Monster Hunter General - /mhg/

MHXX is due out for 3DS in Japan on March 18.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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I was going to make a MHST-themed general but then you beat me to it

>not the fresh op picture

What is this expression trying to convey?

>oh shit I'm fugly!

What? It's cute.


it's been days, it's no longer fresh
give up, you fucking waifufag

Should i play mhgen even though xx is coming?

I still have to finish mh3u and 4u and i know itll take me months.

My only concern is will the village quests change on mhxx? Or is it the same game plus g rank? Cause i can wait if its the same game... Do we know that much yet?

gotta go fast

Same game with added G rank content, maybe even some new low and high rank quests for the new monsters.

It's not coming to the west

Consider suicide

Consider socialism

Please consider your actions.

Would finish gen first, you don't want to still be in low rank while the rest of us are in g rank.

Please consider the monster's feelings

Question has probably been asked a trillion times, but will we be able to port gen saves to XX ?

But the transfer never carries over to G versions, its just some money and the guild card... thats why i can wait while i enjoy 3 and 4 to the max

Does anyone still play 4u?
I own it but now that gen is out I'm not sure
I'd need to buy a new 3ds first though ..

Please take care the monster eggs!

Theres transfer bonuses confirmed for Gen and MH stories, but without glamour/vanity options its usually outdated pretty fast

Where were you when the main series went full Frontier?

Not Frontier enough, yet

Still not even close to the tamest shit in frontier

Like we need yet another one of those.

I was originally on board with this, but now you have forced it, ruining the appeal.

You can just export Gen's extdata to X, then proceed like normal. It doesn't even require the converter.

Needs to go more Frontier.

On my way to bomb capcom's HQ


If you have enough time to shitpost, you have enough time to join our gen room

2 slots

Yes, Dear.

le meme

Would you suck monster dick?

No, but I'd let Yama suck me instead

>Giant octopus that shoots giant mega death rays
>Tigrex that fucking EXPLODES
>Nuclear FIRE LION

>Lizard with its wing on fire


Please dont bully the inkling

It's about what's previously established compared to what's being added
I don't like change etc etc

nuclear fire lion while conceptually nuts is visually tame
valfark over there is both
plus big difference from a beast with explosive powder and fire breath to jetpack dragon

I'm not gonna defend the other ones

God shit fuck nintendo needs to get their garbage together and provide a network that literally doesnt suck dick

Lag and disconnects wow so cool feels great on my dick thanks.

I was going to join now. The room exploded?

Move out of your third world country.

only mizu's

Nigger i live in the states 60d/5u

Its nintendo. Got a nintendo error on my 3ds and everything

4u room up. Join in lads


Name one(1) person who still plays 4U

But it went full Frontier with the release of Gen. XX is just the "icing" on the "cake".

is me or ala got nerfed?
i mean is not the same to hunt something solo and with another 4 dudes but i remeber i try to do moga ala in 3u with G rank gear (no slime) and i got my ass kicked

and i remeber tri ala like a fucking wrecking force that you only could stop with para hanmer or sleep bombing

specially the one from "Where the gods fear to thread"

Try resubmitting your post in english.

Or is the nerfed?
I remember that he was kicking my butt trying to carry out the Moga 3U Strip gear G (no need), but do not mean the same to hunt with 4 other guys alone

And I mean Tri-like wings dismemberment prostitute I could only leave with a hammer or sleep bombing

Especially "where the gods fear the segment"

>But it went full Frontier with the release of Gen
4 came out ages ago, user

And considerin Alatreon, the SA and anime LS moves, Tri came out in 2009..

At least Tri Allah can be tripped unlike its contemporary versions



Shhh... the truth hurts for these Tribabbies.

Had to make another one

>tfw started from the original on PS2 and still think generations crossed the line

>tfw you're like an incredible hypocrite with endless double standards

>Blanche is back on Discord
>I'm too shy to chat with her

>mainline is anywhere close to frontier meme
my favorite

>tfw that's my feel and not yours

You can post

pretty sure in most cases it'd be more of a hug-job

Third gen is best gen.
There is no way to prove this wrong.

You know what maybe i will play 4U if its less laggy than gen is right now

>No IG
>No item sets
>No Meowstress
shit desu

>pedo bait is a reason to play a game
there is no saving you

though fuck not having item sets

>can't attack after
>have to wait 4 years for the animation to end and start moving again
>"combos" consists of 2 moves
>unsatisfying animations
>10 FPS at most
>Guns are a nightmare to aim
>dead online

>je suis glave
>terrible moeblob credits

Can third gen Narga's tail be cut out of rage mode?

Not enough spikes, and the color scheme is not terrible enough to be Frontier.

I believe so.

Needs more crystals, too.


What game


Do they have the same shitty 2nd gen AI? Those Kushala clones just stand between attacks and that looks fucking retarded, at least Kush taunts and roars.

Tonfas in the main series when?

Tonfas is a broken shit weapon, at least the SA looks good in Frontier.

jesus christ

Holy fucking shit MHGenerations online is horrendous today, 5 rooms in a row that exploded on me now, fuck this bulldromecrap

I still palying but these days I have been busy.

Sub-worlders and filthy quitters aren't welcome in /mhg/ rooms.

so is the SA tho




Woops, CB*
i keep mistaking both dumb weapons

Complete 100% and use all weapons over 100

I'm playing it. I only got a 3ds in the summer. P3rd was my first MH and now I'm on 4U. I'm going to just skip X and play XX instead once it's out.

Frontier still runs off a 2nd gen engine, so most likely.

And so are you but you're still here

My internet doesn't crap out.

Best RAW Hammer? The Tigrex one seems to be good but there's a few that look better if you can get S+1

Just go with the flow, man

i got 4u 1 month before gen release and im still trying to kill gogmazios, so yeah i will stay on it for a while

so female diablos are just regular diablos while not in heat? how boring

If you're lucky, you'll get a one-horned female Diablos that is permanently in heat

the tigerx hammer+dreadking set is far and away the best hammer set earplugs+wind res with attack up L and weakness exploit is everything you want in a hammer set

that being said the other hammers/sets are still viable but they will never out dps a tigerx hammer user that can ignore roars

>expect a cool fight
>it's just a slow narga
>with a hipcheck
>and flight


>owls are bats

wrong image?