Why do I love Skarsnik so much? It's pretty simple when I iz finkin' 'bout it. Skarsnik izn't just da best character in da War'ammer world, 'ee might just be da greenest character of all time. Just imaging 'im riding fru da halls of Karak Eight-Peaks, da wind in 'is 'at, 'is mighty Gobbla below 'im. As 'ee rides fru da World's Edge Mountains, da Stunties soil demselves at 'is very scent. Dey knows 'ow 'ee smells, da essence of 'is smell iz in da Stunties Book of Grudges unda da name of "Skarsnik Fungusm" Da very nature of Skarsnik iz mystery. Could 'ee be playin' a deepa game den even Gork and Mork realizes? Da answer iz yes, 'ee 'as transcended such boundaries as da written world, and 'as free will to do woteva 'ee seez fit. 'owever, Skarsnik iz filled wiff such cunnin', such morky craft dat 'ee does not even use deese powers. Why, you might ask? You will neva know, for da mind of Skarsnik iz not one dat iz easily penetrated. Skarsnik iz such a force of Mork in 'is realm dat nofink can truly touch 'im, da only fink keeping 'im bound to da page at all iz 'is will to exist wiffin da preordained boundaries of 'is world. Skarsnik iz not only beyond da compre'enssiun of us, 'ee exists wiffin a plane of true gorkiness and morkiness. Observe 'is playful smile, 'is gorgious and rippling Gobbla, 'is gallant nose, and most importantly, 'is eyes. 'is eyes, like pools of shinies, provide da only glimpse into da true maschinassiuns of Skarsnik. Do not stare into dem. Many good boyz 'ave gone dead in da attempt. Skarsnik iz not just a character, a formless collectiun of words and images, 'ee 'imself iz da binding dat 'olds da Warhammer world togeva. Wiffout Skarsnik, da entire War'ammer world, da entire Games Workshop as we knows it crumbles. No Stunties or Ratboys would be stomped wiffout Skarsnik and Karak Eight-Peaks would become a desolate crater wiffout 'is iron fist. Deese are just of a few of da reasons why I like Skarsnik so much.
Bentley Russell
Fuck, just finished cunts. I'm rerolling.
Adam Johnson
We'll always be friends, won't we, Gobbla?
Easton King
Why do goblinfriends feel the need to start a new thread so early?
Josiah Wood
they're insecure about their measurements, see
Luis Young
KARL! Take the electors... They're yours. We both can't stay here to fight, and you know it. And I realize now which of us is more important. I always thought that I'd be the True Elected Emperor to protect Altdorf, but you understood the Chaos threat better than I did. That's the greatest enemy of the Old World. Besides, I brought some "electors" of my own. This oversized 12,360 unit has tremendous stopping power. I can hold them off while you run.
Charles Clark
I wanna fuck the gobbo
Dominic Bennett
Leo Phillips
Reminder that city names don't matter.
Jaxon Baker
What are you going to do when you have multiple docks or forests?
Ayden Wood
why is rome II considered a trash game or was it just at launch?
Juan Ross
just a launch but still not as good as Attila
Jeremiah Flores
It seems you're lacking even the smallest amount of imagination, I'm sorry for you...
Ian Thompson
just a bad launch but after playing Attila it doesnt feel half as good as before AE FUCKING WHEN
John Cruz
im surprised Louen isnt just KING
Nathaniel Ross
What would you say is the population threshold for occupying a city vs. enslaving in Rome 1?
Oliver Morris
Landon Garcia
it was a broken mess at launch IMO the changes they did with the later patches made some factions absolute streamrollers pretty much from turn 1 pic related, by the time I hit mainland europe I was getting more money then it was possible for me to spend, and the baktrian faction bonus meant that I didnt have to convert cities I captured to my culture so I could just keep on trucking
Hunter Fisher
aaand I forgot the fucking picture
Andrew James
It really was an unlovable turd at launch and then EE came out almost a year later and addressed almost everyone's issues while providing a nice new free campaign.
Attila is better feature-wise by far, Rome 2's not the most complex tw game but it's still fun to stomp around as Rome or any other of your favourite ancient civilization or tribe.
Dylan Rodriguez
That is the worst empire I've ever seen.
>no continuity >clearly made peace with other greeks >egypt not removed >started invading spain instead of crushing europe >just fuck my borders up
Christian Martinez
That Greek map. It's beautiful.
Angel Powell
Is a meme and even less relevant than the halflings, who aren't even in game
Aaron Flores
probably the worst launch total war has had so far.
and some weird as fuck gameplay/artwork decisions that made the game annoying as hell to deal with.
Brayden Myers
Vampire chans big butthole!!!
