Dead by Daylight General /dbd/

Nea a cute edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like Evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>Official Wiki

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.2.1b)

>Report hackers

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Other urls found in this thread:

1st for this game is a balance nightmare

disconnecting meta is back

There is still virtually no negative for a survivor leaving.

>The remarks of an angry Survivor who can't accept the fact he got outplayed and then whines when he can't use the Get Out of Jail Free card that he shouldn't even have.
Well, it's too bad, really. This perk has no counters without exploit, literally a free escape perk.

Infinite hooks = infinite face camp

So the double blood points weekend is coming lel

Cool link friendo.
Was it supposed to go somewhere?

Fuck. I guess I am autistic after all :(

8th for Sloppy Joe is a good guy after all.

>prestiged jake with sprint burst and pallet town at his disposal
>d/c because he sucks cock

Holy shit lol

I love how angry survivors get when I drop them after picking them up and making them waste their DS3. It feels so fucking good.

Got this guy with a chainsaw charge seconds before he got away. Our chase started on the other side of the map while the other guy got the gate open. Almost got the other guy too, but he decided not to try for the save. This is probably one of the most satisfying experiences I've had in this game for a while.

Sloppy Joe is a bad person. You should face camp him or let him bleed out on the ground.

And here you have a bot and its predators in their natural habitat.

Also, one of the players pulled the stupidest thing I've seen yet.

He ran into a locker while I was hot in his trail. I mean, besides the point I heard him do it, the red lines all ended at the locker.

What you didn't notice is that the post is actually the 9th one so then nothing is true.

Is it ever acceptable to lose a perk to the Entity? I have 0 interest in Hope. Or is that how you Prestige?

If you just want to level up and don't necessarily care about the perk you can look to see if it would be more beneficial to you to spend points on other nodes of the bloodweb and hope the entity eats multiple nodes at once.

BUT if you don't take the perk out of the equation you also leave it in the pool of perks that can come up when you level up since it's random.

It's funny because if they were smart they would all just run back and forth in front of him, which gets you bold AND altruism points. faster than healing. AND the bot gets less points with no brutality.

Well sounds like it's up to the Entity at this point. Currently going for a ranger med pack so I'll see what happens. Thanks.

Who was in the wrong?

user, think objectively for once in your life and say which side is overpowered.

Survivors are blatantly more powerful then they should be. It's currently more advantageous to be caught by the killer and distract him with a wild goose chase then it is to hide and sneakily do gens and escape. Your team will more then likely do better pointwise/productionwise, and the killer will do worse. This is objective fact.

Completely ignoring stupid perks maps are biased for one side or the other almost exclusively because of one feature; Pallets. The more pallets in a map, the more favorable it is for the survivors to play on it. The one exception to this is the Haddonfield map where most of the pallets are in absolutely terrible and worthless positions, but that map is better for survivors because 2/5 LITERALLY can't use their powers there.

The devs are retarded. F13 beta in less then three weeks.

The league reference.

The hard truth is that as long as teachables are a thing survivors have the most potential to be overpowered. None of the teachables by themselves (except for self care SOMETIMES thanks to some true infinites) are too strong by themselves. It's when you take the best of all of them it becomes idiotic and the game becomes an entirely different game where the killer is the prey.

They're self healing for survival points dimbass, they maxed bold and altruism a while ago

Why would you self heal for survival points when you get 5k for fucking leaving?

Anybody here use nurse? I pretty much only use her (her design is outstanding) but fuck its really hard to down people. That 3 seconds of not being able to see or follow after a blink kill me.

What do you guys think of her?

Survivors are way too strong right now and no one can deny it.

Then they're bigger idiots than I thought, that takes WAY too long to be worth it.

So that they can get 8k instead

The weakest killer

Forced camera movement is triggering me, no matter how fun/good she'll be, will never play. God bless enduring auto-adjusting after pallet stuns.

that's not wraith. Nurse can still tag people with the aim assist after blinking.

