Riven mods are shit edition
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Does rerolling a Riven mod change mastery requirements?
Isn't it just a flat MR9?
seemingly not
>Try to use my Tater as I wait for others to extract
>My Warframe teleports to the other side of the map
You also get no affinity if you extract as potato
Question: If I used the Steam launcher to validate my files, then cancel the update that it caused, would that fuck up my game and make it unplayable? I'd like to try and see if updating my driver fixed the issue, but I don't want to risk messing up the game and having to reinstall it yet again.
This is more harder than you think.
I feel like whenever they add Tenshit into any story, they are just shilling PVP.
Why not instead of learning about him, we learn more about a NPC the majority of the players actually interact with?
Where the FUCK do you get kuva? None are spawning anywhere any more
Just mod electricity onto some rapid fire primary, pick zephyr and go do void survival, float around and shoot into crowds. You'll get it eventually
>refilling a mod takes more and more kuva
Are they fucking serious. Just why. Is there a cap?
>Is there a cap?
>session not found
>host migration in progress
>stuck in flying liset loading screen until alt+f4
Have you carried your tater today?
that's because they changed it in the last hotfix. Used to be you could use a soma with no mods and shoot the same target but now you actually have to kill it.
Yeah, it's... approximately acceptable!
it still only says headshot
>The cool part though is if you can find 20 catalyst, you can get two relics for one.
how are you getting more reactant to drop? It seems like once you get your 10, more refuse to drop on kills and any that were lying about are instantly consumed. The only way I'm getting more out is if I swap out to my tater and get enough kills that way...and the tater can't die or else all the reactant it collected disappears and you have to start over again. I can see a group setup would work (get your 10 fast, switch out to tater and pick up more the everyone else kills) but doing it solo on anything besides lith seems pointlessly inefficient
>Fixed heads while aim-gliding challenge for Riven Mods not requiring lethal headshots, they have to be kills now.
Just read the patchnotes.
Zarr has no self damage on the cluster bombs anymore, does that mean it's "good" now?
>Fixed unreleased Relics and Primes appearing in missions.
I know valk prime was in the codex, but what do they mean by this?
For what it's worth, I think DE is moving kind of in the right direction, looking to buff weaker weapons.
This system is just such a poor way to do it. Like what what the fuck were they expecting?
>synthesis target with hobbled without abilities without taking damage
fucking how
I haven't played since march, and because I started hating my life again I decied to reinstall this.
Just finished muh cinematic experience and got a shitty mod.
Anything else relevant happened in the meantime?
The amazing part is they thought that it will actually make people move away from the good weapons. These guys are so hilariously incompetent.
I completed that by having someone else kill all the enemies in an exterminate, making the scan not as difficult.
bullet jumping isn't affected by being hobbled. Alternatively, Jetstream zephyr, or just spam her 1, or wormhole nova. Ideally find a long, straight corridor, get one or two scans from behind, get in front of target for the rest. Simaris scanner upgrades help.
The eyeless slag was working with the queens all along!
Should I reroll or keep it?
sell it for 500-1k before they rework it. Tonkor is literally the last weapon that needs something like a riven mod anyways
holy fuck is there no way to actually preview what operator cosmetics look like while standing up before you buy them?
thats not the problem, i can keep up with a target
the zero damage is
oh shit mb, didn't see that part. Just ironskin bruh. That's what I did for killing sentients without taking procs.
>riven challenge: find two caches without taking damage
Any damage?? Fuck me
What the fuck happened with the war within plot? I cant be fucked coming back i just want to know what happened to we wuz orakangs.
okay you motherfuckers, it's been a few days
Literally Loki. C'mon that's way easier than killing 56 enemies without raising the alarms. And that was fucking easy. Also on a side note it made me realize that being seen by the infested counts as raising the alarms.
these things...
> DE makes it so that only Vandal can be gotten from Razorback armada and only Wraith can be gotten from Fomorian
> Or vice Versa
> Meaning that one of them never shows up
> Because Fomorian will never ever be done before Razorback Armada
> And it resets everytime.
Who wants to place bets?
Hopefully it doesn't reset.
