Fighting Games General /fgg/
Do people here even play fighting games? My friend told me you don't
Depends on the anime game. You need to trainingboar some bnbs to stand a chance at all because just hitting with normals over and over won't do you any good in most anime games.
We do, but we ardently refuse to play.
fuck your friend how about that
I do, but don't really ask for games here.
I fucking hate SFV so much.
I do sometimes, but I don't get what this has to do with anything
Redpill me on Balrog in SFV. Is he worth the fight money?
why wont you accept my friend request i just want people to play ultra with :c
I should say that Tsubaki is in-fact top tier if you play on certain nesica set ups because the higher input delay makes her overhead very hard to react to. She also gets a lot of damage off of it and its also plus on block.
i didnt get anything, gimme your steam ill add you
blair x mika in sf5 when??
>huge damage
>good walk speed
>great at building v-trigger bar
>great at dealing with projectiles
>strong high-low mix-up
>shit defense options
>unreliable Anti-Airs
>no cross-up moves
>low reach on his normals that combo into stuff
He is good against fireball and low health characters, but is bad against grapplers and Cammy, who can jump on him freely.
its nubi we played just before
Yeah, but finding games on /fgg/ is like pulling an autistic, epileptic child's teeth with no anesthetic. Tripfags always dodge and everyone else just ignores you.
explain this
altaccz is cool. Try getting one (1) game with Brick and see how that goes.
Daily reminder that sfv is shit and that Fantasy Strike will safe fighting games.
play thems fighting herds
I almost played melty with brick cause I was bored but my ride to the gym showed up so I did that instead.
He was willing to play me and I live in new york and don't even play melty so the kid is desperate for games
Will Fantasy Strike become the new KoF14, BB?
There comes a time when we should stop being facetious little shits and actually let a dev know when their game fucking sucks, otherwise it might actually come out as it is. Look at SFV. You want another SFV?
But I play VF as often as possible. It's just that there is barely anyone else online when I'm doing so. Sort of wish there was a Discord for it.
Street Fighter V is great though. It really made me rise up.
so should they make backdashes invincible again or should they just get rid of the counter hit state cause backdashing is too much of a risk and it makes grabs too good
I play many games, but I'm not good at any of them. Can't bother focusing on just one or two since my favorite game has no players in my area and the two games that do have players are the two I really don't enjoy playing as much.
I was sold at huge damage.
Huge damage in sfv is like bouncing tits in doa.
this is true
counterhit on backdashes makes no sense whatsoever
post your reactions when fantasy strike becomes more popular than bb/gg
Anime has always been dead in the west, so that wouldn't be surprising at all.
Make the beginning invincible like it used to be and then counterhittable frames sometime after that.
>millions of spergs like Naruto, DBZ, and similar shit
>none of them play anime games
What gives? Too hard for people to travel, meet-up, or just practice a game?
>that jab at street fighter v
*picks up phone*
Hello, epic department?
I'd like to file a claim.
And your retarded self fulfilling prophecies aren't helping one bit. Airdashers could be as big as Street Fighter in the US but when idiots like you keep spouting nonsense like this, no one will play them.
it already is
>skullgirls has ggpo
>mkxl has ggpo
>ki has ggpo
>even fucking divekick has ggpo
>sirlin strike has ggpo
>japan still refuses to use ggpo
How much time do you spend playing fighting games (and I mean really playing, doing netplay shit online or button mashing with your little sister doesn't count) versus just fapping to your asian waifu?
Kill yourself back to kappa.
How is an user on Veeky Forums preventing people from playing airdashers by saying that they're not popular? There's nothing stopping me from shilling Guilty Gear to my friends still.
Friendly reminder that Sirlin was a pro SF player, graduated from MIT, worked on HD Remix, and is a genius game designer.
Fantasy Strike is gonna be awesome :^)
i dont get it either
why isn't the air reset good enough? the attacker is at advantage.
they do play the ultimate shippuden 4 or whatever games though
Guys i love you guys, i need you to post butts.
wait what
how does that throw tech work
don't mention that HD remix part
Don't press a button.
You do nothing and it techs, you also get full super meter for teching the throw.
Found the angry waifufag that will never have a girlfriend or place in a major. How's it feel being a cancer that doesn't support the scene or do anything but maybe provide another 60 dollars to the company at best? Probably for the best that an asocial retard like yourself just stays inside and touches its weewee while looking at drawings instead of actually going out, being a man, and winning a competition. I mean, you'd clearly get laughed out there.
damn ST destroyed the brain of an MIT alumni
ST is a scourge upon the earth
Looks sick!
So? Pros helped design SFV as well and look how that turned out. KikeZ helped develop Skullgirls and you all shit on that game as well, so having a pro help make it clearly means nothing.
>de gay
What's your excuse for not getting hype?
>paying for licenses
It's bad enough you want them to use middleware, now you want them to pay for netcode too? They're starving artists, they can't afford that. user, please, show mercy.
SFV had no pro work on it. At best you got capcom fanboys which is just a bad idea because feedback will be disorted and everything bad will be excused before it is even in alpha.