These fucking kids want to be rewarded for playing like shit. Holy fuck

5%? What?

Walked away with 12k and still acted like a little brat.

You have a 5% chance to unhook yourself.

There's a small chance you can pull yourself off the hook.

on a daily basis


People have gotten mad at me when I was a nurse, after a lost and didn't down anybody.

I don't understand.

Probably gonna face camp the little shit if I ever see him again. I will not be disrespected like this.

They don't like be hit at all. They consider it BM.

wtf is this "kobe'd" shit?

Twitch memes.

Good lord, this is just getting silly.

Why do people get mad when you try to win the game

Because it isn't fun!

because killers don't have to kill everyone to win, you're suppose to care about points more.

Also your stealing survivors fun away, didn't get the epic hatch escape and show that killer who's better.

Are there any general tips for where to look for the hatch?

not really, you just walk around and try to hear it

I would check the shacks first.

Real steep difficulty curve, but I hear she cleans house once you get really good with her.

>he's using slurs and getting irate
>you just use light namecalling
>"leave doofus"

sloppy is a blessing and we are lucky to have him

do you have any videos of her cleaning house perchance? I just want to get an idea of how to play her.

Right now I just run a good distance away and then blink back to where I was so I can catch people off guard.

Afraid not. It's just what I've heard. I'm uniformly terrible with everyone, so I couldn't tell you for sure.

I haven't seen a hatch in the blood lodge house for so long... I almost believed they removed that spawn completely. Just a day ago I've confirmed it still spawns there, so I'd really say out of all the spots, they're really equally randomized. Not like when on ironworks it would always spawn inside the building... now that I mention it I haven't seen it there since forever.

Fucking Dark Souls cancer get out of my game!

Wow he's really bad. He should stick to beginner killers like Mike Myers.

damn, all he said was good game.

I really should have held his game hostage. Maybe he would have fucked off back to Dark Souls.

What are the new Shrine perks?

>all survivors alive
>they power and open the gates
>find one fixing a gen and chase him towards the exit
>go check the gen again
>down and hook him
>face camp his ass for being such a greedy fucking faggot
>his buddies do a pitiful job trying to bait me away from the hook
>they taunt me at the edge of the door
>end game chat full of shit grammar whining and how I got reported, etc
>it was a SWF stack
If the doors are open and you suck, just fucking leave dumbass, holy fuck. Shit like this makes me want to go back to my previous style of "patrolling" hooks instead of hook and forget.

>F13 beta in less then three weeks.
Is that for all pre-orders or just the kickstarter backers?

I'm that nurse player, I'm pretty fucking bad as her (but I love her design so I ain't gonna quick). I lose all the fucking time so fuck yeah I camp that hook. People literally complain regardless, I promise you. Whether they win or lose, they will complain. If all I've done in a match is manage to hit one person one time and nothing else they will still complain.

Fuck em.

I know, I used to get bitching every damn game no matter what. Used to be worse actually, and I think nowdays isn't as bad since most survivors just dc holy shit.

Got more people angry I caught them literally steps away from leaving. Apparently I'm really good at that.

It's funny, cause this wasn't even a good game for me. Didn't find anyone until they were two gens away.

Also, is it weird I find games really quickly as a killer, but really slowly when I'm a survivor?

>tfw hillbilly w/ noed wipes your entire team while you're opening a door
>tfw suicide unhook them and they don't just fucking leave

Everyone died, but I still had fun.

>survivors really think the decisive strike drop glitch is an exploit cuz THE DEVS SAID SO

Why are they so mad that they have to think about using their free escape button?

If you know the killer is going to drop you, don't use it right away and save it. Even if you get hooked once that doesn't matter that much.

