Folded over a thousand times edition
>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:
>/r6g/ Guide
>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI
>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery
>Official News & Known Issues
Season 4 - Operation Red Crow releases Thursday, Nov. 17.
Skyscraper map, Bartlett University map (this one is until January or so), two new operators (Hibana and Echo), alternate uniforms, victory poses for elite uniforms, shield skins, new Twitch model, some portraits reworked, SMG-11 loses ACOG, caliber based destruction, ranked rounds will now last 3 minutes.
>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current Windows, all maps, all modes.
(MEGA link provided by user) -
(From site) -
Friendly Mission Successful:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Misuzu
first for ranked (beta)
xth for patch notes tomorrow
First for new Twitch is best Twitch
poop lol
Please help me R6G, I beg you. I've been trying to fix this error to play again for months. I love this game but it hasn't worked for well over 4 months now. I get a 0xc000007b error everytime I try to launch. I tried every single solution I found on Google, I tried a system restore, I tried everything, game still won't fucking work. I'm posting here in the hopes that one of you has had this error before and has managed to fix it. Please. Literally unplayable. This is ruining my life.
I've tried so many things.
- Re-installing Visual C++ 2010 / 2015
- Re-installing Uplay
- Verifying cache
- Re-installing .NET Framework 4.5 / installed 4.6
- Ran the game as administrator from RainbowSix.exe and RainbowSixGame.exe
- Disabling Uplay overlay and synchronization for supported games
None of it works. Please save me from this nothing I've become.
First for Question of the day.
With the new operators releasing soon, how will our tier list work? Who's the top tier? Anybody in S tier?
Is a tier list even worth it for this game?
While Misuzu is indeed a best Tomochan girl, what the fuck is she doing in the Siege general?
Do you have an i7 by any chance? I remember there was an user a long time ago that couldn't get the game to work unless he disabled Hyperthreading in his BIOS, for some weird fucking reason.
SAT operators were a mistake, now the weebs are flooding the general
He died?
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit SP1
CPU: Intel Core i3 4160
Graphics: 2GB GTX 750 Ti
Wish I had an i7. Not that well off so I've got an i3
have you tried turning it off and on again?
Cyberpunk Smoke. Obviously this isn't Smoke, but the guy who drew this is an official artist for Siege
>Anybody in S tier
Kill yourself nigger
Reminder to please redirect newfriends asking for advice to read the fresh guide in the OP first before asking questions.
Thank you.
try unplugging your computer and plugging it back in
Blackbeard dropped a tier in my book. He's still A tier, but since he's actually easier to deal with he's no longer a WORSE threat. Still a bad threat though.
I think im gonna play Rainbow 6 Siege all day.
*smug anime face*
Yeah, I've tried multiple times to no avail. Thank you for trying to help nonetheless, even if I have a sneaking suspicion you were being facetious. A (you) is better than nothing
Also, update regarding my predicament, I downloaded dependency walker and found dlls that were missing/broken and needed by the videogame, some of them were part of the microsoft redistributable package, but I have downloaded that shit an uncountable number of times. Does anybody know where I could find standalone 64 bit versions of the following .dlls?
uninstall the game with a cleaner like ccleaner and uninstall uplay the same way.
if that doesnt work try reinstalling windows, no joke i had something simular with a other game and a clean install worked
Neat. I'd like to see a game in the 2nd style the most.
>Tfw we can't shoot out lights and have a flashlight attachment for both attackers and defenders
But Ive been here since before release. The real problem are the normies joining the general
who /new/ here?
I will marry Misuzu!
That was unexpected.
on a slightly related note Pixiv has some much Siege shit it is not funny
I will be the best operator!
Anya for Spetznaz Year 2!
>using the AUG
Kapkan isn't about getting kills. Kapkan is about delaying and advanced warning to people entering an area. They have to stop, look, and then shoot the trap, especially when placed in certain locations. This lets you know they are coming.
Also if you are having a firefight with someone in a doorway and retreat into the room, they can't just straight up rush you like they could if there was no trap. It delays them, even if it's just for a second. But that second can matter a lot.
Also fuckin Fuze is underrated. He isn't about getting kills either but he can destroy traps/wire, etc. and makes defenders run around like monkeys. If coordinated with teammates watching doorways into the objective room, the Fuze charge will make defenders run right into your teammates line of sight.
Also his LMG is the tits. Why don't people use that more?
Can one of you weebs translate moon runes
That's really good cursive
Kill yourself EOP.
Dont forget all that yaoi for Spetnaz and SAS
Scumbag mute
>play another round
>get shot at by platinum players on casual
>they call me garbage, noob, git gud, uninstall
y-you too
Fucking mute
W-what happened next? He didn't do it did he?
I don't know, i started roaming. I said something like go for it the best art is fleeting.
I think my favorite part of the game is drawing stuff. I've drawn so many dicks, i wish I took more screenshots. I have more but they are meh dicks.
Also drone rounds are the best.
