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Jaina best waifu edition

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Would you do the same, /hsg/?


reminder that a Maiev Shadowsong skin still has to be released, perhaps with the new expansion? ou maybe this month?

What class should I make a card for?

if it's as shit as this one the no class

true but we could still get neutral, cards from the 3 classes 7 the multi-factions card per pack. They could make 3 different packs like this.

Explain how it is shit?

Mortivore for Warlock when


Plebbit go away please...

most of the time it's a weaker circle of healing for 5 mana
the only upside is northshire synergy which is only vaguely better than circle and with auchanai or embrace the shadow it's a 7/9 mana 2 card twisting nether


>tfw 3rd worlder f2player
>tfw got Liandrin and Morgl for free like everyone else
>tfw got Medivh, Alleria, Magni and a few WOG packs from amazon magic free money
>tfw got Tyrande from a smitebro who doesn't play hearthstone
>tfw I'm going to get Maiev for free too

Hope the Druid and Warlock new heroes are cool too.

>implying jaina isn't best girl
objectively shit taste desu

Could drop it to 3 mana then

>You will never, ever hear Jaina say "I'm sorry" ever again

the "amazing" gives me an erection tho

Graveyards don't exist.

Same bros.

It took 5 years for mage to finally get a decent legendary

you require my assistance?

>Rhonin is bad
I want this meme to die.


+1/+1 for every minion that died this game

Wait, I didn't see anyone discussing the new mage lego in the last thread
Did I miss it ?

it was released like 10 hours ago







>power gap
Glad someone feels the same way i do about mage

FUCK that class but Jaina hot af tbqhwyfm

>Blonde motherly figure
>Full of plebs ready to defend her 24/7 with ''muh jaina''

Pleb tier as it gets

On top of that she fucked Arthas, a fucking manlet piece of shit who curse the true best girl

i dont understand why you hate mage. nope, just can't see it. don't get why.

>Control warrior below Zoo, Maly Druid, and Hunter

Found the controlturd shitter

pic related
i actually really like the direction they're going here, maybe mage will FINALLY have a non-cancerous metadeck

was ok with that until you put paladin last
anyfin was a mistake

It has the same problem that giants have. Big minions that control decks can dump for cheap aren't interesting or innovative, they're just a competency check for good players.

They ask themselves 'did I win already through aggro?' or 'Was I smart enough to save removal for my opponent's core cards?' and if the answer is no to both, they should just concede on the spot.

>Tony - I win the game with a single spell if it cant be removed turn 1

>Rhonin - here have 9 damage that alsonsynergizes with spelleffects 3 times.


Youd still complain if mage got a lego that literally won you the game as a battlecry because its not fast enough, get the fuck out tripfag

Play The Elder Scrolls™: Legends.

So, kinda new, what sort of deck shitstomps tempo mage? I've just gone on a massive losing streak and most of them were tempo mage.

>What deck shitstomps _________
Midrange shaman

sell it to me todd

Wut does the fm stand for, i understood the rest

so we all agree with this rite?

All wrong. Gul'dan and Uther are the two best, you're a massive fag if you pick liadrin over uther.

>putting the worst art in god tier

It's shit, right.


Compare Rhonin to Tirion. It's not even a competition.

I'd rather Rhonin lose stats to cost less mana as you are playing him for the missiles anyway.

Turn 8 is way too slow. Compared to flame leviathan and that bullshit other one I can't even remember the name of he is okay.

Antonidas is godlike and top tier but I meant the expansion legos

You're thinking of Dustnomalus

>he doesn't like khadgar
what's wrong with you

Uther is trash
his only redeeming quality is WELL MET and is the sole reason he's in mid tier
Gul'dan would be higher but his emotes are so bad
his golden form is one of the best ones

>fat jaina
who does this

sorry you're a dumb fag.

>tfw have all of them except Khadgar
I want to buy best boy

The Elder Scrolls™: Legends is a free to play card game where you can choose between 5 colors and mix two of them, which creates an unique playstyle between those combinations. You have 30 hp and 5 runes, which break each time you take 5 damage (but once, so if you get hit from 30-25 and heal back to 30, you won't get a rune break at 25) and gives you a card, which you can play for free if it has a "Fate" keyword . It also has 2 lanes to play your minions in, one is a normal lane, and the other is a shadow lane, which gives your minions stealth, but they still can be targeted by spells and effects.

