SC2 General
Other urls found in this thread:
first for stinkers
im gonna use my ups money to buy a blackberry phone
i'll be a god amonst my coworkers
what the heck
>when your page number higher than posters
*goes back in time to kill the me that killed me*
baby I'm so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
what is this titans thing? it really makes me think
wow this is awful
lol kys
oh my fuck ROFL
*kicks you in the ribs*
*while youre stunned straddles you and starts cutting your head off*
*plays around with your head*
hecka based!!!
i'm resubbing to ff14...
ill get a job as a traveling magazine salesman
someone cuck me on the ass real quick
r8 my brekky
brown toast
president donald j trump
sex with a kpop...
marrying an anime...
slamming your omorod dry intro seulgi's fr*cken *sshole!!!!
just chopped some onions and now rubbed my eyes without realizing >_
im da sax man
omo!!! i bet thats what getting pussy juice in your eyes is like!!!!!!! omo!!!!!!!
(^_^; )
in her bp...?
im NOT a fag btw
me neither
i love futa on futa though
*lights you*
*smokes you*
*puffs you*
yeah, i think you are
i would hatefuck taeyeon so hard i would brake her pussy
winterstarcraft: 1500
innovation: 327
soo : 291
really makes you think
word gooks are boring
winter consistently has 1.5k viewers
he has very loyal fans like me
he has 1.5k viewbots
destiny confirmed on stream winter does not viewbot
In case you haven’t caught on, I just slipped my dick down your throat and you thanked me for it.
donald drumpf!!!
time for some drugs hehe
*drinks a cup of coffee and smokes a cigarette*
>libcucks are still mad
is "drumpf" the least funny and most forced """joke""" in political history? when did shitlibs become so bland and humorless? i thought they were better at comedy
probably the most embarrassing and worst post ive ever seen anywhere on Veeky Forums in the past decade
really hope that guy isnt still posting in this general
the best comedians in historry have always been women
word and +1
stop bullying cartooneras
i bet youre the faggot that made that gay post lol
that was me...
stop projecting idiot
must be powering your moms dildo lol
lol rekt
it's actually "catooneers"
like in musketeers
holy SHIT more like
good post
i accidentally clicked on a Veeky Forums ad do i have to reformat my pc now??
holy moly
im one of those crazy guys you keep hearing about on the media
jeez louise!
whoa nelly!
So why do you guys have to keep this gen floating with desperate shitposts ,what happened?Wasn't SC a big game?
uh huh uh huh ;)
dagnabbit all one word!
that comment hurt
this comment will hurt more i bet
*kicks you in the nuts*
because we love sc2 you idiot
plastic gook seulgi: snake eater
staring black python snake
i dont have n*ts im a girl :3
seulgi is 100% natural idiot!!!
*eats gmo corn*
mmm wow so organic lmao
whats so funny
*sniffs an animes pussy*
heck yes epic ftw \m/
that feel!
i wish i was a girl so i could sleep on my side without my nuts getting all twisted up or having them get crushed by my thighs
*googles seulgi nosejob*
hahaha wow, what a plastic whore! lol
i wish i was a girl so i could get fucked by big black dicks every day
this shirt is dope o.O
imagine being a cool enough guy to sport that out in publics...
>trump saying he "might" go after hillary now and that she's a good person
wow you guys sure got tricked haha