Best ship edition
Best ship edition
First for Monkey Hero!
Who is better right now?
Zac or Vi?
Where are the jungle specific Malzahar buffs?
I want to hug Kog!
Are you supposed to max Q on Shaco now?
post them
rate them
Quite refined taste there.
>implying illusions wont get nerfed again
fucking cancer im telling you
not talking about ck illusions since its a fucking ult but all other forms of illusions are cancerous in their current form
along with the ebin pike of free range and forcestaffs
>Still no Ahri buffs
I want to cum on shyvanas midriff
do you still get knocked up if you use elise Q on top of poppy who activated her W?
No, but you get stunned until you die instead. It's bugged.
>One of the highest winrates on mid
>Still no buffs
Where does Ekko and Zilean get there hair gel?
P-Everytime WW kills a jungle monster or attack an enemy champion he gains bloodlust. When bloodlust is filled to max he gains Bloodfrenzy:significant lifesteal,Movespeed and attack speed for 10-20 seconds
Q- Hungering Bite deals damage and his target by 75% for 0.1 seconds. During bloodfrenzy this ability heals based on missing HP
W -warwick dashes to target location hamstringing his enemys along the way slowing thier movespeed and attack speed causing them to bleed profusely for physical damage over time (can be reactivated to dash back to target position)
E-Warwick activates his bloodscent smelling all nearby champions in an area for X seconds. If a champion is under 50% hp Warwick gains stacks of Bloodlust each second
R- Passive- On Kill Warwick goes into a bloodrage for X seconds turning feral automatically activating Bloodfrenzy and Warwicks attacks deal damage equal to a portion of the targets MAX HP in physical damage and heals for the same amount.
Active-Warwick charges forward suppressing the first enemy he hits attacking them 6 times gaining 50% bonus lifesteal on these attacks
>You will never give Riven a happy home where she can just play video games to her hearts content.
Is there any way to refuse a "gift" from Riot?
ask them to remove kayle from your account.
They are all just abusing dynamic queue.
>Winrates mattering
even if they remove her, she'll still stay there. they don't remove masteries
>duo queue with a friend
>pick Rammus he picks literally any 100-0 style burst champ mid
>collect freelo because all I have to do is roll in and taunt for a F R E E kill
Why do retards duo bot/supp when they should be duoing mid/jg?
winrates matter when youre one of the most played mid laners and have been on 50% for long time.
so ryze was released in july this year, so i'm gonna assume he was ready at least 2 months before that, so let's say april
so warwick in january?
feels bad man
warwick is like 90% in 6.24 though
so january
>Fox Fire count from 3 to 4
>While under the effect of Spirit Rush FoxFire's has half CD
Pick one I'll add it next patch if you tell a good enough joke (knock knock are banned)
>illusions are cancer again
well fuck everything
I guess Iceboy could add a leash range for illusions, something like 4000 units or such. should cuck morph and naga enough (assuming they are the prim issue).maybe not pop the them but proc a "return to original's location" or "retreat to 3500 leash range" function. What if illusions took increased damage from extreme burst? Starting near the 400 damage range say like dagon2 an illusion and they take 2x damage so >math it around the 1k range
I cant pick leblance anymore
did something happen?
Would it be possible for god to create a necessary being that can torture you?
Click the exclamation point on the client. Many mysteries will be revealed.
just the usual routine of riot fucking something up every day
>W -warwick dashes to target location hamstringing his enemys along the way slowing thier movespeed and attack speed causing them to bleed profusely for physical damage over time (can be reactivated to dash back to target position)
holy fuck they where talking about some boomerang warwick shit around the time of the karthus VU so this bonkers kit may be real...
when she used her Ult spells it refreshed her Basic spells so some mad shit like triple chains where happening
>losing 17-3
>tell team we actually do have this lategame, 3 item sivir will run over their team if i peel for her (zac)
>we actually get to lategame
>i steal a baron
>we fucking win
AYYYYYY LMAO i love flex queue now
you mean this?
they added a fix to the system today, your need to do one more
420 warwick blazeit
wew lad
hope they didnt go with this ap onhit tank warwick shit
what retarded design
aye that rings bells
Better ship
Vayne x Warwick when
How Sivir user? I thought about laning with her outside bot.
>QT placed into plat
>Trick placed into bronze
fucking lel
The first day was a clusterfuck of people getting matched all the way from bronze to challenger. It was fun.
Do you guys think they'll ever make Kayle's AA animations bearable to look at or do I basically have a 1820 RP barrier of entry
Please ! Post pic Tristana and Poppy in tshirts Team SEX!
I sucked hard in the early game then I got 3-4 kills.In late game I had 5000+ hp and I gained a shield that was almost all my lifebar.Courage of the colossus is op.
Now gimme that source.
How do you kill stuff pre 6 with new kat?
is Kalista still trash?
I tried her out with the new Fervor and she seemed fine
Zacs a better tank
Vi's a better carry
choose accordingly (see: how much faith do you have in your team?)
Is your placement in next season affected at all by how you do in preseason?
I dont have it :
I havent even finished my flex placements yet (3/3).
Im fuckin' scared now. I hear its all fucked and double fucked. What should I expect? Two tiers lower?
Why are WW's eyes glowing despite the fact that he's clearly dead here?
