/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Almost there edition
Red Crow goes live on the 17th

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery

>Official News & Known Issues
Season 4 - Operation Red Crow announced. Release in November

>Season 4 leaks

>Useful links
Maps: r6maps.com/
Drawing board: rainbow6.ubi.com/siege/en-US/whiteboard/landing.aspx
Sound Propagation: youtube.com/watch?v=fI4YfurxVZU
Barrel attachment comparison as of Sept 23: youtube.com/watch?v=-cov6N2YLH0
Weapons and Armor damage comparisons: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fr6MsLNfjDlPESlHGUQxoRiR3yChpewKQAlsOHXG5A8/htmlview?usp=sharing&pref=2&pli=1&sle=true

>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.
(MEGA link provided by user)
(From site)

Flawless victory:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for hitreg cuckery.

Second for it's spelled 'peeking'

third for remove tachanka

3rd for old twitch is best

Nth for recruit-newbie overload after free weekend

Shield Operators, Best Operators

xth for butthurt

Literally all they had to do was fix her balaclava textures

xth for BAN THAT ASH

In case you missed it, video from the in-house a couple days ago. Will use spectator mode next time, provided I learn how to access it....


Siegesports is boring as shit to watch, the broadcasters have to bait the community with game updates to get views, and nobody sticks around to watch the rest.

>No one recorded yesterday's marathon session
For shame

I did something good for once
I clutch aced bestpone's team

There's no match replay function. You have to get the 11th player to be the spectator while the game is live


Who is the best shield operator anyway? Or are they all just garbage?

>that chat

top cancer

What's he playing?
Is it this?


FBI recruit since he gets frags and smokes.
Montagne is the best unique operator shield purely because his head hitbox doesn't extend past his god damn shield like blitz; but ultimately has little effect on most matches if you're not playing coordinated with someone.

2007 was in the game, what do you expect

I tried clicking spectate as shown in while the game was running but it didn't work. Do I need to do it while 10 people are in the pre-game screen but not while the match is running?

That damn headbox is the only thing that stops me just going Blitz every round on attack

Her design was literally perfect

French nerd girl with practical armor.
Why the hell change it? File under "changes nobody asked for"

>ubisoft is finally releasing the university map


anyone got that in-house wallhacks bug on video?

>old twitch
what are you talking about

In-houses are pretty fun, let's do them more often

>Turn away from a flash a full second before it blows up
>Still full flashed

Hover over the previous thread's OP. Her model and portrait were redone.

You were still probably close to where it landed. If you're close to where it landed, you still get flashed even if you look away.

Check out OP image of last thread

they trigger some of our more autistic users because they can't get magic tom clancy coins
they're only happening a lot now because we're towards the end of the season

I wonder what it is about this game that nothing really upsets me like other competitive games.

Maybe it's partly due to the fact that it always feels like you can make a one man comeback or that when I die it's because I feel like i got outskilled or I made a mistake and it was clear what I did wrong as opposed to being dragged down by the incompetence of my teammates.

I'm just waiting for the inevitable "HEY LETS CHALLENGE REDDIT HAHA" matches proposed by cross site users.

Nah. Anyone that suggests this is trolling, retarded, a memer, or a combination of the above.

Veeky Forums
>"my wife's son thinks you guys play really well"
>*uses le lord tachankerz every round*

I pick neither

>Veeky Forums
More like 4 teenagers that keep spamming unfunny memes in chat every round

That would explain it then, thanks user. I was pretty miffed about that flash going off.


>Live demo
>Everyone fucking crashes on the first round

Jesus Christ Ubi, the spaghetti.
FIX UPLAY'S STABILITY, fuck's sake. I love the Siege devs but this is cringe worthy.

>Awful meme
>Equally awful meme that's at least Siege related

Kapkan's new outfit doesn't look that different besides the lighter color palet, but Sledge looks pretty distinct.

Anyone that makes ebin "le cuck" jokes is pretty much confirmed to be a 16 year old that spams chat with Trump memes.

I wonder if they're going to modify the art and models of all the operators for Red Crow. They showed off a few of the new art of some operators, but maybe they're saving the rest for the release?

>Round one starts
>guy next to me shotguns a friendly to death right at the start
>we lose the round
>I start a votekick against the TKer
>it fails
>they votekick me
ok then.

>it happens again at 13:10

who's this goddes presenting the show, jesus christ


Probably something from Big Jay McNeely.

