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>"Sombra is bad"

Why are all of Sombra's skins so shit?

Degenerate millennial hairstyle.

>tfw you hack Mercy and as you're gunning her down, she just hops up and down in desperation

>people keep complaining about sombra being bad
>blizz keeps giving sombra small buffs
>sombra now becomes ana tier
>people still complain

>mfw some Korean will master Sombra like Zarya and people will bandwagon her


Sombra is S H I T.

She could've had some awesome cyberpunk skins but instead we got rainbow tribal shit.

During development, most of the legendaries models were outsourced to independent modelling companies. Now that they have time to develop legendaries for new heroes, blizzard is showing their habit of overdesigning shit with Sombra.

Jesse McCree
Sombra is very fun.

>tfw soldier main
>tfw taken Reaper/Genji/Zen for comp because most of the time people were keep screaming on me
>mfw he's fucking amazing right now

how the fuck +3 dmg did so much for him?
I literally can melt people so easly.

Place bets on how long until everyone goes from "Sombra is shit" to "Sombra is fucking broken"

>play no limits
>the team that has a non-sombra wins
my sides

I love Jesse McCree

>PTR buffs for blueberry actually went through to live
>she was in another short
Feels good to love the blue.

I play against top 500 players fairly often

You're bad and have no idea what you're talking about

Your fantasy of her being a character that runs around "calling things" is just that, a fantasy. Everyone is calling things 24/7, but that's not something a shitter like you would understand. Don't bother replying, won't read your posts.

More like Blizzard will buff any of a half dozen things that would put her in OP territory, such as diminishing or outright removing the delay between decloaking and firing or reducing her time to hack by .5 seconds or reducing the spread of her SMG.

>thread after thread after thread
>Blizzard Overbuff™ incomming
>Now she's too powerful

>try to play no-limits
>get 3+ sombra and get stomped
>try to play quick play
>only heroes I want to play both get taken

Can I play vs Ai and with an AI filled team as long as I have 1 friend with me in HOTS?

2 weeks

Sombra is low damage utility tracer. She is going to see successful play at high levels while being completely useless at diamond down.

>completely useless at diamond down

mccreefag please go you're probably not even good at him

>how the fuck +3 dmg did so much for him?
>+75 dmg per clip
i cant imagine how

>s-sombra is a new hero giver her time
>j-just you wait she will be called OP soon
>j-just because she always lose doesnt mean she is bad, it simply every single sombra player that is bad at the game
>s-he really shines in organised play, trust me she is much better than a reaper or mc cree

Keep going, i need more damage control statements.

Why can't Reaper cancel wraith form?

I think that change would put him from the second most balanced after Winston to equal Winston

It wasn't an issue before but I think it's needed now when playing against Ana

Don't be mean to McCreeAnon, he's nice.

I want to like Overwatch. I really do. But I can't.
No matter how much I try, I just can't aim.
People dance around me easily and kill me like it's child's play. The killcam shows their aim just tracking me super smoothly, while I can't aim on them to literally save my life.
It hasn't improved in over 200h of OW and I don't like playing Winston, so I guess I'm fucking shit outta luck.


>at diamond down

i think you accidentally added this to your sentence.

>I'm right and refuse to read anything you have to say

I'm not that user, but you sound pretty autistic yourself dude.

Is Hana Song's boyfriend white?

>SJW tribal shit.

How do I get good at aiming?


Reducing the delay on cloak wouldn't be OP at all, it's unfairly too long atm. There's not point of even having cloak if you shot where you are when it's over, might as well just go Tracer if you want to get behind people and be a dick at that point.

.5 seconds removed from cloak and decloak would be fixing it, not making it OP.

Just give her a damage buff against targets she's hacked, it synergizes with her kit and will have a good chance of making her viable.




It's ana. ANA is your best friend now, you fucking ingrate!

Obviously but how do I practice? Just grinding games hasn't worked

neck yourself

Yes, I am white.

She's alright. Not as bad, and not as op as people are crying

can someone post the zenyatta spurdo where he is saying eggsberience dranguility please?

Is the patch here in main client?

How did your first 1v1 go? I've never played as 3 of these characters.

Literally no one said Sombra's OP lol what are you smoking.

>First 1v1 on live
>4k enemy
>tfw I'm 3k
T-thanks Blizzard. Now I'm depressed.

You have to be 18+ to post here, son.

Who you play against is not what makes your argument true or false.

My skill at Sombra is not what makes my statements true or false.