Colton Howard
There are a lot of different ways to play Chaos.
If you start as Sigvald he is the weakest of the liege lords, but has a hellcannon making it easy to storm walled cities and rape enemy armies. Sigvald also gets a boost to horde growth and is the most annoying to unlock when playing as the other liege lords so he's arguably the easiest to start with.
If you start as Kholek he is the strongest and can easily beat down gates.
Archaon is good at combat and has magic, meaning you won't need any wizards in his army.
For example, you can build your tier 2 building on turn one while deleting the crappy marauder building. Then on turn 2 you can use your remaining pop points to build the building which lets you get Chaos warriors. Then you go looting.
Or you can use your pop points to form a second horde and split your starting armies. Then go looting. This I think is more difficult because your armies will be weaker if you don't buff them up by building more soldiers, making them targets for Kislev or Kraka Drak's stacks.
If you want you can dick around in Norsca for dozens of turns. I enjoy looting the shit out of their cities, but it isn't really useful since the Norscans are supposed to be your friends. Awakening is useless unless you're trying to unlock Sigvald.
Leo Perez
Vampires don't poop
I've always wondered how cartography could be so accurate in a pre-space age. Did they just have super autists feeling around the coastlines and remembering all the details to map out or what?
Logan Rogers
>liege lords legendary lords you doofus
Jaxson Clark
>not starting as Archaeon >not uniting the northern tribes under 1 banner first >not building your horde up til you have 3 full stack armies >not leading the united norscan tribes into the world of men
Christopher Long
>every minor settlement now has walls by the time you make it down
Jaxson Cruz
>fearing the walls of man >not letting him think he is safe
Juan Ross
>tfw you awaken a tribe >instead of making them a tributary or vassal they become a fucking ally that just sits back like a worthless piece of shit >mfw have to go reconquer the norscans because my military allies were a bunch of fucking pussies
vassalized their asses after turning the northlands into a fucking wastland
Hunter James
So I learned something today. The AI goes full retard when faced with pistoliers. They will actually send half their army that has way lower movement speed including their lord chasing them even when they don't have any ammo, and the other half to attack the rest of your guys. You can actually get their entire army chasing that one unit as long as you get them just outside the range where they charge. Will CA ever actually work on improving the AI?
Gabriel Perez
>Will CA ever actually work on improving the AI? hahahaha lmfao
Joseph Martinez
>Will CA ever actually work on improving the AI?
Ian Nelson
>vassalize 3 or 4 snownigger tribes >someone declares war on you >one of the tribes pussies out >now they're all at war with me
Grayson Price
Norsca was a mistake.
Aaron Flores
Noah Cook
Levi Reyes
Today is not the day
Camden Williams
>vassals can decline a call to war
This is utter bullshit
Dylan Perez
>3 full stacks
Getting a second stack on turn 1 makes it easy to get 4 full stacks by the time you'd normally have 3 if you didn't build a second stack on turn 1
>the minor settlements actually don't have walls because the empire states and the vampires spent so much time fucking each other up
Jackson Gomez
I want to be dominated by a best elf!
Christopher Phillips
Is DX12 any good in warhammer yet?
Parker Stewart
Is today, I dare to say it, THE day?
Chase Reyes
Bentley Adams
Based on a quick glance at the last thread the wood elves are due soonish?
Any word on their mechanics?
Anyone have a link to a decent magic overhaul mod that at a bare minimum makes AOE spells not suck? Or did patches finally fix that problem?
Aiden Price
What is this, an image for snotlings?
Jacob Rodriguez
>Unique mechanic, fill your fightiness meter to spawn a Wild Hunt - AI controlled stack >Unique Campaign Travel, use the World Roots to pass impassable terrain >Seasons: Every few turns is a new "season" that offers unique bonuses to the Wood Elves
Brody Jenkins
>>Unique mechanic, fill your fightiness meter to spawn a Wild Hunt - AI controlled stack
Am I being rused here? If not, this seems really lazy.
>>Unique Campaign Travel, use the World Roots to pass impassable terrain
This is also kinda lazy but honestly I was expecting this.
>>Seasons: Every few turns is a new "season" that offers unique bonuses to the Wood Elves
This is an interesting idea, I wonder if it will get reused in some way for other factions.
Daniel Ramirez
tripfag you the worst go smell donky ass and die
Gavin Cox
they still have an anus though also i've been wondering about the whole cartography thing, too
Christian Cook
Does tripfagging and being a retard go hand in hand?
Hunter Reed
>Linux release on the 22nd >Linux is mostly used by neets >Wood elves are basically neets Wood elves on the 22nd?
