Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #918: Photobomb Edition

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Dumb OP

Umi is gonna marry me

ok nico

Truly #1 Idol in the Universe.
I'm touched by the lyrics, they're so beautiful
Seriously fags, how can you hate her? she is one of the best character in the show!

computer science
my research is about machine learning

don't go to college it's a waste of time


For Wooby

Oh boi here we go again.

>tfw I fell for the college meme

gomenasai ;_;


>don't go to college it's a waste of time
I've told my parents that over and over and they don't think it's possible to get a good job without a degree

oh you're that user. We told you to switch into engineering.

But CS is fun!

cs is the biggest meme in the stem meme

almost a big of a meme are Natural Resource Economic Policy

CS (and by extension IT) is the reason memes can exist!

Anything Zoology or Ecology related is a fucking memey waste. Basically any woman that can't handle the harsh male dominated world of science academia goes into that field.

Ainya, King, and Rikyako are going to Korea in December

not based engineering

When are they going to Flip. please I don't want the hags anymore. well maybe mimo is an exception

thats quite a meme

what I'm studying has more business applications than those, especially with a Financial Management minor

Worst µ's vs worst Aqours

I can't decide between Nozomi or Ruby

But Ruby is the best Aqours

Nozomi and Dia are the worst

Sorry, but you're in the minority. The majority is Rin and Rat. It's ok, your opinion just doesn't matter since you're in the minirity

Why do all the good posters come out at this time? All the fun discussion seems to happen around this time in this general.

Based Umi/Nico

the south americans have gone to sleep

But I like CS. I just don't like college.

Well it's not like I'm lazing around but my situation is kinda ironic.

On one hand I'm doing the best I can and working hard because I know that if I fuck up one more time I'm gonna end up with a dead end job, a shitty car/house, no wife no kids, etc.

On another hand I just don't care anymore because I'm this close to neck myself. Life is really tiresome when you're poor and have to carry multiple mental disorders on your shoulders. In fact it amazes me that I still have a bit of sanity left after all these years.

Dostoyevsky was right after all: human conscious is a disease, a chronic disease.


Did all my Pures and Cools, now I'm starting on maxing the Smiles. Takes forever but the end is in sight.

>minority thinks he's the majority


Going to Smackdown on Dec 6 and taking some Love Live signs and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

I went for Japan Studies (My initial interest in Japan started when we had a guest teacher while I was in middle school) and Managed to even get a semester at Sophia Uni in Tokyo studying contemporary society and culture for my masters, my bachelor's was history.

Currently in teacher training. Things are tough financially, but overall my outlook is good, and things are definitely looking up.

best: Umi and Chika

worst: Nozomi and Dia

Nozomi vs Riko

Put /llsifg/ in a visible spot on the sign

No one's going to stop you APW

I'm from South America and been here since last thread, fag, you don't know shit

I hope I can screencap them or something,

Oh are you the guy who went to smackdown with the signs or are you just copying him?

Same guy, no one else has the balls to do it so I'll be in the front section again showing new signs.

>don't go to college it's a waste of time
I'm actually considering taking dentistry just so I can fix Kussun and King's teeth. Is this a good idea? y/n

here, saw this

>you're expected to constantly be keeping up with his research papers and expected to (mostly) understand his knowledge and instructions. In fact, I had to read everyone one of his fucking published articles and suck up hard to even get a spot here.

This is absolute bullshit. Unless he is at the absolute cutting edge of his field, the only reason he would have you reading all of his research is to stroke his own ego. Hell, none of my professors ever made us read their own research; the only time I ever read someone's research was when an independent studies profesor I was under asked me if I would be interested in proofreading his book (he was chinese, and didn't have very good english, and he was a nice guy, so I did.)

Your professor sounds like a shithead.

Great the chunni demon finn ballleeer

Do a Owens with Nozomi or Pana

Alright goodluck then will be waiting for your signs on live

Thats pretty cool, I had a relative do something similar but with France and she is a tenured professor of history at a pretty good state school in the South now

What I'm studying is basically Econ with some Agribusiness and Natural Science thrown in

Good luck my fellow History friend. These are interesting times to live in!


No problem and Thanks.

He is an incredible egotist. BUT he's an incredibly well established and unbelievably intelligent man so students deal with it. He told us that he doesn't like wasting time explaining things to new assistants so he expects us to know our stuff unless he understands that certain topics are too difficult to understand since a few of us are undergrads. He's a far cry from what my advisors told me most professors are like. My advisor said that most profs who do research love to explain things to new research students and undergrads. At least my prof was up front about him wanting us to be well read and attentive, so I can't complain. I'm getting a good rec and valuable lab experience from it.

>Riko is RAW

of course


are you the mp3 pana poster?

I like nico a lot because she's just like me: poor as fuck, short tempered because she doesn't have time to deal with people's bullshit and street smart

leave nico alone with no money in a dangerous neighborhood and at the end of the day you'll find her eating a sandwich at a parking lot


>that kotoeli closeness

I dunno if he even visits this general but back on /a/ during LL Sunshine there was a Niconigger that would constantly pick fights with me because I was an Umishitter and start all these crazy fan base wars. If you're around Niconigger: I miss you

You madkekman. I didn't know you lurk and even post here. Followed.

I miss the guy that did KUROSAWA RUBY/DIA is a giant baby and the respect wooby or else guys

>My advisor said that most profs who do research love to explain things to new research students and undergrads.

They should love it. Who wants to be a teacher who doesn't like to explain things? I mean, hell, even though I'm only working as a substitute right now, there have been classes where computer programs crash or shit breaks unexpectedly, and rather than following the plan that says "have them watch the video" I actually teach the material.

Had to do that in a math class the other day. Whole 40 minute video on prime factorization, all set up and ready to go, doesn't really mean much when the website starts updating, but thankfully I know my math so I was able to teach it, and everyone managed to learn it to my satisfaction (and hell, I'm not even planning on teaching math!)

>I'm getting a good rec and valuable lab experience from it.

Reason enough to be thankful, I suppose.

I don't.



same, I kept some of his work. I also miss ESL Chikafag

Oh my god I love you, three best raibus and my own favorite crack OT3.


The Pana, the Dia, the Umi, and sometimes the rat, and everything else that comes.
I am Everything

were you from my nigga

Maki vs Ruby

Argentina, pana

if you really are that guy you're my hero desu

I like Hanamaru


Thanks, that helps me with my goal to go to the gym more and main event Mania with the Aqours singing my entrance.

That's cool kayochin, I enjoy those mp3

pyon team a cute
por favor dime que no estabas shiposteando en /sp/

Que mal gusto wn. Honoka es mejor.

so do I

Fucking Kek



Poor gooks.

Because the shitposters have a bed time, and if they stay up even a minute over their parents give 'em a good spankin'.

burgers go to bed early.



what's that? I'm only here

algún día buscare audios que me puedea ofrecer Honoka, hasta ahora no se me ocurre.
bueno solo esto

No bully pls

Ojala pudiera pasarte algun audio qlo de los que tengo, pero la veo dificil wn. Igual good choice. Solo nos falta el kotorifag para tener a printemps

Can't happen. Spicaterrible, remember?


Oh shit. You are right. Maybe a half spic?

hay espacio para un mexi You

No entiendo la obsesión de los chilenos con Honoka. Mal gusto.

ooh bueno, estaria bueno oir audios. ahora que lo decis, vendria bien un kotorifag

Ingles por favor

we need a wall




Claro, todos son bienvenidos. Pero invita un kotorifag.

Honk is love.

Un dia vendra.