/acg/ - Animal Crossing General

#1173 - Leif Edition

Previous thread: >The Basics
ACNL Basics Guide - thonky.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/
AC Wiki - animalcrossing.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Crossing_Wiki
Nookipedia - nookipedia.com
The "pthhhpth" pastebin (FAQ) - pastebin.com/jU4CeWhu
Brand New Catch - animalcrossing.us/animal-crossing-new-leaf-brand-new-catch-november/

>Furniture & Collectibles
Item database - moridb.com/
Item image gallery - animalcrossingnl.mooo.com
Museum Checklist - mediafire.com/download/0p18zy41jkxsy8a/ACNL_Fossil_&_Art_Checklist_RC2.xlsx

>Customization Guide
Image/Pattern Converter - thulinma.com/acnl/
All Furniture Customizations - customnewleaf.tumblr.com/
Image2QR code - mediafire.com/download/d0g3vj88g0gk1pf/Version 0.4.zip
Pro Designs Android App - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nefastudio.android.dmoridesigner
QR Paths - pathmagic.tumblr.com acnlpaths.tumblr.com/ acpath.tumblr.com

>Happy Home Designer
All villagers & items - happyhomedesigner.wikia.com
FAQ - pastebin.com/f8pnU0wr
Amiibo Cards - nintendo.co.jp/3ds/edhj/amiibocard/index.html

>How to play ACNL online with /acg/
People need to add each other's FCs in order to visit faraway towns.
Put your name and FC in the name field to save time.

>Villager Birthdays
15th - Sly
16th - Daisy
17th - Mallary
18th - Tia
19th - Amelia

Mushroom season (November)
Harvest furniture (November)
19th - Fishing Tourney

Town tune list - newleaftunes.tumblr.com/tunes
Neighbor move in/Camper Reset trick - i.imgur.com/meQutqI.png
What is the void? - pastebin.com/9KPbdnSY
Preventing moveouts - pastebin.com/avaKnPPc
Welcome Amiibo FAQ - pastebin.com/aAbMZwmM
ACNL OST - pastebin.com/bPyY03LK
Upload to Imgur via 3DS browser - webrender.net/imgur/
Dream codes - pastebin.com/PCmJZ5WA

>get New Leaf on release day
>spend months autisticly hanging in these threads until I have a perfect village, complete with every single dream villager whos houses were in rows, an all fruit orchard, a complete dirt path, and all the Japan only items
>GF wants to borrow 3DS
>lend it to her, she makes villager in my town
>we break up
>she won't give it back
>ignores all my texts

Is there a way for me to use my Powersave to edit the save on my new cart so I can recreate my old town?

Kyle and marshall are both hitting on me


the fuccboi

The one who has been in your town the longest.

It's about time.

Please make space for a good villager (like Francine).

That sucks,
Even if you ignore that you had a lot of progress, that woman took your 3ds and game.
That's a bunch of money.

Chadder is leaving today. Anybody want him?

Anyone have a re-tail taking Fossils or Fruit as premium items?


dunno with powersave, but with the JKSM save manager you can do it

Can someone post the best one tile path that fits the forest theme

It was my OG XL, I only lent it to her because I got a New XL. I would honestly be willing to let her keep it if she'd give me the game. I'd even buy a new copy of the game for her if thats what it takes, I just miss my town

Spent the afternoon making my first dress. It's supposed to be a christmas themed dress and apron. How can I improve it

Considering that this game is a waifu wars simulator i'm surprised that there isn't a pastebin for fanfics.

I wish I was that a̶u̶t̶i̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ creative

Fuck off

>Fuck off

What direction?

Looks real nice

>someone made something in a game where you can make things
>they must be autistic

It must hurt to be this painfully retarded.

Fossils can't be on premium.

>doesn't know autistic is a compliment
normie spotted


My town currently has Katrina, Wendell's RV, and Premium Umbrella+Famous mushrooms. Who wants in?

Think I'd add a bit of detail to the front of the apron, mainly across the chest. Something like a simple tree outline or candy cane. I'd say holly, but you've already got that on the skirt, and a reindeer might be tricky to fit. Maybe some slight detail to the sleeve cuffs too, but I'm not sure.

>wendell carries pasta, which i desperately want
>already ordered 3 items


Can anyone spare some axes?

Yo lemme peep that K

I need a peppy. Which of these is the best?

Personally I'd say Sprinkle, but I like penguins. Peanut, Cookie, bianca, Bunnie are all pretty good picks.

I'd go with Peanut

I like Bunnie the best. What animals do you already have in your town?

Reindeer seems cute, I might give it a try and if I can't get it to work just make the skirt plain and put holly on the apron instead. Thank you.

Bunnie or Cookie

Alright added. Anyone else want to be added before I open up the gates?

No love for Bianca?

Is that ssonic2?

i just got that letter you sent me, thanks again

Alright, I'm open

1st time buying cards here. 4 packs. Happy with results I'd say.

My town is full otherwise I'd snap him up in seconds. Can I still get him from your void?

Literally, some of the the best pulls i've seen

Lottie scanned today. Who wants to order a francy shiny HHD N3DS XL? Or perfume, you sissy.


Top is current, bottom is planning.

