Worm is best girl edition edition
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>worm queen will never burrow into uranus
>weapon list in the OP
>objectively superior and more helpful FRAME GUIDE isn't
tummy kissu~
DE is going to nerf us again
So you want her to accidentally think she's getting Kuva when it's actually your blood?
Wormie a cute!
head like a fuckin orange
congrats on sniper jackpot
nerf literally before the end of the week
Worm a cute!
your drawing is shit
Question for /wfg/.
I'm trying to do Spy Missions for certain Void relics and for Ivara parts, all I have is a Mag and soon to be Rhino and was wondering what's a decent, low-tier Stealth Build for them?
I know I can get Loki and a Shade Sentinel but I'm saving the last slot for Ivara and don't want to waste it; and I've already gotten Carrier for my Sentinel as well.
Reposting just in case.
IGN: Auronaku
Go onward, Loki.
Be the dick you're meant to be.
Make those randoms mad.
no it's shit
Stop Shilling your shitty, unfunny channel you Polish fuck
Posting this for NFA: the clan is currently full due to downsizing to mountain tier and cannot accept new apps at this time. People will be accepted when space becomes available.
lmao you will ned at least 300 runs of spy missions to get ivara
Oh, I know what I'm up against. It's still not as bad as some of the grinds I've done in the past. It's also to try and get Nova Prime and Soma Prime before they're vaulted for an extended period and it seems, at least from doing research the best place to get her parts are from Spy Missions. Unless someone else knows a better way of doing it.
hothotfix inc
_________buy plat_________
>Let's downsize!
>Oh no we have no room for people!
For crying out loud, the clan-tech shit gets done sooner or later anyways.
the zarr is fun
Whats this about Banshees feet?
IGN: Zanraptora
>I've seen things you wouldn't believe.
>I've seen Vanguard Rhinos riding their spinning Amphis into battle
>I've seen Bolto bolts, glittering in the air, passing through Corpus helmets.
>All these moments, lost in time, like gamemodes... in PVP...
>Buy... Plat... Goy...
It matches her older sister now.
Somehow I can't believe that the clan has 300 people when there's barely 30 on at any one time. Just make another clan for the shitlords that only come in during updates to leech off clantech. It's not like the alliance is anywhere near full.
So I have Item Thief or whatever the mod that identiefies loot on the minimap is called equipped, and during a mission a triangle symbol showed up, but when I investigated there was nothing around. what's the triangle symbol for?
Whatever they did, we're back to normal boat-shoes again now.
did they change them or break them before this?
Unfortunately no idea even if I use banshee frequently.
Was hoping someone here would caught whatever it was. The boatshoes are pretty much the last thing on normal banshee that can't be fixed by alt helm + one or two shoulder armors.
Anyone else think Magnetic damage needs a small buff?
I think that the status effect should be an AoE with a range similar to Gas'
who cares, everyone just uses corrosive anyway
I don't know why, but this new room bothers me. Is DE slowly replacing the Corpus Ship with a design similar to the Infested Ship and Corpus Ice Planet?
i saw her first
i was replaying the sneak peak at YT and cant get enough of her lolivoice
i still dont have enought of her ;_;
Is there any light at the end of the tunnel if I want to start formaing chroma?
DE's going to get away with this Riven mod cash grab, aren't they? Well, at least they didn't get away with trying to nerf Vacuum.
They seem to be getting desperate. Riven mods, double-dip unvaulting, delaying Banshee Prime yet again in order to Prime a more popular frame... what's next?
Good thing I've been at near-max MR for forever and have pretty much everything.
Yes, hes supposedly getting reworked. Also deluxe skin
tierqueer you fucking faggot gimme your pastebin because i unironically need it and can't be assed to do research on my own
When was last potato alert? I don't want to plat for them.
>hes supposedly getting reworked
I don't want it
I got one, another chance.
>chroma rework
>Is there any light at the end of the tunnel if I want to start formaing chroma?
Forma him now and enjoy him while you can before he gets his second nerf... pardon, I meant to say second look.
If you're asking whether there are any guarantees he won't be shit after the clueless retards at DE get through with him, there's no way to know.