Someone link me why riot just demoted me with the "your climb begins at X" when X is an entire tier below my placement which was a tier below my s6?
>Katarina will never be this Edgy again
I want to breed assassins.
Teach me how to play assassin's again /lolg/
I played the shit out of them in season 4 but basically played nothing but tanks (mainly volibear or other shield/heavy tanky) champs since.
I play too passive when I'm on a squishy and I don't have the balls to make plays.
How can I fix this and channel my inner Kha'zix again?
...or should I just try to play the shit out of tanky bruiser rengar for freelo
I was in promotion series for diamond, wtf is this shit?
>Evil ALWAYS wins!
>Evil spelled backwards is LIVE!!!
And people told me that Noxus wasn't bad in the old lore, just "chaotic" and "out there" lol
They reset the ranks because it was too inconsistent.
Welcome to your true MMR.
Well I'm D4 in soloq and did fine in flex before this, doesn't make sense to me.
what else am i gonna play?
I'm laughing at you expecting sanity from flex. You signed into the mad house and you got what you should have expected.
Translation when?
Why so many people brag about tank rengo?What's this build?
When you queue with 5 other people in Draft so you can get the IP bonus, do you need to be friends with all of them to get it? I've played with a friend of mine and 3 of their friends, and even then my matched game bonus was never more than 20 IP. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
He's aroused
I know what I'm writing for the next contest.
Inb4 no knot.
>bronze 3 yesterday
>win game today
>bronze 5
>"keep in mind all player start lower than they were"
wait wut
I am literally Bronze 5 with 0 lp
yordles are pure and cute.
and i want to flood their tiny wombs with my semen.
the boogie needs to make more porn, faster. i need more shortstacks
playing sivir:
>super early lane phase
can cheese with auto reset and q, not bad
>1 item
lose most trades due to short range
>2 item
crits can make you lucky, some outplay potential
>3 items
you are a literal golden god, you click and press w then watch as 3 800 damage crits rip the enemy team to shreds, you kill their adc from 1200 units away, the enemy team must focus you down or they lose any fight
Rate my champion pool /lolg/
>tfw no lego legends cosplaying gf who would let me suck her dick
help. I know how to find that source in like 10 seconds but all booru sites are loading like ass right now for no good reason. I'll hook you up when it starts working and stops being shit 2 minutes per page load.
when is soloq ready?
>Assassin can kill anything but tanks
>Tanks can't stop them
Shitposter tier, you probably can't shut up about the champions you play and quote them constantly.
>last 2 games support has tanky support hovered (braum/ali)
>nice i'll pick a squishy jungler instead of a tank then
>they switch to nami and MF respectively
why do all you fucking degenerates talk about having sex with your waifu?
its so unbecoming of a lady to be painted as a whore.
dont you have an respect for these women you claim to 'love'?
do you NEET fucks think your waifu would even want anything to do with you in real life?
when i talk about my waifu, soraka. i talk about how much id love to date her, take her out to eat, spend time with her. only after a long, fruitful relationship and a beautiful marrige ceremony would i even try to undress her and unleash the massive feminine horsecock on my ass
>translation for porn
>moreover for shiity porn
>its a horsecock faggot thinks his fetish isnt literally shit tier episode
Why is Ivern the most useless champion? had it on page 1 but just getting to the poppy tag took like 8 minutes. jesus christ everything else loads fine.
there ya go senpai
Can someone explain this non crit bullshit jhin build that everyone does? Full lethality or what ever the fuck it's called now
Black Cleaver
Titanic Hydra
Spirit Visage
Deadman's Plate
Boots of choice
They brag about it because Rito thought it'd be a good idea to give Rengo +40% AD in free stats if he gets a kill/assist on every member of the enemy team. So basically since you have so much free stats in AD and his kit still fucking one shots anyway + free crit on the squishy with his ult then just build the fucker tanky so you're not instagibbed like beta bug and so you have more room to get your giant fucking tahm kench shield of health back with W.
Mordekaiser exists idiot.
How do I Sivir?
>when "I hate you" just ... doesnt... say enough.
>implying morde is bad
huehuehuehue baylife
>playing jhin
>enemy zed always gets outplayed and I dodge all his shurikens after ult in midgame, but he just autos me once and ignites me since he cant land anything
>type "outskilled" and he says well you are dead after all
>lategame rolls around and I fourth shot him everytime he ults me and he evaporates
>"outskilled" silence
>this weeks champion rotation
holy cancer
so that the pick they really want doesn't get banned. you know how many times I see someone hover something like sion support, or xerath support, and then I look them up on and see all their sion games or xerath games as "support" was them feeding like 2/8/5 ? It's a lot actually. Ban that shit right then and there when it comes to my turn to ban. If I'm a higher pick order and they hover sejuani support, with the same senario, I'll pick that shit first and jungle her. I don't give a shit about people's special snowfflake "I saw _________ do it on stream" or "It was played in worlds" or whatever. Most people suck ass at this game. Take away their most obvious "free loss" character and they either dodge, troll or play fucking normally. Which I think they were going to do either of those anyways if they are feeding Brand support 4/10/7 with no sightstone. Those people that switch after hover, are probably very careful and got burned a few times by people like me. Still, I say fuck them.
Has he done anything involving icing?