Lucas White
Threadly reminder that the following are rightful Asur clay, and therefore rightful Asrai clay so from now on please refer to them with their correct names. Dietershafen - Athel Toralien Marienburg - Sith Rionnasc Altdorf - Kor Vanaeth Talabheim - Athel Maraya Kislev - Athel Numiel L'Anguille - Tor Alessi Thank you
And I’m referring to The Everchosen, Lord of the End Times, Chaos Incarnate, Herald of the Apocalypse, Warlord of the forces of Chaos United, Scourge of the Empire Archaon and Destroyer of Worlds (with the End Times ability) equipped with his sword and control of the Warriors of Chaos and Slayer of Kings, a complete Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse, with all four Chaos God’s powers implanted in his chest so he can perform the arcane bolt and riding Dhorgar as well as being extremely skilled in understanding strategy and veteran warrior.
Grayson Nelson
If not tonight/tomorrow then probably next week.
In before it's disappointment
Logan Bailey
I had a nightmare last night, /twg/
It has nothing to do with Total War, but it was straight out of Alex Jones' mind, complete with body snatchers, murderous submarines, and everything else. It was honestly terrifying and I can still feel the residual terror
Dominic Gutierrez
>Araby >Nippon >Empire >Dwarfs
his imagination is on par with GW desu
Adrian Green
I'm sorry ;_;
Joshua Howard
>So just as Archaon was about to usher in an eternity of darkness and rule as King Chaos forever and all the usual Chaos shit, he hears a massive shout behind him.
>Archaon turned just in time to receive the most solid kick to the dick that any fantasy character has ever experienced in a LONG time. With Archaon laid low, Grimgor then did something very un-orc like. He punched Archaon into the ground, shouted "I IZ DA BEST!!!!!!" and left laughing back to the Worlds Edge Mountains to gather another army, and go back to fighting shit.
John Flores
>Release on 22 that's beyond retarded
William Torres
>Did they just have super autists feeling around the coastlines and remembering all the details to map out or what? That or ancient ayys
Ryder White
played my O&G army in that summer campaign. Never been more happy to had picked Orcs after that story... then AoS came out
Ethan Parker
It was not accurate
It were rough estimates and yes, cartographers were ultra autists
Caleb Cruz
>tfw you will never have this strong of plot armor
Nathan Lopez
>tfw no fantasy version of Tuska Daemon-Killa
David Jones
certainly not Sarthorael.
And I'm referring to the Everwatcher, Lord of Change, Champion of Tzeentch, Master of the Lores of Metal, the Heavens and Fire, Equipped with the Staff of Change with control of the warriors of the Chaos Gathering as well as being extremely skilled in strategy and a veteran warrior
Oliver Thompson
Were blood knights the ultramarines of fantasy?
As in, mary sues?
Samuel Wilson
What are you gonna do? Bleed on me?
Grayson Scott
Gom the Paunch LL when? You think CA will add him once we get High Elfs?
Caleb Smith
you know the format user.
Matthew Wright
I have nightmares every night about UNSETTLED GRUDGES
Alexander Cox
tripfags were a mistake
Josiah Ross
Gavin James
Playing Attila for the first time. Are there any mandatory mods? Maybe double garrisons?
Joseph Perry
>Will CA ever actually work on improving the AI? There was actually a development video that showed how CA did the AI somewhere on their channel
Basically in every battle a separate instance of the battle is rendered in a way that lets the AI read it. Imagine the same map you see but everything is in its absolute bare minimum as a bunch of wireframes representing units, positions and shapes. And this is running in the background of your game where the AI makes its decisions based on logic circuits and pre determined tactics.
Then the AI logic fucks itself with daemons and charges its cav into a pike wall.
Samuel Rogers
So.... Today IS the day...
Adam Ross
Kinda surprised they didn't make Boris a free LC when Beastmen came out.
Christopher Morris
Andrew Powell
Double garrisons makes it nearly impossible for the AI to beat you
Honestly Attila is very good as the base game, you should play it without mods first.
Logan Nelson
They problably did not plan to do so until the Warlord DLC was released.
Jacob Smith
vampirecounts in estalia.
Fucking how?
Easton Gutierrez
Oh there is 1 mod you need actually, 'Ai will colonize the burned'
Means you dont have a bunch of empty cities all over the map
Nathan Howard
One of them declared war and VC sent a army there.
Caleb Gonzalez
*AI will colonize burned world
Evan Baker
Alright, I'll give it another go in vanilla then. Thanks guys.
Joshua Nelson
Isn't Karl Franz supposed to be the ultimate statesman?
Brandon Hernandez
Kayden Nelson
>"We'll have another post today, too - so don't leaf us alone just yet..."