As he is now, my 7-forma ice Chroma with Arcanes and maxed Traumatic Redirection never dies (except to high-level Supra crewmen, very occasionally) and mows down everything in sight.
Is it worth anything, boys?
Alternatively, is Lanka any good?
Phew, I was worried fora moment they had given in to shitters crying about boat shoes and slimmed them down/removed them.
Worried for nothing.
They will. Im not even sure why they introduced them in the first place since they talked about DMG 3.0 & how they wanted to get rid of damage mods. Riven completely screws that over so I guess we arent getting a damage 3.0 after all. I suppose it doesnt matter either way since fatfuck will manage to mess it up regardless.
Literally the only thing I was looking forward to was the small hope that TWW would've brought with it substantial endgame content. Thats all I wanted for the time being. Instead we get RNG slot machines.
Did you just assume my gender again?
>Chroma builds without QT+PF
>Chroma builds without energy conversion
The Lanka is incredibly good.
That damage bonus is pretty close to Heavy Caliber, but with no negative.
Only issue is the polarity really.
Ideally for the Lanka you'd want more fire rate and crit damage though.
If you got damage, crit damage, and fire rate all in one it would be golden.
Here's my current collection of rolled mods. I sold a Tonkor mod for over 700 plat earlier and have been scooping up more niche weapon mods since not only are those fun but they have a good chance of being buffed or remaining the same.
>Is it worth anything, boys?
Yes, but not a yuge amount. It has one pretty good stat and a pretty good, but situational stat.
>Alternatively, is Lanka any good?
In my opinion, it's the best sniper rifle in the game. Although it has a charge mechanic and flight time, it has something like 5m innate punchthrough and does massive quantities of damage. The charge time can brought to a very reasonable level while still doing tons of damage.
Crit is a bit unreliable though, but then again, there are Rivens now! Go go Gadget power creep!
>That Glaxion
Soo lucky.
>unreliable crits
With a simple Point Strike and max zoom you have guaranteed crits, and a chance to red crit.
>With a simple Point Strike and max zoom you have guaranteed crits, and a chance to red crit.
Oh shit, I guess I forgot about the sniper rework. I almost never use snipers outside of sorties, and when I do, I use the Lanka, usually with Zephyr to get a lot more flight speed.
>I haven't gone past 90 minutes in survival
How much do you want for the glaxion one? It's one of those weapons that I'd really like to be not-shit
QT+PF gives more EHP, but Vitality is much easier sustain with Medi-Ray
I don't like EC, the energy orb thing isn't reliable, it works like 80%+ of the time but the remaining 20% Is a pain
he really doesn't need one damn it
Yep, Handspring.
My goal when playing Chroma is to blast everything in sight with a +600% damage-boosted weapon, not to flip around like a Chinese gymnast to avoid the constant knockdown and CC spam DE uses as a substitute for game balance.
I'm talking about missions that are actually somewhat challenging mind you, like deep endless (RIP) or Grineer eximus excavation.
you put rage on, which effectively gives you energy for your health which means more health
once your DR is up it's actually very efficient
the problem about rage is that you're putting it on a frame that, yes, is supposed to get hit, but also gains armor, thus diminishing the amount of energy you'd get from being damaged in the first place
rage on an armor-stacking fram is counterintuitive
If you didn't go about it all high and mighty as well as communicating 99% through green text /wfg/ would of accepted it.
I mean we accepted the goyfaust calc pretty well as well as the weapon list as they let live and didn't go into a rage whenever someone disagreed.
Here's how it goes down:
>Some says the calc is shit
>goyfaust posts numbers and WEBMs showing TTK
Now with you:
>someone disagrees with TQ
>greentext + anime
This is why no one respects you even though your list is around ~90-5% okay. People shit post about it not because it's wrong, they shit post about your list because you're autistic about it and they'll know you'll reply with your typical shenanigans.
>QT+PF gives more EHP, but Vitality is much easier sustain with Medi-Ray
I run vitality too since arcane grace is even better sustain than mediray and you don't have to worry about your carrier dying. You can replace vitality with SF if you're in situations where you're frequently dipping into QT since armor affects it, and anything %-based doesn't care whether your EHP comes from more HP or more armor.
