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Mages will finally see some play in Arena ! Edition

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Kirintor mage, you're fired!

>1 drop that cheats 3 mana and contests 2 drops

Is this the "designated game warping tempo monster" of MSG?

Play The Elder Scrolls™: Legends.

Well Babbling Book just lost his spot in most decks I think.

Does this mean that the lotus theme won't be ramp?

Really makes you think.

>2x kirin tor
>2x kabal lackey
>2x counter spell, valet, ice block and other mage staples
>mfw legend inc

Guess we won't know until next week

I,agine playing this WITH kirin tor mage. Return of secret mage?

Not in any casino mage worth his salt.

Hearthstone > Shadowverse / Legends


Lazy expansions are the best way to kill a TCG
Team5 is truly amazing at lowering the bar

Play Gwent™.

Priest says hi

Play Shadowverse :3

>3 mana minion that gets buffed by overload is not good enough
>make a 1 mana version

>3 mana minion that can give you a free secret is not good enough
>make a 1 mana version

woah... really makes you think...

>this card


So far, Lotus only card is a Board state card. I think Lotus will focus on Small but numerous minions with abilities
Like "Summon 3 1/1 stealth minions"

Play MtG

This should've been a fucking 1/1

>understated one drop
>in 2016
But user sets needs to be sold

Secret cost you one card. You are at card disadvantage when you play it at (0).

Compare this card to secret huntress. The buff is always active and you can equip as many secrets as you want. Also hunter has lock and load, which can refill their hand so that they will not have a card disadvantage.

Overall I think this new mage class is great but I would like that mage got a stronger synergy card with secret like the secret huntress in hunter.


>Compare this card to secret huntress. The buff is always active and you can equip as many secrets as you want. Also hunter has lock and load, which can refill their hand so that they will not have a card disadvantage.
you are a retard

Only if I can play with my own print out cards

mad Scientist > this > kirin tor mage
To me it looks perfectly fine



>2 arena runs today

>3:3 and 5:3

>First run, first game vs. Dr. Boom
>First run, second game vs. Tirion
>Second run, sixth game vs. Malygos + two quickshots
>Second run, eight game vs. Doomhammer + Al'Akir on curve

Arena is fun, right?

>Calling people out without presenting your own argument

Some might think that you don't have a case at all.

I dont see how this card will help you in arena that much.

It's a 1 mana with a better Innervate for a singular type of cards on a 2/1 body. It trade with most 2 drops and you get to have a 3 mana tempo advantage.Mad Scientist main power came from the fact that it reduced the size of your deck, but for 1 mana it's really great.

why do you even bother crossing out names
we can't add you unless we know your hashtag as blizzard permits duplicate screen names

Story of my life

At least Reno looks happy on his card art.

If you get a secret and this card in arena, this is a massive boost. The opponent has to play around so many scenarios. Do you play a totem golem on 2 if the mage has a secret?

>It trade with most 2 drops
Dies to 1/3s

No new mechanics except Tri-class cards which are just tacked on with discover shit.

you're a fucking retard because you think secret hunters play lock and load

you're a retard because you think comparing 3 mana secrets and 2 mana secrets is applicable

we already know mage playing secrets for free is fucking busted tempo mage can now turn 1 mana wyrm turn 2 babbling book, into secret shit into a free secret

or they can play this + a secret after flamewaker for 4 mana

Sure. But people tend to play aggro and not defense. a 3/2 will die to this.

It is worse than innervate because you need to have a secret in hand to work. Mad scientist is better because it keeps your card advantage.

It is not as crazy as what people would like to make it to be. I would run it in my deck though.

This qt better make the cut and be an actual card.

Buffing cards in your hands and weapons.
Attacking face

>not playing loack&load in your secret deck
What are you? Some kind of rank-fag?

Arena isn't contructed man, you are mentioning a rare ocurrence. It will not boost mage in arena, too bad mage is already broken as fuck there.

Dont most agro decks have 1 drops though? I am by no means saying the card is bad, I need to see any new secrets they introduce. Current secrets aren't that amazing and tempo is about having cards aswell. Now mad scientist, holy shit that thing was retarded good.

>It is worse than innervate because you need to have a secret in hand to work.
Wow, a 2 card combo

You know playing innervate on its own with no other card is bad right? Innervating stuff is ALSO a 2 card combo

That's a type of card.

I didn't say the new mage card was bad. I even said it was great. What I said was I want something as powerful as clocked huntress in mage instead of this card.

She looks like a death knight.

>buffing minions in hand

literally just spells with the word "potion" in them

Sure, that you can get from other cards. It's the first time you have cards that are identified from their name.

It's like Scraps but you can just put the potion in your deck from the start.

Okay, but what secrets would you actually play on turn 1?

You want the secret up on your turn 2 for valet. So what can you actually play? Not duplicate, not effigy, if you're going first not counterspell, mirror entity may well just pop with their 1/2 drop, ice barrier and ice block are useless for a tempo deck, vaporize is pretty shitty for that kind of deck too, and spellbender is only good against specific other decks. So what secret do you actually play so that you can get valet on turn 2?

