they proceed to die 15 times in a 20 minute game. I find them to be consistently worse than Yasuo players. I'd rather have Yi support or some shit.
stop replying to me if youre not gonna be my bf
don't be 's bf, be my bf
Which league girl would you have consensual missionary sex with and then take responsibility in the event of a pregnancy?
Shyvana with the CoC mastery.
with none. i would be scared that the kid would turn into such a loser like you are and therefore wont risk having a child
I want to carry his babies for the sake of glorious evolution
The only one for me
Please stop fucking around with your adc's minions for no reason. Support is a boring role, we get it. But please. You want to proc the relic shield every once in a while? Fine, but stop auto-attacking them when you don't need to. This causes your adc's farm to suffer, and by extension, it causes your entire team to suffer. Just fight the urge to auto-attack minions unnecessarily.
This concludes the public service announcement.
I'm the man that wants to preemptively cuck you. Here's an obscure hint [pic]
What if i play Nunu support
what were you season goals in s6?
how far did you get?
mine were dia 5 with taric. quite happy about it
pls help
Thanks but I know better what to do with minions than you and most of the adcs I play with.
>mfw my adc tries to freeze the lane 15 minutes into the game
mine was diamond 5 with urgot
What did you guys place in felx?
I'm 3-0 rn.
>cuck me
>when I had no chance in the first place
alright then
haha very nice man. which lane did you Play him? top, mid or bot(adc)?
Beautiful elf children await me.
every lane but jungle
>implying im not going to push my wave so we hit level 2 and all in for a free bot lane victory every chance i get
>implying im going to trust my adc to do any free thinking so they can fuck up the game for me
I would say Sona but I don't want my children to be hearing impaired, so Fiora I think
did they fix shaco boxes/q showing the smoke even without vision?
>We will never get a story about viktor saving people from the weakness of the flesh
I think that is on purpose my dude
but why?
Decent taste. Nothing extraordinary, but decent.
>Aristocrat vayne
Come on lad
>friend invites me to play a ranked game of lego legends
>lee gives first blood on an invade
>janna starts flamming him
>lee says he'll feed on purpose if janna flames him
>janna flames him harder so he'll feed on purpose
>20 minute surrender
>invite friend to go play a much more enjoyable game of literally anything else
Why would Sona cause your children to be hearing impaired?
She is deaf isn't she? Maybe her deafness is genetical related?
i don't even use it when playing her but i kinda love how it (and the splash) looks
no dude shes mute
Well maybe thats also hereditary
>why isn't this his default splash
because it garbage?
She is mute and her muteness comes from a magic source (her etwahl) so you can fug her with no worries of her children being mute.
Now if you just want a excuse to go for the most fertile woman in the League just say so, Fiora is a hottie.
>the most fertile woman in the League
How do you even know that?
Literally confirmed by Riot
Hips for days user
Main lux here.
I play her mid and i thought i could play support. She just doesnt work.
Also, i switched from mid to supporte because of the assasshits and because bot lanes always fucks up and i had my fair share of lux supports and they are really bad.
flex queue is magical, you see some wild shit
How to climb in three easy steps!
1.) /mute all
2.) buy wards
3.) git gud
Literally just take a look
when the rengar hits just right
Singed and Mundo's ult abilities feel lackluster.
I hope they get reworked soon.
>We will never get a story about viktor
Lux doesnt work as a support because Lux needs farm to be useful. Playing as a support means watching your adc get all the farm.
Even if the support lux were to "build AP", she still wouldnt have enough(or get it fast enough) because she spent the majority of early game watching her adc get all the farm.
A lux with low to 0 AP is a deadweight
like: a bronze 4 yasuo main with almost 500 games played
>but why?
Idk really he always seemed likable
Any word on the Warwick rework?
>went to bed after defending Mallet on Shyvana
>user I was debating still never made an argument besides m-muh winrate!
I miss when this used to be a good place for actual discussion
Is it weird if I want to put elementalist Lux against a wall and pound her so hard she starts cumming and changing forms incontrollably from the intense pleasure?
This is 4chnins nothing is weird.
Mafia Veigar when?
Ahri needs some buffs.
Never shit skin concept for him.
a buff to her tits
>Use new client
>Can't join chatrooms
I guess they aren't compatible yet
But you can still see your club chatroom
so Idk hehe
It's only weird if my penis is bigger than hers
I might rejoin this game when Urgot is reworked. It's the last thing that will either make or break league for me. If they botch it I may never touch the game again. Then again nothing of value would have been lost otherwise.
maybe I should try drawing a pro
>nothing will have been lost
>the only gross character with the last 1v1 me ult in the game
He is fun as hell
>rape Trist during lane
>by the time lane ends, I'm 8/1 and she's 1/5
>Trist somehow finishes game with 20 kills
Explain this, lolbabs. Why did I lose for playing superiorly?
You let her get to late game.
Tristana is a fucking monster then.
Riot is ruled by SJWs; thought we knew this already.
>delayed again
How do I shut Trist down? Kill her her 50 times during lane? I ended game 15/6 so I did the best I could.
>He's not playing a tank
what the fuck is wrong with you? defend yourself.
>playing singed at all
Please stop.
I was referring to myself user, losing Urgot to the meta memes would be a fate worse than what he is currently. But one less player shitting up league wouldn't change much.
But they're the perfect size.
>singed support to go counter jungle
holy that sounds fun
Reason why average player is silver is coz they have other games to play. Anyone will hit silver in their first placements,its only natural. Bronze players are just trolls or people who came back after a long break.
I cant imagine why some autismos would care if theyre better than someone in a vidya. it makes no sense
t. adc that can't farm
>le SJW maymay xD
Please shut the fuck up. Do you even know what SJW even means? Singed support has nothing to do with identity politics or social issues so stop.
>How do I shut Trist down?
You kill her. Especially when death timers are high. Your team was probably uncoordinated and made bad calls.
gleb and tomi a shitters
Since you didn't tell us mid and late game events, I'm going to assume a ton of things:
trist free farmed.
you and your team had no pressure anywhere.
The other lanes got dunked hard, while yours was the only winning lane.
SJW shit started way before Trump and identity politics and shit. You myopic or something? Also, check out the employees' backgrounds next time.
>Not roaming is a bannable offense
>Not building a sightstone is a bannable offense
>Not roaming is a bannable offense
>Not building a sightstone is a bannable offense
>Not roaming is a bannable offense
>Not building a sightstone is a bannable offense