>I don't like EC
Your buffs last ~60 seconds each, and you can stagger them so that one expires when the other has ~30 seconds left. This gives you 30 second windows in which to pick up health orbs.
I don't use rage, it's not bad on paper but there's just no room for it.
>you will never live on a cozy asteroid base
>forever stuck in weeb dojo
>rage on Chroma
if you have energy troubles on Chroma you're objectively a shitter
He may not NEED one but he sure could use some love. His 1 is shit and his 4 is underwhelming. Give him a way to switch elements mid mission.
I am so fucking angry right now.
I like his 4 as a straight aggro generator and stun machine, though his 1 is shit beyond reason
>thus diminishing the amount of energy you'd get from being damaged in the first place
It doesn't work like that, I think. Unless they changed it.
calc was accepted because, like you said, it showed results and was only used for determining TTK, which were objective and mostly very close to the results you actually got from testing
TQ tries to bring his opinions into game situations where there are a lot more factors making a retard of himself in the progress
because there's no objective, clear-cut way to grade frames like there is weapons. Weapons are 90% pure math, a fifth grader with a calculator can compare weapons. Frames are much more nebulous. There are very few objective criteria you can use to compare frames, and those aren't even helpful.
Frame comparisons are by their nature opinion vs. opinion, which is why I ALWAYS stress the importance of stating "why"
I don't even have a Snipetron.
>+ zoom on snipetron
Dear god, reroll asap.
>arcane grace
one good goym aht aht ah
>arcane energize
two, two good goyms aht aht ah
>Weapons are 90% pure math, a fifth grader with a calculator can compare weapons.
That other 10% (mainly its mechanics and how it actually feels to use) can become pretty important, though.
For example, the Panthera will always be total shit, no matter how godly a Riven mod someone lucks into.
By the way, for all this talk of objectivity, the weapons list completely lacks it. There is ZERO criteria for a weapon making it onto the list. The maker has ZERO numbers or TTK comparisons to back up any part of his list. Why the fuck is Opticor on there? Telos AkBoltos? Torid? Braton? Vaykor Sydon?
NO reasoning given at all. Complete lack of data can also lead players into thinking shit like Tonkor and Burston Prime are both comparatively "good" despite the Tonkor literally tripling to quadrupling Burston P's DPS.
>>thus diminishing the amount of energy you'd get from being damaged in the first place
>It doesn't work like that, I think. Unless they changed it.
the energy you get from rage is a percentage of the HP damage you receive, it's not a flat amount given per damage tick
reducing the damage you take decreases the energy you get from it
>one good goym aht aht ah
>Actually being so shit you can't get plat without buying it
>Not running raids yourself to farm them
TQ I'll tell you right now how you could of avoided being a meme. Remove the grades and simply leave in everything else (ie the uses and builds) and let people grade the frame for themselves internally.
The guide would still have all the same info except without your opinion. I guarantee you if you started out like that your guide would be in the OP right now.
>implying you need arcane energize
Zenurik, aka the easiest and most useful focus, gives you infinite sustain for Chroma. If you don't have Zenurik you're objectively a shitter
even prior to Zenurik, I could keep myself mostly sustained just by energy drops from killing enemies
>autists managed to get attracted to a loli worm
Yeah but those are pretty universally accepted as well.
Punch through is another example, it doesn't show up in TTK calculations but in the actual game it's a huge benefit to have and we know that.
The thing about frames is that people get attached to them so they like to argue, especially because unlike weapons you can make almost any frame work in any situation, there might be better options but since you like the frame you bring you'll try to defend it.
But overall we DO have a pretty good idea which frames are good and bad, we just don't try to put it in a strict list.
We had a pretty good list with top tier TTK weapons that had positives and negatives listed. I think it's pretty much obsolete now though, also I can't find the pic.
Grades are there for people who want to know relative power levels of frames. I'm one of those people, and I would love grades.Otherwise people can think Valk, Oberon, Limbo etc. is actually good
once upon a time, when fire rate on burst weapons was sleeked the burston prime could pull off some insane TTKs with a macro, that's probably why it's on there
don't you get like 6 sentinel slots starting?
and you can sell shade's weapon when you've maxed it, it's crap