/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

AZW when edition.



Gamescom Siege video:

Interviews with Armagan at Gamescom '16:

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/HPJiGhg0

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


>user's mods and upstab guide:
>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New user created stuff:
>Undead Calradia

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:


Lets play a game.

Whats the Swadian knights oath?

never because I can't fucking figure out why my server is fucked up

>ftp site is still down

nite nite bred

>Rhodok """""""""""""""nobility"""""""""""""""

what faction has the most cuhrazy units in smayo? pikes and xbows are kinda boring, I want handgrenades and cannons and shit

at the very least I want to wage war on a crazy faction to get all that stuff as loot, it costs way to much to buy it

Samurai Gunners will get messed up by a cavalry charge too; that's why you deploy pikemen in front of the gunline. All I'm pointing out is that Ashigaru armies are pretty viable; they suffer badly in siege combats but in field battles they can do alright en masse.

>Refuse to marry until I hit 100 relations with significant other
Is this a bit mucH? I can't tolerate that I am unable to increase relations with female spouses after marriage and the concept of my character have a legion of 100 relationship bros with a cunt wife breaks my immersion.

Part of the glory that is Rhodok is that they Champion the Common Man. Do not let the filthy swadian propaganda of the hook nosed money lender attempt to convince you otherwise.


>glorified mountain bandits
>champions of the common man
Oh I'm laughing

>glorified mountain bandits
>mountain bandits the BOW bandits

False flag all you want. No on even cares what the Sarranids think.

>crossbows mean we're totally not a bunch of glorified mountain bandits

t. butthurt Sway-di-ann filled with bolts



>Crossbows and Polearms mean we're totally not a bunch of glorified mountain bandits

has rhodokposting gone too farfar

Correctly fatigue induced typo

Attempts at tarnishing the good name that is Rhodok shall not and cannot be permitted.

>trying to gather the fabled 8 heros of prophecy
>all that remains is the legendary Borcha
>raided Vaegir villages early on
>the snowy mountains of the Vaegirs are dangerous territory only for the brave
>have visited the inns and taverns of towns from the Sarranids to the Nords
>never found the great Borcha
>gather the largest army I can of Swadian knights and Rhodok sharpshooters in an effort to find this legend in Vaegir territory
>all men are felled, captured or scattered
>only I remain
>manage to evade the Vaegir lords long enough to reach the outskirts of Rivacheg
>get accosted by a group of Sea Raiders
>these savages won't even accept gold for my safe passage
>spend several weeks being raped for days (for I am a woman) and escaping, only to be captured once again as I neared Rivacheg
>my holes have been completely used up and filled with an ocean of Sea Bandit cum
>probably pregnant with some sub-30 IQ beast's offspring
>one day the bandits scatter as King Yaroglek rides to Rivacheg
>find my moment and escape
>disguise myself and sneak into the town
>enter the tavern
>Borcha is nowhere to be found
>check the rest of the Vaegir towns on my way back to Dhirim to start looking for my other scattered heros
>no Borcha
>the search continues

Man FUCK Borcha and FUCK this game. Fucking thing crashed as I alt-tabbed to shitpost about this.

>spend several weeks being raped for days (for I am a woman) and escaping, only to be captured once again as I neared Rivacheg
>my holes have been completely used up and filled with an ocean of Sea Bandit cum


>raided Vaegir villages early on
>spend several weeks being raped for days (for I am a woman) and escaping, only to be captured once again as I neared Rivacheg


>female players

post your characters or something

>having a female spouse
Husbands are simply superior

Will do once Bannerlord releases lmao

I'm taking a break from Warband to play something else ATM

>having a female spouse

Sorry Aniki but Warband does not support god mode

I'm doing it for steam achievements

>stealing papal gear

I did the same thing tbhq

Purchased with hard earned mercenary money.

Considering that I saved the Crusader States three times; the last time with them being landless, they should have both gifted me this gear and declared me a saint.

>give up looking
>go to Praven because nothing else to do
>he's there


>rhocuck opening the door for Big Nordic Cock

>nords don't even know what bouncer is

should've invested INT instead of Ironflesh

>picture is clearly taken inside someone's house
Just because you pretend to be a bouncer while opening the door for your Nordic bull before running off to your cuck shed in the mountains doesn't make you one.


He will obviously shoot the Nords in the back when they pass that door.

>le /v/ermin never ever face

Oh okay, you're just shitposting, i got it.

>le /v/ermin never ever face
how new are you


Pretty new, it's been only 3 years since I've started posting on /mbg/, but let's be honest, even though Rage Comics came from Veeky Forums, no one used them because 9GAG and Reddit adopted them. This one really got popular on /v/ though, am i wrong? If so, please correct me.


Sorry, boss.


jerking off in the middle of a battle must feel good tbqhwy

you can spit it out already boss

>playing PooP
>raid a shitty little village because my army is starving + I'm low on money
>after the raid I suddenly hear "God dammit!" followed by loud crying and sobbing for about a minute
Dude, a simple scream of despair would have been enough.