>Marge didn't tell the taters everything
>Their ship was an intentional experiment and not an accident
>Upon recovery the Orokangs wiped any trace of those on board save for the tater tots whom they kept
>Void energy is literally the warp and the adults on board went reaver-tier insane and tried to eat the children, whom banded together and killed the adults to save themselves.
>Memories of this were either stripped by the Orokangs or the Taters themselves repressed them to the point of amnesia and possibly split-personality
>The Kuria poem is on the non-canon chopping block as DE is currently changing the Queen's background
>They are Orokangs but aren't immortal, instead they used this season's one-hit resource Kurwa to place their soul into another person's body (called Continuity) but the only bodies they've had for all this time have been Grineer and they are sick of using living corpses as hosts
>Teshin is a Dax soldier and genetically loyal to any Orokang who wields a proof of power
>The Elder queen had an Orokang staff that doubled as the body-jacker/mind-swapping device of which the tater tots steal to free Teshin from their service
>Tater tots have ascended to Super Spud 2 and no longer 'need' the Transference throne but still use it as a warp gate
>On that note Tater tots can physically warp to and from the throne and where ever their active frame is located and viceversa
tl;dr Queens a shit (Worm is Love, Worm is Life) Orokang bodysnatching, Teshin is actually pretty alright, Taters have ascended beyond Super Spud and are now Super Spud 2 Tater tots. Picture related; Worm is the youngest of the Twin Queens because of aforementioned Continuity.
I went loki first thing, but
>no damage AT ALL
>cant break glass
>touch hazards from reactor meltdown
>be seen AT ALL
an on top of that, you can't hear the caches while you're stealthed. I don't know every location, so I have to leave stealth and be vulnerable to some little shit ruining the attempt FOR AN ENTIRE MAP
Fuck, one time I just took damage for no reason at all. Seriously, I just entered a room, saw the shield damage screen vignette and saw I took damage. There was nothing there!
-multishot can make you fire nothing at all. Granted, you'd be running split chamber on tonkor anyway, but still it's not that great of a riven mod.
Does it have to be reactor sab caches? Void sab caches are way easier.
If you build a weapon/frame, level it to 30, then sell it, and rebuild it againm will it still be 30, or will you have to re level it?
You have to level it again. And it won't count towards your MR.
Does damage to iron skin not count as damage taken?
Who knows? Ask DE, it just says "two caches"
enjoy crafting mastery fodder garbage, wasting forma/resources on it, deleting it to make space for new mastery fodder, and then having to recraft and relevel it again when a later update 'rebalances' it and makes it the new overpowered garbage of the month and then 're-rebalances it' and makes it garbage tier again after you've stuck 5 forma on it
>riven mod: get 45 headshot kills without getting killed or downed
>easy enough, pick rino just in case and go do an earth capture mission
>once I've got 45 head out
>it isn't unlocked
am I missing something? Is there a minimum level requirement for these? Do I have to "equip" them somewhere?
Thanks anons, is three a quick off hand way to know if you've already leveled a weapon/frame up? I started playing this game after a year or so of a break and I dont remember all of the stuff ive already leeched mastery off of.
>Do I have to "equip" them somewhere?
Bingo. Equip it on your gun for it to count.
Void caches work. I just unlocked mine with them.
End my existence
The Codex and your own profile under equipment will show you rank progress on items. Mastered items have a goofy icon attached to them
it does not. You are not taking damage per se. Technically you could also try mag shield shenanigans (or any overshield frame) but they aren't really as reliable as Iron Skin/Warding Halo. Iron skin is best because it's recastable with the aug since you just have to keep an eye on IS health. (or just crank up power str and run a low level mission and never have to recast it)
you equip the riven mod to a primary and take it with you for them to count.
profile. It's a clunky as fuck UI with shit all over the place, but you can sort things by progress. it's also incomplete in maddening ways because some unavailable stuff isn't listed, some stuff is listed but long unavailable, etc etc
No, you must suffer.
I just went through the last general and I am so glad that I don't play warframe anymore
come at me bro
why can't I get shit like this ?
