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Aria and Phantom edition

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cum on my face for 5th job


Also 2nd for B E R A

>open my very last totem
>its a dark doom totem
>i'm a thief/spoiler]

this literally happened 3 times throughout the event wew

>go into bounty hunter portal
>oh boy its fritto!
>platform rng one, whatever, i just want it to register for the hunt faster
>doesn't register
>3 times this happens
thanks nexon

maple admin in event hall
there are a LOT of coins you can exchange

did you get fritto the 3 times? i got him once and didn't register as well, i think only pollo does, good luck i'll confirm when i can

i did thanks, apparently you can also exchange tynerium shards so people can technically farm V coins, dunno how useful will that be exactly

>you have to kill at least 6349 monsters per day around your level for the week 1 reward (chair)
>theres a week 2 challenge

honestly after seeing that korean CTRL guy kill 99k monsters 44k doesn't seem like that big of a deal, especially if you multitask while doing it like watching a youtube episode of whatever you like (imo)

Grinding out 40 elite pumpkin zombies in a day is horrible and I hate it

>leaving the last 40 for the last day

No one to blame but yourself cutie!

just find a party and leech

i got the one where you face 4 waves of enemies in a small map with 4 plataforms and cleared it and it counted for the clear

is there any place that currently sells pollo and fritto tickets?

I didn't have a lot of free time this past month...

The crown stacking event gives out 5 Pollo/Fritto tickets.

>The crown stacking event gives out 5 Pollo/Fritto tickets.

I... I already used them :(

You're probably SOL then. Camp at WG or something.

night guys

>get two fritto dance portals in a row


do you only get the weekly mission after doing 9 missions? will i have to do them again after reset to keep progressing on the weekly mission?

I think just one day's worth is enough, it won't re-lock after reset.

>actually clear fritto's dragon egg portal
>doesn't count


yo wadup

sakuri i miss you please come back to the discord

seeing modern maplestory screenshots makes me SICK

why are you here?

>Wanting a literal bitch around like a lost puppy on a leash

Kill yourself user

is the event hall laggy for anyone else ?

guess who

it is for mostly everyone, i suggest just ccing and entering, then mashing/holding up if it starts to lag

eventually you'll usually find a channel that doesn't lag

what the fuck is that useless bounty hunter one where you have to defend the gates?

you get nothing if you clear that one at all.

You get more exp also the other one where you defend pollo has the same reward more exp

Thats why fritto is the true mvp


get aran's link skill.

reinstalling, hope this game will cheer me up :):)


No khroa


.. i was going 2 go rebooot


just installed a bypass for multi-client
so this is what I was missing out on bros? woah. . .

bye then


scania is where the bros are.

literally the one frogposter who doesn't even have 2m2m.

don't bully him he's playing Marksman.

>this surprise perm box.
this is fucking ugly.

Christmas shit when lads?

In a week or two when the V update stuff starts.

that feel when no bishop boyfriend

How will Evans be after the V nerf? I'm thinking of swapping over to one post V since they seem easier to mob and boss with than shade, but will they be shade levels of difficult to fund?

Evan's already got nerfed. I don't think there will be another nerf afterwards, unless you're talking about the removal of the damage cap. As for funding , I personally think they are pretty hard to fund damage wise as I fail to cap in the endgame bosses even with an large amount of int. Wind blade got nerfed to hell as well as thunder dive, but Earth dive still reliably caps so I have that going for me. All in all, still a better class than shade in my opinion

How about Kinesis then? From what I gather they're top deeps right now, but is their mobbing as good as Evan's post 200?


Not even close. Despite being top DEEPS, they have garbage mobility and the requirements for the maximization of DEEPS is quite arduous and inconsistent in the various situation like bossing and the like. Whereas evans have specific tools to help him wipe maps clean , kinesis tools for 1 on 1 situations that mainly work on stationary targets.

wat did u just say?

Gibberish. I actually haven't slept for over 12 hours so excuse my fucking autism

>Elite boss only spawns in level 200 areas.
>can't enter scrapyard yet.
>its one of my daily missions.
Nice game.

good server

t. someone who's never been in the discord

>spammers in a f2p mmo


WOW kms reboot is fuckin DEAD man

Why not take a minute to read Tot?

read what?

Wow dude

who u i'll be ur bf

it me yellow

i changed my mind

rude b*ch

isnt that the nigga that played on da JABANESE SERBER


>playing KMS

For those still not aware

Whoops, fucked up the link

Nov 30th? Fuck. I expected late Dec.


Holy FUCK Corsair has the best.

Top 3 by looks.


Wew lads time to rev up those facebook and twitter accounts

I don't have a facebook the fuck is this share garbage.

