/blaz/ - BlazBlue General

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PC Lobby Naming Convention: /Blaz/ (Region) (East/West)

- Central Fiction is now available in Japan, the US and Europe, as are the Es and Mai DLCs.
- XBlaze Code Embryo, XBlaze Lost Memories, Calamity Trigger, Continuum Shift Extend, and Chronophantasma Extend are available on Steam.
- Blazblue Variable Heart, a new manga starring Mai, is currently being published.

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Kokonoe! I need to keep practicing with her, I haven't even played with you guys in what feels like forever so I feel out of touch with netplay.

tsubaki is the cutest!
someday i'll marry tsubaki!

Izanami. I should've bought her System Voice

I'm gonna fuck this, and make Nine AND Platinum watch.


also, hurry up catdad

Where did the gay Azreal thing come from? Is there a meme I'm not aware of?

I just finished her arcade mode, I am not good with her at alllll. Still not happy with her time stops, they're cool but near useless.

How do you use her drive? I'm guessing you're supposed to use it at key points to be hyper aggressive in the middle of a combo and then withdraw it as soon as you can? Too bad I'm too shit to test it out though...

Giant shirtless muscle man who "devours" people. It's not hard to see why fujos like him.

Anyone else get signed out of PSN?

I don't think so, but is that why no one is online right now?

>Izanami's 2B can low profile Nu's 5D
Now that's just dumb.

Not even a meme, it's a Japanese stereotype. In their minds muscley macho types are more likely degenerates than little twinks like Amane.

Azrael looks like the Japanese gay stereotype. So does Drei, another character who shows no interest in women and who when shown pictures of girls in bikinis says that he has absolutely no interest in that.

>Being manly is gay

Is this why Japan thinks liking traps doesn't make you gay? Because a super girly boy is somehow straight compared to a macho guy?

Well whats gayer
A guy that drips masculinity, or a guy who doesn't

A guy that doesn't, that's why the stereotypical gay guy is a total campy fruitcake.

Its both user.
People like all sorts of things. I like girly girls and tomboys. Gays have those choices as well.

Her Drive can be used easily on offense, but I also see JP players use it at range as if standard projectiles just to open the opponents up since it works well with her mobility.

Traps are a niche fetish. The idea that men obsessed with muscles who spend all their free time at a gym surrounded by other muscled men being gay isn't unique to Japan.



Are Nu and Lambda difficult characters to learn/execute with? Which is easier? I love to zone but have very little time for labbing.

will naoto ever be easier to play?

lambda is 5 mins to learn every combo. shes not a zoner though.

Is Naoto like Makoto in that their drives only add an arbitrary execution barrier instead of a useful ability? Maybe that's why they were together and Makoto fell in love with him.

lambda is waaay easier to learn, simple gameplan and easy execution

her zoning isn't the greatest but much better now compared to CPEX

What combos are most useful/practical to learn for Lambda?

you can do whatever you want into 236b~6b. she corners really easy and builds meter fast, so you can either continue with corner combo or rc and chase after. all her shit is the same though. 6a 5c 6c 236d 236c 6c 5d 2d oki of your chice (well or wheel or spikes). throw goes into bunch of swords the murakumos have done forever. her overhead goes into the same 236b shit as above.

Is that 6A route for corner or midscreen? And is 6A or 2C the better AA?

if you are midscreen youll rc and dash up into 6a. if its corner, you dont have to rc. 6a is antiair. 2c is shit.

Thanks. Is her 22D good for much of anything besides running up and baiting reversals?


Dont take my word on it but i think it works with 236a as a combo finisher
Not the same user btw

How do I fight Jin as Hibiki?

By pulling your cable off.

Rachel best girl.

The same way you fight Ragna with Hibiki, but with more jump ins.

Did everyone die

Must be the work of Susanoo

So must we die?


You must die

Only when you die

Wish you'll die

I'll give all this shit up

When you die

Does anyone know the full lyrics to MUST DIE yet? This is important.

Get used to it. I've been rewatching Kamikaze play Naoto and the level of how fast he can just convert stray hits into enhanced moves is boggling my head.

Especially his anti-air 6D from midscreen into a fully enhanced combo into the corner.

susanoo is cute

I like how his shoulder-mouths actually attack.
The Triple Snake(?) theme is fully united through him.

I want Linhua to be playable.

Since like half the cast can dab, can they teach me how to dougie?

I want Kajun to be playable desu no.

Her and Shiori getting mad at each other over Mai makes me wonder just how important that girl is to them. It reminded me of that dumb scene in Central Fiction where Tsubaki accuses Makoto of wanting to kill Noel for her dream and they end up fighting because of it.

Mai defines their entire existence.