I'm not so sure this card is anywhere near as good as you guys think.

I was so excited when they revealed the first batch.

This is fucked.

What the fuck is the logic here? It's just so blatantly overpowered. Playing a secret for free with a one drop? If secrets are so fucking weak, why not drop their fucking mana cost instead of printing a fucking 1-drop to cheat them out?

>Use the 2 card combo as strawman

Yeah that sure showed me. Innervate is great because it synergised with literally every card except for itself and coin. You can innervate out a rag or slyv or anything else that is above your current mana curve. You can't just equate them by calling them a "2 card combo". Innervate is just more flexible.

This mage card is good but innervate is better.

>face plays taunt?
>me still go face

Tri class cards nothing but neutral cards with lower availability.

>I'm not so sure this card is anywhere near as good as you guys think.
Yeah, how can a card that synergies with so many cards be broken

It only works with
Mana Wyrm
Arcane Giant

none of those cards are good

Is that supposed to be Elesh Norn? What the hell is up with the game these days?

>No charge

Instant 400 dust


Power Creep is good and 95% of this game's problem is that decks use almost entirely the same cards meta to meta with maybe ONE or two cards slotted in from new sets.

This card is surely above average and I want it in my deck. But with this alone cannot make tempo mage top 1 class in the meta. We need more good cards for mage.

nice to see blizzard making SJ Warrior cards

>Wanting basic cards overshadowed by new expansions
>Wanting to give more shekels to Blizzard to buy the new expansion just to stay in meta

Good goy

>Play against Mage
>Plays spellslinger
>Gives me mulch
>Mulch gives him Soggoth
>I WANNA CAST A SPELL gives him pyroblast when we are top decking.

I love RNGstone.

game is still free to play

Free to get wrecked on ladder you mean.

>Power Creep is good

>power creep is bad

Most of the thing from that set that worked are the inspire cards. Jousting failed horribly.

>he thinks tgt was bad because it wasnt power creep
it was bad because all the cards are slow as shit. joust is a joke and inspire is over costed

There is literally nothing wrong with tgt

>be me
>buys lots of GvG packs
>6 months later
>can't play them competitively
How the fuck does Blizzard get away with this shit?

Rotation is common in every card game. Wild exist for a reason.

Its not Elesh senpai

>Jousting failed horribly.

I agree to some extend. If every class got some above cuve stuff and perform differently than another clas (like in SV) then its fun to play.

More like

>How can we encourage control decks?
>I know, lets reward decks with lots of expensive cards.

Makes sense in theory but not in practice because you don't want to get randomly shafted if you can help it. Same reason cards like Hogger aren't played. Too OP to last longer than one turn.

Play wild you dumbass. You get the same rewards anyways.


i don't get it. why do people post this card all the time

The problem with Jouse was the "from your DECK" part. In mtg for example, there some cards related to Eldrazis that use cards you reveal from your hand to check just how big th effect is. In Rise, it was mostly scalling with the card (reveal a card, do x, x equal to its cost) and later on, they made you reveal similar big colorless stuff from your hand. This would have been a lot better for Joust.

And yes, theres also Clash in mtg that is basically Joust. But its from the top of your deck, and you can actually control that in mtg so once again the rng element can be controlled.

Even MTG has weird and "dead" keywords. Just like Joust.

You know why

>lets look at HS
>and compare its shit mechanics to Magic, a proper card game
>or Shadowverse, a proper fun digital card game

I'm surprised blizz didnt make a gimick like this for Joust.

Instead of morph juat put "cant be drawn from your deck unless you have two or less carss left" so that it actually stays there till fatigue and increase your chances of a proper Joust.

lmao why should we do mechanics that actually benefit players

blizzard will never implement card disruption in HS

I fucking hate these dumbfucks that spend a whole fucking minute just staring at their cards on turn 3.

You are not a pro legend player, you are a Rank 15 shitter, just play your fucking cards.

There is a 2 mana 2/6 this expansion that can pull out a minion from your opponent's hand.

But I want the old Illidan back.

>he doesnt play the game while watching something on another screen
Or whatever the equivalent.
T. Someone in a uni class this usually play zoo or something similar the same time and ropes all the time since Im actually paying attention to the class but can still get to rank5 with minimal effort.

>tfw roping shitters while watching shark tank

That *

Loatheb was as close as Team 5 got to it.
We won't see a card this great ever again.

I wish we had more. Even the wraith-like cards. Tried to make a Death&Taxes deck back then with wraith/nerubian/loatheb/freeze trap/troggs, etc. Worked "ok" but the tools arent enough and we cant make the opponent lose mana crystals.

Oh well

But user, that's anti-fun! We had to use the emotional balancing to not let your enemy stop you from using the minions and spells, because it's fun to use them!

Loathed was overstatted for the effect and basically was dropped on curve to give yourself a free turn where the enemy can't do shit

If Loatheb was reprinted as a 5 mana 3/3 non-legendary I'd be all over it

Well we do have that naga thing that does the same thing for you for all your cards. And it's not even legendary.

I'm sure they'll reprint it eventually user, that seems to be their style now.