sona gf edition
sona gf edition
I want to LICK Riven!
niceday, lolg!^-^
>Implying bronze players can even support properly
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums should be divided by division at the very least. Considering how everyone wants to fucking tryhard in matches that are supposed to be chill I don't think anyone would see a problem with that.
>inb4 someone thinks I'm actually serious.
Fuck off, fag.
Tough times ahead for the half-breed.
Veeky Forumsvs/vg/ Ascension edition still needs +2!
Pass is vidya, be sure to look in the Ascension custom games
How much of you are PBE testers here?
reposting for visibility, also xth for nidalee~
there aint enough players to divide lol, also like i said there is NOTHING stopping a player from getting gud. hell i got better then where i was from playing against good players from here in vgs and learning from what they do
that's quite a task to dye hair blue with a nice result
>No extra buffs anymore
What? Why did they just nerf her passive? This really is just a straight up nerf for no reason.
hey don't be rude! >:(
i still love you, dw
how do I watch this?
They're also buffing her ult (hp + uninterruptible), so they don't to go crazy with a big passive as well.
i posted a meddler's response in the previous thread
actually it is here
>also like i said there is NOTHING stopping a player from getting gud.
I completely agree with you on this point my man. When I began playing I had to lane against fucking Plat+ players because I queue'd up with my Diamond bros. Playing against people that are better than you can help you greatly, and as always you learn more from your loses than from your victories.
Apologize Veeky Forums, you said flex queue would be a failure.
New player here, does anyone have any pointers for how I can control my movement better in game? I was trying to get closer to a wall so I could flash over it, but my character wouldn't get any closer and tried to path me a different way mid fight and I ended up dying. 100% would've been safe if I wouldve flashed over. I know thats probably not the smartest thing to rely on when I'm just leveling up, but sometimes my movement is really bad and I end up getting caught out a lot in team fights because I'm not playing back enough (ADC). Anyone have any pointers for improvement or is it just muscle memory after playing a while?
gibe the bp b0ss
Play enoough to git gud
For those who haven't seen it:
Void Swarm (W) -
Mana cost lowered to 40 from 80
Now works on a recharge system instead of just a 20-16 second cooldown.
[old] 20/19/18/17/16 second cooldown.
[new]20/19/18/17/16 recharge time & max of two stacks.
Voidling spawn on attack changed:
[old] "first time a voidling attacks a champion or monster, or assists in a killing a unit, Malzahar spawns a new Voidling with the same remaining duration." & "will not spawn from a voidling with less than 4 seconds left"
[new] "If a Voidling has more than 9 seconds remaining, its first attack against a champion or monster will spawn a new Voidling with the same remaining duration,"
Voidlings now have 3 "HP" - similar to wards.
Voidling Physical Damage changed to base + bAD from % of total AD.
[old] 30/32.5/35/37.5/40% of total AD
[new] 30/35/40/45/50 + 40% of bonus AD
Voidling damage AP ratio increased to 20% from 10%
Voidling detail changes:
[added] "Deals 300% damage to lane minions effected by Malefic Visions (E) "
[added] "If target is afflicted by Nether Grasp (R) or Malefic Visions (E) and Malzahar is near by, has 100% increased attack speed.
[removed] "Prefers to attack targets with Nether Grasp (R) or Malefic Visions (E)"
[removed] "When 3 or ore voidlings are active, they all gain 50% attack speed"
[removed] "Deals 300% damage to lane minions below 20% health"
What this means is that the voidlings are stronger but harder to control. You can have a smaller swarm but stagger them out to have a 100% uptime on the swarm, which makes clearing the jungle even faster, but what remains to be seen is whether the max swarm per cast is 2, 3, or 4. If it's 2, this is a nerf to the total swarm, if it's 3 it's roughly the same and if it's 4 it's a net buff, allowing you to have a potentially 8/9 spawn large swarm.
Another big thing to notice is that the voidlings DO NOT multiply when attacking minions/can't target champs specifically, so jungle Malzahar is probably the better role now
I just want toplane dragon to be viable.
After a while,yeah, it's muscle momery, but for now you should go in custom games and train escape routes and use flash range to know which walls you can and can't flash over.
