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First for best boy

1v1 me

>lets just ignore pharah sitting in the air 24/7
>t. gook who got eliminated from the tourney

Reminder that if you play Zen right now you're exploiting.

instagib when

3v3 has got to be the fastest way to get exp?
It goes over relatively quickly and you get as much exp as like a full 15 minute game.

>got about a week to get to masters
>3290 points
I'm so anxious but I get burned if I play too much a day

Friendly reminder to switch to the superior Japanese voice actors for a more pleasant gaming experience.

Is Sombra as broken as everyone thought she would be?

yes. and you also get the 3 lootboxes per week. it's great and i'd abuse the system before they patch it out again

no, she's shit. symmetra tier.

I'm in the same boat right now, I just started playing again so I just want masters real quick before the season ends, but I really dont want to deal with the patch day shit.

>koreans have pharah on 24/7
so terrible does no damage
pharah worst hero

just shows that /owg/ is mostly gold/low plat

she takes more strategy than most people expected so they think shes underpowered atm

post mei

>muh healthpack hacks and invis sprint so much strategy
she's braindead and bad

>Everyone is mad that Sombra isn't OP
You guys will ever be happy.
>Sombra released OP
>Everyone whines about "How could blizzard release such an OP stealth hero! What were they thinking?!"

Well the way everyone is complaining she's probably going to get some buffs.
Looking forward to you fags crying over how broken Sombra is next patch.

I'd say she's broken in parts of her kit that are designed well. Like her health kit hack is way too long and wallhack shouldn't cover whole damn map. But her SMG is very weak and single-character hack is mostly useless.

i like pharah.

t. console plat


go to bed jeff

>new weekly and daily rewards system
>lower max leveling up by 2000xp
>mfw i got 5 lootboxes today

damn this shit is gooood


>red team had no hitscan

>Pharah stopped being a problem as soon as red picked McCree and 76
Really makes you think...

I'd rather have that than another useless character like symmetra

>game so dead tonight
>got to experience having a gold shitter on my team for the first time

Holy fuck.

pharah is for money shots

where is that user that posts the gay shit

They had 76 for the entire duration and mccree at some point but mccree got a single kill on pharah while she wiped his team every push.

Really makes you think...

>where is my online gay boyfriend

I'm going to the store, you guys want anything?

one soulsagna with extra souls this time

I miss them

fuck you reaper you fat spic i thought you got deported

pick us up a gregg's steak bake lad

>Genji's that only alt fire

>find a good group to farm hots fuck as fuck
>power goes down for 3 hours
kill me

>faggot kid bragging about picking Sombra first
>keeps selecting and deselecting her
>decide to hover over her and wait
>select her right before he can
>he says some shit in cyka blyat and leaves the match

>You will never chill with Zen

how soon til sites start tracking arcade stats? i need anons to look at my giant stats cock

What is it with all the salty assholes in 1v1? I havent been raged at so hard in years. I have only had 1 match so far where the enemy didnt curse at me and call me names. Winning or losing, it doesn't even matter. I don't get it. Did this game mode just attract all the 12 y/o kids?

I'm no weeaboo.

The game is full of angsty teenagers.

>nothing personell kid

symmetra, roadhog, hanzo and mccree mirrors is why

>say glhf every match
>opponent responds with glhf
>ggwp's all around

i'm sorry you get stuck with the kids. try playing at night or early in the morning when they are sleeping or in school

Hi guys, just popping in. I don't own the game but I'm liking forward to playing with y'all this weekend! :D

it gets worst when they release ranked versions. i just hope they wont nerf characters based on those modes like with world of warcraft they buffed/nerfed classes thanks to arena modes

jesus christ how the fuck can anyone play this shit on console
watching this webm makes me want to chop my hand off

tfw got death threats because whatever i did triggered their STDs

don't even joke like that, man.

Has anyone tried Widowmaker yet? Her buff is real.
Pic related is just me backfilling in defense Anubis B, she's definitely more fluid now and who gives a shit about headshots when you can double body shot just as fine. Her gun feels like a semi auto rifle instead of a sniper rifle.
If you can play McCree you can play Widowmaker.

