Rumble Edition
Rumble Edition
Xth for Katarina
best girl
The PBE changes aren't enough I need more Malz buffs.
Explain why Ivern is so nutbustingly broken right now
kats rework makes me sad
very sad
>no sub bf
Thank goodness we hit our 12,000 gold deficit powerspike.
The game took a complete 180 from there on out.
How does one /yi zone/ in the new jungle?
Play at low levels where retards can't punish your champion for being dogshit
Rumble is hot, wtf?
How do I beat the croc as the yorick
Don't sexualise Rumble
>Letting a Nasus and Jinx of all carries get to lategame.
Poor choices were made. Would have been funnier if your mid was gangplank.
why is Annie so LEWD?
pls halp how to save replays in this new client shit
Consider the following:
6th item phantom dancer as a splitpushing tank
Now no one can outrun you or 1 vs 1 you due to the 12% movespeed and damage reduction.
Any word on Warwick's rework?
> Splitpushing tank
Is this a thing?
>still no news of a Jhin skin
I'm starting to know and understand how Cassfag feels.
Yeah. I do it on Darius and Jax all the time. Having 1 damage item doesn't mean you're not a tank.
I want to look up in Rumble.
Riot described new krugs as a timesink for junglers to spend some time farming but get more out, basically their way of balancing out the increased respawn times.
Problem is Ivern literally could not care less about the time it takes to clear a camp because his passive circumvents all that.
Plus new raptors are a struggle for some junglers and again, he's ivern.
Also he counterjungles like a motherfucker when riot buffed counterjungling with increased camp respawn timers.
He's gonna get a new skin before the inevitable gutting. Which will probably be sooner rather then later.
>be gp
>gold to buy a full ie
>go shop
>fight breaks middle
>missclick trinity force
>since my ult is hitting middle means i'm in combat
>loses 1k gold
can't make this shit up
>10 bans coming
where will you be when the silver age of league arrives?
>now champ select will last 8 minutes before someone dodges, instead of just 5
>but now I never have to see Fizz ever again as long as I live
Look up your match history. There should be download buttons there.
Triforce isn't bad on Gp unless you had one already, which I assume you did.
Also this free week is great. Been wanting to try eyeball hentai and gangplank for a while now.
This is a designated "No sexualising Yordle boys" thread
>tfw playing shyvana
>super high AOE and single target DPS
>faster than everyone else by a huge margin
>not a garbage champ like Ivern who can't do damage or pressure anything
>getting buffs next patch
Man I've left Shyvana on the shelf ever since Devourer was removed but now it's without a doubt her time to shine.
Getting "you need to be member for 10 minutes message" for the last 10 hours
Help lads.
>Silver Age
>Public matchmaking is unplayable
>LCS teams cant afford to feed their players because of how unprofitable LoL has become
It'll proabably end up being a renaissance for the lesser played champions. At least I won't have to deal with any ribben mains anymore.
If I want to look as the most autistic Ryze main alive, what skin do I get? Red crystal?
You do realize that with more bans there will be more people that dodge because they didn't get their pick, and thus increase the rate at which games are dodged, right?
>Public matchmaking is unplayable
Gee user its almost like its preseason or something.
>no more "pro" tryhards
>no more rigidly enforced meta to force le #epic #lcs #bigPLAYZ #mlgpro
>no more "only 10 viable picks in ranked"
If thats the price to be to never see a yasuo vayne or fizz so be it.
How do you jungle with Eve and Kha? I had some success with Eve so far, getting a lot of good ganks, counterganks and counterjungling, but when the game transitions to mid and lanes break I find it really hard to keep up and be useful. Also how do you deal with laners that despite good ganks keep on doing poorly and getting caught out? My biggest issue is to also when the enemy team decides to group and push objectives while I struggle to force stuff myself. Examples being doing dragon while they rotate top in 4, but I don't have the damage to do it by myself in a fast enough time to not be a waste. Pinging laners is usually pretty worthless because they often won't come. Examples such as ganking bot early on, killing both enemies and pinging dragon but our ad just stands there and farms.
I'm plat 3 for what it's worth.
>casually laning
>suddenly you hear it
If your name is Sneaky, Bjergesen, Meteos, or Doublelift then you're living a lavish lifestyle off of that sweet twitch money.
I'll bet Dyrus and qtpie are making double if not triple what they were making while playing in the LCS.
Can I sexualize myself for yordle boys then?
>be plat 5
>they reset the ranks
>lose 1 game
>get placed in bronze 2
>ok whatever, I can climb out easy
>legit go 16+ every game and solo most of the drags by myself
>still lose
>didn't realize you literally have to 1v5 in low ELO
Pray to ares it isnt my lane the monster is running down.
Dark Crystal for "casual autism" tier.
Tribal/Professor for true "this is my autism" tier
>10 bans come.
>All cancer champs banned every game.
>yasuo 100% banrate.
>Autistic shitheads leave lol for good after a longwinded rant on the reddit that then got screenshotted to tumblr.
>Playerbase as a whole improves as all dicks and assholes mysteriously disappear.
Will matchmaking be great again?