Not to mention the arena mode, where you can play against other people or up to 7 AI enemies, and in the solo arena you can draft one new card to your deck after each win.

It's pretty good.

honestly rhonin could probably cost 7 and still be not that good
he would probably see play at that cost though

>Compare Rhonin to Tirion.
Tirion is objectively the highest mana value card in the entire game with no exceptions.

A better comparison would be to the second best legendary of any class since Tony is obviously better than Rhonin. So Rag Lightlord is an 8/8 that stalls out the game and can trade infinitely in theory if not removed. Rhonin is a 7/7 for the same mana value that gives you 3 combo pieces for a potential win condition on his deathrattle.

They fit into different styles of play but Rhonin is a fine card. You're paying 1.5 mana for the "Add 3 Arcane Missiles to your hand." effect, which is perfectly reasonable and mage has enough stall and removal to reach a point in the game where they can pay a slightly below tempo 8 drop to close out the game the next turn with a Tony triple missles combo.

Cards have to be balanced around "What if it works?", if you balance every card around a worse case scenario anything that's more than 5 mana or less than double mana value on board would never see constructed play.

sorry but rhonin is bad

>Medivh that low
>Liadrin that high
>Tyrande not on worst spot
>Guldan who has the best golden animation not higher
>Underestimating Morgl

Already LMAO'ing at your shitty taste

You forgot the imho best aspect, 50-70 card decks with 3 duplicates allowed.

I can build such bullshit contrived decks it's glorious.

HS would be such a better game with higher card count

As of it now, the decks are too consistent, and you can curve too easily without too much variation

>tempo mage starts BMing my healadin
>puts me to 1 health using every card in his hand but one
>his board consists of book and spellpower grill
>mfw 3 forbidden healings, 1 vendor and 1 guardian of kings in hand.

I did forgot it. Thank you for the help, loyal consumer!

nothing, it's an RNG-based deck

fucking trash
in BM game liadrin is one of the absolute worst and garrosh is one of the best

Higher card count would only make aggro more consistent.

Hearthstone already lends itself to aggro because it's so heavily initiative based.

Warrior leggo hasn't been revealed even though goon week is over.

Why, /hsg/? What could it be? What magical new meta shattering deck will be built around this legendary?

Mage just doesn't play by the rules like everyone else. Getting and blasting 15 plus damage into the enemies face with zero counterplay from them is fucking ridiculous.

Still surprising that spell-taunt isn't a thing in this game.

>reynad builds a non-meta deck
>gets completely destroyed
>blames shit rng

Every time.

Animated Armor

Mages have too much removal for that to matter much. All it would do is stop Shaman and Hunter aggro decks from burning face, and they're largely minion based anyway.

One 6 health minion with spell taunt isn't going to stop a freeze mage lethal turn, nor will it stop a tempo mage from pinging your face 40 times in one turn.

stop whining there is no tier one mage list

Just an observation from even vanilla HS. I agree it wouldn't matter much, just questioning why they haven't thought of it.
>Its okay that this cancer exists because other decks are cancer too!
This is why HS will forever be shit.

thanks for the info todd, it does sound interesting

should have been a neutral

yeah and there isn't any tier 1 druid list either, so druid is balanced right?

according to tempostorm maly druid is tier 1 :^)

And now mage is going to have acess to priest cards, which btw are very valuable

Also blizz logic Book > Firelands portal in arena, they are just retarded

Should I craft Yogg Saron?

He seems like a pretty good win condition.

name ONE card

That's because aggro is fundamentally impossible to counter in hearthstone.

In a midrange or control metagame Mage is the only playable class. It's worse than Shaman because they're the only class with anti-spell effects so they beat spell based combo decks, they have polymorph effects so they beat big late game minion win conditions even if they're deathrattle based, they have more burn than any other class at a lower mana to damage ratio. They have minions with built in synergy and the capacity to board clear and redraw their entire hand with more ease than any class but warlock, with overall much higher card quality than warlock.

