Dueling Network General - /dng/

Dueling Network/Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2368

Last thread: Rare Cards Edition

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● DN is ded.
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YGOPro (Mac): mega.nz/#!fREAVBwZ!cOQG_5oHFKgjfwz4dVUtAW88w9gqRrvWyeFZ7zI_bVM
ygopro.co/Forum/tabid/95/g/posts/t/23339/The-Ultimate-HQ-Card-Project (High Quality YGOPro images)

Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers (November 12th)
●OCG: Dimension Box Limited Edition (November 26th)
●OCG: Pendulum Evolution (December 23rd)

●TCG: Destiny Soldiers (November 17th)
●TCG: Pendulum Domination (January 20th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that the card can't be SS means he isn't gonna survive the cancer.

Anyone interested in a /dng/ IRC channel?

CuteGirl is the best Ruri.

then you should limit the Metalfoes traps or ban them
I know it sounds stupid but you can't limit the monsters because they're practically the same, you can't limit the fusion because it's already used at 1 so that leaves us the shit that's being set

limiting/banning Combination is a hard hit

I want to cuddle Plesios!

unless there is forced anonymity no

We kind of had one, no one will use it, no one here fucking uses IRC, just as Atmos for an invite to the Discord.

Post cardfus

She is the daugher of a Ruri, retard

Look at the lists dude, ABC's have already plummeted in usage in the wake of Zootopia

Konami please print more support

Only in your fan fiction.



>limiting/banning Combination is a hard hit
Count how many Metal top run more than 1 combination.
Post-INOV of course.

>Pink hair twintails like the mother
>Wanting to bring smiles like her father

It wouldn't make sense for it to SS Synchro's either, unless it's effect gets buffed to SS any ED card face up.
Now wouldn't that be fun to see?


Metalfoes themselves are not a problem though, it can be mixed with some petdecks (lunalights being an easy example). As I said in the last thread the easiest hits to metalfoes pendulum mishmash deck is to hit gofu (arguably should be hit in it's own right as it makes tzokin summons especially easy but it allows metalfoes to plus off it) and kill kirin completely while keeping ASF at 3 to keep the more cancerous pendulums down.

Who the fuck is this?

Metal are fine dude, them having easy access to Crystal Wing via Tzolkin is the problem, just eliminate Tzolkin and their power level decreases a ton.


Well that sucks, I lurk in a couple of board-specific channels but haven't seen a YGO channel around. I'll leave #/dng/ open on Rizon for the off chance that we do have some IRC users though.

>hit gofu
OCG Metal already drops Gofu.

I thought we were talking about TCG, you know, the banlist we're living under
I agree with that, Kirin is just too powerful, any pendulum deck goes out of their way to include 3 copies of Raccoon and 1 of Kirin
Tzolkin isn't doing shit


I'll go grab ownership of it, since I use Rizon anyways.


The TCG will never drop its memes unless they're banned


I also thought we were talking about the TCG, that's why I mentioned Tzolkin in Metal.

I actually already have ownership, but it's cool to see someone else from Rizon here.


Watch the same trend happen when Zoophillias land here


>it can be mixed with some petdecks (lunalights being an easy example)
This something I should try out? Is it better than pure or more of a different option


About stupid fucking cards like pic related: Since its effect isn't disgusting enough, you have to show your entire hand as well. Now, when your opponent sees your hand, how long can they do that shit? Can you just give them half a second before they read any other card effects?

Must suck to be less-loved sister. Tama has a bunch of cool shit, but Iona not so much.

TCG Metal will drop it the same way TCG ABC drop CDI.


>I agree with that, Kirin is just too powerful, any pendulum deck goes out of their way to include 3 copies of Raccoon and 1 of Kirin
Given how cancerous pure Majespecters are, I could easily see them knocking Raccoon to 1 instead of Kirin to 0. That'd put a pretty big damper on Pendulum's consistency while leaving it playable.

Digi-destined from Digimon Appli monsters. She looks like Yuzu, but wants to bring smiles to people since that's why she became an idol.

She isn't a tsundere per se, but more of a self-centered nice girl with little common sense.

We posting monster that are never gonna get printed?
Here's another.

Defend this, OCG cucks.
I hope Tewart E-bans that stupid rat.

The new Tamagoro target for lewd doujins.

still searchable by Abductor and standard pendulum support

I'm of the reasoning that enablers should be limited and in case the bullshit monster is searchable, spammable and abused enough it should be banned

Kirin fits all of those three requisites

Jewrat won't ban it, if anything he'll rarity bump it in place of ever hitting it

Remember whenever OCG has it bad, TCG will have it worse

There are doujins already of her?!

The eternal Ratto.


>70% Kaijus

top kek, my bros are the only salvation for broken xyz shit.