I'm glad you didn't just settle for single shot holes for eyes, that's impressive.
>not using the AUG
Real anime girls always use the AUG user.
There needs to be a massive movement penalty when ADS. Running back and forth across an angle accurately spraying with 3 speed and peeker's advantage is fucking cancer
Should a rookie like me buy Jager if I still don't know how to roam or flank properly?
I don't see why not. You will learn how to do it properly and the best way to practice is by using arguably the best person to roam with.
AUG isn't cute
seeing those really makes me wish i saved all the swastikas I made
Any defender with a passive gadget is good for a new player except maybe Valk which is kind of but not really passive.
Things new players say:
"Sorry my shock wire destroys team gadgets for no reason"
I feel ya. So many of my dicks lost in time... Like tears in rain.
>try to get inside a window while I'm on rapel
>fail for some reason and land on the floor wtihout damage done
What the fuck? is this ubisoft network?
It's like you said user
All the best things are fleeting.
Retoasting because I posted when the thread was almost over, but I promise to not do it again.
I was wondering if anyone could recreate Montagne or Rook shooting a downed enemy tango, while unloading dramatically his revolver casings, like how Takeshi did as Aramaki in the GiTS trailer.
Everybody below diamond is absolute garbage anyways so you won't be noticeably worse than them.
Playing this game makes me sad because of how bad I am, I dont even have fun
You gotta look at it as a learning experience. You gotta figure out what you did wrong and why it didnt work. You gotta learn how important sound is and how the mechanics of it work in this game. Most importantly you have to learn the maps which takes the longest. You also gotta have a grasp on timings, when it is and isnt safe to do certain things or be in certain spots.
You will learn with time. There are so many tricks and mindfucking possible in this game compared to most FPS so the gaps between skill levels is realllllly big.
I found I was like that when I got it a while back, but then not playing it for a bit and just watching youtube videos of people better than me really made me want to play it.
Honestly, watching some people that know what they are doing is great because it gets you in the mood to try as well and it gets you some thinks you never knew about.
What does "teamspeak" mean?
Two tips for you:
Do terrorrist hunt to learn maps and crosshair positioning
Don't coward. Be a little crazy and aggressive
Just bought the base game
what kind of grind time does it take to get one of the expansion operators?
25,000 seems like a long way to go
also, I'm level 8 from playing the situations and t-hunt
what kind of assfuckery am I in for in casual?
will I get kicked for being a scrub?
>finally find match
>its a shitposting match
Eh... You can easily do like 1000 points a day as a casual player. I do like 3.5k in a few hours.
I have been playing all night and I havent won a single match
mmo level grind
I just gave up and bought the season pass
might do the same next year, or not
also you'll have a rought first game
first time I had literally no idea where I should be
Grinding for them takes a long time. I forget the math but it's a lot of matches. Just buy the normal ops and don't buy any skins and extra shit other than the attachments you want.
probably lots of assfucking but there are also lots of other new people. Most random players will not care, but if you join a lobby that has a group of 3-4 friends they might be cunty about it.
dont worry user, im level 160 something and still have losing streaks. Just pew pew pew and try to have fun, draw some dicks.
Can somebody post a picture of new Twitch? I can't find it.
The same could be said about placing barbed wire. It's just that barbed wire doesn't kill by itself when the enemy doesn't notice it.
Hey, /r6g, friendly neighborhood writefaggot here with the second part of the Glaz story.
Part 1:
Part 2:
>you have been disconnected by uplay
>btw thats a 15 min restriction on playing ranked because uplay is shit
why do we like this game again?
>tfw wrecking a premade with a team of randoms
>and they all ragequit mid match
So /r6g/ anons just use it to create teams? Could be useful. I always load in by myself.
I agree, and on that note I wish Kap got barbed wire, would probably be OP though. Fuckin kapkan trap plus barbed wire over it makes it so hard to see. I wish teammates would learn this and help a brother out. I ask sometimes but people dont respond usually. Gets tiresome to keep asking, plus they are usually roaming or set them up already by the time all my traps are set.
>tfw hard fought victory from a 1-3 setback
Why is Buck so fun?
How does teamspeak actually work?
Honest question, how have you yet to hear about Teamspeak?
Fuck off
>Type in the information
>join a lobby and go to your settings to make sure push to talk is on.
you open it, you connect to the server and then you speak with your team
this is not rocket science
I can tell the difference because I am actually part of NASA
I have. Every general for the past 3 months or so. I just didn't understand what it was.
But so you gotta create your own team then, right? I was under the impression that it was used ro find teammates, not to talk to teammates tou already have, cause I got none.
>tfw u personally know the artist
Unrelated, but his drawings are fucking awesome.
It's fine user, you'll come to like it.
No, the server you are connecting to is random people from /r6g/. We didn't know each other until joining. If there are 4 or less people in a team, join and be part of that team user. Then you friend request them and play together.
no you can just join and play with randoms
that is what this teamspeak is about, playing with random 4channers
I tried it once
not going back, fuck these people
especially the americans