/brg/ - Battlerite General

No complaining/dying allowed edition

>What is Battlerite?
Battlerite is a PvP skillshot-based team arena game, similar to WoW Arena. It is made as the successor to Bloodline Champions, and is currently in Early Access. Release date slated at early 2017.

Store Page: store.steampowered.com/app/504370
Official News: steamcommunity.com/games/504370/announcements/
Official Wiki: battlerite.gamepedia.com/Battlerite_Wiki
Statistics: masterbattlerite.com/

>I want to donate my mmr to /brg/

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Thorn when


3th for Teldo the croak god

Why is this game so dead? Like, what's the actual reason? Because it's not f2p yet?

Enjoy your meme e-celeb.

EU finals starting now.
Croak/Jade vs Lucie/Ruh Kaan or bakko.

teldo and velrosk are gods but the lucie ruh kaan destroyed the number one shifu player earlier in the tourney.

BLC was a failure of a game and stunlock has succeeded in appeasing neither BLCfags who won't shut up that the game is different, nor in grabbing new players with the redesign.

actual reasons from most significant to least
>No marketing
>no twitch or youtuber big name playing it, forcing it(yes this matters largely nowadays, sad but true)
>not f2p
>requires time investment to git gud

a lot of the same shit that made Bloodline die regardless of the game quality

While it's true that the marketing is practically non-existent right now (and probably is a mistake not to go hard with it, even in EA), they did get sodapoppin to start doing sponsored streams.