You share stuff on your social media and get points, dunno exactly how it works but the more you share the more points you earn. Maybe someone can go in depth

Someone said auction house was in the trailer but I can't see.

I hope its true this shop system is fucking trash.

They also should raise the fucking meso limit.

Facebook and Twitter are just basic bitch social media websites. Remember to share it to your Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, subreddit, Vine, Youtube channel, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Flickr, Friendster, MySpace, Bebo, Xanga, LiveJournal, Google Plus, Habbo Hotel rooms, Digg, and Yelp pages for even more V Points®!

Your post made me remember those habbo hotel raids a decade ago holy shit 10 years in this website

and i dont regret it single bit

Even if it appeared in the video I wouldnt trust that as a fact, the video is probably just copied from KMS, UNLESS it was in the huge text list shown close to the end.

A lot of the trailer has a lot of meme Jett stuff so I think its legit.

here is a copy list from leddit

Left Column Middle Column Right Column
Jett Skills Revamped Improved party quest rewards Jetts are OP now.
Boss Battle exp loss on death removed Instantaneous name changes Invincibility skills improved
Minimum and maximum crit damage combined New equipment system: Arcane Symbol Improved quest rewards
UI improved Some monsters no longer ignore invincibility Jetts now have the TMS skillset.
Dimensional Mirror reorganized New V Matrix skill system Stack power elixirs to 3000
Link transfer skill UI improved Skill damage raised to 99,999,999. Jetts can solo cvel with just pensalir armor.
Maximum level limit removed from some areas Monster exp rates improved Brand new quest lines.
Mapleguide hot key added Job groups now share cash shop inventory Defense stat raised to 99,999
New events added Inventory slots increased to 128 Reboot world adjustments
Zero creation event open Jetts have been buffed. Auction house added
Attack/Defense stats reorganized . Hit rate, accuracy, avoid removed.
Jetts are now a real class! . Jetts are now stronger than paladins.

You don't even have to share it. It counts if you just click on it. Also, it seems as though you get points for sharing different pages and parts of the page. I already got 800, and with all of the future pages, it seems like 3200 is the max

this is a thing. poor maplestory 2.

what is this. I can't read gook

new server when they can barely keep 10 channels full on the one they have I think? the text says reset server

Nice, thanks for the tip dude, now i'll get all the points without sharing this shit

>S>Hwabi 25m
I'd buy from him just because I feel bad for him.

>when MS2 comes out everyone will move to it.
>MS1 will be dead even though its still superior.


what coins should i exchange

KMS version was more hype.

all of them?

where to grind after new exp scale

has GMS finally started to prune weird shit nobody uses anymore?

Yeah, america just sucks when it comes to advertising their games and hype, the thing they did on facebook/instagram was just bad

highly unlikely.

maple 2 was popular for about a month, then nothing happened, and people started going back to maple 1. around december maple 2 got rune blader, and maple 1 got heroes of maple. then maple 2 got nothing, and it was made obvious that they're trying to follow the same update path as maple 1, with solstice updates 2 times a year and minor content in between, but there's no minor content to update in maple 2. They had absolutely no updates from january to like may in 2016, then they started updating again, they got two new classes, and some more content, and a raised level cap.

But, the game is still dying. It's not retaining the players it gets from those spikes at all. It doesn't have a built base like maple 1 so they can't afford to just only update twice a year.

Plus this year was 5th job for maplestory, and as you might imagine, it absolutely destroyed maple 2. It dropped off of pc방 popularity charts, while maple 1 skyrocketed to ABOVE league of legends and overwatch. Only for one night, but it stayed in the top 3 for almost 2 months before it fell back to 5th-6th below DNF and whatever the 4th fotm is.

maple 2 is slowly recovering but it's not really growing in a way nexon hoped, I would bet.

The chinese open beta isn't breaking any records either, it's sort of run of the mill.

I honestly, legitimately don't see it breaking out of china and korea at this point. I don't see it surviving 3 years but, I didn't see it surviving one year after it's totally content-void launch either, and here we are. I'm not an expert at this stuff, just an enthusiast who loves to maple.

also, so fucking close to 70. God damn it's so hard to level in this shit.

what am i looking at in this screenshot

that's maplestory M. It's a new maplestory mobile game, but instead of being instanced and client sided, it's server based, and you can run into other people grinding on maps just like you. And party up with them because good lord it is a chore to grind on a phone.

auto-battling sucks too.

It has daily events you can do to get mileage/rewards points in regular maplestory, and they're running a "kill zakum, get a pipsqueak zakum in regular maple" event right now, after coming off the launch event where you could get several thousand maple points.

sweet I just hope Nexon don't start to abandon rolling out updates and focus on MS2.