Frank answered some more questions on ask.fm it seems.
Most of them are not very interesting though

Fully voice acted by saxondragon?

May Tengri guide my arrow into the nearest Russian.

The dream is over.


watch out you infidel

>start my own faction by taking a castle
>immediately gets re-sieged
>the three other largest factions all DOW me
>lose the castle
>now have no army and no land
>the factions will never ask for peace because I don't have a court
>it's 20k minimum to buy peace from a lord
>only three towns that I don't have to sneak into
>can't swear allegiance to the factions that aren't at war with me
>can't go anywhere without lords fucking my shit up
>can't recruit anyone from villages I'm at war with
>mfw on realistic

Never start America on your Ann Coulter character on a whim, bros.

Spoken arabic is really ugly.

-get prison management(I hate this skill because it should not be skill or atleat party skill)
-get only blunt weapon units
-become richfag fucking easy

because its shitty durka durka music, MEC voices in BF2 was fucking comfy

Arabic accent English is fucking hilarious though


>I love a crowd

l took praven on day 95 all by myself and am now at war with swadia and the rhodoks
now what nigga

Praven's nothing. Take Dhirim or just quit

mod pls

I can take dhirim anytime, hard part would be to hold on to it

>now what nigga
Should have figured that out before you took Praven

Oi boss, had I known you're this cute I would've shown myself sooner.

>roaming around just sending companions out to gain right to rule while I try to decide if I'm going to abandon the file or not
>see the Khergits who don't hate me pushing in some Sarranid's shit
>join their party
>just ride around the spawn in circles while 500 Khergits right 15 Sarranids
>fight ends
>Sultan Hakim is now my prisoner

This game sometimes man, just when I think I'm out, it pulls me back in.

Did you ticklehis feet?

can someone explain how floris acres work ?
l have 110 acres in praven and l get fucking negative income


you're doing this on purpose aren't you

B&G Caribbean

doing what

doing what

editing out a (You) isn't that hard desu


>people would rather accuse me of samefagging than reply to my question

>become king for first time after King Butter refused me the recaptured Suno, but I was hoping he would anyway
>Swadia was on it's last legs when I joined, only had Dhirim, 4 castles and I recaptured Suno and Praven
>quickly capture castles nearby after ennobling several companions
>pull my 160 strong heavy cavalry contingent out of Praven, time to rekk swadian lords
>none of them agree to become my vassal, shit on them
>Dhirim is taken by the nords, they only have two castles left
>Harlaus taken prisoner by Nords, no hope of negotiating peace
>take last castles, deal with le ebin 0/1 lords raiding villages
>finally settle for comfy peace, switch to my traveling horse+armor/weapons and pull my khergit horse archers out, garrison heavy cav
>nords decide to start shit, small war, make peace
>suddenly Swadian lords defecting en masse, accept them all
>I now realize of the 5 that joined, most are little argumentative shitbirds (pitiless), and only count Ryis is honorable
>on top of that, one of the ones I was already good friends with got Tihr, only lord that owns a city besides myself

am I in for a wild ride

don't invite too many lords in, they're annoying cunts

>destitute lord comes into my castle begging to become my vassal
>I accept him, having heard no bad rumours
>he gets full of himself and starts acting like a cunt

boy am I glad dickplomacy allows me to tear their asshole open

>get accosted by a group of Sea Raiders
>these savages won't even accept gold for my safe passage
>spend several weeks being raped for days (for I am a woman) and escaping, only to be captured once again as I neared Rivacheg
>my holes have been completely used up and filled with an ocean of Sea Bandit cum
>probably pregnant with some sub-30 IQ beast's offspring
disgraceful false accusation against noble sea raiders tbqh. they're good nordic men and would never mistreat their prisoners. where are your proofs? active imagination or wishful thinking?

No, and he ran away from me before I could get ransom.

Fucking triggered shitlord! Women should be listened to and believed when they report sexual assualt! Fucking sexist pig!

You ain't livin' if you ain't feastin'

Send a Pike through the Rhokike

Morningstar every allahu akbar

Run a horse over every norse

how are you expecting people to top this?

make every field battle like slaughtering cattle

back after a long break

fresh memes

they're okay

when's bannerlord coming out?


>coming out

>coming out


How do you stop Swadia from losing every single fief before the first year even ends?




Lances high, they charge the foe
Knights of Praven deliver woe
They smash the line of Rhodok pikes
Crossbows loose from atop the dike
A brave Knight falls, his armor rent
Inside Sergeant, his blade bent

Sharpshooters flee the field of death
Knights cry out, they triumph yet
The brave Knight lies, his life pours out
Never saw his comrades cause the rout
He lays in blood, thoughts of home
His spirit the field will forever roam

Knights of Swadia glisten chrome
They slaughter evil Rhodok gnomes
Knights of Swadia live to kill
Great King Harlaus, done thy will
Remember the fallen, their lives ceased
Never again return to feast