Is there any greater hell than this?
> Mediocre at SF4
> Want to play Guilty Gear
> Entire locals are filled with Blazblue players
> After years of resisting finally give in and start playing Blazblue
> Find out locals are just filled with mashers with 1 or 2 mediocre players
> SFV gets released
> There's enough interest in it that I spend a lot of time trying to build up the level of play so I can have decent competition
> While this is happening we get kicked out of the venue by smashers
> Not because they were actively trying to get rid of us, but because most of them have the hygiene of crazy homeless people and the property manager said no more
You know why can't western devs just release a game without trying to shit on other games? Would it honestly kill them to release a game on it's own merits, while merely acknowledging what came before? Do they not realize that constantly comparing your game to other games is just advertising for other games? Especially when you're the little guy?
They do play anime games, the DBZ and Naruto games are pretty popular and usually among Bandai-Namco's top sellers. It's been a long time since a game room at an anime convention didn't have at least one station with DBZ or Naruto.
It's the biggest example of "Works fine on my end" since Japan has better internet than America they just work on "good enough" solutions instead of great solutions. Also GGPO isn't free.
>sf5 is shit why don't more devs step up and make a fighting game?
>dev makes a fighting game using fresh new ideas
>this game is shit, why isn't it like sf?
They like Naruto and DBZ, not "anime". It's why you never see these people discussing things like studios, directors, or animation techniques, just what character they think is the coolest.
Why would you ever throw then.
MKXL and KI don't use GGPO. They use some similar in-house netcode.
I don't think his ideas for Fantasy Strike are necessarily bad desu. The game is clearly horribly unfinished at the moment, so I'll wait to pass judgement.
>frogposter is also stupid
yeah because anything different = good
*pays ue4 fees*
Didn't Combofiend help Capcom with balancing?
why are western devs unable to make a game with good designs and animations? skullgirls is literally the only exception to this but it's a chore to play.
Gee I wonder why they don't like anime.
Why does Fantasy Strike look so uninteresting aesthetically? I'm not even one of those guys that thinks everything has to look like one of my Japanese animes, but it looks incredibly cheap and uninspired.
fist of the north star is fucking garbage tho
They do though.
>Anime ""now""
baka bth
>liking hnk
>hating lucky star the second most important anime on the site after azumanga
kys m8
yea he shouldnt show the game in current state, but i guess it was necessary for some fresh money.
if the game will be successful sooner or later some of the players will migrate to other more serious fightans
lol, do you even watch anime anymore? Did you see Votoms: Alone Again? Read Pluto? How about Guin Saga Do you even buy the anime you like? If you're not buying the Jap editions of anime and manga, then your opinion means less than shit to Japan. They make what will sell, and those hentai weirdos are the ones that actually buy shit, meanwhile the guys that jerk off LoGH and Hokuto no Ken torrented it or watched it on bootleg VHS in the 90s. I own Hokuto no Ken on PS2, a good bit of the manga, and the remastered DVDs. What have you done to help the industry?
it's better to leave that in because it shows how literally nothing has changed between 2007 and now.
anime went to shit and then time froze for good.
anime was always shit, you retard. You were just too young to realize it when Toonami came on. Grow up and stop nostalgiafagging over shitty cartoons for 12 year olds.
fuck you
>buying anime
was so dissapointed when looking for table tennis animes after finishing ping pong the animation
why does he have animal ears
holy shit chariot we FUCKING GET IT
Videogames went to shit in 2001. You can tell because CS Condition Zero was a failure and even now in 2016 we have failures like SFV. Nothing but failures.
>daily /v/anime spergout
kys already
btw im gay
user plz, anything but that
Yes, idiot. I know this is a shocking concept for some people, but if you buy things, the company makes money. Once the company makes money, they think "oh, well this was a worthwhile venture." After they decide it was a worthwhile venture, they.... wait for it.... continue to make that kind of shit! The DVDrip of Cowboy Bebop on your hard drive doesn't encourage Sunrise to make more shows like that. Actually going to and buying said release convinces them that people still give a shit. The kind of guys that like K-on will actually buy MULTIPLE COPIES of soundtracks and BDs for their show just to get the numbers higher and show interest and you're surprised that the studios choose to make shows for them instead of you? This is like that comic showing how games are made for consoles because half of the guys on PC just want to steal games instead. Seriously, do you at least buy western releases? Studios only get a lump sum that they already paid for via Funimation type stuff, but that at least shows interest from the western market (not that Japan cares). This is actually how the second episode of MD Geist got made, e.g. there was so much attention for the title in the west, the studio thought it would make sense to make a sequel, much like how Kinnikuman 2 and Sonic X did better in America than Japan, leading to the later seasons still getting made. If you don't at least do that, then you have no right to complain.
Did you watch the good one or the great one?
The only good Animes are Bleach and One Punch Man desu
These two characters looks so similar, I was constantly getting them mixed up on the stream
i like anime pantyhose desu
Futanari Club is better than both of those pieces of shit.
How are you retards falling for this shit tier /a/ bait