Would you bully Ahri because she isn't cut?
The closer your mouse is to your character, the more precise your movements will be (best pathing, sharp turns to juke spells). For walls, you have to memorize the visuals a bit to figure out where the wall starts and click as close as possible to it.
she surgically removed them to be with j4
i just want the jungle dragon to be viable
I've been playing this game for like a year and I'm still terrible at CS. I feel like it's one of the major reasons I'm only Gold. Does anyone have tips that would help me succeed in League and life
I'm working on wave control and not greeding/feeding my laner and getting zoned, but I'm still bad at the mechanical "right clicking on the enemy minion at the right time" part. I also need to use abilities to farm a lot more than I should.
What league girl has the tastiest breast milk?
Now you know how I feel when people draw Yordle girls with just colored skin
didnt I tell you to stop replying to me?
Last shill for Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums Ascension edition
Needs +2, pass is vidya. Be sure to search in the Ascension custom games
We are starting in three minutes regardless of the players present, make it quick!
>this pic
dont remember :3
Thanks for the tips guys. I'll practice some in a custom game with better mouse movement. Maybe I wont end up in a Wood Division video then
It's all practice. If you really want to get better faster then go into a custom game and practice csing. Shoot for around 100 cs at 10 minutes. Once you get good at csing then you can practice csing while interacting with the enemy laner.
>basically doubled their damage per hit, made them attack even more frequently with a higher attack speed, and potentially made the swarm even longer with 1-2 more voidlings than he has currently
that's a bad photoshop of the actual fanart
A woman's body really doesn't mesh well with something as gross-looking as a dick
my man, I know milk isn't great but sweat and cum isn't either
a pussy looks gross too though
if youre not gonna be my bf then stop you tease
Not nearly as bad, or maybe that's just me being hetero.
So you would bully her...
>100 cs at 10 minutes
I did this the other day and got 100 at 11:15, is that any good?
>open client
>switch to OCE
>download client beta
>switch back to NA
>it actually works
Yeah but it doesn't stick out as an extremity when viewing their silhouette.
btw only savage americans cut their babies so those can't even masturbate without lube
europeans don't do it
it has nothing to do with orientation though
but i still enjoy replying :/
>cant masturbate without lube
I dont think you've ever tried masturbating before
I wouldn't say it has "nothing" to do with orientation. You can definitely find it kinda gooey-looking even as a heterosexual, but there's still a level of sexual attraction in its beautiful pink, round shape.
Depends on the pussy, boiiii
If your opponent had 99 or less sure
It's alright. Could be worse. Just keep on practicing. The goal is to get good enough at csing so you are able to cs in lane without focusing too much on it. That way you can put your attention onto other things like trading with the enemy laner and watching the map.
if he is 4/0 and you are 0/2 though...
so wtf is rank going to be down until tommorow sometime?
Witness, my friend, the rebirth of the messiah: SOLOQUEUE
I can masturbate with no lube being cut
its not coming out tomorrow screencap this
>Shoot for around 100 cs at 10 minutes.
That's what I'm aiming for. I wanna be like Faker in that last SKT match and have 300cs at 30 minutes.
I'm just bad at staying patient. If I get killed, I want to kill my laner and get back ahead, or roam for kills and miss a lot of CS. If I actually get a kill, I want to push my advantage as much as possible and do stupid stuff. Laning against champs like Riven or Yasuo tilts me the hardest.
I also just feel like I can't play smart because the other players in the game aren't playing smart. In Diamond or Challenger, no one is missing farm for dumb shit, squandering leads for a chance at cheesing a kill, or just DMing because they don't care, but in this ELO everything feels so fucking disorganized. No one is trying to play optimally so it's hard for me to. I feel like I need to be a tard-sitter and support whatever fucked up operation they're attempting the best I can because they're doing it regardless.
>mfw SOLO Q is coming back
meme modes need not apply
>Co-op vs Intermediate bots
>gotta start somewhere, right?
