Other urls found in this thread:
Where are the jungle specific malz buffs Riot?
>let's outright double the DPS of his swarm
>but remove any ability to control it
xth for Rumble
Sivir is legit fucking hot why does she get so little art?
Cute hugs!
Because she's unpopular and sounds like a lung cancer patient.
>Laugh when Quinn doesn't take Ignite
>Laugh harder when he tries building an Executioners after 3 deaths
>Laugh hardest when I still 1v1 him under Tower every time he comes to lane
I forgot how fun Mundo can be.
Because papa bird will more than likely be upset that you're eyeing his daughter. Technically descendant but still
I don't know about that, she's a very safe pick for first picking ADC.
repostan because I'm still mad as fuck.
Smurfing on my friend's account right now. Shit is literally uncarryable.
>everything about yas
>jax uses his E to stun and promptly gets blinded and blown up
>everything about blitz's items
>blitz throws his hooks as soon as they go off cd, even if the situation doesnt demand it
>draven that doesnt know how to man up
And you know the worst part? I told them to ban rengar and they ignored me, in favor of banning annie
Cuz shes shit adc and doesnt have other roles
Why is Riot's matchmaking so shit atm?
as a DV got placed vs challengers and now they're in my team, why can't we have p1-div?
>guy gets threatened with a ban for playing support Singed
>mfw I do what he does in Dota and get commends
fucking lolbabs?
>she's a very safe pick for first picking ADC
I didn't say anything about her strength. Also Caitlyn is much safer and more popular.
>He doesn't remember Sivir Mid
>daily reminder to obey you masters
>8/1/1 at 20 minutes
>keep getting 3-man ganked while trying to pressure my lane and take objectives
>meanwhile my team is doing fuck all
This shit shouldn't happen in gold.
The problem is that he took smite, never goes bot the entire game because he's "counterjungle" and then has a 33% winrate doing it.
>I literally lost nearly 700 LP from one single loss
>Record scratch, freeze frame
>"yup, that's me"
>"you're probably wondering how I got in this situation..."
>because nobody still in this general played when league was actually good
>tahm kench just off frame
why do i get the feeling ruler was totally fine
>that build
you deserve to lose
morellos and ludens are shit on tf, you shouldve had void staff, abyssal, and ionians instead of all that shit
shouldve sold qss for zhonyas too
where are you smurfing from? gold? cause that cs at 30 is garbage
dont play TF ever again you trash
>wahh my support is counterjungling instead of laning with me wahh
That's what happens when Riot works hard to make sure everyone follows their meta. They do this to offmeta junglers all the time. God forbid someone should try something different.
what happened?
what ruler?
Sion is the best league of legend
oh. Fuck him, then.
The guy had over 50% win rate. It's because when he lost 9 people would report him.
>I understand you want to play Singed Support, however your teammates do not want you to play Singed Support
What a fucking retarded thing to say
singed support isn't even the problem, that's making it sound like rito are saying "follow the meta or ur banne kiddo"
Rule was fine
His stupidity got Tahm Kench killed
Losing Olaf was acceptable, Losing Tahm Kench was acceptable.
Losing both was game ending.
>tfw he wont duo with me anymore
whatever I did Im sorry man, give me another chance im a huge fan
can you post an image to demonstrate what a mating press is
>The guy had over 50% win rate
No, he has a 50% winrate playing Singed top. If you look at his games playing it "support" he has 33% or less winrate.
Yeah he's pretty good, very underrated character imo. Fun champ too.
Let's be real here.
1v2'ing a lane is never fucking fun. Especially if the ADC isn't mobile. And considering that person kept getting in trouble, they probably never warned the ADC to begin with.
The only game Ruler played decently was Game 4. The only person on SSW who played consistently well all 5 games was Cuvee.
hell yeah, he's a very solid jungler too. definitely the best voice acting too
Because regardless of what Riot says, they want people to follow the meta. They don't like off meta picks. Several champions have been reworked not because they had bad kits or lacked counterplay, but because they were offmeta picks.
this dude has 3000 singed game and is gold 5
you telling me he's doing it right?
