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No mentally ill furfags, weebshits, trannies or americans allowed ITT

First for hairytoad

I tried but damn it's retarded. People can barelly do +2 while having 870 gear and i ended up being stuck with halls key because apparenty no one wants to run halls?

how much longer will the meme
>too late into the addon to switch specs
keep on giving?

The bracers were OP, not the spec.

They nerfed the spec, not the bracers.

See the error, champ?

xth for jay wilson is the best thing that happened to wow

post cute elves

What about dear old friends?

they actually also nerfed the bracers
nice try nigger

had fun having plenty of kek's in marksman discord over their nerfs lads, what you've been up to?

Also what did you get from class hall chest lads?

880 mythic 10 gloves for me

>Illidan gets the full whitewash because fagmasters have crowed about wanting DH since the game came out
>Kael never gets his chance to undo the diarrhea explosion that was TBC's lore and character changes


>tfw I got complimented for my transmog by a random person

875 waist as UH DK but it's crit/mast.

Hoping for the secondary stat change+baked in cast/bracer thing they are going for in 7.1.5 to make mast worth using.

why is illidan allowed to be redeemed but not arthas?
is it because he's a minority?

I REALLY hope youre not talking about minigames, people will bitch about that to the end of time regardless.

Not significantly.

Still shit all over Fire as well, just to make sure the spec was dead.

So no belf ever because they still universally look like shit?

I've been too busy crying in the discord to kek

Well if you really think about it, humans are the minorities in warcraft lore


So do you need to buy legion to learn the 'tame mechanicals' shit on hunter or can you do it without?

>Nostalgia feels

>Whirlwind Axe with fiery enchant
>People getting beastslaying enchant to look cool
>Getting your first full length cloak
>Getting your first set of shoulderpads that didn't look like little dumplings
>Getting your first gold
>Getting your first mount
>Savory Deviate Delight
>Icy Barbed Spear
>Soul Shards
>Symbol of Kings reagent
>Vanishing Powder
>Rogue potions
>Feeding pets as Hunter
>Shaman totem quests with physical item in inventory required to cast spells
>Warrior stance quests
>Druid form quests
>Warlock minion quests
>Carrot On A Stick
>Shield spikes

where can I find a list of all the music that plays in orgrimmar?

Drinking tears of all the firemages in my order hall while reading the /1

also, 875 Crit/Mastery Leggings (M+9 TF). Good stats (Crit > Mastery, would've preferred the other way round), and it's a nice upgrade ilvl wise.

that looks good indeed f-a-m, what gear is this?

>Its a good thing for Blizzard to make massive balance swings that make specs shitty xdddd le salty delicious tears xddd

Are you twelve?

>tfw new class hall quests
>DK final quest
>legion shits on everyone
>Even gnome strippers can't save this situation
>Suddenly Arthas comes in riding on paladin steed, wielding his hammer.
>Saves the day
>Has a tearjerking dialogue with Jaina
>Comes to join Akerus as a way to help the cause (not paladins because the light burns or some shit)
>also Sally rebalanced so she isn't shit.
That'l be nice.


Rectal ragnarok'd fire detected, go home faggot, you and your class deserve literally every overreactive nerf you ever get.

Looking to start fresh and roll Alliance. Any takers? Will either tank or heal.

chest, legs, and gloves are WoD pvp items, there's a red variant as well, make sure the chest is the chest and not the robe(same icon)

boots are just the white questing leather boots from legion

weapons are fist of the diety

>fire should always be on top and never be nerfed and/or placed within the other specs
t. fire shitters like you

check out what they did with arcane and how this will fuck us up with a mostly new gamestyle, then come back and cry about "muh dps, muh balance, muh nerfs"

Oh yea, while all this happening some wariation of "Arthas my son" plays.

I just did a couple of days ago, my warlock is 103 atm

If you log in with the modded exe, you don't get the WoW 12th anniversary achievement.

My "class" wasn't nerfed. 2 of the specs got massive, massive buffs.

Guess its okay for Blizzard to be shitty as long as it isn't directed at you huh?

Arcane's new playstyle is far better than Quickening shit, LFR kiddie.

so what free things are we getting with the 12th anniversary?

>leather boots
oh well...

a night elf mohawk grenade

>salty fire tears
Awwwww yes
Gibe moar plx
So salty stay pleb tier

>quickening was shit
Just because you couldn't handle it doesn't mean it was shit, shitter :^)

>they adding 880 goggles in new patch

Should have been from the start...but will it make enginerring not complete and absolute shit and just complete shit?

