/owg/ - Overwatch General

remember to say "sorry about your mercy" every time you beat a team with mercy on it

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Pretty well, just got that one first time playing Sombra outside of PTR so this is great, I reckon it was the harder one of the two too!

Now I just need a Zarya for the second one and I'm back to only not having Lucio's 3 Kills and Zen's Discord one.

>nfw I got it

I didn't even think EMPs would count. I thought I had to walk around and just hack people lol.



>1000 sr above the team average sr
>me ooga team booga
>get 10 sr for the win


When are they actually gonna fix D.Va instead of just shuffling numbers around?

>every game has a sombra picker who always says "ahhhhh chilll brah ayyy lmao haha I'm finna rape them"

>bothering with competitive after your placement matches

For what purpose

OP here.

Just pulled some random vid off of twitters @playoverwatch for thread image since new PC didn't have any memes saved.

Fix her how? She is currently amazing.

>tfw you have no material for good Pharah webm's anymore after losing all day

pharah nerf
why blizz


12th for why the fuck is Sym in duels


>Im pregnant...
>And your the father user!

What do?

Why is Sombra so shit? I don't mean underpowered or anything, her abilities are pretty strong and M1 is actually good.
I mean why is she so shit design and gameplay-wise?

I need her.

Roadhog is cancer in 3v3

Enjoy korean pussy until she hits 35 then drop her

becoming GM for free golden weapon.

aside from the shuriken nihon or young are basically superior unless you're an edgelord who needs dat red on black


Damn son, the legend lives. /ourguy/

Dva is moreso than Roadhog. He has to save his hook for the Dva's second life.

So after hogging that patch with no fucking changes for like month on PTR they release it week before seasons ends together with Sombra and not even lock her out from comp? I just don't understand.

>there are humans who suffered through 15 games of Heroes of the Storm in one day

Actually playing HotS makes me feel a little bad for Blizzard, honestly. There's a lot of effort here, but it's basically some SC2 arcade mod with a lot of maps.

The need to pay to play heroes really kills the game competitively and casually. I just want to play as the Lost Vikings, but I don't have 10k gold.

Now if only I actually played Genji.

How autistic can someone be

it was a girl

this please

Roadhog is cancer in all game modes

>We're gonna do some crazy stuff in PTR that is so wild we might not implement all the changes
>They implement all the changes

Wh-what's on her fingers?

commit sepukku

Hair strand


Need to Breed

You need to play for the objective, but she keeps you way off it by design.

>he played against people rather than bots

Who the fuck are you and how'd you get in my house?

>HotS is so shitty people actually feel pity towards blizzard

Remember it's Activision Blizzard and HotS is literally the product of a business model to emulate and then acquire the lucrative MOBA playerbase. There was no point in the development process of HotS where they said "we are making this game because it sounds fun!" It's made from the ground up to accommodate micro-transactions and goes as far as it can without breaking the barrier to be labelled "p2win"

Take responsibility.

Hana loves me


>mfw I can't believe the PTR bufffs went through
Why is she so perfect?

Roadhog is a shit tank

Talking about healsluts, today was the first time i actually saw someone use that term ingame!

Pick one, and why?

Who counters Sombra? What does she counter?

I love Hana.


100% tracer

I want you in my mouth

>Who counters Sombra?
>What does she counter?
Her team

>yfw Seagul popped his ult as the crowd went absolutely wild only for him to get shut down immediately

Sorry thats he doesnt feel the same for you

Non-ult Winston.

Enraged Winston is Sombra's bitch.

I love Jesse McCree

Who /u/ here

She's perfect.

Reporting in


I dunno why I even play this game honestly. I'm fully capable of grinding up the ranks but every game has some fucking idiot in it who thinks he's in Grandmaster who makes the whole thing unenjoyable. I can't remember the last time I had a team that didn't have at least one shithead flaming in it the whole time. Why did this game turn so terrible?



Is this photoshop??!?!


>be D.Va
>Sombra tries to hack me
>instinctively pull out matrix like retard and get hacked instead of mowing her down

Fug, this will take while to get used to.

>Match: Widowmaker

How would you make sombrero a more viable pick?

she at least has pasties under there right?

That is why you play QP or arcade, so you can stop worrying about your rank and have fun.

>I'm fully capable of grinding up the ranks

>who counters Sombra
Armor cuts her damage in half. 160 dps -> 80 dps. D.Va, Winston, Reinhardt, even Torbjorn and his armor packs cripple Sombra in her role to be a DPS, making her presence trivial rather than relevant.
>What does she counter
She can hack Bastion out of Sentry mode, and can hack Mercy to prevent her from using Guardian Angel or Rez to get away.


but you can't? lmao

Starting today I am Hana Song's boyfriend

Pleased to meet you


at least """""she""""" mains a good healer aka not mercy


I have been, but there's still always some idiot who's complaining about his team's heroes or flaming. I haven't had a genuinely pleasant, friendly team in more than a month.

This is the exact same reason I gave up playing League and Dota, because everyone acts like a little bitch to their own team.

i'm literally married too her...

Look at pic related.

>tfw random gold in my last 2980 match before diamond
>calls me out on being a shit rein
>let him choose rein and he charges in to die everytime
>still blames me
what the fuck is wrong with people holy shit

>competitive is now "which team's sombra is willing to switch once it becomes apparent that they are useless?"

Okay, this got a good giggle from me.

get a buddy and never leave group chat

>her role to be a DPS
She is an offense class but I don't think her intended use is to just get in there and murder people.

She's all about shutting faggots down. Hack just completely nullifies tanks, it's so good.

Just isolate him from his team or focus fire.

Or are you some kind of shitter?


Fake, Hana Song streams on some Korean website not twitch

>not signed by the priest witnessing

Fake as fuck, kill yourself. hana confirmed single fap bait. Everyone get in line behind me, I was here first.

>Game all about playing the objective and team fighting
>Sombra has two abilities that take her away from the objective to baby sit medkits
>Sombra has three abilities that can't be used in team fights

A damage buff simply won't do it, blizz have fucked up from the ground up.


Mah nigguh.

My 1v1s today were surprisingly pleasant. Of the handful of opponents I fought, only one of them came across as upset, and he didn't even say anything (he just quit after 3 lost duels in a row)

The other ones were all generally good losers and gracious winners. 1v1 means you don't have much of an audience to impress with your epic bantz.


>tfw all 3 of my favorite heroes got buffed
>mercy, widowmaker, and soldier 76 are all (almost) viable now
I just played a game as Mercy, had 17 offensive assists and 17 defensive assists in one round
It's glorious, I'm about to destroy the healslut game

The fellow on the left has a really unfortunate appearance. I feel genuinely bad for him, being ugly is a rough lot in life.

who dis nerd fag white boy

>sombras smg is outdpsed by lucios sound gun
>teleporter is buggy and doesnt work half the time
>10 year delay between going in and out of invis
>emp useless because all it does is show where you are and the rands on your team never capitalize on it
>a slight breeze knocks you out of invis and interrupts your hack

the fuck were they thinking with this hero

>go to a comp match
>someone picks sombrero
>"You played her on the ptr, right?"
>"Nope, just practicing"
wew lads, not sure how we won

Youre all cucks, Hana is a slut and fucks any guy that buys her dinner

>that tiny delay before self-healing with Mercy