>qt says pro players make around $50~$60k a year
>He's disclosed making $8k a month on average with twitch, and that stat was from over a year ago
Qt's living the dream
He I hope he thinks of the little guy every now and then and fucking comes back for a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
Who has been reworked since that earth mage chick from mass effect came out? I ain't been playing.
n o
>10 bans incoming
rito said they were CONSIDERING 10 bans
which means it wont happen for another 2 years at least
first they have to actually agree that its needed (end of summer split 2017)
then they have to make the intern code it
(beginning of the next spring split 2018)
then they will wait until an "offseason"
(post worlds 2018)
I head to my turrent as fast as possible.
>queue flex for mid and jg my main roles
>team begs to let their guy jg
>get shafted into adc
>ahri irelia thresh and kha yelling at me late game when they fall off to a brand riven jhin xin zhao and kassadin late game
I queue mid and jg for a reason why they begging people for roles if they cant carry
The kha had ovrr 20 kills early
All of us were plat
rip nagi
>said yes before looking at his name
>The only way you can survive as a pro is to stream a never-ending grind that'll continue your downward slope towards irrelevancy
You realize this is why DotAtards laugh at us right?
QT is the streamer who makes the most money on League, probably only rivaled by Nightblue. Sneaky being a very close third.
Yorick. He's pretty cool now.
We also received two new champions - Kled and Ivern.
Warwick's next on the list of reworks.
Wait. Red buff and krugs give you level 3, right?
How come I was only level two after doing both camps fully as Shaco just now? I was in a custom game. Both camps got cleared, no one else was in the game to share exp.
>people who run to their turret
>they run to the little nook right next to the wall where they cant possibly juke
you know thats not her right?
You realize that could all be attributed to bad luck, right? Your opponents are just as likely to be put in the same situation as you.
Even if this happened 10 games in a row, that just means you're the 1/1024 people who get utterly fucked by matchmaking. Bite the bullet, keep playing, and if you deserve to be in higher elo you'll get there.
For now be happy that you get to stomp a bunch of shit players for 20 minutes each game.
Supposedly team owners are asking Riot to increase their stipend so that they can pay all players a minimum of $100k a year.
why are they remaking champs only fuckbois play?
Never change your roles with anyone. Never.
>Supposedly team owners are asking Riot to increase their stipend so that they can pay all players a minimum of $100k a year.
They're got the fucking cash for it. If there is ANYTHING Riot has, it's fucking money. It's amazing that this game is such a fucking travesty when they have the cash to easily hire some of the best designers and programmers in the world.
apparently not
Killing krugs AND THEN red buff gives you level 3 but doing it the other way around doesn't?
What the hell is this.
My Dad works for Riot and he says they will offer you a free legacy skin if you never criticize them again.
Catering to their player base, I suppose.
0 or 9 decides which champion i autistically one trick jungle for all of season 7
no meme shit like sona
Sorry, I'll start it right now.
>a world where camps take 2.5 (two and one half) minutes to respawn
>her chance to shine
got some bad news for ya buddy
she does fuck up new krugs tho
You must be fucking swamped with commissions
>simple as hiring the "best programmers"
I bet you think hiring a hundred more programmers would fix everything
Twisted Fate
bloodrazor, berserkers, botrk, wits end, tank
>what are river scuttles
>what is counter jungling
>what is 180 second cooldown ghost for free ganks
>what is 7 minute dragon kill
With the rumble in the jungle skin
>If there is ANYTHING Riot has, it's fucking money
Tencent has money. Riot has what money to spend that Tencent feels like putting back into the game. When you're talking about stuff that doesn't promise a return on the money spent the amount is tee tee, very little.
There you go.
Man I wanna PUNCH her face so bad.
To expand his playerbase, baka senpai
Worked for Poppy and Yorick
The dolphin is not for lewd!
you're bullshitting because despite you being in bronze 2, everyone else in your game is also plat
how do you guys deal with brazilians and chinese on na
ive gotten 4 accounts banned from flaming foreigners
I love Lissandra!
Nami is dinner
I make Nami fillets
While you're here I have to postpone said commission from me at the moment. Thankfully you havent done anything yet, last thing I want to do is break a promise.
>It's amazing that this game is such a fucking travesty when they have the cash to easily hire some of the best designers and programmers in the world.
All of that money goes to their amazing art departments instead, or so it seems. They're top-notch. Shame the actual game designers and programmers aren't the same.
Sushi is cute! CUTE!
I just want to show her how us land walkers "play"
Will she ever have a skin that makes her not look like a segway?
Of course it fucking wouldn't, you goddamn monkey. But they can definitely do better than the ONE C# PROGRAMMER they have now.
Go check the "engineering" blog. They have one person who's proficient in C#, everyone else is just a script kiddie.
mute them immediately
put game into windowed mode
watch a movie while you 1/3rd ass league to avoid bans
>Supposedly team owners are asking Riot to increase their stipend so that they can pay all players a minimum of $100k a year.
Isn't it amazing, DotA players are earning millions meanwhile LoL players are begging riot for GBP's and bankrupting themselves trying to afford that SanFran team house.
How does Lissandra TASTE?
Reminder that MonteCristo earnt more in 2 weeks casting OverWatch than Riot paid him in 6 weeks for casting worlds.
her new passive with dragon kills does get me moist, I'll give you that.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums RESULTS
New lobby is LIVE on NA!
Password is vidya