IDK about Jungling but he's a god-tier support.
I love getting Sion supports.
Kinda want him to return back to top lane though, it's been long enough.
I can't wait for people to discover Support Gnar and then Riot nerfs the shit out of him.
Relate Champions of your choosing to colors or combinations of colors from MTG.
>Vi = Red/White
Fights for law and justice but is impulsive, doesn't follow orders too well and causes just a bit of chaos and demolitions from her methods of apprehending crooks.
>Caitlyn = Blue/White
Talented detective with a near impeccable case record, methodical and precise in methods of preserving the peace in her city, clashes in ways with Vi's more explosive methods.
>Veigar = Black/Blue
A scholar and trader whose underhanded methods landed him solitary confinement and driven to insanity, now seeks world domination by imposing his will over runeterra and uses cosmic bending dark magic.
How much of a homosexual can one be in a single post?
Which champion is dark seal best on?
you know that jap hentai cliche of an elf girl getting fucked by an orc who is much bigger than her missionary and he's basically almost crushing her under his weight
that's pretty much mating press
Jhin = black/white
Hecarim = green/black(particularu elderwood looks like a sick golgari card)
aurelion sol = red/blue looks like classic izzet dragon stuff
this is an 18+ board buddy
Task mage champion with ball lightning ult WHEN?
>flex been autistic af
>new patch for one placement
>was gold 1
>lose the new placement (1 game updated to fix queues)
>bronze V demote
wtf is this flex shit and why did riot fuck it up so bad? what did you get /lolg/
you were just boosted lmao
Ask your mom when you're 18.
I've seen diamond players place low silver from flex.
Faker is paired with bronze and silver players in every one of his games.
Flex is majorly fucked up.
>play something awful that ruins the game for your 4 teammates
>when you clearly solo ruined the game yourself, you get reported and whine to Riot
>blatantly lie claiming you win a lot of games when you have a 30% winrate
>complain when the Rioter's response is "Don't play Singed Support and not go bot lane at all when you queued for support unless you're with some friends who are ok with that"
fuck off retard you're literally wasting people's time with your shit Reddit meme, how about you go back to where you found it and stay there
>being this mad that some people have fun
holy shit
xth for Cute Ashe
>frustrated silver player detected
let me guess, is people like him who are holding you back?
Disco nunu was fun. I was sure as hell mad whenever I had one of them on my team. The response riot gave was a refusal to communicate with his team. Refusing to communicate with your team is an option when reporting people. The pick itself isn't the problem. The way he played the pick - not playing as a support, not warding, not supporting bot, not communicating with his team what he plans to do - is why he was banned.
Flex sounds like such an amazing clusterfuck, I should play it on my alt account.
It would be a great mode for people of various elos to fight against each other if it weren't for the fact that it actually decides your ranked placements. Not sure what Riot was thinking with that one.
>retard talking out of his ass without evidence
looks to me like his winrate is 50%
Youre just a cuck defending riots bullshit, the guy peaked at plat with that shit and has the highest mastery with singed in the entire game
Ive DUOED with the guy, he communicates fine, actually hes good with pings and trys to keep people from fighting, hes one of the nicest dudes on the rift and its bullshit that cunts like you want to ruin his fun
yeah bro epic fun I had one of those cancer niggers in my game earlier today, he must've had real fun when the enemy botlane got first blood turret at 5 minutes, made our toplaner afk at 10 because he was just feeding their enemy jungler, and then they took our base before we could surrender
I'm sure to someone like you who clearly is lacking in the grey matter department may find this fun but he ruined 4 other people's time
why don't you spare other people's time and kill yourself so people don't have to waste anymore breath interacted to you
sick nice meme calling me silver wanna post your icons? Here is my diamond solo ranked from s4 and s5 I didn't play ranked this season before you spout something retarded in response
>Ive DUOED with the guy, he communicates fine
Wow yeah you're definitely not him.