What my fantasies are or are not, being shit, what I understand and don't understand, etc, is not what makes anything that I said about her true or false.

At best, you and I both play against top 500 players in scrims for competitive teams. At best, you've had bad experiences with her that have shaped your opinions of Sombra, which reflect the experiences of a handful of other top competitors. And at best, my experiences differ, most likely because my team has been trying things that actually work, which you and those on your side of the fence have not thought to try, and can only speculate about.

All you've done is get fucking mad and then sperg the fuck out, so, yeah. Maybe it's better if we just drop it and agree to disagree, since you clearly can't handle a rational discussion.

Moving the crosshair onto training bot heads and clicking, first on stationary ones, then on moving ones, especially the one of the catwalk. When you can do that well, start strafing unpredictably yourself. Do it until you can do it quickly without missing.

Then, move on to 6 hard Ana bots, 200% damage, headshots only custom game, and practice moving the reticule onto them and clicking while they're strafing.

I went against someone that reached top 500 this season and lost 5-2

Who had more poon: young genji or young mcmeme? or young strike commander

I am anxious to try 1 v 1 because I feel like I will be judged and mocked for being bad. Is there a place where 1 v 1 scores are recorded or will my shame be private?

Sum up the update in one paragraph or less

Everyone on /owg/, twitch, official forums and reddit cried she was OP. YT OW-related channels were filled with clickbait videos "IS SOMBRA OP???"

They could do the damage buff on hack too, that actually sounds decent. I was sticking with strict numbers changes for my examples. I think they probably will knock .2 secs or something off the decloak eventually.

I lost 4-5 but I played against the same guy in my second match and I won 5-2

Young Winston

sombra is literally a tracer and 76 that isn't shit

tracer and 76 are both obsolete now

Why did ptr have a small update?

No, her 'boyfriends' are all middle aged korean businessmen

Love, D.VA ;) .

None of the stats are tracked so far

Competitive 1v1 fucking when?

Shut up, Tyler
Didn't read, hidden
Your brain is malfunctioning

God Sombra is such a useless hero. I think I'll just play competitive in season 3 now to avoid people picking this trash on my team.

>being this new to the internet

Winston is a virgin though

give me literally one reason to use 76 over sombra

give me literally one reason to use tracer over sombra

1v1 is a shit gamemode

Overwatch was never made for such gameplay

Who Sombra main here?

1v1 is the only real test of skill

>Try out 1v1 for the lootbox
>get 0-3'd
>Come back 5 in a row
>He mad
Makes the comeback feel even better to see the salt.

Thanks. Guess I will give it a shot and see how it goes.

Healing, damage output

>We threw in a bunch of large changes, some of which weren't even informed by the community, and we liked them from the get go so much that we didn't bother tweaking them not once during the nearly month long testing environment on the off chance we - a company that often jerks it to the word iteration - might have stumbled upon a better set of balance changes.

Pharah is Bastion-tier. S76, Widow, Mercy, Dva and Torb buffs. Ana, Mei and Zarya slight nerf. Arcade and 1 hero limit qp.



>1v1 Symettra is a test of skill

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't have oni genji

Explain yourselves.

>play after work
>absolute shit, get angry really quickly, feel like i'm playing with one arm
>play on weekend
>amazing at the game, win most matches, feel like everything is in sync


Just fuck my shit up.

Give me one reason to pick Sombra over Tracer

This guy is right

This guy is wrong. Teamplay > individual skill

>tfw 76 main

Pls tell me he got buffed. I really don't want to play the spic

Young McCree, then either young Genji or Strike Commander, I can't decide

What is arcade?

>Winston is a virgin though
That can easily be changed

>I play against top 500 players fairly often

is that the nerd version of
>do you know who my husband is!?!

as you try to talk shit about a game while piggy backing off what others in the game with you have done. Oh not you of course but
>do you know who I play with!!?!?!
>have you seen who is in the game with me!!!?!
>do you know who is ON my teams!?!!!!

it's pathetic...
If you're going to nerd fight at least own up to your rank and throw that in someone's face. I mean that's still bad but at least it's your own.

I never play Genji and I hate HOTS so I won't bother

>Sombra doesn't have the same VA in the latin spanish dub

>No BOOP Emote or Hightlight Intro

Fareeha Amari

Headphones are strong in 1v1 haha

I already have the best skin, Young Gengi

you are fucking retarded it literally is canon that genji was a playboy mccree is a fucking homo