Dem boys forever edition
>>> So You want to Play Vscape? >> Staff
Dem boys forever edition
>>> So You want to Play Vscape? >> Staff
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coconuts 3k ea
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magic seeds 150k ea
Coal ore 800 ea
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>A Sloth (!TEsgJa29Mt)
Fuck off. Report+ignore until a proper thread is made.
For Mango
Mith Dragons
Pray Range and you can stay
investigate user "Qwerty" for botting
Done. Thanks.
tfw made millions alching bread dough. looks like latent fucked up and added a few extra zeros to it
petition to stop Latent "fixes" when
what's the best way to get fat stacks if you're past being a flax nigga/pess slave, but too low level to thieve heroes and craft shit?
Pess and flax are the best money makers in the game though.
But clues and barrows well be better if you get lucky.
American Torva when
oi lads
im putting out another translation for gegege no kitaro later on tonight at around 10pm est, its the game
t. cactus
nobody cares lmao fuck off faggot weeb
tfw made millions alching mithril spears (kp). looks like latent fucked up and added a few extra zeros to it
u just mad cus ur not in the OP group pic lul
b t f o
wildy fucking eviscerated
>tfw getting the urge to grind smithing
stop me pls
Selling TT clothes and god pages.
PM Buffalabro
all gone
why infinity boots over rangers lmoa
Bronze (g) stuff, Dark Cav, Rune Skirts (t) & (g), Sara and Zam Skirts, and Addy Skirt (t)
all gone
Is there a portable version of the vscape launcher/client? Playing at the public library is a hassle when I have to redownload the resource files to the user.home directory frequently.
>put /v/scape files in flashdrive
>launch jar
heydudes i heard that herbs are a good way to make money on this server so i am selling these.
How much should i expect to get for this? Im looking to buy a whip soon.
bout tree fiddy
for thanks doc
any more requests?
That's not how it works friend
this is terrible, neck yourself wi1dy
>thinking they would be good
JFC if i could sing do you think I'd be playing this shit?
>infinity boots
>antidragon shield
>addy bolts
why are you using inferior/incorrect gear senpai
ign is "I See You"
what's the right setup then?
replace all that stupid meme shit with:
diamond (e) bolts
log in, i want it all
sorry, jay tootie pmed me first so he has dibs
Are you one of those niggers that think it's better than a defender too
It has -5 range attack vs anti-dragon shield which has 0
yeah but you get more range and magic def you mongoloid along with a meme spec
>jay tootie not online
and for those without a visage?
15. An amphitheater has 8000 general seats and 4000 reserved seats. If tickets for general seats are priced at $25 less than the price of reserved seats, what should the prices be for each type of ticket so that the total revenue from a sellout performance will be $544,000?
16. An amphitheater has 9500 general seats and 3200 reserved seats. If tickets for general seats are priced at $17 less than the price of reserved seats, what should the prices be for each type of ticket so that the total revenue from a sellout performance will be $435,400?
this was hours ago man
use the anti-dragon, but if you're doing miths chances are you aren't a poor shitter who has to settle for the anti-shitter shield
>calling someone an asian
are you saying that's not an insult?
or are you yourself, a filthy slanteyed fat-head?
stop bullying chuckus
he's a proud asian-aussie
So why are so many oldfags and literally whos logged in tonight?
more like a proud asian pussy lol
>only +8 more mage def
>you're praying range anyway
>to lose that much accuracy
hi wiggins
*discards argument*
I'm just an user making an argument that's right
please help #16
>+8 magic def for prolonged trips or
>+5 range accuracy that probably will only affect weather or not 3 or 4 of your shots hit anyway
i think the choice is obvious here
i think i finally get it
the reason he takes the anti drag shield over dfs is because wiggins is afraid of tanks
Kaede reporting in.
what's that circle in the qt tier and why am i in it
it means you're an ultra-qt, animosity
>spending good shekels on an onahole that guarantees you a name on the government watchlist when you could make your own at home
don't do that
>implying I used my cc, internet, or address to get this
Did pureswagandk literally kill himself
just remembered that idiot
hi ovid
>tfw no KKK meeting this week
Would you?
raltz should delete this
fuck you thomas
>tfw another shitty treasure trail drop
What is with this eyebrows style?
This needs to stop.
males generally have thicker eyebrows m8
>he doesnt like thick eyebrows
kill yourself famalam
Why doesnt Vscape have achievement diaries? Amirite?
Veeky Forumsscape when?
>this is a 10/10 in 2dub's pedo Veeky Forumsctory
looks kinda like the bitch who played the brother of michael c hall in that tv show dexter on CBS that aired around 2006 - 2013
Will someone post the rolling picture for the Barrows Bros.
gotchu senpai
I want to FUCK that worm
who is knightaudit
>he got banned for a fucking Dragon's Dogma picture
Capcom got real strict desu
>they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother
I miss Ssssssssssss
>Ssssssssssss was actually just an exploit account
delet thissssssssssss