>Trapper on Asylum for my first game in a few days. Oh boy.
>Grab a greedy Dwight off a gen after setting a single trap near my starting area.
>Noticed he wasn't the only one on that gen so someone else was obviously nearby so I do a trap fake under him.
>Other Dwight takes the bait and I catch him, can see Jake coming so I drop him.
>Pretend I don't see him and trap fake again, he falls for it.
>Carry him off to another hook and the match turns into trap fake after trap fake and them doing the shittiest saves I've seen in a long time.
>Two people get hooked three times for the instadeath
>After I smack both of the remaining two and they jump out the atrium window and I set my second trap of the game in the asylum.
>First trap goes off and I go grab and haul jake off to a hook.
>On the way I can see tracks appearing IN FRONT of me because Dwight is apparently sniffing my ass at high speed.
>He didn't fall for the first trap fake but I did a second one and he fell for it and the game was sealed.

SWF is great. I'm gonna be killin for a while I think.

third time this shit has happened, I didn't want my pips anyway

I thought they buffed Shadowborn?

I remember a post a while back with a wider FOV than it is at currently, but I think he was just trolling and using old screenshots.

Anybody used it recently?

Sometimes you just have to have a sense of humor about these things.

since prestiging for my first time ever, literally every single game has been quad bloody survivors who spam u mad salty shit after every round

where the fuck are these retards coming from? am I in the shadow pool?

I had a weird teleport happen to me earlier. A survivor was going over a pallet right into me. I swung my hammer and just suddenly teleported somewhere else, with the survivor not taking the hit.

So somehow they fucked up pips again, Past three times the killer has disconnected from my game it takes a pip from me.

>got a single sacrifice
>down the same survivor twice
>lose sight of him, gets healed
>down a second time and carry him
>wiggles off halfway to the hook
>down a claudette
>meh i'm not gonna drop her, doubt this shitter has DS
>she does
>heals at the edge of the exit for those sick points
Fuck DS.

what did they mean by this?

hehe... hey guys... can't let the thread die!


i'm all alone.




Hello friend

Why greetings other friend.

hey guys what's going on i just had a glass of milk gonna go to sleep now so i don't ruin my gains

I just got buttmad at myself for continuing to play survivor even though I get no points that way, at least until they make stealth an actual viable option. So now I'm playing Monster Hunter.

Friday the 13th when?

January 2017 is the next one

I doubt they'll reach that date.

Say what you will about em but man bot matches give some good points.

Yeah I used to just repair and leave bot lobbies but now i wanna prestige 3 so I work with them for now.

Is that Starship Troopers?

NOED meme build?

Yeah, it is.

I love it I'm being a nice killer and they thank me.

That's what you get for playing Myers

I think DbD is probably one of the few games where I legit feel bad for one side, specifically newer Killers who haven't been playing the game long. Especially with the shit matchmaking when said new killers get a room with several prestiged opponents. It's just embarrassing to watch.

The only people who don't get shit upon are SWF groups. Solo queue and you'll get a bunch of idiots who can barely dress themselves. You'll either get targeted early on, die, and everyone else will die, or you'll pop two generators, wait for everyone to die and then grab the hatch.

>Decide to visit dbd subreddit out of curiosity
>"Killers leaving survivors bleed out on the ground are fags!"
>"Decisive strike is not OP, you're not supposed to kill everyone in a match and git gud btw"
>"Self care is a balanced perk and shouldn't be nerfed"
>"killers shouldn't have auto aim"
>"Survivors should have smaller hitboxes"
>"Dropping a survivor to glitch DS is worse than Hitler"
>"Campers everywhere!"
If these are the people devs listen to, I understand why this game is becoming worse with each day.

Man,killer mains there have it rough.They have vitriol spewed on a lot and their complains are legit.I can't imagine what happens when infinite hooks are implemented,probably the whole thing will collapse with:

So does the killer get a notification when a survivor is in a locker too long or just standing still for too long in general? Noticed it when I was trying to find the last survivor and got a beacon to the locker he was in.

You hear them moan like the little bitches they are.

>4 Bloody Claudettes
What should I do guys?I'm scared...

But is it just lockers?