I want cat DILF already

What are you talking about?

Mai is extremely important for Shiori, because she enabled Shiori to break free from her family and start living as a human being instead of a tool used for assassinations.

Kajun sees Mai as a dear friend, but she probably prioritizes Kokonoe and Sector Seven, seeing as how she always put her mission first while at the academy and only revealed the truth about being Kokonoe's agent to Mai only when it became absolutely necessary.

Yeah I know
Why are you telling me this again?

Did everyone get sucked into the embryo? Earlier it seemed to imply that only Rags, Noel and Rachel did

>What are you talking about?
In the latest chapter Kajun and Shiori are panicing and arguing over what happened to Mai and snap at each other until Taro calms them both down and comes up with a plan to locate Mai, All they have to do is wait for Mai to summon Outseal and they can detect that signal. However if Mai's bringing it out it means she's in danger but it's the only method they have right now to find her. The chapter ends with a possible fight about to break out between her, Fuzzy and Ragna the bloodedge.

>Is Naoto like Makoto in that their drives only add an arbitrary execution barrier instead of a useful ability?
Not even close

Mai does not by any means define Kajun's existence. She has other things in her life. That applies much more to Shiori, but it's justified by her past since she had nothing before meeting Mai.

That argument can be justified by the fact Kajun screwed up by losing Mai, so Shiori has a reason to be angry at her.

Izzy's voices gets me going.
Nine's animations too.

Yup. Rags just got there first.

>that blaz blue medal

Fuck. Incoming Jubei posters.

You called?

Not so fast, furfags


a hero arrives to save the day! Leave the jubeifags to me


How can you post Neos when a good portion of the Neo-Spacians are furries

>beat the 4 other weebs that entered trash tournament

still more wins than me i guess.

>new Rachel doujin
I already knew it the moment I saw what artist it was but I'm still frustrated

Leave everyone to me.

try me....

Don't do it,user. Do you not know who that is?

Can she beat the cock?


She wouldn't be able to resist the barb.


Okay faggots. I need advice. I have like 5% win rate in CF at the moment and I've been playing BB since CT.

I think I'm doing offense "wrong". Because all my opponents can keep up their offense, seemingly without any gaps in their attacks. How? Whenever I get a chance to be on the offense, I do my blockstring, finish it and then the opponent is again free to do whatever. What am I doing wrong?

You're either ending your blockstrings with a move that's really minus and lets them press a button to get out, doing the exact same blockstring every time you get them to block so they know what's coming and what to do, or they're using barrier to push you back so you can't keep making them block / using Instant Block to make your moves worse on block so they have more frames to escape.

Who do you play, user?

Literally any character. Lambda, Es, Kokonoe, Ragna and many others.

>or they're using barrier to push you back
I always hear this but this literally makes no difference to me. I try to barrier block my opponent attacks and it does jack shit. They can STILL keep pressuring me. I guess it pushed them back further but I don't see the benefit. Hell, sometimes NOT using barrier block seems better because the opponent is in range for somehting like 5A or 2A.

Barrier does increase pushback, but it also increases how long you're in blockstun, so using it poorly can just lead to you being in a longer blockstring against people who know how to press their frame advantage.

If you're on right now, I'll get off UNIEL and come play you to see what you're doing. I'm not very good either, so you don't have to worry about that.

I'm done for the night but thanks anyway. I need to get to sleep soon. I'd just like to know if there is some general rule I should follow.

This isn't nearly as much of a problem for me in Melty for example. This is leading to many boring matches. Either I just try whatever and get counter hit every time OR I just keep blocking untill the end of the round. And whenever I get a chance to be on the offense, I just get one chance, then it's off to being attacked.

Melty has Reverse Beat or whatever like UNIEL, doesn't it? You can always cancel your blockstrings back into a fast normal in those games so you're not horribly minus, which can even let you extend blockstrings. You can't do that here, so you have to choose how you want to end it based on the situation, whether you want to be safe and go back to neutral or trying to bait them into pressing a button so you can get a counterhit with something faster / has invuln against that button. It certainly has more risk involved and a lot of higher level players incorporate stagger pressure and delaying their strings. Which you can do in those other games as well, but it feels more important here.

>tfw I land a hit

When are they announcing Yu Narukami and Byakuya tho

>Wanting Byakuya in Blazblue before they add my waifu

>Not SHO Minazuki and Nanase


>better than pupwa

they have a drive to get good (their waifu)
pupwa has none and has stayed at a consistently low level of skill

Boy. Besides, if I really could pick any persona character it'd be Labrys.

let me see those wafiufags beat him.

You can't.
He litterally does not appear outside of /blaz/ lobbies.
Believe me I looked.

Jubeifags will be at the top of this list next month.