Except for the cafe area, the peninsula is a wild fruit forest with a campsite at the diving cliff. The rock behind the mayoral retreat is breakable but I'm thinking of keeping it there as a backyard sitting area beside some tree stumps.

I think with the update I can finally build a bridge from my house to the mainland but I've kind of grown attached to living like a hermit. And the second bridge to the cafe is comfy.


Also post your maps because I obviously love maps.

I dont usually post mine but here you go
Got static, bob, lucky, kyle, freya, octavian, bunnie, phoebe
I need to kick out someone for a snooty character though
Planning to make a spa area to the right of my waterfall house

Nice. Amazon still hasn't shipped me a card scanner yet either. All I wanted was Anhka from series 2, the rest are a bonus.

I thought he'd fully remember me with this update.
I let him go last week. But, decided to bring him back after I saw his amiibo card yesterday.
Maybe the original one jumped to another town through my void when I let people in to sell their turnips.


Post the letter

I want peeps to see how stupid I am

They forget who you are when you use an amiibo card

Nice! That river is really satisfying. Have you thought about moving your top bridge over a little so you can have a diagonal bridge?



Nah i like it the way it is. Its easier to look at with villagers crossing over it since i also made it a shabby wooden bridge

>Bonbon & Ankha + Whitney & Pecan.

Gruff looks cool too.

Women are vindictive pieces of shit, it's your own damn fault for fraternizing with them.
Even if you could get in contact, she'd probably destroy the game cart just to spite you.

What are your nip prices boys, I've got 3mil in nips lying around and they're burning a hole in my pocket and Reese is giving me 53 today.

(Gracie has me all riled up cuz I want that trump set bad and I forgot about the sales)

I've got 348 today, is this lucky or will the week be higher?

Gruff is one of the top crankies, one of my originals, I still miss him

Can I come over and sell? I'll cash out while it's at that price.

>Tia's card

God damn, I'm jealous. I have her in my town right now, though.

It's pretty high. Have you been keeping track of the prices all week, because that's going to be the main indicator of its future price. If it's the 3rd rise of the week, then yes, that's the highest it'll be

here's the letter, ignore the awful picture quality

Holding out for a 400+ personally, but you might be just randomly lucky. I think the crazy high spikes are either random pattern or later in the week.

Not a bad price. I'm willing to come through and sell my turnips and give you a percentage.

Someone plays too much Egg-likes
There should be more in the genre.

I will add you guys and open soon and other guys it was 118 yesterday, this high price compared to last weeks lame prices feels lucky

348 Bells guy is open to the two I added

Read through the viIIager guide, and it Iooks Iike you can onIy encounter 16 of the 300+ viIIagers.

ls this true? Once you have your 9, you can onIy cycIe 7 more once some start moving out?

Does the camp site give you a 10th viIIager? ls the camp site worth it since it's permanent?

How do you encounter the other 280+ viIIagers?

I'm replacing Colton with Leonardo soon. Anyone wanna adopt him once he's in boxes?

I finally got Gracie to agree to build a store!

And the actual outfit that convinced her was sort of reasonable. She asked for Flashy so I ended up wearing a Jester Mask, a Skull hood and my zap clothes with some colorful socks.

She said I looked like a pro wrestler.

16 is your "memory" of villagers, after that they start rotating out. So if you want someone to move back in you need to rotate through at least 16 villagers or w/e. You can encounter 280+ villagers in a single save, theoretically, if you're crazy.

What guide are you talking about?

The campsite can give you your 10th villager, you can also get a villager from someone else's town if they have someone moving out or if you wifi with them and they recently had a villager move out that no one adopted.

If you don't think you'll feel up to stalking adoption reddits or tumblrs or here for move outs then yes, it's worth it to build the campsite.

You can still encounter pretty much every villager except the new special ones that come from some of the amiibos, it's just a matter of allowing your villagers to constantly move out when they ask and allowing new ones to come in.

Can I also come afterwards?
I only have like 1 inventory fill so it won't take long

Who is best wolf?

A feminist drew this and it's so obvious

Does anyone know of or have a nice path that goes with the zen bridges?

Do you want to type about fucking animals that much dude?




I don't have it in me to save edit or paint the whole town to control where villagers move, so I can't figure out what to do with the area around the town hall.

But I'm thinking fountain in the northern plaza, flower clock in the southern plaza, and some kind of bench directly south of that.

PWP in the bottom corner is a lighthouse. Might add some outdoor chairs or a hammock to the left of the campsite, and something south of my house.


Hook it up

Thank you very much again!

>having a gf


Cool tell me when I can come

>not going on in game dates with your boyfriend/girlfriend
how sad


got a couple packs of amiibo cards. How'd I do?


>Agent S

I'd say you did pretty good.

agents, moose, groucho, kyle, cherry, monique

this is clearly the superior thread, it's been updated correctly
unlike the other thread

I restarted:
If I invite a camper to my town when the automatic 9th villager is supposed to come tomorrow, will the camper still come or will the supposed villager not show up?

Anyone have Katrina in their town? Today's town initiative wants me to get a lucky item.

scan timmy and invite us in

I think they would both move in? You can have 10 houses total, it's just that the 10th villager isn't automatic like the first 9 are.

Theres another thread? You guys shouldnt be making 2 of them

Mods will delete both

Cards aren't figures, you don't get RVs.