I can't, and E-Ban the rat is impossible, if anything, I expect the second coming of Nekroz of Brionac with it.

I'm fairly sure they just need to be able to verify you don't have any monsters in hand and if your hand is revealed by it or a similar card like mega thestalos they can't read the cards in your hand

It's public knowledge, they can stare at that for their whole life if they so wish to.
No one is that scummy.

Where am I supposed to play GOATs now that dn is gone?

Just like PePe right :^)?
Oh wait, PePe lasted only two weeks

Except for Pepe
but that was only because Pepe was cheap as fuck

Problem is, regardless of the rarity, people will buy the new pack like crazy for whatever over-priced broken cards it has. However, the difference is that Zodiac dominating the meta being launched 1 week after a structure whole cards have no place in it means the sales of it will be affected.

They will probably make the Rat common, like the performages that were hit anyway, and get the rarity to some other card.

This; I can totally see them making Rat a Secret Rare like they did with Toad.

Did he just bundle everything that use Zodiac as engine in that 70%?

>Implying they're savior and not enablers
user please, you know they're used there as an engine with Slumber.

Your mothers kitchen table.

Not yet, only some fanart. But Tamagoro did 2/3 doujins of Digimon Xros Wars, that girl obviously will get lewds soon in the next comiket.


>70% usage for zodiacs
Goddamn this is PePe levels of tier 0 cancer all over again. How does konami keep doing this with now increasing frequency?
>meme 60 card infernoid decks have higher usage than ABC and metalfoes
Is 60 card.dek actually better than ABCs and metalfoes? Is lawnmowing that much of a gamechanger?

Don't they count as a Zoodiac variant anyways?
OCG barely has any decks left which the Rat didn't infect.
I think Darklords, Blue-eyes, D/D and Frogs are the decks which have avoided the Rat.

>is Lawnmowing that much of a gamechanger
you can drop half your deck to grave turn 1

think about it


3 Rat + 3 Triangle in a Metalfoes/Kozmo/Lawnmower deck is NOT a Zoodiac variant.
That's like saying everything with Terror+Take is SR variant.

hahaha nah, there is this Frog Zodiac deck that can spam 2 Treatoads + Drancia turn 1 with Swap Frog

>Is lawnmowing that much of a gamechanger?
That and Void Madness.
I still don't understand how they can run 60 cards but still open Lawnmowing consistently. It doesn't make sense.

I know but with 60 cards and a maximum of 6 cards to get to it, 3 of which eats your hand and you can't set stuff first (LAO), it seems like monarch level of potential bricks or maybe even worse because they had pantheism as a easy unbricker.

If something is overpowered and popular, might as well make shittons of money off it first.
Just wait a few months and you'll get to laugh at all the idiots crying over their banned Secret Rare Rats.

>it doesn't make sense
are you retarded? with left arm offering, triple into the void, upstart and desires there's a 60% chance of opening Lawnmowing without mentioning Void Banishment, Madness, Imagination, Reasoning and Monster Gate being power cards too

The Japanese have mastered this thing called the 'Shining Draw'.

>they can run 60 cards but still open Lawnmowing consistently
They should not open it THAT consistent, but from what I see, they do.
Meanwhile, I always open Garnet and Take.

>a maximum of 6 cards to get to it
are you forgetting that Reasoning, Madness, Imagination and Banishment are easily as powerful as Lawnmowing is?

why are 40cards cucks so retarded? why is it so hard to understand basic probability theory?

I'm not saying you're wrong, but Abductor monster mash is decently weaker than Metalfoes and pure Majespecter -- neither of which can reliably run Abductor. A hit to Raccoon would severely limit the suite's splashability in Metalfoes, monster mash, and future builds of Pendulum while greatly inhibiting the pure build's absurd turn 1 boards.

Atmos, have a link to the discord?

>play lawnmower with a 40 card deck to maximize its draw chance and still get my mill 20

I want a figure REEEEE

Why not a Blue deck first?

Should have banished Necroface first so you mill 25.

You already got a nice cardfu, don't be greedy!

Post cards you'd card spirit-fu

Why not a good deck first



Great minds think alike.

18th Eternal reminder that Red-Eyes is the best Dragon Bro.



You're my brothers.

>Tuning Magician retrain
>Even though Enlightenment Paladin will never be in Arc V again

She is.

I just want a cute girl deck to be tier 1

I still feel conflicted over not running her anymore on my deck. I loved using her, but after getting the Pendulum Sorcerer, I had to put some performapals, the deck got more consistent and much faster, so I had to take her out.

user, anything is possible in the enxt few episodes no matter how lazy and retarded the writers got since the Xyz dimension

It's okay because the Odd-Eyes/Magician cards are miles better than the anime ones.