Mage decks beat every other combo and control decks when played properly, they just lose harder than any other combo and control decks to aggro with the exception of Freeze Mage which is never going anywhere.

after the nerf he's pretty weak

yogg wasn't even a win condition before the massive nerf

New Priest Legendary:
>3 mana 1/12
Entire class fixed.

Ragnaros the Firelord.

Inner Fire

Of course you should, he is amazing

The Cardinals.


control mage has never really taken off
reno mage is really marginal right now
it beats other control decks but is pretty inconsistent otherwise
mage has plenty of burn so the aggressive tempo mage decks are good but but they're just solid against everything
I don't think there's ever been a time where tempo mage has been oppressive on the metagame

it came closest in LoE when the deck destroyed druid and had an almost 50/50 matchup against secret paladin but zoo kept it in check because zoo traditionally wrecks tempo mage

what are you chucklefucks playing

Don't listen to the other posters, the nerf did almost nothing. He's still pretty much as good as he was prior. Wait for the new meta though. Although he goes in many decks, he could be irrelevant in good ones this expansion. If you don't particularly care about that you'll end up making him at some point anyways, so if you like the card, go ahead.

>That's because aggro is fundamentally impossible to counter in hearthstone.
No, this is complete bullshit. I don't know who started this meme but it needs to stop.
Vas majority of aggro decks can be countered. Even hard-countered.
For example, control shaman beats zoo at 75%+.

Tempo mage is the only exception because it's based on spells, which have essentially no counterplay in HS.

I'm just saying that most classes have an identity with clear strengths and weaknesses, yes even the busted and garbage ones, but mage doesn't.

It's class identity is "the spell class" which is absurdly broad. All the minions have spell synergy, that's fine, having the best burn, that's fine. All that on TOP of having the greatest variety of tools to counter other decks is outrageous.

The only reason mage has never taken off is the simple metagames hearthstone has always had. Tempo oriented minion on minion combat with aggressive decks.

As soon as we enter a control meta, if we ever do, where tech cards and counterplay start to actually matter Mage instantly becomes cancer.

wait forgot about mech mage which was oppressive cancer
it was just a generic midrange minion deck though that used the mage class because goblin blastmage is a fair and balanced card and mage has excellent burn and removal

Fucking nothing until the new expansion drops. Everything is super boring.

yeah about as midrange as hybrid hunter


It's a lot more likely now that his ability turns itself into "do nothing" than before though. It was always possible to get junk spells on do-nothing targets, but now that Yogg can end up self-terminating through a variety of methods, it's much harder for him to have a large impact on the board. You have to add into consideration how he's a 10 mana 7/5 so he's just not worth having unless his Battlecry will reliably have a big impact.

Being forced to play burnout control decks that lose to every other control and midrange deck isn't a "counter" it's a strategy.

There's no collection of tech cards that actually slow down aggro enough to win without making your deck unplayable against midrange and control decks. That's what it means to have no counters.

You can make a couple tech choices and reliably counter any midrange or control deck, you have to make half your deck around countering a specific type of aggro deck and you'll still lose to every other type of aggro deck if you do.


Sorry, i think you have the wrong deck there buddy.

there's a few, healing wave comes to mind. And AoE in general.
But yeah, i've always hated how it only takes 1-2 cards to counter control but usually at least 10 to counter aggro

mage has weak life gain, weak minion statlines and weak aoe
control warlock (actual control decks, ie. handlock and renolock) usually beat controlm mages because of their superior card draw, superior aoe and more powerful minions

Post nerf Yogg is only actually substantially weaker in decks that only ran him as a late game board clear.

The Yogg druid deck is still around because they play him on turn 10 with like 6-8 spells and he usually fucks some stuff up and leaves them with some kind of board presence and initiative.

The twenty spell guaranteed board clear Yogg is all the nerf was meant to kill, and it's all it really effected.

It's more likely, but not by that much. It still saw play and performed well in every tournament deck that ran him prior. If he was going to get cut anywhere it was there.

Whatever my daily quest requires of me. If it's 40g or less I close the game and get back on shadowverse.

anyone got a recent tempo warrior list?