Reset in 2 hours
Destiny General - /dg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>people think that Vosik is female
>liking traps is gay
>taking out the ozy webm
>making a new thread before reset
come on
Need to do my last NF, help!
Why do guys play as female characters? I don't get it. "i'd rather look at female ass when i play, males are too big." So not only do you faggots identify as a female and out yourself as a faggot, you're also pathetic enough to look at virtual female ass in a video game. Literally kill yourselves fucking faggots.
>I'm a big strong burly man. I identify as a big fucking man. I'm a man did i tell you guys yet? I'm a man and I do man things like be a big fucking muscly titan, heh, yeah, I get all the girls brah.
Gayest thing I've ever read on Veeky Forums outside Veeky Forums
>person who plays destiny
>calling anyone pathetic
Any speculations for what Siege Engine challenge mode might be?