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Elder Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/2j6b68mgboo0jqz/Witcher All in One.zip
mediafire.com/file/a1hrl4bszbb0j9t/Assassin Kit v8 18 Jun 2016.zip

waifus, lore, harmony

Cause it's shit, almost as bad as Falskaar.

Post adventure.

>be level 52
>doing companions quests for nord hero gear
>werewolf time
>only 1/4 bloodlust
>dragon attack
>so no resistances
>and no armor
>and 1 perk point
>im ganna die
>cant outrun it
>christ the one time I am in an open field
>say fuck it
>running power attack
>one shot it
So.. this is the strength of werewolves.

>you will never pull your waifus boots off and lick her smelly, sweaty feet clean after a long hard day of adventuring

why live?

Some of you have some weird fetishes.

Do the dragons predate the Ehlofey? Why don't the Falmer have accounts of oppression under the dragons as well?

VR set and a hooker, you dingus.

Foot fetish is pretty tame.

you don't belong here, get out normie

post husbandos


Dragons were mainly centered around Akavir and Atmora and came along with the Atmorans to Skyrim when rebellions against their priests broke out


Any good vanilla husbando for a strong imperial woman?



I just finished dinner you fag. Keep that shit to yourself.


Would you recommend NexusMM or nah.


Who are your favourite husbandos and waifus?

Why couldn't Skyrim be as good as The Witcher 3?

Would you?

user he answered you yesterday

Except it is?


11/11/11 and the casual audience

By every objective measure it's a better game.

It came out 5 years earlier, Bethesda can't write for shit, and the series is held back by it's nature of being a sandbox.

Plus, the game was rushed for memes and they wanted to appeal to as many plebs as possible.


i want heiko to hug me

Alright I know you're waiting for a reason. Go ahead and post your waifu.


okay there, todd

Naw, have a picture of Augustus instead.

Just for you user.

So i've been thinking of updating my old pic of lore connections to include how the Champion of cyrodiil and Dragonborn tie into Tiber Spetim and Pelinal.

Think I should?

Why are her hands so small?

Avoid NMM at all costs

Shes related too "Can't Stump the Trump"?

That was his Honey half

No it isn't. The only thing Skyrim does better is that it has better but still disappointing RP elements like character creation and it has more open-ended freedom, both due to the fact that it isn't a story-driven game. Witcher 3 does literally everything else better, especially from a technical standpoint.

>inb4 that's only because it's older
Fallout 4 came out after Witcher 3 and is proof even had Skyrim been released in 2015 it still would've been inferior, just not as much.

Anyway, comparison over, this isn't /wtc/ so I'll keep my mouth shut now. Just needed to say it, and I'm actually a big fan of Skyrim..


No. Get MO, user.

Which sold more and still has several times more people playing it at any time?

Because skyrim.
Some pose fuck the skeleton D:

Still tiny.

Dude, even here I can see it. Those fingers are fucking tiny. It looks like there's a child hiding behind her and holding her arm.


The pose isn't going to change hand size.

ask again later

Let me make sure I have this right.

Suspicious-man performs the Black Sacrament against Snek because he was defeated, but clearly irrelevant enough to be allowed his life. While unconscious, someone kills suspicious-man's team, and he holds Snek responsible, even though who is really responsible is left ambiguous. After all, the reader does not see Snek draw blood, suspicious-man's or anyone else'.

Will this continue in later chapters? Also, I apologize in advance if I got any of that wrong - I had to follow on a tablet.

What's the best ENB for waifus?

I don't really see it but I'll try to change that then.

wgeb Using custom races my custom khajiit and argonian females dont have eyes. Anyone know a fix?


>popularity = quality
lol I love this meme

Yurt the Silent Chef.

Do you use Fake Fullscreen? I've been trying to set it up, but it seems I can't. Just wondering if I can squeeze some more performance out.

Objective stats trump "muh feelings".

I like that armor, what mod is it?

totally this. Candy Crush is better than both games

>I don't really see it

Really? It's like her forearm terminates into a tiny hand with no transition. She has hand cankles. Forewrists?

Yeah, just set ForceBorderless=true
ForceBorderlessFullscreen=true in your enblocal.ini. I don't even think it matters whether the game is set to full or not anymore, but mine is still set to bFull Screen=0 in skyrimprefs.

Correct. Skyrim outsold The Witcher 3. Not arguing that whatsoever.

Harek was the bandit leader of a small group terrorizing the border of Whiterun/Falkreath. The bandit I focused on who wasnt wearing a helmet was his son. Snakestone took up the job of clearing them out. He tracked em down to there camp. He was mortally wounded and thought dead. I was gonna do more action shots but my tfc bugged out and I couldnt attack. He wakes up a few hours later to his gang and son dead. It's assumed it was Snakestone. He goes into hiding due to being a wanted man and sees Snakestone a few months later. While he was gonna strike him down then and there he saw a small imperial patrol and knew he couldnt take em all on. So in desperation he kills the old lady who lives above the cave he resides in and performs the Black Sacrement. Augustus, the Listener of the DB (in my story) hears the call and orders Blushes to meet him. Then it continues to the first encounter of Blushes story.

It will continue when I feel like it. Harek is gonna play a role as a main villian for awhile. I plan to also use Augustus as a way to show Blushes life in the DB sanctuary. Augustus is the only one who knows Blushes has never actually killed anyone, and all her targets have died to accidents. He views this as a valuable asset and keeps her around and feels like he needs to protect her.

