/agdg/ - Anime Girls Developing Games

> Play Demo Day 11

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AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627 (embed)

> Previous Demo Days
pastebin.com/i0W2tVRS (embed)

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pastebin.com/qRHNpCbZ (embed)

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com
MonoGame: monogame.net

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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Not a school shooter best game desu

the whole pre-alpha character roster

How do we fix VR

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Arborgore
Dev: polisummer
Tools: Unity, Aseprite
Web: polisummer.itch.io/arborgore
+ compacted UI some more
+ balanced critical attacks
+ can now use Numberpad 0 to interact
+ added full controller support
+ added different weapons
- accidentally broke the player spawner

that icon looks like shit
I'd have glanced over it if it wasn't for the fact you linked it here

The whitespace is just too much with the detailed high quality image, as well as that 90s geocities text

Make games for it that aren't just experiences.
I was thinking of an turned based RPG.
VR could make some pretty good "timing battle rpg" moments like paper mario/marion&luigi/southpark stick of truth

>field of kidneys
fuck that's creepy

How do we fix the people that use Unity? It's complete garbage and destroys the entire indie scene


This will sound stupid as fuck but I can't find an answer anywhere
What would be more memory intensive?
Having a small background tiled a huge amount of times or having a big background tiled less amount of times?

Can you prove you are not using unity?

Will need to refine the animations later and make a throw animation. But it serves its purpose. Can pick stuff up and throw it.

I still can't nail the combat down. Tried to do some sketches on how it could work, tried implementing it, but it all feels weird. Giving me a much harder time than I anticipated. Maybe having the robot companion do the attacking is a bad idea.

Thinking of maybe having her hold one of the robots like a ball and whack enemies with it. Or one of them doing swinging motions in front of her, acting like a mace or sword of sorts.

Catgirl pool party dev here - I'm taking some time off to go over the code and make it better.

>tfw just dropped $300 on a new GPU
Can't wait to max out all of your games, aggydag.

way less shit now.

Where's your game?

I really like the cel shading. It goes well with the low poly

I redid the map system so that it's easier to have secret rooms. The old code was spaghetti as fuck, so I changed it. Also save rooms are shown as red now, no idea why I didn't do this earlier.

I previously had all room tiles as sprite sheet and used the image index as the room value in ds_grid that map used. It was alright and would've been enough if it weren't for secret rooms. I decided that fuck it, I'm not toby and going to make million if statements so I switched to saving 5 values (bg color and 1 value per wall) and then I just have the map read the values from the string and draw the grid correctly on map. This way it was easy to do loop that checks if room next to "current" room in loop is secret and which way it has door opened and then "connect" them.

Moving the map around is still pretty experimental and while it does work, it looks like ass. I managed to do fade in/out for musics too and vertical transitions as seen in webm.

I'm curious
how do you handle the picking up logic
do you have a set model with a pot in hand? Shift the pots location vector according to player movement?

Is the game just a dating Sim?

Looking good. You can now shoot in all 360 directions, right?

Nice. I need to make you fanart someday.

had to change the rigging a bit on the spine, but added a working mouth now
tomorrow I'll work on tits

Thank you.

For now I have a specific location set where objects end up when they're picked up. So when I pick up something the object is parented to that location and it's local position is centered. When I drop it, I just clear the parent and add a force based on the characters direction.

Maybe i'll bump into problems in the future for doing it that way, but I don't have to update anything continuously to get the proper positions. The biggest problem I see are objects of different sizes being picked up.

weirdest bug

For some reason my all the trees just don't show up in the game view anymore.

I just ate and came back and suddenly they're gone.

I can see them in scene view fine, and adjusting the camera does nothing.

The trees are 2D sprites if that helps


PC Master Race rambo class when

How much penetration do bullets have?

It's based on their penetration score, by default bullets lose 10 + HardDefense whenever they pass through a human, and objects have their own defense score which is subtracted

>had a dream about my character design except it was better
>struggling to remember the details

during my nodev months I finally played SotN, it was really cool to see first hand the inspiration for Clarent

neat idea

All fan art is appreciated.

>played SotN
Good choice. SotN is always good. With it's excellent pixel art, it will never age like the pieces of crap the 3D games are. Especially N64 ones and LoD series. Fuck LoD series.

how do i designed level?

SoTN is great and it's timeless in MY mind, but let's not act like some aspects of its art direction haven't aged poorly. Some of the 3D effects and enemy models date themselves fairly hard.



>describe my constant struggle with depression which prevents me from making a game
>get laughed at and called names
t-thanks for all the support guys i feel much better now ;_;

with legos, just like kojima did.

we're not a depression help group.
We're an amateur vidya dev group.
Just like make game.

you could make a cool game revolving around depression, some sort of text based quest game. idk what it'd be called though.

amateur game dev and crippling depression are inseparably connected and one doesn't exist without the other

A quest for depression? I doubt it would sell well.

I don't know about you guys, but I distract myself from my depression my making game.

Nice blog faggot.

>when you open the project and half your friends are dead
Legit kek'd when I saw this.

We're not here to support you. Find some real help.

posted in last thread before I realised it was on its way out.

What's the best way to approach this problem gang? Sprites look awkward ascending/descending stairs. Just sink the collider in a bit more? Some kinda new animation system?

Why are we here?

>Trust no one

posted in last thread before I realised it was on its way out.

What's the best way to approach this problem gang? Sprites look awkward ascending/descending stairs. Just sink the collider in a bit more? Some kinda new animation system?

managed to remember my fucking pic this time

Make like Castlevania and lock the player to the stairs, then use special animation.

Separate walk cycle for hugging the stairs.
Separate leg sprites that raise/lower to hug steps separately.