It's been an honor to fight by your side all these years. But in the end our strength was not enough to save Azeroth. Before we meet death -- let's sent a few hundred demons fucking scream back to the twisting nether!

whole set is leather.. for MONK

I play Frost, so no.

I just dislike Blizzard being shit at their job, kiddie.

looks like allynsia human base model, simple and normal edit

It's good to see that you survived that last assault.

But when the Legion makes it final push...

they'll wipe us out

>let's sent
you almost had me
you almost had your meme

I just wanted a nice and simple white gear for my holy priest...

>unironically playing frost

>calling everyone kid
What are you, 80? Get back in your chair, grandpa :^)

So yes, 12.

Final (you).

No, (you) gonna give me more (you)s, you can't resist to not reply me :^)

Stay mad fireshitter who pretends to play a subpar spec like frost :^)))))

I just got to item level 850 as an Arms Warrior, my weapon is 882.

Jesus why is my damage shit? I feel like I'm being consistently outdamaged by people with less gear.

Fucking Focused Rage is the most cancerous ability in the game. I still don't know if I'm using it properly.

Do you only use one stack of it for Shattered Defenses, except during Battle Cry when you spam the fuck out of it? Are you supposed to stack to 3 all the time and Slam to prevent rage capping or vice versa?

And holy FUCK sitting there spamming your abilities praying to RNGesus that Tactician procs hurts my balls.


>7.1.5 notes
>all class forums and discords in flames
>boomkin flying under the radar

feels good to be mediocre

t. screamer

if you actually cared about balance changes you would have 3 golden traits in all your weapons

>These mages being autistic at each other
Blood elf players everyone


What is your stat levels?

850ilvl doesn't mean much if you're stacking Haste.

So what?

Even if you did, if you don't have properly itemized gear you're still getting screwed.

60% mastery, 19% haste

>all the fotm shitters in every class crying and screaming about the upcoming nerfs

What a glorious day to be alive

>fotm shitters right now pic related

I just not sure what happens to rogues since half of their shit is nerf and the other is...change? buff? don't eve know.

>Frost DKs crying about PVP nerfs
>Fire mages crying about PVE nerfs

Based blizzard

Why would I kill myself over nerfs?

Are you that pathetic you would care that much about a video game? I've just unsubbed, got better things to do than play the RNG rodeo for well itemized gear for another spec.

>mercilessly make fun of people with sephuz and prydaz
>end up getting both

i'm not sorry either


The 7.1.5 effects of both are amazing though

t. baby screamer

So what mmo can we play now that WoW is undoubtedly permanently ded?

sephuz is great for me now and will just be stupid in 7.1.5 but i mean prydaz, come on

Heroic ToV

i.e the most current content, LFR kiddie.



>getting your first Gold

Good feels

these bugs on my ceiling lights causing me anxiety

>shockadin running around meredil 3-shotting people


is a combat holy paladin a thing again?

these fire mage babby bitch tears are so fuckin tasty hHHAhahahahAHAHAHA

>irrelevant 3 boss raid


Friendly reminder not to autoloot this, but to save it for the next expansion and maybe sell it for hundreds of k

>Even if you did, if you don't have properly itemized gear you're still getting screwed.
you don't cared enough


>explain why im quitting the game on the forum
>account suspended

blizz can go fuck themselves


oh boy this should be fun

I've got a large celebration package for your mum

Prefer Mythic EN?

Remember Arcane got buffs.

Why does blizz think Shadow is ok

I'm buying legion for 200k gold, worth it?

t. FOTM shitter who's crutch class is getting BTFO

loving the tears mate

I made 200k gold last weekend sitting at the AH just reselling stuff

that's like 20 bucks from a chinaman , worth

>getting legion for 200k gold
>can't even afford a sub via gold or legion and my realm is dead to boot
I want to die
I'm going to have to drop ~100 buck on ths game just to get back into it, but I don't even have that kind of money and all my friends are telling me about how good it is now.

Honestly it's probably easy, 3/3 normal was piss nothing difficulty and LFR is always a step below even those.

>Mythic 9 Titanforged
>Item Level 875

ummmm hello?? shouldn't the ilvl be much higherq

i mean I was going to try and grief it like by making guarm charge healers or something

>be tank
>join curve only group setting up for 15+ mins
>call out the leader for not having curve
>group disbands

>demo nerfs

>just hit 8 AP knowledge on my alt
>7.1.5 just hit the PTR last night
>by the time its out and we can buy up to 10 ill be way past that

This is the one important catchup change that shouldve been implemented a long time ago, probably with 7.1 and the Suramar dungeon changes. They didnt even have to let you buy up to 10, couldve done like 5 at that point but nope cant wait for 7.1.5 come December.

oh forgot to add that he actually did have curve