My dunmer Tavyrn will get into the mix eventually. His endevors are dwemer related and he will meet and hire Snakestone and befriend him. This catches Tavryn off guard cause he's never had a friend. Aswell he can't even talk to women of any race.

Eiries im really sorry, I didnt plan to make another roster update, but after 4 hours of playing as Augustus im gonna keep the fucker around for something.


nah its cool, imgur has been impressively functional lately.

Cheers famalam, I was fucking about in resolution settings in the launcher.

Is TESO good? Friend just bought it for me on the PS4. I just want to get an idea of what I'm getting myself into.

I would honestly argue that the Witcher series as a whole does a lot worse because they give Geralt amnesia, a perfect way to start over, and let the player build relations with NPCs..... and then they do nothing but shove NPCs from the books in your face, and all of them act like you should know everything they did together in the books.

Witcher 3 fails even harder in this regard with the sudden insertion of Yen, who the player has never met before, but is expected to act like shes your waifu.

Then they set up this big plot about having to find Ciri, but the problem is that its impossible to feel anything for Ciri, since you never met her, and Geralt never interacted with her before this that we get to see in any of the games.

Its even WORSE then Fallout 4 narratively, because at least Fallout 4 gives you like 10-15m intues to fuck around with your family before ou are expected to go find them.

This isn't even talking into account the MASSIVE 180 in personality characters like Ves, Triss, and Roche pull between Witcher 2 and 3, which make it hard to relate since they are apparently not the same person.

Then the entire ending of the game is like "we stopped global freezing by beating up this one Suaron elf dude!" Which doesn't even make any sense.

Ciri being the chosen one who gives birth to the ACTUAL chosen one who is supposed to save the world by opening a portal so everyone can fuck off of the planet is totally avoided for reasons.

I apologize for the wait, here you go. It's ported rather badly if I recall, with clipping all over. Though I do hope it or something else the author has done is of some use to you.


I see! Well then, its will be interesting to see how this unfolds. Please continue, I'll be watching.

It's a decent MMO and does some things better than Skyrim, but some things worse.

you guys like my cosplay?


Can you reupload it somewhere or is there a way to grab workshop mods without having the game on steam

what ENB?

what does it do worse?

>faggot on another board is talking about skyrim
>get the urge
>remember my notebook
>gold ore sites
>ebony ore sites
>orc ore sites
>alchemy ingredient list for easy to make and important potions
>more notebooks in the box
>oblivion notebook with ingredient list
>houses to hit for gold/loot/cheese
>sites with level locked gear like silver weaponry for low level playthroughs
>my old everquest notebooks with crusty pages on cooking, smithing, brewing, tailoring and leatherworking
>names of friends
>quest items
>dig deeper
>hand drawn legend of zelda maps
>wizardry maps
Fuck I was not expecting feels tonight.

I think it is time to become an Imperial Paladin again for old times sake.

Ask /tesog/.

>Its even WORSE then Fallout 4 narratively, because at least Fallout 4 gives you like 10-15m intues to fuck around with your family before ou are expected to go find them.
>anything worse than that retarded as fuck intro

Wish I still had my muscle wizard that was used in the OP a few times a while back.

Still, I apologize for such a sudden update in roster. I dislike the idea of being a bother.

Thanks Lil Drow. A lil burnt out on story making right now. It took me 2 sleepless days and alot of CTDs to make this one. I want to do some Blushes stories of her life in the DB and her missions. But im unsure on how to pull off these accidents.

I had so much fun with this story though. The bandit gang was no name dock workers I spawned and force recruited with EFF. Then giving them random armor from Briganage was neat. Aswell as using a clay deposit as a make shift grave. Setting up the ritual. Man stories can be fun.

uh thats real life

Has anyone here made a good looking thalmor slut? I need guidance.

Quit being such a sorry sad sack goddamn

courtney cox

Aesthetic, freedom, obviously not as much in the way of mods. More than a few quests are sort of like "Yeah okay. Sure."
It's very much a TES MMO rather than a TES game that happens to be an MMO. That being said a lot of stuff is enjoyable, and frankly the bosses are better than Skyrim.


Harek follower when??

"abloobloo I hate to be a minor inconvenience you"
just cut that shit out you sound like a megacuck

I need pictures

Well I mean the bosses in Skyrim are absolutely boring shit so that's not a huge achievement

>Can you reupload it somewhere



That should be it.

You ever thought of doing a WEB-esque overhaul of the final Harkon fight in Dawnguard?

No but the bosses in general can be pretty fun. The engine guardian for example is a blast if you've got a good team.

I actually plan to make them all followers, but considering the issues I ran into when making Blushes it may take awhile. Tavryn is top priority right now for me. I may bother Faust to help me make these.


Is there a mod that changes enemies' health bar so that the red bar isn't centered?


pls enjoy some israeli salad


That actually looks so good right now

Feeling burnt after storytimes is normal I think. It continues when you're ready, and that happens when it happens. Good Luck.
I'll check back when I'm done with Tyranny.

>tfw Enhanced Animations will never come to SSE
Well, fuck.

mediafire.com/file/2j6b68mgboo0jqz/Witcher All in One.zip

mediafire.com/file/a1hrl4bszbb0j9t/Assassin Kit v8 18 Jun 2016.zip

Post the song you'd use for your character when something super dramatic and emotional is happening in their story arc.