>pick Jinx
>go bottom
>quickly realize the other bottom laner is a really shitty robot
>just goes up and down and fights minions
>whole team knows
>mention that I can't hold an entire lane as Jinx in early-game
>someone says play defensively, they're just bots, it'll be fine
>I reply with "okay, I'll just stay at the tower until I'm not useless"
>say what the fuck
>"your crying is incredible"
>proceeds to spam me all game for feeding
>I guess I sort of was just by even trying to play level 4 Jinx against bots that were already 6+
>tells everyone to report me
Jesus, it's not even a real game. Relax a little, of course you get new players in a mode designed for new players.
if you were uncut you wouldn't even think there even might be some need for lube
fine then ill just stop posting
u probably clicked on other side of wall in which case it redirectsa u to a path available to go there walking
Yeah it's totally not a wig or anything
B..but I was born this way...Th...there's nothing wrong with the way I am..
Can anyone with PBE access tell me how many voidlings just one cast of Malz's W can spawn? Is it 2? 3? 4?
ughm, but adc are the easiest vs bots
when i leveled my acc i was matched with a ton of braindead teammates, and the easiest way to ensure that they won't surrender to bots it was to play something like sivir
then it's a very high quality wig, likely made of natural hair
>Ekko is already the best top laner, mid laner and jungle in the game just by two minor buffs
>both Tank and AP Ekko
Explain AND defend this, lolbabs.
potentially viable poison comp?
>vs "le mastery lvl5 project zed top lane" as kled
>get ganked by lee and premade viktor within the first 4 minutes
>lee ganks twice afterwards
>later on zed towerdives me while I'm unmounted with ~90% courage, ally amumu comes to assist
>zed drops the classic "report this retard lee" after he dies once
>playing more agressive from that point, tables have turned
>zed starts bitching on how "bullshit Q still damages him when he was ulting" or "how he can't deal shit when I have only 50 armor"
>his premade's tired of him asking to report him
It means shit, but it makes me feel better a little.
>Tank ekko being the best
You're lying.
>build a single AP item
>recover over 40% HP from it
i got burned by fapping too much without lube, im more gentle with my dick now but lube definitely help being more free with it
Which league girls are yanderes?
supports ofc
You got matched with dicks, it happens.
You phrased something in a way that sounded slightly dickish so they got their panties in a bunch over it.
Don't worry about it, I played bot games a bunch to avoid toxicity but that kind of shit has a way of weaving its way into even the most basic fucking shit.
I had a Jhin that talked complete randumb during doom bots, FUCKING doom bots, and guess which player was the first to start spam pinging? Him.
Shitty attitudes are inevitable no matter what, and the best thing to do is mute and move on, and just keep quiet so they have nothing to vent on. It's not worth trying to make a comeback.
Also ADC is easy as hell vs bots once you understand how to kill people with them.
Just don't ever, EVER stay at 20% hp or lower because bots are coded so that they play passive as fuck until they see a low hp target and then go full ham.
I would say that dota has better bots but honestly both games bots are incredibly shitty and laughable.
t. someone with over 300 bot games in league alone.
Nice game leaguetards
Riven a best. I want to give her a loving home.
>Not getting creative and using your own naturally produced lube
What a fucking loser you are.
Lulu, Lux, LeBlanc, Rek'sai.
join my vg +7
>the support singed drama.
I don't give a shit, but have a (You)
lux, syndra, morgana, jinx, ahri
leblanc is deredere
Delete this image now
>trolling with singed support
>thinks he is doing nothing wrong
i bet you 10000000 dollar he is a nigger DINDU NUFFIN
the only time a female has right to have a dick is when she's in the middle of intercourse with an opposite sex.
also gtfo from my christian board with this shitsauce
+1 toopro is here edition
AdellaideSkyhart is that you?
how come you dont duo with me anymore :(
hello deviantart, jesus christ
I'm installing League after 3k hours in Dota. What should I expect?
I don't get it
They don't have to play with him, they can dodge if they want
Unless he's actively ruining games, the only reason riot gives any fucks is because it was on reddit
What elo is it anyway
you are against women's rights aren't you
>ywn be dying in soraka's arms, incurable by her magic
>she will never say how much she's loved you, and cared for you
>she will never sing you a lullaby while your life slowly fades away infront of her.