To post, receive feedback, and give feedback in return. Shoot shit about gamedev. Y'know, shit that has nothing to do with treating illnesses?

would this approach mean I would have to make all my stairs a uniform height/angle?

Angle yes, height no.

The first approach maybe.
The second approach can accommodate any elevation with proper implementation, but the rest of the body may look off if the steps themselves are weird.

Picked at random for visual reference only.

That's only a viable solution in the early castlevanias because the player can't jump off stairs or, more importantly, jump and then land on stairs.

Options are inverse kinematics (hah), sinking the collider (or moving it sideways, left in this case), creating some sort of visual illusion with the stair background/sprites that makes it look less awkward, making the stairs a slope and rotating the sprite, uhhh....


Move the collider left and make the stairs flatter to compensate for the wide stance of your character.


What exactly are you building, user? Not a school shooting simulator, I know. What's your game about?

Managing a mercenary company.

Hire mercenaries, buy guns, ammo, and equipment, and send them on missions. Permadeath all around and contracts (quests/missions) can be failed.

No big objective besides make money and have fun.

Game mostly takes place in the combat portion of the game, what you see in my screen shots. Here the gameplay is meant to play like a tactical shooter. Command units, direct control them, and do whatever your contract requires.

90% inspired from metal gear series

>just got my first feedback written in Russian offering very vague and questionable suggestions
Am I a real dev now

pic related is a sign of being a real dev

Sounds kinda like Jagged Alliance with real-time combat. Neat!
What's your take on AI? Do you implement enemy behaviour with a FSM or have you dared and tried your hands on GOAP?

only child soldiers please

No way to form an attachment to your mercs if they're all that expendable.

Anyone else at MIGS? I've learned a lot of cool stuff so far.

moved the collider left and brought the balcony to in front of the player. Is the problem rectified enough?

Post it here, I'll translate

yeah, it looks good enough to move on to more important stuff

>gradient background
you've got bigger problems than stairs


AI has 3 layers Commander, Squad, and Unit.

Commander is pretty simple, who should you shoot at, when do I use my support abilities (airstrikes, etc). Squad is basically tells units where to go for example (go to this building, or defend this point) and unit AI (what i've made so far) which are the specifics.

Unit AI is broken into 3 parts all of them are FSM's. Top level AI (I'm flanking, engaging, move to attack) which is the main AI and the 2nd levels are movement and attacking.

Maybe a little bloated but it helps with some systems I have down the line like shooting while retreating, or moving while ignoring targets.

I really want to do GOAP for the AI for other merecenary companies. So that way other companies you compete with have their own objectives, same with the things which assign you contracts.

For example if America's focus is only restoring rights of locals then assign missions against terrorist or something. But we'll see on that.

>cleaning shit out
>notice "First_Game" in list
>the fuck
>uninstall it
>doesn't do anything
>cant remove the entry
>oh boy
>check registry to find what the fuck this "First_Game" is
>it was some agdg demo day game

Just wanted to say Fuck you Everest dev

Reality is that 99% of your players will run by the stairs and will never even notice.

This kind of stuff only becomes a problem when you're making a very realistic looking game and it breaks immersion.


its a 2d platformer

the character sprites are temporary and the gradient background is Unity's built in skybox which is clearly being replaced. Take your negative nancy attitude somewhere else please (-:


They're almost as bad as @IndieGameDevBot and it's constant follow/unfollow

I usually play demos in a sandbox, not because I don't trust the devs but otherwise you end up with 54323 appdata folders and registry shit you'll never be able to remove

Got some criticism of my walk cycle in the last thread. Haven't work on it. Just reposting progress for more (you)s

This is partially why I have a dedicated vm for agdg demos.

more of a mosey cycle, really

>black scam media
I blocked them on all social media

Have you read the paper on GOAP by Jeff Orkin?


He also talks about squad-unit relationship in planning an attack on the player (p. 13), which combined with proper terrain analysis and building makes for a serious challenge for the player.

I've been trying myself on implementing a general GOAP System in Godot, which is why I'm interested in that specific aspect right now. If you are working in Unity, there is this example project for reference: github.com/sploreg/goap
That project is explained more closely in youtu.be/n6vn7d5R_2c, which helped me getting started understanding the principle. I really recommend checking this out.



Fuck yeah

What kind of devgrub do you guys sustain yourselves on during an intense sesh?

I wanted to order the pizz, but it always makes me a very sweepy little man.

I actually have that example downloaded and tried it out, honestly for squad AI it might be better to use that system. I've read parts of the paper, but I didn't that specific portion thank you I'll definitely re-read through it.

We'll see if I end up doing it, I'll post about it so if you're still around you'll see

thanks again

I had designed something like this years ago, that complimented a weapons manufacturing management sim. Basically the manufacturers would hire mercs to protect investments, steal tech from other companies, or destabilize governments that would lead to war and them having to purchase more tech. One game depended on the other.

Clearly it was more game than I was capable of making at the time. Lofty goals well beyond my reach. I still have the obscenely huge design doc though.

UE 4.14 now has auto LOD, how can unity fags even compete?

I sustain myself almost exclusively on milk and cookies

Bagels and coffee

Don't throw that away. You'll make the game of your dreams some day. I believe in you.


What temp host site is supported by Veeky Forums's embed feature? I keep forgetting.

Figured out how to smooth out my mouse camera. Probably a sin in FPS but this is for an orbit cam.

I would love to see that design doc if you're willing.

If you ever feel like getting back into it I'll be looking for other devs on the project, although mine isn't as ambitious I don't think

Now that I've seen the pop between real mesh and particles I can't unsee it

Cool shit though