Because flex queue completely reset the ladders
Hence why you have faker in games against fucking silvers and golds
where is this season icon? did you stop paying for the boost?
no im not, I added the guy on a whim since I added every top mastery player for each champion, the guy will duo with anyone
youre just a fucking cunt, kill yourself already or move on to dota since you dont like people just having FUN in a video game
>comparing disco nunu to singed support
you're reaching a little there user
He has 2500 games as singed.
The games he played support are the ones he was auto filled to.
With 2500 games, you can have a 0% win rate hundred or two games that you were auto filled support and still maintain that 50% winrate.
He mains singed. Not singed support. As it's already been said, he does not play support. He plays some kind of fucked up roaming counter jungler that never wards or helps bot and instead does whatever the fuck he does.
>youre just a fucking cunt, kill yourself already or move on to dota since you dont like people just having FUN in a video game
>being this upset that people are calling your retarded shit pick a retarded shitpick
Loving every laugh.
>oh fuck... he's not silver!!! shit... I better make something up because there's no way he's a better player and human being than me in general, I know I'll disregard the last line and call him boosted lmao!!!
drink bleach you trashcan
Anyone else feel like Colossus is a memestone? It's good for early game, but during teamfights it falls off a cliff. I don't see any reason to take it on a champ unless they have guaranteed hard-cc out the ass like Mao or Naut.
>I don't see any reason to take it on a champ unless they have guaranteed hard-cc out the ass like Mao or Naut.
You mean like the people who are taking it?
maybe you should go to dota with your impotent rage about riot youd fit right in
I am still not seeing this season icon
so when do we get the fucking replays
>falls off a cliff
>literally 35% max hp shield
Just play VI
>it's ok if the rest of his team doesn't have fun as long as he has fun
It's a team game, the fun of every player matters, not just your own.
>It's not support BY MY DEFINITION
>some kind of fucked up roaming counter jungler that never wards or helps bot
that sounds like a support in Dota
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm seeing it on almost everyone that's a Bruiser Tank. Thresh, Sion, hell I've even seen it on Riven. My point is that there's very few champs who it's good on.
I don't understand how they haven't gotten rid of BoS. There's literally no reason for it to exist since the other two tank masteries outclass it in every conceivable way.
every time he queues for ranked he queues up as fill, when he gets support he takes smite and counterjungles instead of denying his junglers farm
his strategy is just like every other proxy singed strategy except he does it from support rather than top lane
this IS actually riot forcing a meta since his winrates are good AND he climbs with it
the guy knows what hes doing, plays it well, AND Wins
a win is a win
yeah I wouldn't expect you to see much of anything since your brain can't handle reading the entirety of one sentence toward you
I don't see your icons either though, because was I right and you're some gold or plat piece of trash? or maybe silver yourself and accept you just suck ass? or maybe worse you're silver and delude yourself you don't climb because you have fun in that elo
patch 7 onwards
we got 2 more m80
thread needs more cute art
>literally kicked out of league of legends, a free game, because no one likes you
>tells other people they should stop playing
>Be silver 5 in a game of high diamond cuz flex sucks
>top notices my rank and talks shit entire game on why I chose tristana adc
>he goes 2/9 as wukong
>16/5 as tristana
Really makes you think
when did grom hellscream get added to league
You might be seeing it on everyone because it's actually broken.
There is nothing wrong with a game having a strict meta, i wish this meme would die.
He can explain it better than anyone
>this IS actually riot forcing a meta since his winrates are good AND he climbs with it
>2400 games of a single character
>gold 5
>climbs with it
>only wins in normals
here ya go
>saved image from another thread
>posted it as if it's his
>can't post this season icon because he doesn't have the other icons
I'm going to repeat what the other user said.
It's a team game, the fun of every player matters, not just your own.
When you fuck over a player you're going to get reported. Even if you win. It's that fucking simple.
should I ask her for a visual demonstration or just a description
>When the enemy team does everything in their power to keep you from getting an S
lol why does she use headphones if shes muted?