>left alone as Soldier vs Genji and Zarya
>exchange shots, run until biotic field cools down, heal, repeat
>managed to charge ult in fucking with Zarya
>teammates taking the piss out of me in match chat calling me Barry Allen the fastest man alive

Now I want a sitcom where Overwatch character forced to live in one house

Nah Korean is way better

>cleanly 5x1 a random, only lost on my first ever match as Hanzo
>watching him play increasingly defensively each round
>doesn't say a word the whole match
I could taste the despair and it tasted great.

they already did
right now, blizzard is currently balancing phara according to the skill of gold shitters and according to competitive plays
they are even ignoring top 500 phara players's opinions and instead heed the pleads of plat shitters

this is the first step to blizzard slowing going to balance heroes in 1 v 1

There is no one user, there are sevral of us, but i can't post a lot since i'm at work right now. Wait a couple of hours and i'll go full homo

What if to balance lucio

Sound barrier now had a component that meant he only generates 75% of the barrier it does now upon activation

But in exchange, activates a small knockback effect around him when he breaks it down

And the beauty of this mechanic is: The shield grows in power the longer lucio is in the air upon hitting Q, growing back to 100% power

And the knockback grows at a potentially infinite rate in both push power and radius

So Lucios just firing it off get a little push and weaker barrier

Lucios taking the time to skate up somewhere high then use it off the roof/wall get a better barrier and can DROP IT LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE

You're only going to be playing with other free weekend newfriends, matchmaking is bad, but it isn't retarded.

Widowmaker mains crawling out of nowhere in QP and comp man.

Game is 100x more annoying again

>it's a teammate picks Sombra episode
I need to stop playing competitive right now.

Why would they balance based on 1v1

Every round is a mirror match, everyones equal

>If you can play McCree you can play Widowmaker

I could, if they gave us a 1:1 scoped accuracy setting. My muscle memory is useless with the arbitrary sensitivity they impose.

>that caricature gook


>genji's that try to deflect your tickles

>tfw no mockumentary about Reaper, Widowmaker and Sombra's everyday life while sharing an appartment and going on missions to fail together

too complicated for casuals
blizzard wont consider

controls >widowmaker > relative sensitivity aim while scoped > 30

There's a separate scope sensitivity in options.
I forgot if it was +-2 if your current sens though.

honestly she needs buff that damage does not remove hack attempt

>they live in a crappy run down apartment because their expenses on brainwashing Amelie was so high
>their landlord is a grouchy old Omnic who's always asking for their rent money

Oh okay. I'll stop acting like a retard to scare you guys then. That's probably good, as I'll be learning the game so I wouldn't want to be matched up with experienced people.

Hopefully it goes on sale, too.

>Have new Oni Genji skin
>Everytime I play him my team rages at me for being 'FOTM trash'

Reaper would be a comic relief anyway

There isn't really any point in hacking an enemy player unless it's a Reinhardt.
Area denial by hacking medpacks is ridiculously strong.

Do you have a reliable source on whether it keeps it the same? I've heard several different pros say different numbers, ranging from 20-80.

>Mfw I pick sombra and win

3 for 1 so far

>Hack the enemy winston as he ults and he cant jump any more
>Sneak up behind streetpig and disable his everything to turn him into free ult charge
>Spend the entire game making rein miserable until he switches
>Reduce zarya to a 200 hp mortal like the rest of us

Making tanks into ult charge sponges since november 2k16

>Reaper pretends to be gay so the landlord doesn't throw him out

>the three of the arguing about who has to wash the dishes this time

Team rocket motto rewrite when

afaik, 30 is the 1.0 ratio, I keep it at 28 and it feels pretty close to 1:1

t. gold plays

Tanks are worth hacking

As is mercy and lucio so they cant get ults off and lucio gets stuck on a song

Everyone else: Just kill em

How about you tweak it yourself so you could see how it feels like?

wondering too is it the same? I only use it on ana since I don't play widow and it set it to 50

I get called pussy, fag, no skill, pathetic, etc over and over. One guy was particularly salty after I went and machinegunned him down with Widow and he said that I am a faggot for not playing widow 1v1 trickshots only. At least it's amusing.

t. "i say i'm a master but i'm actually silver" poster

Diamond actually.
Dropped to 2900 just before patch, sombra put me back in 3k

is esports over for today?

But i am master

Always hack Ana first so she can't grenade herself later for +100hp.

Remember when the Genji nerf hit and all the shitters thought it's gonna kill him and make him unplayable?
Yeah, you know I'm talking about you.

Gold diamond same shit. Literally all in the same bracket

>Mei allowed in 3v3

i wish, would be great fun

If you're a diamond player and playing with golds that meant you got carried to diamond and fell all the way back down to where you belong at 2k senpai

Hello. I am fairly new to the game and I have some questions. I made sure these aren't questions answered by the wiki.

-What do those "wing" things mean on my icon? Some players have lots of wings while others have none.

-If Zenyatta dicords a Rein or Zarya, do their shields take more damage too?

-I've been told that the meta strategy for clashes is going for the tank first unless an enemy Mercy is present. Is this correct or am I getting trolled?

-I like playing as Torj but apparently people rage when they have one on their team? Is he a terrible hero?

-I want to get good at Tracer. Which Tracer player or Youtuber do you recommend I watch when I'm not playing myself?. Any tips for a level 20~ would be appreciated too.

Thank you.

IS 76 and Dva could be considered good now? Or people still consider them troll pick?