How would he be wrong about what he is or isn't feeling? You're being silly.
how the fuck do you tell what an invasion mission is now
You don't, because they change constantly.
Daily reminder,
oh, I was wondering why the kuria poem, among other things, was not matching up to the quest.
what a mess
>riven mods get reworked, changing stats to be different for different weapons
>DE 'fucks up' and tonkor mods become 2x stronger
>trade chat implodes as people try to both buy and sell tonkor riven mods
>some time passes, things settle a little bit
>suddenly, hotfix incoming
>riven mods are now untradable
remember 10o, you can never outjew the master jews.
> Strun Wraith and Dera Vandal pieces right now
I enjoy having been wrong about this.
one's a sentinel weapon and worthless, the other is incapable of critting and has innate punchthrough already
I also got a soma one that had +crit dmg, +slash dmg +mag but I rerolled it because as good as it looked on paper it wasn't good enough to replace any core mods and now it's something even more worthless like +toxic/+infested dmg and too expensive to bother rerolling, especially with reworks coming
>Vulklok at +268.9% damage
> Sentinel weapon
> Not worthless
Shitter identified.
is there just no cache hunting on the grineer fortress anymore? they said they moved it to exterm, but I saw no hud indicator for them and scoured the level and found none
why the fuck do I keep getting fucking zoom and crit for my goddamn zarr mod?
>Decide to finally rank up to 18 because I have enough affinity already to reach 19
>Defense waves take 10 minutes each because apparently, non-trial enemies spawn too and they don't count towards wave completion
>They fight the and outnumber the trial ones to the point of stopping their spawn
Literally 8 minutes per wave. I don't know what I expected.
You know what will happen ?
>DE nerfs the Riven mods into the ground
>Everybody licks their ass on how it's more balanced now
>No fix to the RNG-grind wall in sight
>They expand it to melee and secondaries
>All whining about useless weapons is now shut down with "You know, there's this MR15 mod that really makes the weapon shine."
>I don't want to be MR15 to enjoy the weapon
>Then don't :) Bye
>Tiny Tenno gets a prepaid card for Christmas
>Get that discount plat, put down 500 plat for that cool Opticor mod
>F-fuck you DE.
Boy, this was time well spent. I don't even have the Quanta, nor do I want it. Got this one from the quest, and I don't like my chances of getting a fresh one from sorties.
is this a meme
As somebody who actually gives a shit about the Ignis, I wish I had that.
>a new resource type that you have to jump through several hoops to get
>even more reskinned grineer
>even more MR fodder equipment, some of which are just slight alterations of already existing equipment
>another embarrassing 30 minute long cinematic quest with even more gimmicks this time
>more focus on the retarded cliché potato children aspect
>more RNG, more power creep, more grinding
It's like this update is everything wrong with warframe condensed into one bite-sized package.
doesn't 8800 of a resource you get in chunks of around 600 seem a bit much?
>one person projecting himself on 2 different platforms just to have his opinions heard
>will keep forcing it on this general until DE changes shit or he gets bored for not getting any (You)s.
hmm i wonder who could be behind that post.
not really, no.
I really hope it's the same person.
400 post, use filter: 200. Imagine if there's a second one.
not even when there's that kind of RNG associated with even getting a shot at the resource? I don't know, this just seems fucking stupid to me, setting aside the whole riven mod thing and those reroll costs
As I general rule of thumb, I shouldnt sell anything I use orokin catalyst/reactor on right? Even if they are bad? I used one on my tonkor and one on my oberon, but I still love using oberon, even if hes shit. Am I stuck with him forever since I used one on him?
Not him, but I'm not even farming for kurwa and I already have around 9k. They just appear, and I just get it over with. It just works.
I get what you're saying, but this is DE here; RNG is a given
At some point you'll reach a point where you can do whatever because you have so many catalysts/reactors.
You never know, he might someday not be shit.
If you ever potato a non prime weapon or warframe and get the prime variant then sell your old potato gear for primed potato gear.
Frankly most of the grineer missions I've been to have had the collector. It's rather annoying/not fun to collect it but I don't think getting 9k ei too hard. Unless you need all those weapons right now then I don't see the problem.