They were all probably in a party together or something and screwed around.

Congratulations, you were part of a cancer memer team

Since they're always making UI changes, it's not
unlikely that the art will change to prepare to year 2.

To think I was considering playing with these people. Bullet dodged.

It literally says right there on the video.

Genevieve "livinpink" Forget

I cannot unsee Nicholas Cage on second to right.

Why is there an operator that has an inpenetrable shield on his assault rifle?

So it seems as though the SuperMemeGun-11 will be losing its ACOG sight with v5.0. Does this mean the FMG-9 will get ACOG in its place, or will Smoke finally be deferred to a CQC only role?

She used to be a Starcraft player

Are you memeing or are you a newfriend?
It's not impenetrable, it's rather flimsy actually

So, Veeky Forums.

Her bad english turns me on

There's no reason the FMG-9 would get ACOG. I think Smoke will fall in line with the close quarters operators, where he's supposed to be.

I get beyond mad when some memer Smoke in my team peeks at start of round and gets insta domed, thus negating his entire purpose of delaying and denying areas to the enemies when the time's almost up

Also, what's your source on the SchoolShooter-11 getting its ACOG removed? I've seen people saying that, but no proof

If you want more, check out the video in the OP that explains sound propagation. She presents that and is very cute there too.

I have a Quebequois friend and she speaks just like her, it's adorable.

During the Bartlett showmatch, Serenity (I think) was going through Smoke's armament and the Mac was equipped with a reflex sight instead of the usual ACOG, and since Serenity is a hardcore roamer it'd make no sense for him to forgo the ACOG.
Just an assumption though, nothing official.



>Break a bad streak for once
>Actually top of the team what the fuck
>As there is 45 seconds in the last round people start disconnecting
>You've lost connection to Uplay


"Hostings severs is hard."
- Ubi's IT department, probably

Jesus christ I fucked up
"Hosting servers"
At least I didn't fuck up as hard as Ubi

>lose another match to diamond stack in ranked
>get into another match, win first round, team is communicating and actually planning
>servers go down
>servers come back up
>banned from ranked


I'm this fucker. Came just freshly from the cancer team
>got into new game
>already running. and losing second round. fuck that.
>get into next game
>4 people
>shit tier names
>but all on mic doing proper fucking call outs
>really try harding, no "lol I spam x on cam" no "lol we found the objective now everyone run in and try to get as many points before your drone gets busted!!"
>but chill
>second round
>people slowly disconnect
>server down
>never see these faggots again
the ONE in a MILLION chance where I get halway decent fucking people. I swear to fucking god.

Thanks Ubi

so what's the best way to grind in preparation for the nips, now that afk farming is dead and gone?

playing the game

Won a ranking game thanks to the Server outage....

why does the server go down time to time?.

>take a break from siege
>come back
>do fine with 1x sights
>can't aim for shit with acogs
Welp, time to increase the FOV.

What are you guys doing on the EU server at 3 in the morning a tuesday?


currently Free from work.

have a 10 day to just chill and regain energy for work.

This is why you guys should watermark your OC

One redeeming quality that Reddit offers is that we can actually see the shit quality of the person that decides to steal content without credit for upboats.


Do you seriously think watermarking it is gonna prevent them from posting it. Best thing we can do is just ignore them, stupid as it sounds.

And now I'm with the most terrible team in history. welp.

That faggot already posted another meme from /r6g/, what a fucking scrub

When's the mid season? January?

>He says he stole the montagne comic from facebook
>Which got stolen from /r6g/

Which one of you fucking normies even have a facebook in CURRENT_YEAR?

Worse yet, how do you upload fucking Veeky Forums comics to your facebook wiithout feeling like your birth was a mistake?

Probably either late December or early January.


And good morning /r6g/

Good evening, euro-friend

Good evening.

Was this picture even referencing that fucking garage meme?

Good evening euro.

Do you guys figure they'll have a special event for the anniversary of the game's release?

In-game, I mean.

Or just some charm/skin?

What do you call it anyway? Frenglish?

You call it Quebecois French

you call it: A FUCKING LEAF - Poutine edition

I thought only quebecois from outside of montreal couldn't speak good english

Nah, it's a general quebecois thing that you generally can't speak good english

Or good french




What makes Canadians so infamous for shitposting, compared to everyone else?

I don't browse /pol/ so I don't know.

Or Aussies, for that matter.

IS it true that Quebec, mostly everyone there is a shithead?