Rek'sai edition
Rek'sai edition
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For a second I was like the fuck did they give her a tail or something.
It baffles me how people still haven't figured out maxing E 2nd on LeBlanc is better
>League has a snake champion
>She's ugly as fuck
What did Riot mean by this?
daily reminder that riven will never be a qt brown girl ever again and she will always remain the noxian whore
Trinity Force on Monkey King? Y/N
does riot usually have black friday sales on RP?
>voiced by cristina vee
she was destined for the dumpster, user
>What if Lissandra fag is just a guy that wants new thread to start early?
That would imply he actually gives a damn about the thread.
No, Lissandrafag is nothing more than a cockroach that wants us to worship his shit waifu. He fantasizes legitimately disgusting things about her and posts cropped lewds. Don't forget the time he tried to make his waifucrop get STICKIED during worlds.
It doesn't help he fucked the discord sideways. Lissandrafag is a cockroach.
Best kind of crazy~
Xth for deporting Tomoka
She doesn't look brown in that pic, it's just sunset.
matchmaking giving free wins left and right. ranked disabled fml
Garen top : still viable at diamond +? He's babymode in shit leagues but I'm wondering how good he stands at higher ranks.
Recommend me some good top laners like Illaoi.
who's the most THICC league girl and why is it sivir?
How is Sivir doing right now?
>sales on RP
user they won't even offer sales on IP
>It doesn't help he fucked the discord sideways
Tell me a story user. A story about autism
buy mythic and she's beautiful.
Nice matchmaking lolbabs
xth for quality ships
I'll be going to BR for holidays bla bla bla doesn't matter except that I will play LoL on the BR server.
So BR lurkers here, words I need to know? Just some basic portuguese to understand what they want from me or when they're flaming. I'll mostly use pings I guess, hope that's okay.
how do i play the chinese scissor girl
that's all you need to know
Depends on the comp you pick him into/with. His main problem is late game people will run past you if you're not ahead cause you deal no damage or end up falling off and you have no CC to peel.
I'd rather have my top laner pick Graves desu.
What's under Ashe's skirt?
Any hot glue videos?
shes good, siegeing towers can be problematic but besides that she's fine.
Who is the tightest girl in this game and why is it Lux
>otp malzahar
fucking golden
xth for femiinine cocks
> it's not Rek'sai
Shit taste mate.
It's Annie.
>vladfag trying to sell nudes of some dude she bandged for mystery skins on the discord
jesus and I thought she was just pretending to be autistic
>using the discord
Found the real autist.
Dude this game sucks so much in NA, like NO I don't want to carry gays, kids, and females. I already do that in IRL being a straight white male.
Caitlyn has legit undergarments so they might do the same for Ashe
>tfw you have to patiently wait on the inevitable Azir, Jhin, and Kindred statues.
>Assassinbabies think they are hot shit.
loose closely at her left arm and her waist. that isnt sivir, it isnt human
Courage of the Colossus nerf when?
>xerath built a deathcap before he finished his boots
>diamond 5
Literally what
>care if someone whores themselves
Give me 5 reasons why I should care about this user?
>bedroom door opens
>see this
What do?
I'm whoring pics of the guy seriously a dick this massive on a cute blonde metal fuccboi that's something else I just had to document it
Pedobait doesn't count
and Lux is still tighter
nice bait
6.22 is out on
Kat is fucking dead as expected, people need to re-learn her again.
AP Ekko and Jungle Udyr are back to life.
Top Olaf and Jungle Nid got fucking destroyed.
Maokai is surprisingly doing well, thought that shitters would start playing him because of the victorious skin.
You're a WHITE MALE check your privilege
>Qtpie goes offline
>Check who else is on
>Nothing but disgusting low elo europeans who can't speak English
And people wonder why qt gets as many viewers as he does
>its a mage thinks hes good because he can build rylais and OUTSKILL everyone
> some poor soul had sex with vladfag
Hope he didn't catch anything deadly
Quinn is busted with duskblade and courage of the colossus I don't even feel good playing her so dramatic it is
Duskblade---)Chain lightning dirkblade of crit----)Edginess of dark day---) Ghostblade of it's pretty useless----) don't get boots faggot -----) Sterak or maw
Source, you son of a bitch.
Gimme the source please.
>using leblancs r clone resets all of your other abilities
What does this have to do with league of legends?
Because he is an epic memer
Any pics for Caitlyn's?
Hey guys I know there are some drawfags here and I dont know where else to ask since /ic/ isn't for this either
Is this a good cheap graphic tabled? i want to start drawfagging more
Dont trip~
Yes, the Intuos line is regarded as one of the best newfriendly tablets.
Source? I recorded the show of some camwhore on MFC last month during Halloween. Fuck if I remember her name.
>56.7% Winrate on Support Sion
>But Heimer can't reset
wow fuck you guys I'm sure everyone buys heimer skins since he's a meme
whwhat is the discord info?
>"We estimate maintenance will take 2 hours."
Wait, what the hell happened to Olaf's winrate? I thought the assassin update didn't touch him.
Sion support is a legit thing man.
I'm serious. I'm genuinely surprised it didn't show up at worlds but Support MF did.
I have it and I didn't like it. It was too hard to adapt, but that's just me
i hope they both get aids and die
They got rid of the jungle mastery he uses.
He isn't as tanky.
Fervor is very shit now
He can't proc coc
>control/zone mage
>the same as a burst/assassin mage
They're no where close to the same thing.
Given Leblanc brain dead easy wave clear was a mistake though
I know, I'm just disgusted by the fact he keeps getting away with it.
Friendly reminder that's top olaf, jungle olaf is around 49% winrate
>Jokingly ask cute doctor friend if she'll be my GF if I get challenger this season
>She says yes
I'm gonna do it and none of you can stop me
>expecting streamer to speak english when its not their main language
why would they
>Jungle Olaf's mastery removed
>Jungle Olaf's winrate still the same
ignite/ghost warlord's olaf is still batshit insane tho
getting a second account to lvl 30 is suffering
I love Lissandra!
she's a soft and pure qt!
she lets me eat her ice cream!
sion support basically demands bush control tho. like, just stay away from the bush, ward the bush, etc
Is it a bad thing if the left side of my chest hurts when I inhale deeply?
u a ded ass nigga
it's an inward bonespike, nothing serious
Just buy one dummy you can find one for less than $10 if you're lucky
How do i lane as Yorick against fucking Yasuo?
Why go warlords on Olaf and not Fervor? If you're planning on going full tank or an item with less than 50 AD, the life steal isn't very efficient.
You're not just using Q/R to knock up, you're using E to poke and reduce armor thus allowing trades to be insanely strong.
Your (awful) passive is even useful for laning phase as if there's a skirmish and you're killed, you'll be able to do some serious damage to whoever is in lane.
same way you do against everyone, you don't have skillshots
Also just ban Yasuo
Iam at med school and this points to pneumorrhexia. I dont know the english word just google.
try to breathe normal again. deep and normal
or just wait few minutes
if youre not fat or have any other heart problems, youre fine.
unless u eat much sugar with fat
i recommend you to drink water, but not from the store.
stay healthy user
>tfw play on euw but have no idea what the high elo euw meta is like because no euw streamer fucking speaks english
>dig three graves
>dig one more grave
>land E
>summon ghouls
>walk forward and goon out
one of you will die eventually
>births hundreds of egg clusters per month
Just scroll down, you'll find the english streams there.