/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

Old Bread: >Crews for GTA:O
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socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/pc_gtag (PC only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 (PS4 only)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL
>Steam Group - No heterosexuals allowed
>PS4 Community - GTAG VG Community (No heterosexuals allowed here either)
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>Older threads

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>Lap time comparison for every fully upgraded GTA:O vehicle

>Graphics settings guides for GTA V

>Patch notes for 1.36

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It's LJT. Guess who I just spoke to? Hmm?

Just another reminder of how Null goes out of their way to piss people off and gets surprised when they give them the ol' "Fuck off".

Hey Moe.
Hows it going?

>It's a "nullphaggot and subshitter get BTFO" episode

(You) 3 times

/gtag/ - Name Dropping General


tuner update when?

real tuners, not japcrap

hey niggers what program do you use to record your gameplay on PC?

Do you think that C* will give us a closure for online story? To link it and SP plot.

rockstar editor


use OBS if your a amd guy.

t. person u asked from last bread.


you came to the wrong neighborhood

Post vehicles with matching colors schemes

I think that some GTAG are online 24/7. How the fuck do you have so much free time, fuckers?



Play gta while working


neet life with lots of meth and a mommy to bring tendies

What would be really cute is if Bufallo Bell Awoo'ed.

pretty sure that EVO is a Kuruma

EVOs are vape wagons, bought by faggots that want to look fast. There are no good modern Jap cars.

I have a Lancer irl fight me fgt.

Heaven forbid me from posting a gta content screen shot on a gta thread.

Looking for mc sale helpers.

anybody doing heists?

lancer ≠ EVO
lancer is a 20 year old platform. Not as refined as its competitors but still has the faint essence of what made Jap cars great

How modern are we talking about? There're plenty of good cars before 2004-2005.


Name them?

I wouldn't include cars that had production running into the 2000s as modern, even if they were current, since the core design was not of that era

>/gtag/ keeps running their cars into my car
Is this some autistic mating call or something? Either way it is incredibly annoying.

kick them for griefing



It is mating season once more.

Claim your gtagfu now


She's something alright


What are the best cars, and why are they Muscle Cars?

fuck off furry, and don't try to justify it with furshit miami

also, your wheels suck

if you go watch emertxe's videos from csgo you'll hear null talk. She's a dude.

A hole is a hole

Miami what?
I just like the owl mask, I am permanently grumpy.
Also you have shit taste in cars.

/gtag/ is pretty easy to catfish. I have gotten 4 sharkcards from you thirsty fucks.


What is this shitty swamp water color?

> low profile tires on high clearance vintage muscle
>vintage wheels on modern muscle

turbo pleb

So salty that he can't handle a good car.

>Constantly paranoid /gtag/ is talking about me, even when I there in the session
>No basis for this paranoia
Am I going crazy?

Ya theirs the real Nullprophet and theirs Annie.
Literally two people on that account.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not talking about you. Personally, I think you're super cute.

>Literally two people on that account.
>GTA uses SC
>CS:GO uses Steam
>Literally two people on that account.

sounds like damage control

I'm one of the original musclefags that pushed out the super plebs and their T20s


god bless u user



>Blater still has not posted his dick

is this a meme

He's waiting for annie to post her butthole.

he's a low class white boy. Probably got a toothpick with how much he talks about it

/gtag/ needs more females in general and more in positions of power. This sausage fest has got to end.

Find them and the thirsty cucks will gladly promote them

i'd post my dick but i'd rather have it "leaked" after chatting up a girl on kik only to have her post our conversations where i tell her my deepest darkest fetishes turning me into a laughingstock of the entire general

have you seen your rockets?

you already are lmao

>Post my dick on /soc/ all the time
>Over 500 images of naked Veeky Forums girls I have camed with in recent years, some that probably browse here
Feels kinda good

im somebody else though

any florida girls?

Thanks to all the associates that lend a hand with all this business crap, not just for me but for the rest of the CEOs/Presidents out there. Wish you got paid more but it's always appreciated.

Anyone download that new GTAO sex mod yet?


i'd eat that ass up ;)

Hi Kaz

It's nice to know it matters to you. We could do nearly anything as a group and I'd still enjoy it, but org/club work is what pays the bills.

It's actually confirmed to be pretty big by multiple people, he's a fucking faggot slut and gives it in private messages to anyone that begs enough. This is well known from Discord.

Then why is he single if he has a big dick? Checkmate Atheists.

d-don't tease me like that, user

tfw unable to give BJs at the vanilla unicorn for cash

what is the gtag discord?
the dead one finally got deleted

A fucking NPC stole my mc club helicopter and went to the ocean right next to the limit of the map and stopped there, couldn't call another one because that one was already in use, it was funny though

t. idk

Null stop kicking people you don't like from Discord you stupid attention whoring cunt.

His discord his rules, faggot

t. Null apologist

Daily reminder to laugh at this pathetic attention whore

It's deleted. Join the other one or make your own. I'm sorry for everything.


No one likes you, that's why they blow you up.

I love this thing

dont listen to this guy.

I like you Null :)

How much does it cost to start up the MC stuff? And can I solo the grind/sales like I can with CEO crates?

>Social Club still won't process Snapmatic Selfies.
>This issue exists since forever.
>There are thousands of threads on their forums.
>Not a single response from Rockstar, no way to resolve it yourself.
>Rockstar still advertises this feature at Social Club's front page.
>Taking the link there, selecting your selfie and accepting does nothing.
>Get told to wait a few minutes for the changes to apply.
>Months later my avatar is still the same.
>I tried from different IP ranges, different operating systems, browsers, hardware configurations and devices.
>Didn't change one time. I can still change it to whatever fucking Rockstar pre-made avatar I want, not Snapmatic tho.

I have some bittersweet news for us this evening.

As of a few hours ago, Flibinjiber has officially started his first day of training with with the US Navy and will not be with us for the next couple of months as he goes through boot camp. His only form of communication will be snail mail, and I will be acting as liaison for anyone who wants to get in touch with him. If you would like to send him encouraging words any time during his absence, message me on SC or on steam at id/thecraftytitan - please, no ERP or benis - and I will include your messages with my own letters. I will be doing my best to keep both him and all of you updated until he graduates to active duty and has internet access once more.

We're going to need to bake the new bread for ourselves more often now, and obviously anyone who wants Returning Player content will need to find another volunteer with a copy of the game for PS360 willing to donate a throwaway account. It remains to be seen whether he'll be up to the task once he has a place of his own again.

Let's all make sure to take our vans out for a spin occasionally while he's gone.

He didn't even tell me he was leaving but I've heard from many others saying he said bye. Flib must hate me now.

>Le depressed man copying Nessi

A lot less than CEO, like maybe 1-2 million at most to start up, and no it'd be a real pain in the ass to try to run an MC solo

>when Aida's discord is more popular than Null's
>Null closes down her own discord

It's all coming according to plan.

You must be stupid, there's people within GTAG that fake 'depression' in order to get attention. I know at least 3 people that have done this to me.

Whelp, guess I'll stick to crates for now then. Thanks.

>Aida's discord

>still no discord link