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The World Championship can't come soon enough.


desu it's easier to get aroused by Angel from this angle, because I can imagine there's a penis in the front much easier.

Don't let it die this time you niggers and don't just talk about XIV. Since it's an SNK general anything SNK related is good to go. Also anyone know what this is?

What is the general consensus of Maxima in KOFXIV?


Got a good laugh out of this

It's just who the guy likes right?

it's hard to stick playing him.
losing direct access to some ex moves like blitzcannon make him easy to agress on wake-up. Vapor cannon lost a lot of horizontal range, counter followups are near impossible.
he has a really uphill battle against fireballs, the stages are way too large for his moveset.


>Has Tizoc/KoD listed as the same character

>BALA won a tournament OCVing with Alice

What a god

Somebody give me a list of execution-light panic mode strings for Alice so I can commit them to my terrible, awful memory and play her kinda sorta alright even when I fail to remember everything else about her

Is this uploaded on youtube? I gotta see it.


Alice is bad they said

Ratio tournaments when?

how do I into metal slug

Thanks man.

>Trying to do d+u charge punch into tornado super with Choi

Damn this is hard

Don't get shot. Seriously though, it just takes practice. Each time you play it the more you get to know the level and the better you'll do. Also don't pick up the dropshot. Iron lizard is ok for mowing down waves of grunts if nothing else is available.

our first look at classic Iori


>lucky, whip, and saisyu above Ryo, Yuri, May Lee, and Xiangfei
Shit list.

>Chang that high

Beat me to it. I know I may get shat on for saying this, but I know there's some people saying his shoulders looked too broad, but hear me out. To me his shoulders already looked kinda broad in the first place in the old games. Also with that kind of half jacket or what ever it is the shoulders are padded thus making one's shoulders look even broader (my shoulders look extra wide when I wear a suit jacket). Also that pic is a frontal iew in which you look at Iori head on, ingame it might look differently. Plus I don't know the width kinda makes sense if they toned it down to what the people complaining about it themselves would think is normal wouldn't that make Iori himself be kinda thin/lanky since that type of Jacket makes one look wider? I've also heard that some of the chinese people that have seen it don't like it and have shat on it, but they've been shitting on XIV and been tough on it. They basically shit on whatever is not '97.

>They basically shit on whatever is not '97.
I find that hilarious, since Iori was the broadest he's ever been in '97.

>when you get that chip in

Everyone was broad as fuck in that one.

That looks like just a japanese tournament. idk if it's a big event or anything.

download fightcade and the roms for it user. I would like to play some snk games with people here...

Those Dino clutches at the start, goddamn.

And then of course he drops him to use Memekoruru.

And why people keeps using Dino on point?

>And why people keeps using Dino on point?

Beats me. I mostly put him as Middle or Anchor


Personally I always put him as anchor, Dino really needs Max mode to get his combos going. Oh well, at least he is showing up on tourneys now.

Is Neo Turf Masters actually good, or is the music all it has going for it?

It's a fucking golf game. How exciting could it be?

If you like golf games, yes.

Whatever happened to that multiplayer online metal slug game they were working on? I know it obviously died, but I wonder how far along that got. Fug, I learned about it back in the days in which metal slug database was still around. I also remember them wanting to port the Arcade metal slugs to the GBA. I even remember seeing the trailer for the first one coming out. I even learned about metal slug 6 on that site which led to my discovery of youtube.



>pocket pizza
so, a hotpocket? Were hotpockets around when this game came out?


You haven't watched Guymam and Jiyuna play it drunk

Is there a way to play KoF games on Fightcade in console mode so you can do single VS? I'm trying to get a friend into KoF but having to learn three characters is too overwhelming for them.

Go into fba and set the dipswitches from MVS to AES

Was the sequel good?

Thinking about getting the Metal Slug Anthology on PSN, is there anyway to make it fullscreen or will it always have those (ugly) borders?


It was OK. Not great. The new characters were 99% the same as the old ones, so it's not like it was changed for the worse; it just didn't bring anything substantial to the table other than 3D models.

They've been around since the '80s, and knockoffs were around since the early '90s.

Nah, it's stuck like that. It's a port of an emulation, SNK didn't make the changes needed to get fullscreen.

>will it always have those (ugly) borders?
Do you mean the black borders or the artwork borders?

>I guess she’s like the opposite of Kim Kaphwan in that she also has a bunch of spinoff characters in the games
What did he mean by this?

No, literally, it fucking confused me


[Germany course music plays manually]

I still do not understand why SNK is limiting Terry's movelist like this. He has no powerdunk, power charge, a dp like rising tackle, not to mention that you dont have an option to go either full screen power wave or 98 power wave.
Why are they gimping Terry like this? I mean he is their mascot and they are making him a tad weak than what he really should be.

>no power charge
>a dp like rising tackle
you're retarded, he has both of those

and power dunk is now star dunk volcano

did you play the fucking game? because i haven't due to no ps4 and even i know this stuff

I'm glad to see my boy Billy on first page but lmao


Man the chinese are lucky. If they buy the limited edition they get costumes each month.

>2 postcards per plate order
>1 per drink order
Would buy. As far as jap/burger prices go it's not too horribly expensive, except maybe the drinks.

I wonder if these themed cafes are worth it for the ""atmosphere""; it doesn't seem like you can brag about this stuff after you go.

I'd put up with granny-panties on Mai if it meant I'd get a season pass.

I'd go to one just to see what it's like.

I'd be willing to put up with it too. I wonder if there's a chance that the people who bought the premium edition outside of china will get somwthing like that too.


>TFW no EX shoulder charge combos anymore

Just why?

We should bitch to SNK to make Antonov great again.

What is Ramon doing here?

Justice cop adventures anime whe


Are you talking about XIII Terry or what?

That Ojii-san is going to fuck that fat kid up with Choi.

I need to remember to try Choi out in XIV

Who wants some buns?


I think it's the only variation of Terry that could work given that XIII cut everyone's movesets back. I miss the Power Dunk but he does have Power Charge though. I wish that there were EX Variants of the characters so I could have 2002UM Terry Back,


You should put up SNK games on fightcade so we can all play each other in the OP.


Clearly - how else does Malin end up above May Lee?

Maybe it was to keep Leona company...

Mai in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round, "Tina" in a Fatal Fury team background...

I guess he meant more "entourage" than spinoffs - as in Athena has Kensou, Chin, Kaoru, Bao, Baitang and Momoko in the very least - you can stretch things to also cover classic Athena, her 2003 teammates Malin and Hinako, and Jhun as her rabid fan.

Kyo and his clones and derivatives might be able to provide some competition in that department though...

That moment in his super when the action freezes as he readies to bounce off the wall?

Kim was initially the only korean taekwondo character in SNK's library but they slowly started adding more characters that are related to him. Chang, Choi, Jhun, Dong Hwan, Jae Hoon, Chae Lim, May Lee, Kim Sue Il, that korean guy from Samurai Shodown, Luong, and Gang-Il.


nice shermie


Pages of the hard to find Art of Fighting 2 manga from 1994.


Neat, I didn't know AoF had a manga.

It's a damn shame Ryo stopped rocking the mullet.

best team

i'll take a bikini sylvie costume

I'll have everything on the menu.

>Champion Ojichan!

>still no /ss/ with the boy
Why? Where is my Luong /ss/?


In the same place my Zarina lewds are, nowhere.


Someday, we will have to combine efforts and money probably to get some good artist to draw Zarina, Luong, and any other appropriate KOFXIV girl doing lewd things with the shota.

>Zarina /ss/

Please user, I can only get so erect

Do people not like Zarina?
